My Boss Is Weird

My Boss Is Weird

“How would you plan on going through with it?”


“Excuse me?”


“The case,” Tiffany flipped through the pages. “If I were the judge, what would you two say to make your argument valid?” Amber and Jessica looked at each other. “Well?” Tiffany gave them an expecting look as she took a bite from her doughnut.


“Umm…” Jessica slowly started.


“No, umm’s in my courtroom, Jung,” Tiffany said sternly as she leaned against her chair and planted her feet on the table.


“Your Majesty,” Amber started. Tiffany looked at Amber and raised an eyebrow. “With all due respect, there was only a 2 year between the plaintiff and the defendant. The plaintiff was 16 years old and the defendant was 17 at the time, it just so happens that his birthday was three months later, therefore, causing the 2 year between the two. The defendant was conscious, the lab reports showed that her judgement was not clouded by alcohol or illegal drug substances.”


“And then she got pregnant?” Tiffany asked.


“Dr. Addison Montgomery, the Seattle Grace Mercy West OBGYN Specialist, had confirmed that there was no pregnancy, just a scare. There were also no signs in the plaintiff’s uterine walls were damaged, which led us to believe that nothing ever penetrated her.” Amber answered. “There never really was actual , but things may have happened prior to that, but there aren’t any conclusions that led Jung and I to believe that nothing really happened. It was just wrong timing for the dad to walk in like that.”


“Good job, Liu,” Tiffany handed her the files, “You’ll be leading this case, and drop the Your Majesty. Although it’s flattering, the judge could really care less about that.”


Tiffany took another doughnut and walked out of the conference hall.


“You alright?” Amber gave Jessica a worried look.


“I think I’m gonna be sick,” Jessica grabbed her stomach.


“Woah there!” Minho rushed up and caught her before she hit the floor.


— — — — —


“Go! Go!” Amber screamed as the three lawyers rushed into the ER.


“Aren’t they the ones who can’t speak English?” Arizona looked at Callie, who was leaning her back against the black chair.


She scoffed, “I’d be damned if I have to work with them. Yang!”


“What?” A petite Asian woman appeared at the doorway looking a little irritated.


“Your Korean, right?” Callie asked.


“I thought you were Chinese,” Another blonde said with her hair up in a ponytail. “Cristina?”


“What, Meredith?” Cristina asked with irritation more evident in her voice.


“Are you Chinese?”


“Don’t be silly, Cristina’s Korean.” Arizona laughed. “Right, Yang?”


“I’m Korean,” Cristina said, “Why is everyone interested all of a sudden? No one seemed to be interested when my husband became Chief of Surgery.”


“That’s because your husband didn’t make a big deal out of it,” Callie flipped to the next page of her magazine. “Now, back to me. See those four people over there?” The Latina pointed towards the end of the walkway.


“What about them?” Cristina asked.


“They’re Korean,” Callie stated matter-of-factly.


“And?” Cristina shrugged. “What does that have to do with me?”


“Callie assumed that they didn’t speak English, so now she’s embarrassed to go talk to them.” Arizona quickly said.


“Racist.” Cristina scoffed.


“When was this?” Meredith asked.


“When Owen sent us to go meet the new lawyers a few days ago. We’re in Korea, how the hell was I supposed to know that they knew how to speak English?” Callie quickly defended herself.


“Did you even read the files Owen gave us?” Meredith asked.


“The Ginger doesn’t know what he’s doing as Chief.” Callie grunted and flipped another page.


“Calliope, stop being mean,” Arizona warned. 


“Well, maybe next time, when I ask for , you better give me .” Callie shut her magazine and glared at Arizona. “Now, Yang, why don’t you and Grey go talk to them and see what they want.”


“Make sure you’re nice.” Arizona called out.


“What are we gonna tell the Boss?” Minho used his hands to fan Jessica while Amber and Ailee stood by her bedside. “She’s gonna kill you.”


“Me?” Amber exclaimed, “She’s gonna kill you!”


“What the hell did I even do?” Ailee asked. “You’re the one who didn’t prep her correctly for the presentation. All I had to do what show up to the freakin’ thing.”


“Let’s not point fingers, even though this is clearly Amber’s fault,” Minho said. “We need to take care of Jessica. We need to find a doctor.”


“On it,” Ailee fixed her blouse and ed the first two. “This should attract someone.”


“Stop being a and go look for a doctor.” Minho waved her off.


“What happened here?” Cristina asked in Korean.


“Oh, thank, God!” Minho sighed in relief and hugged her. “Finally, someone who knows Korean.”


“So you don’t know how to speak English?” Cristina asked.


“We do, we just don’t like that woman over there reading a magazine.” Jessica said above a whisper.


“Oh, thank, God!” Amber laughed in relief. “We thought we lost you, Jess.”


“What happened?” Cristina asked once again. Meredith went to Jessica’s bedside and started to examine her physical well-being.


“She passed out while we were eating doughnuts.” Amber explained.


“Doughnuts?” Cristina asked.


“Doughnuts?” Meredith asked.


“Doughnuts.” Cristina nodded. “She passed out eating doughnuts,” She said in English.


“How did that happen?” Meredith asked.


“I’m about to ask them right now,” Cristina turned to the lawyers for an answer.


Amber sighed and started to speak in English, “I guess she was under a lot of pressure and cracked when the Boss was going at her.”


“Did she pass out before or after she ate the doughnut?” Meredith asked.


“I passed out from exhaustion.” Jessica answered. “I haven’t slept in days and all I’ve eaten are bags of chips and soda.”


“What happened to the carrots Krystal usually makes you for lunch?” Ailee asked, as she showed up with a doctor on her arm. He had light brown hair with a terrible after shave.










“What are you doing here?” Cristina asked.


“I was just about to ask you the same thing.” Alex said.


“Karev?” A voice called from the other side of the room.




“I need you up in Pediatrics.” Arizona motioned him to follow her.


“Gotta go,” Alex peeled himself off Ailee. “Come find me after all this so I know that your friend is okay. Okay?”


Ailee innocently smiled and batted her eyes, “No problem.”


“.” Minho said as he hid it with a cough.


“Bastard.” Ailee whacked him with her purse.


“Ow! What the hell is in that bag?” Minho rubbed his shoulder.


“Stuff!” Ailee glared as she stormed out of the room.


“Looks like you’re all set,” Meredith smiled. “We just need to run some tests just to make sure that everything is in order, okay?”


“Thank you,” Jessica smiled.


“If you need anything, here’s the button,” Cristina handed her a little remote from behind her bed, “A nurse will come and make sure that you’re taken care of. I have other patients to tend to.”


“Thank you,” Jessica said again.


“I’ll see you in a little while.” Cristina nodded and walked away.


“Forget it,” Amber said, standing next to Jessica’s bed.


“What are you talking about?” Minho asked, his eyes never leaving Cristina as she walked out of the double doors.


“She’s married,” Amber said, “to the Chief of Surgery. Our second boss.”


“No way,” Minho laughed.


“You didn’t read the files huh?” Jessica laughed.


“What files?” Minho looked at his two friends.


“The ones Boss handed out a few days ago, right after she talked about the merger.” Amber shrugged as she sat on the nearest seat.


“You didn’t read them did you?” Ailee grinned.


“Oh shut up,” Minho said. “I bet none of you even read them.”


“The Korean doctor is Cristna Yang, she’s the best cardio surgeon in this entire hospital, she’s married to Owen Hunt, who’s the Chief of Surgery.” Amber said.


“The blonde doctor who examined Jessie, her name is Meredith Grey. She’s married to Derek Shepherd, and they’re both the neurology dream team in this hospital.” Ailee said. “They have a kid they adopted a while ago named Zola; a kid from Africa.”


“The two doctors who showed up and thought we couldn’t speak English were Arizona Robbins and Calliope Torres. They have a kid with this dude named Mark Sloan, I think the three of them have a complicated relationship, ya know? A lesbian, a biual and a straight guy. But they have a kid named Sofia Robbins Sloan Torres.” Jessica said. “They’re called the Seattle Five because they’ve survived the shooting, car crash, plane crash and a bus crash. That’s all I know for now. I’m sure Boss knows more than we do.”


“You all seriously read their files?” Minho asked.


“We were supposed to,” Amber said. 


“Oh and the guy you just saw is Alex Karev,” Ailee smiled. “He’s friends with Meredith and Cristina. Isn’t he cute?”


“Really?” Minho raised an eyebrow, “Him?”


“What?” Ailee shrugged, “He’s smart, he’s cute and he’s a doctor.”


“I’m all of those things, plus I’m a lawyer!” Minho defended.


“But you’re not a doctor,” Ailee smiled.


“Whatever,” Minho took his coat, “Jess, do you need some food? Some chips? Water?”


“A sandwich sounds really good right now,” Jessica leaned on her bed. “I haven’t had a home cooked meal in so long.”


“I thought Krystal was still making you lunches, what happened to that anyway?” Amber asked.


“She had exams coming up.” Jessica closed her eyes. “I’d rather have her worry about her education than her older sister who can’t cook to save her life.”


“She’s a good kid,” Ailee smiled.


“She is, isn’t she?” Jessica smiled.


“At least your sister takes care of you,” Ailee sighed. “Mine is all the way in the U.S.”


Minho looked at the three women talking in front of him, “This blows.”


“What?” Amber looked at him


“We need another dude in the group.” Minho complained. “I have to listen to all this girly talk and I can’t stand it. I’m a man, dammit.”


“Amber is technically a dude.” Jessica shrugged, “She just doesn’t have the thing dangling in between her legs.”


“Have you ever thought about getting a -change?” Minho asked.


“No, why?” Amber gave him an odd look.


“I’m just saying, Ambero,” Minho shrugged. “You look like a guy, you talk like a guy, you act like a guy, why not have the thing in between your legs like a guy? You already don’t have s, might as well go all out, ya know?”


Amber shook her head, “I like my body. I don’t want to change my body. I may act, look and think like a guy, but I’m still a girl. I like girls, that’s all there is to know.”


“Why don’t you and Jung just date?” Minho asked.


“Because she’s more of a best friend than anything.” Amber answered.


“Besides, I have a thing for someone else,” Jessica quickly added.


“Who?” Ailee suddenly piped up. “Is it that chick who thought we couldn’t speak English? Or is it the blonde girlfriend?”


“Arizona Robbins is hot, not gonna lie,” Jessica nodded, “but she’s not the girl I’m interested in.”


“Do we know her?” Amber asked.


Jessica nodded, “The three of you do know her actually.”


“Did we go to law school with her?” Minho asked.


“You know, for someone who’s so smart, you can be pretty stupid sometimes.” Amber nudged him with her elbow.


“What’s that supposed to mean?” Minho rubbed his side.


“We all went to different law schools, stupid.” Ailee sighed. “And you wonder why I would never date someone like you.”


“You’d be lucky if you ever ended up with someone like me.” Minho defended. “I take care of my girlfriend. I’m a good boyfriend.”


“Stop it,” Jessica said, “you two are starting to make a scene.”


“Hey, it better not be Kwon Yuri.” Minho said quickly. “I have dibs on her.”


“Boss’s best friend?” Amber gave him a weird look.


“What? I think she’s hot.” Minho smiled sheepishly.


The blonde with in Heely’s suddenly rolled her way in the four lawyer’s direction, “Hello, all.”


“Hello, Dr. Robbins.” The four lawyers muttered. Jessica suddenly got interested in the beddings that she was lying on. Amber eyed the double doors on the far side of the ER. Ailee was suddenly interested in her cuticle care and Minho was busy dusting imaginary dust off his coat.


“Look, I know we all got off in the wrong foot, which is why I’m here to make amends.” Arizona smiled.


“Amends?” Minho asked.


“Oh,” Arizona suddenly got embarrassed, “Do you guys not know what amends mean?”


“Excuse me?” Ailee looked offended.


“By amends, you mean the dictionary definition or the law definition?” Amber asked. “Because we’re going over your hospital contracts right now.”


Arizona suddenly felt really small for assuming that the four lawyers’ education wasn’t the best, “I’m sorry. I should go, I better go.” She said quickly. “The tiny people are crying.”


“Wow,” Callie smiled. “And here I am thinking that I was the dumb one for assuming they didn’t speak English.”


“Hey, mine was an honest mistake.” Arizona defended. “It could have happened to anyone of us.”


“Yeah, but it happened to you,” Cristina smirked.


“You’re Korean,” Arizona stuck her tongue at her, “that doesn’t count.”


“Keep playing the race card and see how far that’ll get you.” Cristina shrugged.


“It was an honest mistake.” Arizona defended.


“What happened?” Meredith asked, holding Jessica’s test results.


“Robbins assumed that the Korean lawyers didn’t know what ‘amends’ meant.” Cristina laughed.


“It was an honest mistake,” Arizona sulked.


Callie looked at her wife and hugged her, “It was an honest mistake. It could’ve happened to Grey, to me or to Yang. Let’s just drop this and go to the on-call room.”


Arizona’s frown suddenly turned into a smile, “Okay!”


“She’s so simple.” Cristina shook her head and flipped the pages of the magazine. “I’m kinda jealous.”

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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 17: I was here rereading this fic of yours... Wherever you are... Please be happy and healthy, I love ur story =D
otnine0922 #2
Chapter 17: Author ssi will you still comeback???????? Pls comeback and continue your story!!!!!
It's been 3 years. I hope you come back :<<<
Just found this... Sadly u haven't log in more than a year... Hope u will comeback someday and finish this...
Chapter 17: Just finish re-reading again 'cause I miss this story so much. Are you busy? When are you planing to update this story?
KalakiMae #6
Chapter 17: Please update again soon I miss this story
Chapter 17: Where are you author-nim? I really miss this story. Update soon please~~~
Chapter 17: Please update soon. I want to see the progression of jeti
Chapter 17: Update juseyoooooo its my second time re-reading this since yesterday TT TT i'm thirsty for new updatessss
Chapter 17: Eeek JeTi are so cute! But gosh I can understand where both Tiffany and Jessica are coming from...but I loved how Tiffany convinced her to stay, that was beautiful Hahaha. And Jessica is forever adorable! Can't believe so much happened in Tiffany's past and it all comes back every year on that day :( but Jessica is there for her~ love JeTi forever! And OMG the bathroom scene was so funny XD love those three Hahaha. Awesome chapter, honestly super excited for the next update, just love your writing and fic so much :) it never fails to keep me wanting more!