My Boss Is Weird

My Boss Is Weird

A blonde with short hair had her back resting on the wooden front porch with her legs crossed in front of her. An iPhone was in her hand as her thumb scrolled through the pages of her Instagram. She had been sitting there all morning ever since there had been noises coming from the boy down the hall of the house.


The new sleeping arrangements had been terrible. 


She missed how Minho would make them breakfast, but now she was lucky she had enough time to eat her cereal in the morning. Her room mate, Ailee, had been nice enough to buy food on the way to the firm every other morning, but ever since her Boss had practically buried herself with work, everything in the firm has been nothing but chaotic. She hardly ever saw Jessica in the firm because her Boss was always making her run errands since she knew the area better than the other three lawyers. Yuri and Sooyoung have been sitting at the front desks all day with the phones constantly ringing, which started to make the blonde’s ears bleed from the continuous ringing. 


It seemed like everything was moving too fast and the world was spinning. This was one of those mornings where she had woken up before her alarm clock, all thanks to Minho down the hall, and decided to give herself a break before she dove head first into the storm.


“Amber? You’re awake?” A surprised voice called behind her.


“Boss?” The other woman turned her body to the voice’s direction. She gave Tiffany a confused look, “What are you doing up so early in the morning?”


“I was about to ask you the same thing,” Tiffany uncrossed her arms and made her way to where Amber had been sitting. “Mind if I join you?”


Amber motioned to the spot in front of her, “Not at all.”


“I always wake up at 5:30,” Tiffany informed. “My days get so crazy that I never have time to think and I’m always so tired when I come home that I never have the time to relax. So, I figured, why not just wake up a little early every other morning, sip some coffee and just relax every now and then. It couldn’t hurt, right?”


Amber nodded and placed her phone screen side down next to her, “I know what you mean, everything’s been so crazy in the office. I was starting to feel bad for Yuri Unnie and Sooyoung Unnie for always having to answer those phone calls.”


“Me too,” Tiffany took a sip of her coffee and stared at the streets.


The season was in transition from summer to fall. Since it was 5:54AM, cars would drive by every now and then, but the street still wasn’t as busy as it normally would be around 7:30 in the morning. There was a calm wind blowing. It was cold, but not enough for the two women to have the need to go inside and grab a blanket. 


Tiffany had already planned ahead and wore her favorite pink fuzzy slippers with some pink pajama bottoms with a red sweater that had Harvard written across the chest. She crossed her legs and tucked the stray hairs behind her ears and stared at Amber.


“What?” Amber chuckled and pulled her sweatshirt closer to her body.


“You went to San Diego University?” Tiffany tilted her head to the right


“I did, why?”


She shrugged, “Nothing. I find it interesting.”


Amber went back to looking at the not-so-busy street in front of her. Something about the weather, the coffee, and the way the street looked so empty made her feel at peace with herself and everything around her. Her black San Diego University Aztecs sweatshirt wasn’t fitting for Korea’s weather. Although the thing was thick, it still wasn’t enough to keep her warm, even though she wear wearing a tank top, a shirt, and a long sleeve and wore sweatpants over her leg warmers, she was still freezing. Knowing very well that this weather was only the beginning, she knew she had to prepare for the upcoming winter. Shivering once again, she realized that her Boss was still staring at her.


“Can I help you with something?” Amber asked.


“You look cold,” Tiffany pointed out. “Did you want me to go get you a blanket inside?”


“No, it’s fine, I was just heading inside anyway,” Amber shook her head as she slowly got up.


“I should probably start getting ready too before anyone else takes the bathrooms.” Tiffany laughed and started walking back into the house with Amber shortly following her.


“I wonder who’s awake right now,” Amber looked around the living room. “It’s too quiet.”


“Morning, ladies!” Minho greeted in the kitchen with a smile with a towel wrapped around his waist.


Tiffany and Amber looked at each other.


“Mine!” The both screamed as they rushed to go upstairs and into one of the bathrooms.


“Occupied!” Yuri’s voice screamed over the running water.


Tiffany and Amber made a run further down the hall. Tiffany made a sharp right turn while Amber made a left turn. The two women made eye contact on opposite sides of the rectangular hallway and ran.


“Sooyoung!” Tiffany slammed the door with her fists. “I need to use the shower!”


“Someone’s in here~!” A voice sang above the running water.


“Unnie!” Amber pleaded. “I need to shower too!”


“What are you two screaming about?” Sooyoung appeared sitting on her wheelchair behind them. “It’s too early for you two to be fighting about the shower anyway.”


“Where’s Ailee?” Amber scanned the hallway.


“I think she’s still sleeping. She’s smart,” Sooyoung added. “She showered last night. It’s basically Hunger Games in this house when it comes to morning showers. Watch. Someone is going to seriously get hurt by this. You all run around the house with your socks on and you’re bound to slip, fall and then, possibly die.”


“Wait.” Tiffany gave the two of her room mates a look. “Ailee is sleeping. Minho is downstairs. Yuri is in the other bathroom. Amber is here. Sooyoung is here. I’m here. Then, who the hell is in this bathroom?”


Amber tapped her chin and started counting with her fingers, “Hyung, Sooyoung Unnie, Yuri Unnie, Ailee, me, Boss… Are we missing someone?”


“Hello?” Tiffany knocked on the door.


“Yes?” A woman’s voice answered.


“Hyung’s buddy!” Amber clapped her hands once and proudly nodded.


“Why is she in my shower? I need to shower before I go to work!” Tiffany crossed her arms.


“Calm down, Boss.” Minho appeared near the stairs, “Just do what I do.”


“What exactly is that?” Tiffany asked.


“I go outside to wash my area and shave whatever I need to shave in the kitchen sink along with shampooing and conditioning my hair over it.” Minho grinned. “I even brush my teeth there.”


“Shave whatever you need to shave?” Tiffany’s eyes moved lower and gave Minho a look of warning. 


“No!” Minho shook his hands and head. “I shave that when I am in the privacy of the bathroom. I would never shave my junk in the kitchen sink. I don’t think that would be very sanitary.”


“The bathroom’s free!” A person appeared from the bathroom with smile on her face.


“Mine!” Not even bothering to get a change of clothes, Tiffany bolted inside the bathroom and slammed the door.


“Hey, Boss!” Amber called, “At least let me brush my teeth in there!”


— — — — —


“Unnie!” A frantic teenage voice called out, vigorously shaking the sleeping brunette under the covers. “I made you breakfast and I’m already running late for school which means that you’re already late for work!”


The sleeping eyes immediately opened at the realization that she was already running late. “Oh my, God. Oh my, God. Oh my, God.”


“Unnie!” Krystal screamed. “Hurry before you’re late again!”


“Right!” Jessica jumped out of bed and started putting clothes on. Not caring whether it matched or not, as long as the clothing didn’t stink, she was putting it on. “Krys, can you grab me my jacket and bag please?” She called as she struggled to put her jeans on.


“Everything is already laid out of the couch. Just grab and go!” Krystal called. “I’m gonna go before Victoris and Sulli kill me for making them wait again. Love you, bye!” The front door was closed before her older sister could say anything back.


Ever since the news of a foreign company was about to buy the hospital, Tiffany had been on everyone about being on time and working together to make ensure that the hospital was going to stay an American-owned conglomerate. There were rumors spreading like wild fire that the ER was one of the first to go, meaning Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital was no longer going to be the number one Trauma Hospital in the world, which could lead to Owen losing his job and another Resident or Attending, but Jessica didn’t really pay attention to the other one. One of the doctors had approached her not too long ago about the new hospital policies and questions on how to go about maintaining its patient-to-doctor interactions because the new policy only allowed the doctors a certain amount of time with each patient to utilize their time in the hospital.


Jessica could tell that her Boss was on the edge about everything. Arizona Robbins, Callie Torres, Meredith Grey, Derek Shepherd, Owen Hunt and Jackson Avery have been going in and out of the office the past few days, more than Jessica could even count. Whenever the doctors weren’t in the office, they were constantly calling. Yuri and Sooyoung have been keeping very close contact with the Harper Avery Foundation in order to make sure that everything in the United States was still going as planned and that they were still planning on setting up funds for their foreign hospital.


Minho, Amber and Ailee have been able to work closely with their Boss because of their credentials while all Tiffany had Jessica do was run errands for her. She wouldn’t even call them errands. It was more of relaying the information to the doctors who owned the hospital and then relaying what they said to her Boss. She was basically the messenger. At times the brunette believed that her Boss and the doctors didn’t believe in email or the idea of email had somehow slipped their minds, regardless of the infinite emails they receive a day.


Grabbing the cup of coffee Krystal had left for her on the counter, her jacket and her bag, she rushed out of the door and went straight to her car. Checking her phone before driving, there was a miss call from Tiffany and a voicemail.


“.” Jessica whispered. 


“Jung, I need you to go straight to the hospital. I had Sooyoung fax them all the information you’ll be needing to start a meeting with the doctors. Make sure that you look decent, not the crap you would normally wear when you come to the office. This is official Hwang Law Firm business so I need you to look your best in front of these doctors. The Hospital Board decided to go with selling the hospital and we need to buy them more time. They need time. Tap dance, juggle, sing, do whatever you can to stall this meeting or persuade them to push this meeting back a couple of days. If you can get them to hold off for a week, even better. I’m counting on you, Jung. The meeting starts at 9:30, if you have any questions, call me ASAP.”



Jessica pulled her phone away from her and gave her phone a horrified look. She was leading a meeting all by herself without any preparation. Her Boss hadn’t given her more than a 30 minute notice and even then, it was going to be a 20 minute drive to the hospital from her apartment. 


“ it,” Jessica grabbed the extra set of clothes she always kept in the back seat in case emergencies like these were to arise. Although she didn’t have heels, it was already too late for her to run back to her apartment and find them. Flats were going to have to do. Taking her shirt and jeans off, she started driving to the hospital’s direction.


Arriving on time was her number one priority. She started putting her button up shirt and started kicking off her shoes and socks. Driving in her underwear was the least of her worries.


— — — — —


The office had been nothing but chaotic. Papers, files and coffee mugs were scattered all over the long rectangular table. Normally, the lawyers would have their meetings in the afternoon and have a chat about the case as they enjoyed their meal and the company the others had given. But today was definitely not one of those days. It hadn’t been one of those ever since the doctors started panicking about having a foreign company taking over the hospital. 


With Tiffany being the head of the team of lawyers and her being a close friend with almost all the doctors, there was no way in hell she was going to let that happen.


The SGMC Hospital doctors have been going in and out of the firm for the past week or so, but they wouldn’t stay for longer than an hour. The lawyers have all been working day in and day out ever since the news started, Tiffany most of all. She was always the first arrive and the last to leave the firm, making Ailee, Amber, and Minho work along side her because they were part of the carpool. Sooyoung and Yuri have been having the easier times because all they’ve been doing was answering the phone all day. But since there were so many phone calls, it as getting harder and harder to keep track with all of them.


The little post-it memos they would leave on Tiffany’s desk, turned into written up reports on who had called, what time, and what the call consisted of. The stack of paper, slowly turned into a two stacks and eventually, Tiffany had made Sooyoung and Yuri file them in order of importance and by date. 


“Stephanie,” A blonde American walked through the doors and gave Tiffany a worried.


“Arizona?” Tiffany looked up from the files she had in her hand. “What are you doing here?”


“Pegasus is closing in on the deal with Catherine Avery. We need to hurry this proposal up and make sure that this actually happens.” Arizona took a heavy breath in.


“I have a lawyer heading over there right now,” Tiffany informed. “I had Sooyoung and Yuri fax over all the information to the hospital. She’s heading the meeting at 9:30 sharp, so I need you and Callie over there and support her. This is her first time going solo, so she’s gonna need all the help she can get.”


“Who?” Ailee asked.


“Jung,” Tiffany answered.


“What?!” Amber choked on her coffee. “Is that why she hasn’t been here all morning?”


“You three need me here and I obviously cannot be in two places at the same time. What else was I supposed to do?” Tiffany gave each of them a hard glare.


“You sent a newborn to handle a case like this?” Arizona placed her hands on her hips as blue eyes narrowed in Tiffany’s direction.


“Yes, I sent Jung because she knows just as much information as I do. These three have been stuck in the office for the past week going over paper work. They’ve been going over the employee hours, supplies, and all stuff. They haven’t seen day light. Jung is the only who knows what’s been going on between the firm, the Harper Avery Foundation and the SGMC Hospital.” Tiffany crossed her arms and challenged Arizona’s look, “Now, is this your way of telling me that you don’t have any faith in my lawyers?”


Silence followed shortly after Tiffany’s irritated rant. Neither the lawyers or Arizona had ever seen the woman say things like that. 


“Ppany,” Yuri appeared at the door.


“What?” Tiffany stated, still maintaining her eye contact with Arizona.


“I think you need to come see this,” Yuri held up a two-page letter and handed them to her. “SGMC Hospital has four other offers, including Pegasus, Young Co., and two others I really can’t remember the names of are the top competitors. Jung is having the meeting with the board right now as speak so she can try to persuade them to push the decision back a little longer so we have more time to figure things out.”


“How is she holding up?” Tiffany asked.


“Amazing. Jung, is pure amazing.” Yuri smiled. “I sent Youngie over to keep an eye on her, but it turns out that she got there in time and even made sure that everyone had their own copy along with the table of contents. She’s one of the best we have here.”


“Well, Dr. Robbins?” Tiffany’s gaze shifted back to Arizona who was standing on the opposite side of the rectangular table.


Arizona’s gaze softened from defeat, “If she pulls this off, I owe you a pink penguin, just like the one you’ve always wanted back in the States.”


“I need a drink,” Ailee groaned as her head fell on the table.


“It’s 10 in the morning, why the hell do you need a drink this early in the day?” Minho put his stack of papers into the Done pile and took another stack for him to go over. “If any of us needs it more, it would be Jung. Honestly, I don’t understand how she can pull something like that off in an hour. The girl is good. The girl is the bomb. The girl —”


“—Will be assisting me on cases involving the hospital from now on,” Tiffany cut Minho’s Jessica Appreciation Spiel short. “She’s already proven herself worthy of being under a lot of pressure. It only makes sense that she gets to sit next to the head of the team.”


“You’re already promoting this early?” Amber looked up from the case files she had been looking at all morning.


Tiffany raised an eyebrow in Amber’s direction. They’ve already been together two months and none of them have still gotten the hint to take the initiative to take on the bigger responsibilities. The head of the team of lawyers knew that in order for her rag-tag team of lawyers to become the best in Korea, the world, even, she needed them to be like better sharks. Smell the blood from a distance and attack. She had already been seeing that in Jessica from the moment she walked in the conference room late on the first day of the job. Timid at first, Jessica had that gleam in her eye that nothing was going to stop her. 


She knew it, Jessica knew it, and now, Tiffany was just waiting for the other three to finally catch up.


“Dr. Robbins?” Tiffany sighed and gave Arizona tired look.




“Would you care to come inside the conference room?” Tiffany held open the door for her. “Please call the SGMC Hospital doctors that we need to come up with a plan in order to save this hospital. We have a very limited amount of time. If Jung does manage to hold off the deal for even a couple of hours, we’re going to need all the time together as we can get.”


Arizona took a heavy breath in and started making phone calls.


“Yes?” The voice on the other answered.


“I need you guys to hurry, it’s 911.”

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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 17: I was here rereading this fic of yours... Wherever you are... Please be happy and healthy, I love ur story =D
otnine0922 #2
Chapter 17: Author ssi will you still comeback???????? Pls comeback and continue your story!!!!!
It's been 3 years. I hope you come back :<<<
Just found this... Sadly u haven't log in more than a year... Hope u will comeback someday and finish this...
Chapter 17: Just finish re-reading again 'cause I miss this story so much. Are you busy? When are you planing to update this story?
KalakiMae #6
Chapter 17: Please update again soon I miss this story
Chapter 17: Where are you author-nim? I really miss this story. Update soon please~~~
Chapter 17: Please update soon. I want to see the progression of jeti
Chapter 17: Update juseyoooooo its my second time re-reading this since yesterday TT TT i'm thirsty for new updatessss
Chapter 17: Eeek JeTi are so cute! But gosh I can understand where both Tiffany and Jessica are coming from...but I loved how Tiffany convinced her to stay, that was beautiful Hahaha. And Jessica is forever adorable! Can't believe so much happened in Tiffany's past and it all comes back every year on that day :( but Jessica is there for her~ love JeTi forever! And OMG the bathroom scene was so funny XD love those three Hahaha. Awesome chapter, honestly super excited for the next update, just love your writing and fic so much :) it never fails to keep me wanting more!