My Boss Is Weird

My Boss Is Weird

A loud banging had woken up the woman sleeping in bed followed by, “Unnie! I need to use the bathroom!” 


“Go away! It’s my turn to take a shower!” A familiar voice shouted over running water.


“Ugh!” Jessica laughed at Ailee’s frustrated voice. “Please! I really have to pee!”


“Fine, but my coffee better be hot and ready by the time I go downstairs, got it?”


“Yes, ma’am!”


Faint footsteps followed after the sound of the bathroom door was slammed. She sat up on the bed and saw shadows of a person’s feet walking in front of the door. 


“Youngie!” Yuri’s voice called.


“What do you want?” Sooyoung’s voice called back. Her voice was a lot closer to the bedroom which made Jessica assume that Sooyoung’s legs was the shadow in front of door.


“Did you wanna bring some of the left over pizza to work?”


“Did someone say pizza?” Minho’s voice sounded with glee. “Are we going to have pizza for lunch at work today?”


“Has anyone seen my fuzzy socks? I can’t wear Converse without them.” Ailee whined.


“ your Converse!” Amber groaned. “My head hurts like hell.”


The bathroom door opened, “Everyone shut up!” Tiffany roared. “Liu, you downed at least half a bottle of vodka because when the four of us went to the conference room, a bottle was empty and one was half empty. Ailee, your fuzzy socks are in the laundry hamper. Last night was laundry night. Minho, we are bringing the left over pizza to work. Now, everyone better be ready by the time I finish getting ready. Got it?”


The entire house was silent.


“Do you understand?” Tiffany repeated, using her lawyer voice.


“Yes, ma’am!”


“Good. I’m gonna go in my room and you all better be ready by the time I come out.” She was about to open her bedroom door when she stopped herself. “Ailee?”


“Yes, Boss?”


“My coffee better be nice and hot.”


“You got it.” Ailee did a small salute and went inside the bathroom.


Jessica began to panic. She didn’t know whether to pretend to go back to sleep or just stay awake and pretend that she was actually doing some work. Tossing her laptop on the chair beside the bed, she threw the covers over herself and closed her eyes.


“Unbelievable,” Tiffany muttered as she went inside the bedroom. “I can never get some peace and quiet around here anymore.”


She threw the bathrobe that was wrapped around her body carelessly on the floor. She walked past the bed and went into the walk-in closet. Finding a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt, she tied her hair up in a messy bun and went back to the bedroom.


Tiffany stopped at the bed, where she knew Jessica was sleeping in. Contemplating whether to wake the sleeping woman or not, she bit her bottom lip. She sat down next to the bed and lightly pulled over the covers.


“Wake up, Jessica.” She whispered softly. “It’s almost time to go to work.”


Jessica blinked a few times and looked up at Tiffany with a confused expression, “You’re wearing glasses. Why are you wearing glasses?”


Tiffany blinked behind her glasses, “I wear glasses? I’m sorry, I’m not sure how to answer that question. Are you still groggy?”


Jessica covered her face and laughed, “I’m sorry. I’m just not used to seeing you wearing glasses, is all.”


“I normally wear contacts but I ran out of them this morning,” Tiffany leaned in close. Jessica braced herself for a kiss but instead was met with, “I think Ailee and Amber have been stealing my contacts. We all have the same crappy vision and I haven’t heard them complain once about contacts.”


“I’m gonna go and get ready for work.” Jessica pulled the sheets off her and walked to her bag.


“I”ll leave and give you some privacy,” Tiffany got another jacket in her closet and her bag then left the room without another word.


“Woah, Boss. I didn’t know you wore glasses.” Minho laughed.


Tiffany’s warm smile automatically disappeared, “Shut up, Choi.”


“I’m just saying,” Minho followed her down the hall. “You look like a hot librarian or something.”


Jessica laughed at Minho’s comment, but a part of her wished that she could just randomly compliment Tiffany the way everyone else did. Pouting at the edge of the bed, she had no idea how to change something like that. All her life, she was always the quiet one when it comes to her friends and family. Of course, it was very different when it came to court, but outside of court, she was an awkward shell of a turtle. The woman didn’t know the first thing about relationships, let alone letting people know how she really feels. Being outgoing was never her style. She was more of the quiet person no one really talked to who sat in the far corner in the back of the class and the teacher would always forget about because she never really spoke nor would she ever have her lunch in the classroom like every other normal teenager.


“He’s right, Boss.” Amber laughed.


“Okay, I’m gonna do it.” Jessica said to herself. She quickly changed into jeans and a t-shirt. She grabbed her backpack and walked outside in the hallway. “I agree.” She said quietly with her face beet red. She scanned the hallway and realized that Tiffany was no longer standing with the rest of the group. Sooyoung and Yuri gave her a smirk and crossed their arms.


“Jung?!” Amber’s eyes went wide.


“Jessie?!” Ailee’s mouth hung wide open.


“Damn!” Minho laughed with glee. “I didn’t think you had it in you, Jung!”


“It’s not what it looks like!” Jessica waved her hands in front of her with her face redder than a tomato. “She asked me to spend the night and—“


“She asked you?” Minho leaned in as if to make sure that he had heard correctly.


“That’s not what —“


“Where the hell are you people?” Tiffany roared. “I said be ready by the time I was done!”


“We’re not done talking about this,” Amber whispered.


The four lawyers made a run down the stairs and rushed to the car.


— — — — —


Throughout the day, Tiffany never left Jessica’s side. Jessica was unsure whether it was the fact that they’ve been looking over paper work in order to save the hospital or if it was really because Tiffany was starting to like her back, maybe it was both? 


Either way, Jessica knew that jumping to conclusions and assuming that Tiffany would like her back was something she wasn’t planning on doing anytime soon. The other woman had just gotten out of a long-term relationship and Jessica really wasn’t the type of person who just jumps into a relationship the first chance she gets. Besides, she was surprisingly doing very well at hiding her feelings from Tiffany. That part wasn’t going to change.


Forcing herself to keep staring at the paper, she tried not to look up knowing full well that five people were staring at her and Tiffany.


“What do you think they’re talking about?” Minho whispered from behind the closed door.


“What do you mean?” Yuri asked. “They’re not even talking. Tiffany has her back turned to Jung and Jung just keeps looking at the stacks and stacks of papers right in front of her. They aren’t talking; they’re actually getting some work done.”


Sooyoung looked at Amber, Ailee and Minho, “Unlike some people.”


“Don’t you two have phone calls to answer?” Ailee said.


“That’s just what they want you to think.” Sooyoung narrowed her eyes at the two ladies in front of her. 


“Ppany has always been slick about these kinds of things. She knows we’re watching her, that’s why she has her back towards us. She wants us to think that she doesn’t know that we’re watching her, but you know that she knows that we’re watching her.” Yuri concluded.


Sooyoung nodded in agreement, “She’s playing us right in the palm of her hand.”


“Did Jung really spend the night in Boss’s room?” Amber asked.


“Yeah, but Ppany spent the night on the couch, so I don’t even think they did things last night.” Yuri sighed and looked at Tiffany’s back. “She’s been a little distant ever since the break up. It seems like she’s actually heart broken.”


“Of course, she’d be heart broken. Even though Taeyeon was a crazy one, we all knew that she made Boss happy. You can’t just erase the time they had together like Taeyeon never existed. Things like these take time,” Ailee said. “Why does everyone look so surprised that I actually know a thing or two about relationships?”


“You look like you’ve never been in a serious relationship a day in your life,” Minho shrugged.


Ailee scoffed. “I’ll have you know that I have been in a serious relationship and much like how everything in my life is, it all ended horribly. It’s one of those things you just don’t talk about.”


“What’s that supposed to mean?” Amber asked.


“It means that you don’t push her to tell you things,” Yuri translated. “There are a few things that you should keep to yourself. This story just so happens to be one of those things.”


“At least someone gets it,” Ailee muttered under her breath.


“Hello?” A voice called out. “Is anyone here?” The gang all looked at each other, as if they were expecting one of them to not be present. Footsteps were starting to get closer and closer. “Hello?” It called again.


Sooyoung and Yuri both shrugged and went to greet the voice. “Hello, how can we help you?”


“My name is Jackson Avery,” A tall man with a beard said. He had big green eyes and a smile to compliment it. “I was supposed to have a meeting with Stephanie Hwang along with the other doctors the other night, but since I was stuck in surgery, I wasn’t able to make it. I got a call from Steph earlier this morning asking me if I could come in today, so now, here I am.”


“I’ll go get Ms. Hwang for you,” Yuri smiled and knocked on the conference room door.


“Yes?” Tiffany looked up from her seat. 


“Jackson Avery is here,” Yuri replied. “Should I just bring him here?”


“Yeah,” Tiffany motioned him inside. “Jackson, come in and have a seat. We have a lot of things to talk about. How long do you have?”


Jackson smiled, “The meeting will be over when they page me, but I told them not to unless the patient is dying.”


Tiffany returned the smile, “This is Jessica Jung. She will be working on this case with me. Please treat her with the same respect as you would me, after all, she’s the reason why the Hospital Board decided to push back selling the hospital for a few more days.”


“Ahh,” Jackson held out his hand for Jessica to shake. “So, you’re the famous Jessica Jung I’ve been hearing so much about from Hunt and the others. Sounds like you’ve been doing an amazing job. I’m sorry that I haven’t been around to see it.”


Jessica smiled and gave him a firm handshake, “The other doctors have been speaking highly of you as well. I guess nepotism really isn’t your thing.”


Jackson laughed, “I would hope not.”


“Should we get started?” Tiffany asked.


“Yes, please.” Jackson nodded and sat back on his chair.


— — — — —


“It’s my turn on the couch,” Yuri nudged Sooyoung’s sleeping figure.


“No fair, the alarm hasn’t sounded yet.” Sooyoung whined.


Tiffany, Jessica and Jackson were still in the conference room. They’ve been in there for an hour and a half. The three lawyers had finally given up in trying to eavesdrop of their conversation and finally started working. Sooyoung and Yuri had been lying on the couch with nothing to do ever since the Harper Avery Foundation and the doctors stopped constantly calling them. It had been a very slow day for everyone in the office.


Ring. Ring. Ring.


“There,” Yuri motioned to the cellphone buzzing. “It’s my turn on the couch.”


“Get up,” Tiffany said hastily with Jessica trailing her. “I need you two to take Dr. Avery back to SGMW Hospital as soon as possible. Run as many red lights as you want, just make sure he gets there as fast as you can. There was an emergency at the hospital that needs to be taken care of.” Yuri and Sooyoung looked up a little confused. “What are you two just lying there for? Take your car and make sure he gets to the hospital, please. I’ll explain later when we get home. Jung and I are going to go meet up with the Hospital Board and try to calm them down.”


“What’s going on?” Sooyoung asked, grabbing her jacket and handing Yuri hers.


“They made a decision and now the other firms are fighting over it because they had already signed papers.” Tiffany tossed Sooyoung the car keys. “Please just make sure that he gets there on time. And Jackson?”


“Yeah?” He said a little out of breath.


“Make sure that none of you talk unless one of my lawyers are actually there. Got it?” Tiffany shot him a serious look.


“I’ll make sure the other doctors know.” Jackson pulled out his phone and started making phone calls.


“Choi! Liu! Lee!” Tiffany called.


“Yeah, Boss?” Three heads popped up by the door frame.


“You’re all coming with me.” Tiffany grabbed her car keys in Sooyoung’s drawer.


“Who’s keys are those?” Minho asked, grabbing his bag and jacket.


“They’re keys to my car,” Tiffany answered. She started heading to the back of the office and went to the garage. “I keep my car here in case emergencies like these happen. We take Sooyoung’s car in the morning because there’s enough leg room in the back for your tall .” She pressed the garage opener and waited for the door to rise.


“You have a Mustang GT Convertible?!” Minho fangirled.


Jessica gave him an odd look. She had ridden in Tiffany’s car plenty of times. At first glance, she thought that the car looked pretty cool. After all, it was a red muscle car with a two while racing stripes on the sides. 


“What about it?” Tiffany walked to the driver’s seat.


“Can I drive it?” Minho quickly asked.


“What?” Tiffany looked at him in fear. “You are not driving Thunder. Never in your life. Don’t even dream about it because it will never, ever happen.”


“You named your car Thunder?” Amber asked.


“Is there a problem?” Tiffany crossed her arms and looked at Amber.


“I call shotgun!” Ailee ran to the passenger seat.


“Aw, man! I wanted to ride shotgun!” Minho complained.


“You should’ve called it,” Tiffany shrugged and walked to the driver’s seat.


Jessica eyed Minho. How can this boy be so bold? He just threw a tantrum and asked his boss if he could drive her car. Sighing, she sat in the back seat with a pouting Minho who kept grumbling and complaining under his breath about how he should have called shotgun.


“Choi,” Tiffany glared at her rear view mirror and looked directly at Minho.


“Yeah, Boss?” He asked glumly.


“Quit complaining. You can buy yourself one once you’ve saved up and actually started working.” Tiffany stated.


“Are you gonna tell us what happened or what?” Amber asked in the back seat. “We’ve been left in the dark this past couple of days.”


“Yeah, Boss,” Ailee agreed. “We’ve been left in the dark the past couple of days and we really don’t know what’s been going on. Care to enlighten us?”


“Apparently, there was a contract stating if anything were to happen to the hospital, it can be sold to a certain company or the highest bidder. Back in the States when Webber was still the Chief or Surgery, he had signed it in case something were to happen to the hospital because that was around the time the shooting happened which caused them to lose three of their doctors. That had cost the hospital millions and millions of dollars worth of law suits and on top of that, there had to be repairs made and their reputation was on the line.” Tiffany started the car and started driving the four lawyers. “Now, the company is called Pegasus. It’s one of the leading companies; notorious in the medical world. They have bought hundred of hospitals and managed to turn them all around, but I have other plans for the SGMW Hospital. I have bigger and better plans for this hospital and the Seattle Five also share my vision. We are going over there to get copies of the files. Make sure that you do not miss anything. I want ever i’s and t’s dotted and crossed. We are going to turn those files upside down, inside out and look at it in every possible direction. We are not letting the hospital slip through these doctors’ fingertips, not while I’m the one leading this team of lawyers. Got it?”


“Wow, so inspirational,” Ailee turned to Tiffany and started clapping. “You’re the best, Boss.”


Tiffany sighed and kept her eyes on the road, “You’re a talented bunch, I see that. That’s why I picked you all out of the 75 applicants. I believe in each and every one of you.”


“We won’t let you down, Boss.” Amber gave her a determined nod. 


— — — — —


“Hey, lady! Who taught you how to drive, Spongebob?!” Yuri yelled out the window. “Get off the road jackass!”


“Let’s all just calm down,” Jackson yelled over the music from the back. “There was no need to yell at the soccer mom driving in the slow lane.”


“Ride’em, cowboy!” Yuri screamed.


“Yuri!” Sooyoung screamed.




“There’s a red light, what are we gonna do?”


“Make a right turn and then do an illegal U-turn afterwards.” Yuri shouted over the music.


“But that’s still illegal!” Jackson defended.


“But at least our pictures won’t be in the books!” Yuri turned around and gave him a scary grin.


“You’re starting to scare me.” Jackson’s green eyes went wide in fear.


“Hang on!” Sooyoung warned.


“I wanna live!” Jackson screamed as the car made a sharp turn. The back wheel had hit the curb, which caused the car to do a little jump.


— — — — —


Sooyoung and Yuri had gotten Jackson to the hospital in record time. Normally, it would have taken a sane driver 20 minutes, but with Yuri’s yelling and Sooyoung’s driving, they were able to make it in 10 minutes.


“You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Derek said.


Sooyoung and Yuri walked in the hospital conference room with smiles on their faces while Jackson’s legs were still shaking.


“I didn’t see a ghost,” Jackson whispered. “I saw my entire life flash before my eyes on the way over here.”


“It wasn’t that bad,” Yuri laughed. “You lived.”


“You yelled at an old man on his walker with his two grandkids.” Jackson gave Sooyoung a flabbergasted look.


“I wasn’t really going to run them over,” Sooyoung laughed and took a seat at one of the chairs.


“Excuse me, I have a phone call to make.” Yuri took her phone and left the room, not forgetting to lock the door behind her.


The doctors have already arrived in the conference room. They’ve taken the liberty to make themselves comfortable in chairs with their respectable significant others. Derek and Meredith were talking about what they were going to name their next child. Cristina and Owen were holding hands, talking and laughing about something they had seen earlier that day. Arizona and Callie were talking amongst themselves in low voices both with a smile on their faces. Meanwhile, Jackson had his arms crossed and kept staring at Sooyoung.


“When are you guys planning on coming here?” Yuri said lowly. “These guys don’t know anything that’s been happening and you haven’t been saying anything either.”


“I’ll be there in less than 5 minutes,” The sound of cars and tires running were part of the background noise on Tiffany’s side of the phone call. “Just entertain or do something to get their mind occupied until I get there. The last thing we need is for them to back out after a week’s worth of preparation along with everything that’s been happening.”


“What do you want me to do about it?” Yuri peeked at the doctors through the window. “They look like they’re just talking amongst themselves. They seem fine for now, but once you go in there, they’re going to bombard you with questions.”


“I’m coming up with a plan on how to approach this entire thing. Don’t worry. You let me take care of everything from now on. Just worry about what you're gonna make for dinner tonight.” Tiffany laughed. 


Yuri laughed on the other line, “Okay. I’ll see you when you guys get here.”


“See ya,” Tiffany hung up the phone. She turned to her lawyers, “Do you guys know what to do already?”


“Yeah, Boss,” Minho nodded. 


Tiffany got out of the car and started walking in the hospital with Minho, Ailee, Jessica and Amber trailing behind her. Each of them had carried a bag full of files and paperwork that contained all of the hospital’s records. They had spend the last hour and a half gathering as much information at the Human Resources Center as quickly as possible. 


Time was against them. They had spent the last two days pulling strings in order to get the kind of information they had now. Those were one of the very few times Tiffany had been glad that Minho was such a flirt, Amber had the charm no human being could ever resist and Ailee could just bat her eyes and make any man to whatever she asked.


They now had five days to complete and execute their plan. With the Hospital Board giving them five days to do whatever they had to do, made it easier for Tiffany to freely do whatever she wished. They were no longer breathing down her neck, well, just for the next five days. They needed to make every second count because it was time that they couldn’t get back. A lot was riding on this and it was all in Tiffany’s hands.


“Hey,” Yuri stood up when she saw Tiffany and the team of lawyers walk in the conference room. What’s with the bags full of paperwork?” She opened the door for the team to walk.


“What’s going one?” Callie broke eye contact with Arizona and looked at the people who walked in the room. “Why are you carrying a crap ton of papers?”


“Jung,” Tiffany motioned Jessica to take the floor.


“Already on it,” Jessica answered. “When we were in the office, I started piling all the papers into separate piles; Incoming Money, Outgoing Money, Employee Salaries along with their background information that I stapled behind it, OR Log-In Hours, and Expenses. All we need to do is go over every nick and cranny of every single employee of this hospital.”


“What do we plan on doing with this entire crap ton of papers, Choi?” Tiffany asked.


“We plan on going over every single paper work in this pile in the next five days.” Minho asked.


“That’s impossible,” Derek spoke up. “There’s gotta be thousands of papers in there. How do you expect to go over every single one in the time span of five days?”


Tiffany smiled, “You underestimate my team, Dr. Shepherd.” She turned to Amber. “Liu, how are we planning on approaching this entire plan?”


“We planned on splitting up into teams. Ailee and I are going to look over incoming and outgoing money. Minho is looking at the hospital expenses. Boss and Jessica are looking over the employee salaries and doing background checks. Yuri and Sooyoung will be interviewing the ones we pick from a pile of employees we think it unfit for this hospital.” Amber answered.


“You plan on firing people?” Meredith asked.


“We’re not,” Tiffany answered. “As the doctors who own this hospital that is nor going bankrupt, us the team of lawyers, are merely suggesting you people to fire. But we don’t want to just fire any old employee, that’s why we have the background information and holding an interview on top of that so we don’t fire the wrong ones.” Tiffany made eye contact with each doctor. “I know it , but things have to change in order for this hospital to keep running. You’re all going to have to trust me and my team that we know what we’re doing, Do you trust us?”


“What are we supposed to do while all of this is happening?” Cristina asked.


“There’s already a lot of rumors about this hospital closing and people getting laid off, the last thing your staff needs is seeing a bunch of lawyers walking around the place conducting interviews.” Jessica replied. “We need you to keep the staff calm and make sure no one feels unsafe while working in this hospital.”


“So basically damage control?” Owen asked.


“Yes,” Tiffany nodded. “This isn’t going to be easy, but I’m going to do everything in my power to make this as transition as smooth as possible.”


“Will there be budget cuts in other programs?” Arizona asked.


“We’re not sure yet, but for right now, we’re going with our guts.” Tiffany said.


“So you’re basically walking into a dark cave without a flashlight?” Callie asked.


“Yes,” Tiffany answered.


“How are we supposed to trust you when you don’t even know what you’re doing?” Meredith glared at Tiffany.


“Because I am your only shot at keeping this hospital. You called me here for a reason, right?” She returned Meredith’s look.


“Mer,” Owen gave Meredith a reassuring look, “I had talked to Webber through Skype a few weeks ago. He was the one who recommended Stephanie to be the head of this case. If Webber trusts her, we should trust her too.”


“Do you trust me?” Tiffany repeated.


The doctors all looked at one another and nodded.


“Thank you,” Tiffany nodded. “You won’t regret this.”


“You better not give me a reason to regret it,” Meredith said.

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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 17: I was here rereading this fic of yours... Wherever you are... Please be happy and healthy, I love ur story =D
otnine0922 #2
Chapter 17: Author ssi will you still comeback???????? Pls comeback and continue your story!!!!!
It's been 3 years. I hope you come back :<<<
Just found this... Sadly u haven't log in more than a year... Hope u will comeback someday and finish this...
Chapter 17: Just finish re-reading again 'cause I miss this story so much. Are you busy? When are you planing to update this story?
KalakiMae #6
Chapter 17: Please update again soon I miss this story
Chapter 17: Where are you author-nim? I really miss this story. Update soon please~~~
Chapter 17: Please update soon. I want to see the progression of jeti
Chapter 17: Update juseyoooooo its my second time re-reading this since yesterday TT TT i'm thirsty for new updatessss
Chapter 17: Eeek JeTi are so cute! But gosh I can understand where both Tiffany and Jessica are coming from...but I loved how Tiffany convinced her to stay, that was beautiful Hahaha. And Jessica is forever adorable! Can't believe so much happened in Tiffany's past and it all comes back every year on that day :( but Jessica is there for her~ love JeTi forever! And OMG the bathroom scene was so funny XD love those three Hahaha. Awesome chapter, honestly super excited for the next update, just love your writing and fic so much :) it never fails to keep me wanting more!