My Boss Is Weird

My Boss Is Weird

Day 3


Tiffany woke up to the sound of someone pounding on her bedroom door. She lifted her head to check the time. 4:03 AM. Sighing, she opened the door.


“I have your coffee,” Jessica smiled and handed her the warm cup.


“What are you doing here so early?” Tiffany motioned her to come inside her bedroom.


“Sooyoung gave me a spare key to the house last night after everyone was starting to leave.” Jessica shrugged and sat on the edge of the bed. “Is that weird?”


“What’s weird?”


“That I randomly went inside your house at the crack of dawn and started banging on your door?” Jessica asked quietly.


Tiffany laughed, “If it was someone else, yes it would be weird, but since you’re my girlfriend, no it isn’t weird.”


Jessica let out a sigh of relief, “Good. I was worried that I was being one of those creepy stalker girlfriends that want you to tell what you’re doing at every second of the day.”


“I had one of those and believe me when I tell you that you are nowhere near one of those crazy, stalker girlfriends.” She leaned in and kissed her cheek. “Good morning, beautiful, turns out that I forgot to do that earlier.”


Jessica blushed, “Morning, Tiff.”


“How’s Krystal?” Tiffany asked, taking a sip of her coffee. She made her way to her closet and started looking for something comfortable to wear.


“She was still sleeping when I left,” Jessica laughed. “I remember when she used to have to wake me up because I was always late for work.”


Tiffany smiled, “Now you’re awake before I am.”


“I just wanted to do something nice for you,” Jessica shrugged. 


“You did my work load yesterday, you’ve done enough,” Tiffany shook her head. She walked out of her closet wearing skinny jeans with a loose white shirt tucked in the first with a black belt. She was wearing black Converse and a leather jacket to tie the entire thing. “Ready to go?” She held out her hand for Jessica to take.


“Ready,” Jessica smiled as she took Tiffany’s hand.


She opened the door and frowned. “Do you hear that?”


Jessica looked around at the hallway and looked back at Tiffany, “I don’t hear anything.”


“I think it’s coming from Youngie’s room,” Tiffany led Jessica to the bedroom.


“I feel uncomfortable with this,” Jessica whispered.


“It’ll be fine,” Tiffany gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. “Do you hear that?”


Jessica nodded, “It sounds like someone’s having in there. I don’t think we should go in there. What if she’s having with someone?”


Tiffany laughed, “Who is she gonna have with? Minho?”


“He does have a thing for her,” Jessica shrugged.


Tiffany rolled her eyes, “Yul? You in here?”


“Ppany!” A voice screamed.


“Wah!” Another voice yelped followed by a loud Thud.


“What’s going on here?” Tiffany opened the door wider. “Who was that?”


Sooyoung quickly sat up and covered herself with the blanket. Yuri quickly put on the robe that was conveniently laying on the floor. Tiffany eyed her two best friends with hanging wide open.


“We can explain—” Yuri started.


Tiffany help up a hand to stop her from talking. “I-I umm…. I gotta go to the office.” 


“Ppany—” Sooyoung said.


“You two should take the day off.” Tiffany cut her off. “You’ve been working hard. You deserve it.”


Tiffany looked at her two friends and walked out of the room. Sooyoung sighed and massaged her temples while Yuri sat next to Sooyoung on the bed.


“You should go and make sure that she’s okay,” Yuri said quietly.


“Will you two be okay?” Jessica asked.


“We’ll be fine,” Sooyoung slowly nodded. “We’ll just give Ppany her space for now. Tell us when she feels better so we can talk to her.”


Jessica nodded, “I will.”


“Thank you, Jessica,” Yuri and Sooyoung said.


“I’ll come over tonight to see how you guys are,” Jessica closed the door behind her.


She made her way down the stairs and walked to the front porch. Grabbing her messenger bag, she headed for the front door. But someone had stopped her.


“What happened?” Amber asked. She was sitting in the living room watching Adult Swim with Minho on the couch. “We saw Boss storm out.”


“She’s just not a morning person,” Minho shook his head. “Mornings always put her in a ty mood, but can you really blame her?”


“Idiot,” Amber shook her head.


“You think she found out?” Ailee asked, emerging from the kitchen with a box of cereal in her hand. “She looked pretty upset.”


“About Sooyoung and Yuri?” Amber asked.


“That’s impossible,” Minho laughed. “Those two have been discrete about their relationship. Boss finding out is kind of impossible.”


“If they had been so discrete why the hell did we see them making out in the office after we all left?” Jessica crossed her arms.


“Point taken,” Minho nodded. “But honestly, wasn’t she bound to find out eventually? It that she found out this way, but what can we really do? What’s done is done. The best thing we can do for her is to give Sica some angry to make her feel better.”


“Jessie is not going to have angry with our Boss,” Ailee shook her head. 


“You make it sound like she’s in a o or something,” Amber laughed.


“She might as well be,” Minho shrugged. “She definitely has the body for it.”


Jessica smacked his head, “Shut up.”


Honk. Honk.


“That’s Tiff,” Jessica put her shoes on. “I gotta go to the office. Make sure that those two are okay before you leave. Tiff looked like she didn’t wanna see them today.”


“Bye, Jessie.” Her three friends waved as she walked out of the house.


Amber turned to Minho, “Are we going to talk about this?”


He shrugged, “I liked her for a second. I’m over it now. Besides, she looks happy with Sooyoung.”


“What about that one morning Boss caught you two?” Ailee asked.


Minho laughed, “I needed a place to stay remember? Yuri just let me sleep in Sooyoung’s room while Sooyoung slept in hers. I needed to take a shower and she needed to take a piss. We couldn’t risk taking up two bathrooms because Boss would’ve asked some questions. It just so happens that Boss was knocking on the bathroom door around the same time she and I were in there. No big deal. Besides, nothing ever happened between us.”


“So you don’t like her anymore?” Amber clarified.


“Of course not,” Minho shook his head. “I’m over it.”


“Cereal?” Ailee offered him her box.


“Thanks,” Minho laughed as she stuck his hand in the box.


“What are we gonna do with them?” Amber motioned to Sooyoung and Yuri slowly making their way down the stairs.


“Act like nothing happened.” Minho whispered. “They don’t know that we know about them. So for now, act like you don’t know about anything.”


“I have a theory that Rick and Morty makes sense when you are high out of your mind,” Ailee said loud enough for Sooyoung and Yuri to hear from the stairs.


“When were you ever high?” Amber asked. “Min, gimme the some cereal.”


“Back in college.” Ailee answered.


“Was it a stress reliever?” Minho asked, passing the cereal box to Amber. “I hear that they have some studies about medical in the U.S.”


Ailee shook her head, “I had friends who were dealers.”


“Sounds like you lived the typical American college life,” Amber laughed.


“Nathan For You is pretty ed up, but the guy is a genius,” Minho praised. “This just goes to show how far people are willing to go just to earn some cash.”


“His awkward personality and people skills are just so mind blowing.” Amber said.


“Morning, sleepy heads.” Ailee greeted with a smile.


“Damn, who woke up on the wrong side of the bed?” Minho laughed.


“Cereal?” Amber offered them the box.


Yuri sighed and sat next to Amber, “Thanks.”


“Should we tell them?” Sooyoung whispered.


“Tell us what?” Minho asked , munching on cereal.


“We’ve been hiding it long enough,” Yuri nodded.


Sooyoung held out her hand for Yuri to take. She took a deep breath as she placed an arm around Yuri’s waist, “We’re together.”


“What?!” Ailee put both hands on her head and gasped.


“No way!” Amber started to clap.


“That is brand new information!” Minho shook his head.


“You already knew, huh?” Yuri asked.


“Yeah,” Ailee nodded.


“You guys aren’t very good at hiding,” Amber shrugged.


“We saw you two kissing in the office a couple of days ago,” Minho revealed.


“We’ve been together for about a year and a half now, but we haven’t told Tiffany because we wanted to be sure that this relationship was going to last.” Sooyoung explained. 


“You guys dated for a year and a half behind Boss’s back?” Amber’s eyes went wide.


“Woah…” Ailee leaned back on the couch. 


“Now that is brand new information,” Minho breathlessly laughed. 


“Please, don’t tell Tiffany until she’s had enough time to calm down and take all this in.” Sooyoung begged. “We need to talk to her before you all open your mouths. So just act like it’s any other day in the office until we’ve had a chance to properly talk to her.”


“She’s in shock so for the time being, Yul and I are going to give her some space. Please don’t pester her and irritate her more than she already is.” Sooyoung said.


“Don’t worry,” Minho stood up and patted Sooyoung’s back. 


“We’re family, of course we’re going to be here to help you guys through the rough patches.” Ailee smiled and hugged the two women.


“We got you guys,” Amber smiled and joined the group hug.


— — — — —


“Are we going to talk about this?” Jessica asked, finally breaking the silence between her and Tiffany.  The two women were making their way to the office. “You can go ahead and keep on ignoring me, but the fact of the matter is that you’re gonna have to talk to them whether you like it or not. We might as well talk it out now so I can help you calm down so you don’t yell at them or do something you’ll regret later.” Jessica looked at Tiffany once again. “I don’t like you angry. You don’t look cute at all. It’s kind of a turn off, in all honesty. I know that you know that you’re hot, but this angry thing isn’t working for me. I like you a lot better with a smile on your face.”


Tiffany bit her lip, trying not to crack a smile. “Can you stop talking for a second?”


“Why? I thought you were ignoring me.” 


“You make it so hard to ignore you when you’re the one who won’t shut up.”


“What are you gonna—“


Tiffany grabbed Jessica by the shoulders and crashed her lips on hers. Jessica blinked a few times, making confused eye contact with Tiffany. But then, Tiffany closed her eyes and leaned into the kiss, wrapping her arms around her waist. Jessica relaxed at the touch and gave into the kiss. She wrapped her arms around Tiffany’s neck and deepened their kiss.


Jessica frowned when Tiffany finally pulled away, “That shut you up, didn’t it?” A goofy grin appeared on her face.


“Shut up,” Jessica recomposed herself. “Just because you shut me up doesn’t mean that you get to ignore your two best friends.”


Tiffany rolled her eyes, “I don’t wanna talk about them right now. Let’s just focus on our work for the next couple of days and then we can talk about my two best friends lying to me about their secret relationship for who knows how long. Deal?”


Jessica sighed, “I don’t have much of a choice, now don’t I?”


“My girlfriend is so understanding,” Tiffany smiled and leaned in to kiss her one more time.


“I told you that you can’t kiss me until you take me on a date,” Jessica pushed Tiffany’s face away fro her.


“Yet we just made out in front of the office,” Tiffany held open the door for her. “After you, m’lady.”


Jessica rolled her eyes at her girlfriend’s antics but walked in anyway. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”


“And you’re beautiful,” Tiffany wrapped an arm around her shoulders and walked in the office with her girlfriend.


“I hate you.”


“No, you don’t.”


— — — — —


“Just a normal day at the office,” Minho repeated. “One normal day at a normal office.”


“Will you shut up?” Amber glared. “You’re starting to annoy everyone.”


“Starting to?” Jessica scoffed. “You’ve been annoying me ever since you started talking. Now, will you please turn your mouth off before I rip it.”


“What’s been eating your , Jung?” Minho leaned back on his chair. He crossed his arms and closed his eyes. “Sorry, I’ve been irritated ever since this morning.”


“Is this gonna be about Yuri again?” Jessica asked.


Minho shook his head, “No.”


“Are you waiting for me to give you a cookie before you tell me or do I have to get Amber to beat it out of you?” Jessica swirled her chair to face Minho.


“I like being the only guy in this group.” 


“Ahh,” Amber laughed. “You’re already jealous of the new guy? He isn’t even here yet.”


“Is that bad?” Minho bit his bottom lip. “I don’t like how Boss is hiring a new guy. He isn’t family.”


“He can be family,” Ailee said. 


“Yeah,” Jessica agreed. “We were all strangers when we first started out, now look at us. We’re a family now.”


“He needs to feel like he’s part of the family in order for him to feel welcomed.” Amber said. “Kinda like what happened when we all first started to get to know each other. It was weird at first, but we all got used to each other.”


‘But we were forced to because we all ended up living in the same house,” Minho pointed out.


“You’re forgetting that Ailee crashed at Jessie’s place for a bit and you crashed in mine,” Amber said. “Besides, this guy needs to feel like he’s part of the family, even if he doesn’t want to be, then he can just be another lawyer who works here. Don’t be worried until there’s something to worry about.”


“I have a gut feeling,” Minho shifted in his seat. “I can’t describe it, but I feel it. Something isn’t sitting right with my stomach.”


“Do you need to pass gas or something?” Ailee laughed.


“What are you four just doing?” Tiffany’s figure suddenly popped out by the door.


“There’s nothing to do, Boss.” Minho said. “Sooyoung and Yuri were supposed to have the interviews today, but since you gave them the day off, there’s nothing for us to do.”


“Then go to the hospital and do the interviews yourselves.” Tiffany ordered.


“We can’t exactly do that,” Amber said.


“And why not?” She crossed her arms.


“Because Sooyoung and Yuri have the list back at the house.” Ailee explained. “They just called us earlier and said that they would be at the hospital doing the interviews and then they’d give us the list later today when we go to the hospital after we’re done here.”


“Fine,” Tiffany said shortly. She left the room and went straight to her office.


“You might wanna take that, Jess,” Ailee motioned her head towards Tiffany’s office.


“Don’t worry,” Jessica sighed. She walked to her office and slowly opened the door. “Tiff?”


“What, Jessica?” She said coldly.


“Aw, don’t be like that,” Jessica came up behind Tiffany and wrapped her arms around her waist. She pulled her closer and rested her head on her back. She felt how tense her girlfriend’s back was, but after the touch, it started to relax. “You shouldn’t take it out on us if you’re mad.”


Tiffany sighed, “I’m sorry.”


“That’s okay, they understand,” Jessica laughed.


Tiffany led Jessica to the couch. When they both sat down, Jessica automatically made herself comfortable in Tiffany’s embrace. “Jess?”




“Can we talk about this now?”


She smiled, “Of course.”

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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 17: I was here rereading this fic of yours... Wherever you are... Please be happy and healthy, I love ur story =D
otnine0922 #2
Chapter 17: Author ssi will you still comeback???????? Pls comeback and continue your story!!!!!
It's been 3 years. I hope you come back :<<<
Just found this... Sadly u haven't log in more than a year... Hope u will comeback someday and finish this...
Chapter 17: Just finish re-reading again 'cause I miss this story so much. Are you busy? When are you planing to update this story?
KalakiMae #6
Chapter 17: Please update again soon I miss this story
Chapter 17: Where are you author-nim? I really miss this story. Update soon please~~~
Chapter 17: Please update soon. I want to see the progression of jeti
Chapter 17: Update juseyoooooo its my second time re-reading this since yesterday TT TT i'm thirsty for new updatessss
Chapter 17: Eeek JeTi are so cute! But gosh I can understand where both Tiffany and Jessica are coming from...but I loved how Tiffany convinced her to stay, that was beautiful Hahaha. And Jessica is forever adorable! Can't believe so much happened in Tiffany's past and it all comes back every year on that day :( but Jessica is there for her~ love JeTi forever! And OMG the bathroom scene was so funny XD love those three Hahaha. Awesome chapter, honestly super excited for the next update, just love your writing and fic so much :) it never fails to keep me wanting more!