Pizza is a ghost's best friend


Since I have time, here's a fast update for you guys. I planned to add BTS here but then I'll just save it for the next chapter. Here you go~ Hope you enjoy it~

It’s miracle that Jungkook survives a week in the house.

He’s been having less amount of sleep, the dark circles under his eyes are enough proof for that. Apparently, the ghost, much to Jungkook’s dismay, doesn’t need sleep and finds it amusing to bother him in his. On that first night, he couldn’t sleep at all—always on the lookout because right after the incident with his loudspeakers, Jungkook practically hugged his laptop bag where he shoved all his treasures—mP3, iPhone, iPad etc…

He’s materialistic, yes.

Jungkook is a heavy sleeper, it’s hard to disturb him during his sleep. But unfortunately for him, the ghost discovered an unorthodox yet effective way of making him open his eyes and rise from deep slumber. Apparently this ghost doesn’t know personal space and is liberal enough to dare pinch his s.

Jungkook groans because right after having his s pinched, the ghost would immediately dash to pick a book of the ground and smack it on his face the moment he opens his eyes. He’s glad that his nose isn’t flat after being hit flat on the same spot several times. But the ghost stopped hitting him one night when a crimson blood trickled down from his nose.

Upon seeing his nose bleed, the ghost stopped abruptly, dashed upstairs and went down with a first aid from god knows where he took it, bowed in apology and left him alone that night. He took advantage of that.

Aside from being unable to sleep, he wasn’t completely comfortable with where he laid on. because apparently, ghosts aren’t sharing. And he was kicked out of the room and forced to sleep in the living room for five nights.

The argument went like this:

“Get out.” Jungkook roughly pushed the ghost who was blocking the room, “I’m going to get some sleep, I’m tired.”

“Then go sleep outside.” The ghost—what was his name again? Cheok Jin, right?

“Look, CheokJin, I’m tired.” Jungkook sighed as he tried to push in, “So let’s resume this nonsense tomorrow.”

“It’s Seokjin. And no, you’re not sleeping here. This is my room.”

“Excuse me but this whole house is my property so buzz off.”

“No, you go down.” Seokjin pushed him back and then floats inside the room to pick up the heavy bags and give it to him. But he was looking pitiful as he tried to carry the heavy bags. Jungkook sees this as an advantage to enter the room and plopped himself on the soft mattress of a bed where he realizes, Oh man, holy ! There’s a soft bed here? Oh, it smells like strawberry. What the hell? Is that an alpaca stuff toy why didn’t I notice this before?

“Yah! Get off my bed! You’ll get it dirty!” Seokjin immediately releases the one of the bags that he tried to drag towards the door and flies towards Jungkook and kicks his leg.

Jungkook grunts at the kick but he didn’t leave the bed. He instead buried himself deeper into the soft sheets.

“Yah!! You’re from the outside and you’re sweaty, you’ll make my bed smell gross!”

“Sorry.” Jungkook’s voice was muffled underneath, “My bed from now on.”

“No! No! NO!” Seokjin turns redder ay each word and he pouts at Jungkook before an idea clicks in him and his face brightens up to turn into a mischievous smirk. He stops hovering over Jungkook to slowly float his way towards one for the lying bags.

Jungkook wonders why it was suddenly peaceful so he rises his head to slowly peek on what the ghost is doing. What is he trying to do no—Holy! Why is he opening my laptop bag? Oh he’s touching my headphones!

Jungkook rises abruptly and dashes to grab his laptop bag. He manages to take the bag away from the ghost and save its contents except for one headphones now in the hands of a smirking ghost floating above him. “Give that back.”

“No.” The ghost smiles triumphantly, “Not until you leave my room. Or I’ll drop this.”

“Fine fine.” Jungkook gives up immedietaly, remembering the fate of his poor expensive best friend earlier. He raises both his hands up in the air to show surrender, “Give me my headphone and I’ll get out of this room and sleep on the other one, fair deal?”

“No.” the ghost glares at him, “You won’t occupy the other room too.”

“What? Don’t tell me it’s yours too?”

“Nope, it’s my brother’s and I don’t want you touching his stuff!”

“What? There’s two of you here?”

“No. He’s—“ the ghost stops midway and a look of sadness passes on his face before it disappears and he floats towards the door. When he was near the door, he looks behind at a confused Jungkook, “Carry your bag, human, and bring it downstairs. Only then will you get this black thingy with red number nine—or is this six?”

What a poor description of beats. Jungkook thoughts before he sighs and picked his bags up with ease, “Deal.” Because apparently, he loves his headphones, along with the other things in the laptop bag, more than anything and he is willing to bow to this ghost for them.

Well, not really.

But he’s too tired and he wants to sleep as possible, thus the moment the headphone was given to him, he immediately lays on the cold floor of the living room and uses his bags as pillow. But boy was he wrong to think that he could actually sleep.

I can’t believe that I’m making a ghost decide where I sleep at MY own house.

And during the week, the things that was delivered from him on the second day was still in boxes. He didn’t risk unpacking them yet. For food, he eats out of the house, and he’s surprised that no one’s noticed why he brings a laptop bag wherever he goes (or maybe they do but don’t care)

In the second week, Jungkook decides that he’s been in the house too long with only small progress. It’s because of that damn ghost. So Jungkook is determined that no matter what, he’s going to pursue in fixing this house of his in the second week and get settled in.

With only a call, he has his lawn outside mowed and are neat, he pays the stranger and continues on with his life. Dreaded life. With the help of Taehyung, who volunteers to accompany him as he buys a paint and other DIY stuffs for the house (and apologizing on the way for what happened on the first day)

Jungkook has a list of what he needed to get and he divides it between him and Taehyung so they could get things quicker. In half an hour, Jungkook has all he needs and is ready to pay, he looks for Taehyung but sees the other waving on him with a grin—and apparently he was holding a lot of bags.

Jungkook discovers that Taehyung paid everything for him as a ‘welcome to the neighborhood’ and ‘sorry for dropping your bags and making you angry enough to kick me out of your house on your first day.’

He’s embarrassed yet thankful because hey, at least he didn’t have to spend as much and that helps him save so it’s a win. Taehyung offers to help him repaint his living room and everything else he needs to repaint inside the house but Jungkook declines when he remembers the ghost.

“Are you till angry and that you won’t let me in your house anymore?”

“What?  No that’s not it.” Jungkook laughs nervously, “I love your company, really. It’s just that, uh, I prefer to work alone. Hey, I’m a solitary creature, you know? I’m weird so just let me be.”

Taehyung lights up, “Oh, okay. Don’t worry. If anyone’s weird, it’s me.” He grins widely, “They call me 4D alien because of that. Though I don’t think I’m an alien, do you? I mean I know it sounds weird but do you know that dancing alone on the streets at night helps the brain function better? People think I’m weird for it and some even called the police on me, how rude.”

Jungkook chatted for a while with Taehyung, discussion ranging from the bunnies on the moon to the elephant in Taehyung’s body.  He doesn’t admit it to his friend but he agrees with what he’s called. Indeed he’s a 4D alien. But since Taehyung doesn’t wan that title, he doesn’t say it.

After a short goodbye and see you next time, Jungkook unlocks the door with his keys and he enters the living room, still as bare as it was and boxes left untouched, thankfully, on the ground. He brings all the things he bought in the DIY store and looks at the faded creamy color of the walls.

Well, I think plain white would be a good color for it. Don’t want to make this place too fancy and overly designed. I’m fine with plain anyway. It’ll make the room look neater. And it complements the black modern sofa that Aunto Boram bought for me. Then I could place the flat screen on the wall here. Man, Aunt Boram is spoiling me too much. But then I won’t be seeing her for long so she’s going all out because it’s her last.

And Jungkook picks up the paints wrapped and he opens it. He’s confused when he sees that there are four of them. I’m sure I only wrote three colors on the list, did Taehyung make a mistake?

He opens them and sees the colors he listed; red, black, and white. Yes, he’s that weird. But he’s confused when he sees another; a baby pink.

What am I going to do with this pink? It’s not like I’m planning to paint anything pink in this house. Hell to the no.

Aside from that, things went better than expected. He’s painting the walls, undisturbed. Maybe ghost Cheokjin is busy with something else. That’s better because I can work on things faster.

When he’s done with the paint, he leaves it. I’ll arrange this place once the paint dries. He looks at one of the boxes he placed aside and thinks, what the hell am I going to do with the bed? I can’t just place it in the living room.

He looks around the peaceful house and thinks, what the hell? This is my house, why should I worry? That’s it. Whatever the ghost says, I’m taking that room.

But Jungkook made sure to hide his laptop bag in one of the boxes before he carries the paint upstairs. He slowly pushes the first door on the right and peeked on the room. It was a faint green in color, faint pink tiles on the floor, the pink bed is on the right side of the room, an alpaca stuff toy sitting innocently on it. On the other side, it was quite spacious, with only a closest and a table. Other than that, the room was neat and almost empty.

The rooms is spacious. Why is he trying to kick me out?

When Jungkook looks and notices that the ghost is nowhere, an idea comes to him.  He picks up the brush he used earlier and picks up the alpaca stuff doll. With a mischievous smirk, he smacks the slightly wet brush on its face and is proud to see the white paint tainting the alpaca’s eyes and nose. He messes with it for a while until its pink fur is hardened and white. Revenge is sweet.

He places the doll aside and looks to the rest of the room. He’s going to have to place everything out so that he can paint the walls and not mess the other stuff. (Sorry, I’m too lazy to elaborate things guys) In half an hour, he has most of the things out of the room now, not that there was too much to begin with, leaving the room empty.

He watches the room and decides, I’m going to paint everything red first then add a few lines of black here and there, or maybe I could just make stripes. Then I could put posters of Big Bang here. Then this is where I’ll put the wifi router since it’s near the window and—

Jungkook stops in his thoughts as he observes the room. He nods to himself, I’ll just decide those later. Paint first.

He starts on the right side, painting everything red. It was quiet and Jungkook was concentrating in making everything look perfect.  When he was on the left side of the room, almost finished in painting, he heard a familiar giggled behind him and he turns around, eyes widened and face losing its color as he sees the scene.

The red wall that he had just painted had pink circles on them. He sees the ghost holding the same brush he used on the stuffed toy earlier, dipping it on the baby pink bucket of paint he remembers earlier and smashing it on the walls in messy random . Jungkook watches in horror as the colors mix and his work is messy.

 “Hey! What do you think you’re doing?” Jungkook yells at the ghost who visibly jumps at the volume, dropping the brush and tainting the tiled floors with pink and a mix of red. Jungkook feels a bit sorry before he brushes it off. Why should he be feeling sorry? He wasn’t the one messing with other’s hard work. “Do you know how long it took me for that?”

“No. and I don’t care.” Soekjin recovers and places both his hands on his hips ad sticks a tongue at him, “What do you think you’re doing? This is my room.”

“No, how many times do I have to tell you? Move on, you’re dead. I bought this house so it’s mine. I’m actually generous because I’m thinking of sharing it with you but you’re so goddamn selfish.”

“I’m not selfish. You people are. You people didn’t consider how I’d feel if someone else took my house away from me only because of your money.”

“Like hell should I know about you?”

“Well, you know about me now so leave.”

“This is stupid. You’re stupid.” Jungkook shakes his head, frustrated.

“No, you’re more—“Seokjin gasps when he notices something in the corner, beside the red bucket near Jungkook for the first time, “What did you do to my Alpaca?”

When Seokjin was about to dive for it, Jungkook was faster and he was closer. He holds the stuffed animal in his hands and smirked as he places it right above the bucket of red paint. “Come near me and I’ll drop this.”

Tables have turned and it was Jungkook who was doing the threats now.

“No you won’t” Seokjin visibly pales as he looks around the empty room to look for something to threaten Jungkook with. But the room is perfectly bare so he dashes to the paint brush on the ground and gestures to the red wall, “If you do, I’ll paint these walls—“

“I could always repaint them.” Jungkook shrugged before he wiggled the alpaca in his hands, “But what can you do if I drop this?”

“No, don’t.” the ghost deflates and both his feet lands softly to the ground before he kneels down and looks dejected. Jungkook almost feels bad. Almost. But he hardens himself because he could use this as an opportunity. No way would he let the ghost do as he pleases towards him.

“Okay, so here’s the deal.” Jungkook smirked, Finally. This room is going to be mine, goodbye cold floors. But when the ghost looks up with teary eyes and a pout, he swallows back his words. , why is he looking like a kicked puppy?  Aw , stop it! I might give in.

Silence fills in after that as Seokjin is too busy making himself pitiful to get the other to give up and Jungkook was mentally debating if he should give in. Seokjin thinks that he’s not looking pitiful enough so he takes acting to the next level, he brings up both his hands to cover his face and fakes a sob.

Jungkook is taken aback when he hears a sob coming from Seokjin. Guilt swells in his chest and thoughts of kicking Seokjin out crumbled. He sighed and places the alpaca softly on the ground, “Let’s make a deal.” He says softly, “This will benefit both of us.”

“What?” Seokjin’s voice is muffled and it was trembling. Jungkook feels even worse, especially that Seokjin’s shoulders were shaking. In truth, Seokjin tried his best to control laughter. If he was alive, he’d make a great drama actor because from what Seokjin could see in between his fingers, he successfully made the other guilty, which was his intention.

 “Listen, there’s nowhere else I could live other than this house. I hope you’d understand that. And you won’t give me your room nor your brother’s and I don’t honestly appreciate the living room.” Jungkook sighed, “So I was thinking, why don’t we truce?”

“What do you mean?”

“You don’t want me to be in your brother’s room, right?”

“Because it’s his and you can’t just enter there without permission from him because that’s just rude.”

“Thought so. But since you’re here, maybe I can ask permission to share this room with you then?”

“What? I don’t get it.” Seokjin decides to drop the act and look at Jungkook with a confused expression.

“Like, how about we divide this room then? It’s pretty spacious, if you ask me. Since you already painted that side pink, then it’s yours.” Jungkook gestures to the wall behind Seokjin and then points behind him, “While this side is mine.”

“So you’re saying that we split the room.”

“Yes, we’ll draw a line and promise not to go beyond the other’s boundaries.”

Seokjin pauses for a while to think, then he suddenly pouts, “Hey, you’re unfair. You have the door on your side, are you planning on trapping me in this room then?”

“You can just pass the walls. You’re a ghost, aren’t you?”

“You’re stupid.” Seokjin spat, “You believe those stupid fabricated stories. No, I can’t pass through walls or any objects! I still have to open doors to enter rooms, you know.”

“You can’t pass through objects?” Jungkook blinks at this discovery.

Soekjin shakes his head, “No, I can’t”

“Oh.” Was Jungkook’s intelligent reply. “You can pass the line if you just want to go out. I don’t mind. And to be fair, the bathroom is on your side.”

For the first time, Jungkook offered a smile to the spirit and he received a genuine reply in return. They discussed lightly what they’d do to the room. They agreed to use an electric tape to mark the line on the floor for the meantime then they started to work on their sides.

Jungkook sighed as he watched Seokjin continue painting the walls pink in probably the sloppiest Jungkook has ever seen anyone paint. So much for not having anything pink in the house. He sighed when he sees how pitiful the painting really looked and offered to paint it for Seokjin.

“I want it all painted in pink and white alternate lines! Like stripes.” Seokjin grinned excitedly at the thought.

So it’s basically the same as mine, except that it’s pink and white. How cute. No wait, what? Jungkook shakes his head at the thought. Did he just consider pink, the color he despises the most, cute? Get a ing grip.

They continue working, or in Seokjin’s case—hovering over Jungkook and marveling how perfectly he’s painting the walls pink. In the end, Jungkook did the work for both his and Seokjin’s side of the room while Seokjin just cheered for him. When he finishes work for both sides, he sighs and only then did he notice from the window that it was already dark. Maybe I can just order some pizza.

He stood up and Seokjin asks “Where are you going?”

“To get my phone. I’m ordering food.”

“Food?” Seokjin’s face light up at the mention of the word, he hovers over Jungkook, “Where?”

“Just a call.” Jungkook shrugs. He’s tired from all the work, the way he walks lazily down the stairs was enough proof. He wants nothing more than to eat something and then get some sleep. But based on the room right now, he’ll have to deal another night sleeping on the floor again. He can just use the bathroom near the living room like he’s been using the whole week.

However, he feels the drowsiness slip away as he stares at the previously white walls he had just painted are now filled with pink messy lines. Just like his red walls a few hours ago. He looks at the ghost behind him who’s smiling sheepishly.

“Don’t get too comfortable human.” The ghost says, “Just because we share room now doesn’t mean I want you in the house. If anything, I want you out of it.”

Jungkook smacks a hand on his face as he releases a frustrated sigh. He’s too tired for this. He’ll deal with everything tomorrow, he decides. He simpky fished out his phone from one of the boxes where he kept his laptop bag.

“How does that thing work?” he hears the ghost ask behind him, “How is a flat glass supposed to help? Aren’t you supposed to use a cellphone or a telephone to call for pizza?”

“This is a phone, Cheokjin.” Jungkook says, “But I might be getting a telephone for this house though.”

“It’s Seokjin. And don’t bother cause you’re not staying long enough cause—woah! The glass changed colors!”Seokjin looks marveled at the phone in Jungkook’s hands, “How did you do that?”

“I pressed on it. It’s meant to be that way.” Jungkook shrugged, as he opened contacts to look for that Pizza delivery he saved in his phone when he was at the city, “You don’t know a phone, huh?”

“Of course I know them! I had phones! They were those cute phones that you could flip open! I know better because I’m older than you.”  

“Flip phones?” Jungkook raised an eyebrow, “When did you die? And how old are you now?” Jungkook wondered slightly if his question was a bad one but Seokjin didn’t seem to mind as he started counting on his fingers.

“I’m currently twenty-two! And uhh…” Seokjin started counting again, “I died four years ago, I think.”

“Twenty-two? Four years ago?” Jungkook calculates in his mind before he faces Seokjin, “You died at my age?”

“How old are you?”


“Wow, you look more.”

“So how did you die?” Jungkook realizes that it was a wrong move because the smile disappears from Seokjin’s lips and he looks deep in thought. He was about to apologize when Seokjin speaks in an eerily calm voice, “Shouldn’t you be ordering something already?”

“Oh, right.” Jungkook looks away hesitantly as he types the numbers onto his phone. He ordered two boxes of potato pizzas with extra mushrooms. It was to be delivered in about forty minutes since he was a bit far from the place.

Jungkook awkwardly keeps silent as he looks at the ghost. It was strange to see the other silent and deep in thought. Before Jungkook realizes it, he found himself strangely staring at Seokjin’s features. How his eyes are shaped perfectly, his bangs covering them slightly, and those soft-looking rosy lips. Jungkook shook himself as he wonders if it would feel soft under his fingers or pressed against his lips.

Get a grip, Jeon Jungkook. You’re a guy and in front of you is a ghost. Just imagine how it would look if people walk in and you’re puckering your lips on air. And it’s not like anything could happen. It’s a ghost!

When the pizza finally arrived, Jungkook payed for it and bought it to the dining table. He notes that this place is the next he’ll work with. Aside from the dining table and chairs, the room is almost empty. He opens the pizza after he washes his hands on the sink, the smell of pizza hits his nose and his stomach grumbles.

As he picked one up and bit on it, he sees the ghost looking from the doorway eyeing the food with envy and is nibbling his lips. Jungkook had to gulp at that. He wonders if he should offer one for the ghost or just leave it be. But can the ghost really eat these? But then Seokjin told him not to believe in the stories. He shrugs and decides to give a try, “Hey,” he calls out, successfully getting the ghost’s attention, and he had to stifle a laugh at the latter’s wide eyes, “Do you want some?”

“You’re going to give me one?” Seokjin looked like he was in between smiling and crying at the moment. “You’re really going to share with me?”

“I don’t mind.” Jungkook shrugs as he picks another slice, “As long as you can eat them then sure, go crazy.”

Jungkook almost chokes when he feels the ghost wrap his arms around tightly, he’s dumfounded. “Thank you.” Seokjin whispers into the hug, and Jungkook shivers for two reasons. One, Seokjin is cold. Two, he could feel the other’s breath on his neck. Seokjin pulls away with a wide smile, “I’ll let you off for a week. I won’t bother you for a week. “

Seokjin immediately digs in the pizza and a part of Jungkook regrets everything as he watches the ghost inhale the food. “You can really eat it?”

“Of course I can.” Jungkook laughed a bit when the older looks up, looking like a squirrel with both of his cheeks puffed with food. “I mean, I don’t need food to live. But as I can touch things, I can touch food too.”

“Really? Where does it all go?”

“I don’t know.” Seokjin shrugs, “It’s not like there’s a study of the anatomy of ghosts so who knows?”

“Yeah, right.” Jungkook sighs.

True to his words, Seokjin didn’t bother him for the whole week. It went smoothly. Jungkook successfully repainted the living room white with Seokjin helping him. And by helping, it meant cheering him on and this is how Jungkook discovers two things; One, Seokjin's voice is amazing. Two, he can't dance. The living room was fixed and Seokjin was awed because apparently, he considered Jungkook a magician for ‘putting life in glasses’ as he gestures to the flat screen on the wall. 

"It's like a TV!" He had exclaimed. Jungkook wanted to smakc his face when Seokjin argued that a TV was more like a box with antenna and this one was magic that Jungkook placed on a glass. 

Did he really die four years ago? He makes me feel like he died back in the 90's

Their shared room was quite comical, in all honesty. The two sides were complete opposites of the other. While Jungkook’s were dark, the other was light. He had placed a modern bed on his room, a few posters of big bang and iron man on the wall, his bags messily on the floor and his laptop, phone charges, mp3 and headphone on the table near his bed.

Seokjin’s had a soft-looking fluffy bed. His closet, Jungkook wondered slightly what was in there, was moved along with the table and a few books were stacked neatly. The alpaca lied innocently on the bed and it looked white from afar but when you get close to it, you’ll realize that it’s a very light pink. Jungkook had all but drowned it in a detergent and caused it to become how it is.

Jungkook feels that he’s finally comfortable with his life until the one week promise ends and he’s losing it again.  He regrets having placed a telephone in the house. Because apparently right now, for the fourth time on the second day that week, he hears a familiar knock on the door and a man say, “Pizza delivery!”

“Seokjin did you order these two extra-large Italian pizza and a liter of coke?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about Jungkook, I’m just a ghost.” 

Exactly, and guess who has to pay for it all. 

And that's it for now. I hope it didn't seem to fast. I wanted to rush it a bit. Anyways, thank you for reading, subscribing, commenting and upvoting. It cheered me up <3 Hope you enjoyed it Thank you <3

Jinkook is love <3

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Ardya1815 #1
Chapter 15: Authornim,why i cannot see the sequel? But seriously your story so good,brilliant. I really enjoy it,thank you for sharing this with us
Chapter 1: If I were JK I would leave the house at second of first throwing paper from Jin. I really can't stand be in the same house with ghost despite how cute it is
Chapter 15: I felt overwhelmed while reading this story.. I didn't dwell much on the past story of jin. But their present made me felt something.. really feel good, light weight story.. like a feather caressing our cheeks.. I cried at the ending.. the line where jin saying about the alpaca having asthma.. your continuity in characterization tho.. great story.. thank you. Keep up with your good work..
Trngmy #4
Chapter 1: You know, I love this story so much I'm reading it for the second time. Too bad there is no sequel. The ending is great as it is but a sequel or a bonus chapter would be awesome. However, there is still a mystery that pique my curiosity. I may be right, but...the lock room was never opened and jin's body was never found. to answer my curiosity? Did jin refuse to reveal behind that door because his body is still lying there rotten? Or because the room remind of his death and didn't want JK to see it?
AuraC25 #5
Chapter 6: I knew it.. It's Jimin, jin's brother
AuraC25 #6
Chapter 1: My God This Story Is so Brilliant ?
AuraC25 #7
Chapter 1: My God This Story Is so Brilliant ?
AuraC25 #8
Chapter 1: My God This Story Is so Brilliant ?
AuraC25 #9
Chapter 1: My God This Story Is so Brilliant ?
AuraC25 #10
Chapter 1: My God This Story Is so Brilliant ?