

Just when Jungkook thought that their date was awkward, things became more awkward now. Seokjin, who is now trapped inside a girl’s body, is freaking out and he or she never let’s Jungkook touch or go near him—or her, technically.

“S-Seokjin, calm down.” Jungkook tried to ease him in a low tone as to not disturb the other people watching the movie, “Surely it isn’t that bad, right?”

“It isn’t bad? Why don’t you try saying that after entering a girl’s body?” Seokjin hissed and how strange it felt—he was talking to Seokjin yet the face and voice he was facing to was entirely different. It was like talking to a stranger.

“Well, don’t you know how to get out?” Jungkook inquired.

“If I knew, I’d long have left this stupid body.” Seokjin sighed exasperatedly, “I thought I can’t possess people and now this happens? How the hell do I get out of this body?”

Jungkook looked as unsure as Seokjin—who completely looks like a stranger—was. Everything had turned really weird and awkward by now. The movie was long ignored and both of them shared the same thoughts.

What now?

They were at loss as to how to proceed with this thing that even fails to be called a date. What the hell is this anyway? It’s messed up here and there and they seriously haven’t done anything remotely romantic—just awkwardness here and there.

“Should we just leave now?” Jungkook asked, “It’s not like we’re watching the movie anyway. Do you want to go home?”

“Leave the movie, yes. Go home, no.” Seokjin replied before gesturing to his—her—current body, “We can’t just take this home.”

“What do you suppose we do next?” Jungkook asked but he received a glare from Seokjin—or the girl’s technically but whatever. Still, even in a different face and form, the intensity of Seokjin’s gaze still succeeds in making Jungkook’s hairs stand.

“We leave this place, that’s what.” Seokjin muttered grumpily, “We really shouldn’t have been here even.”

Yes, this date is a complete mess. You messed up Jeon Jungkook.




As soon as they were out, Jungkook had called a cab and as if fate were against both of them—the rain came down hard and they were left with no choice but to share an umbrella the lady had conveniently brought. Jungkook wondered if it was alright to use it when they don’t even have permission but he shrugged it off.

Now, things were quiet between them except for the sound of rain against the asphalt, and from the umbrella. For some reason, Jungkook felt like he was in a cheap movie experiencing a cliché scene under the rain and one umbrella. Except that this scenario isn’t scripted and it just happened and Seokjin tries his/her best to keep away from Jungkook. But as the umbrella isn’t really big so Seokjin’s head bumps on the other’s shoulders. The raven haired vaguely wonders why Seokjin tries to keep away from him but decided not to ask.

“The cab’s here.” There’s a soft whisper coming from Seokjin and suddenly, Jungkook feels strange. He’s hearing another voice instead of Seokjin and while yes, it’s still Seokjin. Somehow, it doesn’t feel right.

When he was about to turn to nod, he felt strange that he didn’t meet Seokjin’s face. The girl was pretty yes, especially with her doll-like features but it just didn’t click. He’s not also used to the fact that the other is smaller than by a lot of centimeters now. Currently, Seokjin’s head was just around his shoulder.

(From now on, can I just refer to the girl as Seokjin? And even in the female body, let’s still refer Seokjin with he, him, his)

When the vehicle stops, Jungkook opens the door for him—still being the gentleman he is. In the eyes of others, it would look so sweet: a boyfriend who opens the door for his girlfriend. But that’s not how the two sees it right now. To Jungkook, it was like helping a stranger. Once they were settled inside, the driver asked them where their destination was. Jungkook glanced towards Seokjin, asking where he wanted to go.

“I don’t know. Um, let’s just go eat somewhere?” Seokjin looked up to meet Jungkook’s eyes. Something stirred in the young man’s heart. He didn’t know what it was but it felt different. Perhaps disappointment? Because the eyes that he was gazing into were not the same eyes he was accustomed to stare at—not the same eyes that enchanted him.

But he pushed that thought away as he sighed, “How about we go to a certain mall just around? I heard that a new eatery just opened there and it had positive reviews. Well, it was wonderful according to Taehyung anyway.”

Seokjin simply nodded and the car moved to their destination. The ride was quiet the whole time, only the sound of their breathing and the gentle taps of raindrops against the windshield were heard. Jungkook racked his brain for something to say and he was left with a blank mind. After  few more minutes, Jungkook noticed a movement in his peripheral view.

He glanced to see how Seokjin was hugging himself and that he was slightly trembling. It didn’t take him long to realize that the girl who Seokjin possessed was wearing a thin-layered clothing and the rain outside was making the atmosphere colder. With that realization, he took his jacket off without a second thought and draped it over Seokjin’s shivering frame. Seokjin stared at hi with a shocked expression, “But what about you?”

Jungkook just shrugged and offered a smile, “Nah, I’m fine. Just keep yourself warm.”

“Thank you.” Seokjin meekly said. He felt his cheeks burning up and his heart raced. He brought a hand up against the girl’s chest and he realizes that it was aching. It’s been so long. I forgot how it felt to be human. To feel the cold, to feel warmth, and to have a beating heart. He glances hesitantly towards Jungkook and then averted his gaze towards the other’s free hand. He wanted to hold it. To feel the touch of human contact against human—not just a spirit. But if he does that—Jungkook would seem like he’s holding someone else instead of me.

A wave of emotions coursed through him. He wanted to, but he didn’t want to. He might be jealous, he might pity himself, and he might feel sad. But at the same time, he wanted to feel Jungkook—like a human.

Jungkook blinked in shock and his eyes gaze down at the foreign hand interlocked with his. His eyes traveled to gaze at the other’s blushing face. “I just wanted to know if it would feel different.”

Jungkook gazed at Seokjin as he continued, “It does.”

“Yeah.” Jungkook smiled as he tightened the grip, “It’s warm and comfortable.”

Seokjin felt conflicted. He was happy to hold Jungkook like this, but he felt hurt. I was cold all this time. I cannot give him the warmth he’d like. Seokjin bit his bottom lip before nodding—he relieved the feeling of pain as his teeth pressed against the flesh. His hold in their laced fingers loosened. Jungkook noticed but didn’t say anything, he just tightened his grip.



They exited the new bistro after having their meal. Jungkook scrunched his nose as he said, “I swear that I’m not trusting Taehyung with his opinions anymore. That place was bad. Their food was bland and the place was too rowdy for my liking.”

“Plus, it had very poor service.” Seokjin nodded in disappointment, “Kookie, let’s just find an ice cream.”

“Ice cream? Weren’t you just cold earlier?” Jungkook asked with a raised eyebrow, but with a smile nevertheless.

“Shush. Don’t question me. Just get me one.” Seokjin answered as he lightly punched Jungkook’s shoulder, “I need food. Good food.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” Jungkook laughed, “Let’s get food. I also need a drink to get rid of the awful taste.”

 They did as they had said—Jungkook bought a chocolate flavored ice cream with sprinkled toppings for Seokjin and a bottle of soda for himself. He only got a few sips of his own drink before the rest was devoured by Seokjin.

“I’m surprised how you still retained your appetite.” Jungkook laughed as he blocked the slap Seokjin aimed at him, “I mean—the girl would be surprised when she regains back her body that she’s full and she gained weight.”

Seokjin stopped in his tracks as the other said that, That’s right. I forgot. He suddenly turned red before he hit the empty bottle on Jungkook’s head. “Yah, why didn’t you remind me? I ended up drinking the same from you.”

“What’s wrong with that? We do that often, don’t we?”

“Yeah, but it’s like an indirect ki-kiss.”

Jungkook blushed but he wonders what was wrong with that. Like, they actually kissed—lips to lips with a little bit of tongue involved — so what’s wrong with an indirect one?

While Jungkook was confused, Seokjin was filled with disappointment and jealousy. Why? Because—An indirect kiss. This isn’t even my body so it’s like Jungkook is sharing an indirect kiss with this girl. My Jungkookie is sharing a kiss with a girl.

 But like a light bulb giving light once the switch was pushed, Seokjin’s mood changed from foul to happy. The pout disappeared and was replaced with a wide smile and sparkly eyes. He immediately grabbed Jungkook’s arm and dragged him towards a store. Jungkook was perplexed by the sudden change of attitude but he forgot about that the moment they both entered a plush store.

The place was decorated in white and pink. Stuffed animals were displayed at every corner and Seokjin ran around in glee. He pulled Jungkook, shoving some stuffed animals on his face and exclaimed that they were cute. Jungkook could only nod dumbly as Seokjin cooed over how cute the toys were.

“You’re cuter.” Jungkook blurted out of nowhere. His cheeks turned pink as he realized what he had just said, while Seokjin looked at him with a shocked and embarrassed expression before they turned into a pout.

“Yah. Was that for me or for this pretty girl’s face? Cause if you say the latter, I’m kicking you down where it hurts.” Seokjin glared.

Jungkook winced at the threat, instinctively bringing his other hand to cover his manhood from the danger.  “Yes, Ma’am—I mean, Sir.”

Seokjin gave one last glare before he shifted his attention towards another set of stuffed animals. Jungkook sighed in relief before he smiled, But I was serious though. He’s cuter than those stuffed animals. Even in someone else’s face, it’s his personality that really attracts me, I guess.

But then he changed that thought, Or perhaps just everything about him.

The moment was disrupted when they heard a familiar voice calling out. Jungkook blinked, recognizing the voice.

“Jungkook!” He turned to see the familiar face of Taehyung, he smiled before he stopped in his tracks, “What a coincidence to see you here. I was looking for presents for someone can you—Irene?”

Jungkook blinked as Taehyung was facing the confused Seokjin. Then it suddenly clicked him, Oh, . Does Taehyung know the girl?

“I-I didn’t know you were friends with Jungkook.” Taehyung said, blushing slightly was he rubbed the back of his neck. Then suddenly, he stopped and faced Jungkook wide-eyed and a bit of hurt in his eyes, “Wait, you two aren’t d-dating, are you?”

“No.” Jungkook blurted out immediately, Seokjin, yes. But the girl, nope. “We just uh, met today.”

Taehyung sighed in relief, “That’s good.”

Seokjin stood like a statue, unsure what to do. Just great. They had to meet Taehyung and Taehyung knows the girl, and apperantly has a crush on the person. Now, Seokjin was worried. What if when he comes out of this body and the girl wakes up without knowing anything and then she’d bring this up to Taehyung? Or worse, Seokjin paled at another thought—what if he can’t get out of this body anymore?

Taehyung then turned to Seokjin with a kind smile, adoration evident in his eyes, “How about I treat you two? Did you know about that new bistro that opened up? It’s actually goo—“

“No, thanks.” Jungkook said, before he realize that he might have sounded rude so he said, “We just ate. I’m still full.” And we just ate in that place, it was horrible.

“Oh, okay.” Taehyung grinned, “Then let’s just hang around then?”

Jungkook wanted to decline because this was his supposed ‘date’ with Seokjin. But it seemed that the world was against him. He also didn’t know how to say no to his friend, who looked at the girl Seokjin possessed, with affection. So he simply nodded, swallowing the disappointment down his throat.

Why am I even disappointed? Jungkook wondered, I mean, this isn’t even a proper date anymore. It never was proper since the beginning.

So the day continued on with no progress. Taehyung was with them and there was nothing good happening. Seokjin then claimed that he was tired with the heels so they decided to sit. The ghost was not accustomed to the feeling of tiredness and pain anymore but he felt happy for some reason. Taehyung was beside him, entertaining him with the best he can and Jungkook staring at both of them with a little envy. Seokjin was laughing happily at the other’s stories and antics.

Not knowing what to do and being upset, Jungkook just bit his bottom lip so that he wont’t say anything he’d regret. He told himself that Taehyung doesn’t know anything and that Seokjin was just entertaining so Taehyung won’t be too suspicious.

He decided to zone out everything—the girl’s unfamiliar laughs—how he missed the ghosts laughter by the way even if it wasn’t even a day since they last met—the people walking passed them, the hushed conversations, music playing through speakers and Taehyung’s surprised yelp. He quickly turned to see why Taehyung was surprised to see that the girl was unconscious in Taehyung’s arms.

“Jungkook, Irene collapsed!” Taehyung panicked, “What to do? Should we send her to the hospital? Oh my goodness, what if we made her too tired and she was afraid to tell us and she overexerted herself? What if she’s sick? What if it’s deadly?”

“Taehyung, stop. Calm down, seriously.” Jungkook said, standing up as he noticed that Seokjin was finally out of the girl’s body. He guessed that the girl—Irene—would be out cold due to that, “Maybe she’s just tired. Let’s bring her home, then?”

“Okay.” Taehyung then stared at Jungkook, “You just lead the way. I’ll call a cab.”

“What?” Jungkook blinked.

“Well, I don’t know where Irene lives.”

“I don’t know too.”

They were both quiet for a while before Taehyung asked, “So, what are we gonna do?”

“Just suggest to him that he can bring her to his home.” Seokjin whispered at the side. Jungkook briefly glanced at him before he faced and told Taehyung what the ghost had just suggested.

As expected, Taehyung turned a shade of red at the suggestion. He claimed that he wouldn’t do that because it might be dangerous, it would be tantalizing, what if his obvious crush would hate him and all those thoughts but he ended up nodding and agreeing when Jungkook convinced him enough.  




When they arrived home, after helping Taehyung bring Irene to his home, Jungkook sighed loudly. He couldn’t help but feel disappointed on how their day went. Well, at least he learned a lesson to plan things first instead of deciding immediately. He felt the air cold beside him and he knows it’s the ghost.



“Can I talk to you?”

“Yeah.” Jungkook sat up straight to face Seokjin, “What is it?”

“Remember last week, before we kissed?” Seokjin asked, blushing slightly. Jungkook nodded slowly, wondering what this was about. “Well, you mentioned something that got stuck in my mind ever since and it’s been bothering me.”

“What is it?” Jungkook asked, there’s an uncomfortable feeling at the pit of his stomach.

“Well, you asked me if I had any wishes I wanted to be fulfilled in order to be…” Seokjin gulped, “To finally rest in peace.”

He felt his heart clenched, suffocating him slowly. He didn’t want to be reminded of it. Didn’t want of be reminded of the reality that Seokjin is a ghost and that they cannot be. But he took a breath and with great effort, asked in a steady voice, “Yeah? What about it?”

Seokjin stared at his eyes and it took Jungkook’s breath away. He always knew that Seokjin was beautiful. Everything about him was captivating, mesmerizing and it draws him closer. But today, there was something else in those eyes. There was an emotion he couldn’t name, but he knew what it was. The stars were reflected in Seokjin’s eyes. Seokjin was his world, his galaxy, his universe.

“Could you do me a favor?” Seokjin asked with a smile, a melancholic smile.


I'm very very very truly greatly sorry for this chapter ;-; I haven't updated in a long time yet I give this badly written chapter so sorry ;-; (throws thyself to Tartarus) But still, thank you for those who read, subscribed, commented and upvoted this story. I love you all so much <3 This story is about to reach the end.


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Ardya1815 #1
Chapter 15: Authornim,why i cannot see the sequel? But seriously your story so good,brilliant. I really enjoy it,thank you for sharing this with us
Chapter 1: If I were JK I would leave the house at second of first throwing paper from Jin. I really can't stand be in the same house with ghost despite how cute it is
Chapter 15: I felt overwhelmed while reading this story.. I didn't dwell much on the past story of jin. But their present made me felt something.. really feel good, light weight story.. like a feather caressing our cheeks.. I cried at the ending.. the line where jin saying about the alpaca having asthma.. your continuity in characterization tho.. great story.. thank you. Keep up with your good work..
Trngmy #4
Chapter 1: You know, I love this story so much I'm reading it for the second time. Too bad there is no sequel. The ending is great as it is but a sequel or a bonus chapter would be awesome. However, there is still a mystery that pique my curiosity. I may be right, but...the lock room was never opened and jin's body was never found. to answer my curiosity? Did jin refuse to reveal behind that door because his body is still lying there rotten? Or because the room remind of his death and didn't want JK to see it?
AuraC25 #5
Chapter 6: I knew it.. It's Jimin, jin's brother
AuraC25 #6
Chapter 1: My God This Story Is so Brilliant ?
AuraC25 #7
Chapter 1: My God This Story Is so Brilliant ?
AuraC25 #8
Chapter 1: My God This Story Is so Brilliant ?
AuraC25 #9
Chapter 1: My God This Story Is so Brilliant ?
AuraC25 #10
Chapter 1: My God This Story Is so Brilliant ?