My Boss Is Weird

My Boss Is Weird

Day 1


Earlier that morning, Tiffany had received an email from Owen Hunt requesting that one of the groups be stationed inside one of the hospital conference rooms. In the email, he had stated that the doctors, nurses and the rest of the staff would feel a little better seeing the lawyers working. It would make them feel like they’re working extra hard in order to try to keep the hospital under their control. Since Tiffany and Jessica needed the bigger space, it was decided that Minho, Ailee and Amber were to be stationed in the hospital conference room.


That was the worse thing to ever happen to the three.


The trio had arrived early that morning in order to avoid the morning shift. 


“Good morning,” Owen greeted. “Did you guys need help setting things up in the conference room? I can rally up a team in seconds to help you three out.”


Ailee politely shook her head, “We’re fine. Boss prefers that we transfer our own files because it lessens the chances of someone getting the kind of information we have in these things.” She motioned to the bags full of papers sitting in the backseat next to Amber.


“We don’t really want you to worry about it,” Amber got out of the car and carried the remaining files in her arms. “We would appreciate it if no one were to disturb us throughout the day because we have a lot of things to go over by 8:30PM. A lot of things need to be done and we have very little time to do them.”


“Of course, of course,” Owen led them through the front of the hospital and into one of the conference rooms in the visitor’s section of the hospital. “Make yourselves comfortable. We have coffee in the cafeteria and doughnuts. Your cards are on the table over there,” He motioned to three visitor passes resting on the brown rectangular table. “If you need lunch or a snack, just go to the cafeteria and use your passes. The food should all be free. And if there’s anything else you need, don’t hesitate to call and one of the doctors available and they will be more than willing to help you guys.”


“Thank you, Dr. Hunt,” Ailee, Minho and Amber bowed. 


Beep. Beep.


Owen checked his waist and frowned, “Someone is paging me with trauma in the ER. I have to go take this, but please, make yourselves comfortable.”


Amber, Ailee and Minho looked at each other and shrugged. They began taking our their laptops and files. It was all stacked in different piles. Ailee’s pile was set up in two piles: Previous Year’s Income and This Year’s Income. Amber’s piles were similar to Ailee’s but she had outgoing money. Minho just had a pile of things that the hospital uses on a daily basis and expensive equipments that needed to be approved before they were able to be purchased and proposals for new research equipments.


“Once we all finish the previous year’s statistics, we all compare notes and then we go from there.” Amber instructed. “Boss wants a detailed report and we have a lot to go through. Now all we really need is to make sure that we have each other to double check our own work because one slip up could cause us to start from the very beginning. I don’t think that’s something we need, especially with the time crunch that we’re on.”


Ailee nodded,” Okay, so once I’m done with this, I’ll hand it over to you and you can hand yours over to Minho and his to me.”


“Right,” Amber smiled. “Since this is a lot of things to go through, I bought some sticky notes. The red ones are important things, meaning that when we first get the stack of papers, we have to look at that first. The green ones are the statistics and money part of it, meaning that it’ll probably be the second thing we need to look at once we’ve gone over the entire thing. The blue ones are unimportant facts, but still pretty important that it was marked in the paperwork. Read the entire thing twice and then start looking at the sticky notes and take notes on your laptops. It’ll be easier to do since we type faster than we write, plus we’ll be able to read what each other said.”


“Sounds like we can have the previous year done before lunch, we should all go to the cafeteria afterwards as a little reward.” Minho looked at his two friends and smiled.


“We can do that too,” Amber laughed.


“Okay, let’s get to work!” Ailee grinned.


“Be thorough, precise and quick.” Amber added.


The first couple of hours in the morning had been fine. Minho had played some soft jazz music for them to have as background music. Ailee and Amber didn’t seem to mind it because of the fact that it was fairly calming. There had been a few stares into the room, but they wouldn’t stay long enough for the lawyers to think of their audience as a bother. After all, their Boss did say that they were there to make sure that the entire hospital knew that they were working hard on the case and they weren’t just doing it just to do it.


They wanted to show the entire hospital staff that they their main objective was to protect the hospital and make sure that the hospital would stay Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital if it was the last thing they’ll ever do.


Knock. Knock.


“I’ll get it,” Minho slowly got up from his chair and headed for the door. “May I help you?”


A blonde with blue eyes smiled, “Yes, I do need some help.” Amber and Ailee looked at each other. That voice had been the same voice that insulted them about their English and questioned their abilities as lawyers. “I just decided to drop by to make sure that you guys were doing okay and wanted to know if you guys needed something.”


Minho shook his head, “We’re fine, we’re just very busy people.”


“I’m busy too,” Arizona laughed. “I just wanted to visit you guys.” She pushed her way past Minho and sat at one of the chairs. “Wow, you guys really are busy.”


Arizona’s blue eyes scanned the room. The rectangular table was covered with scattered papers, some had sticky notes, while some didn’t. Ailee and Amber had set up their little sub-unit group on the entire table while Minho had taken refuge on the smaller table that seemed to have fit him. Since he didn’t have as much things, he had decided to give up his space of the table to his two friend-colleagues because they seemed to have needed the extra space more than he did. So, he decided to set up a little work space with a spare table he had asked one of the janitors. He had gone down to the basement level of the hospital and helped the janitor carry it through the elevator and into the office. There were cups of coffee next to Amber’s laptop, another cup of coffee that was resting next to the printer and Minho had his coffee in his hand.


“We are busy, Dr. Robbins,” Ailee emphasized. “As you can see, we don’t really have the time to be distracted.”


“I have a child in life support, two children in need to a heart transplant and another on by-pass,” Arizona quickly retorted. “Trust me, I’m busy too.”


“Did you need something, Dr. Robbins?” Amber quickly changed the subject.


“Yes, I wanted to apologize to you three,” Arizona bit her bottom lip. “We seemed to have gotten off on the wrong foot and I wanted to make sure that everything is okay between us, you know?”


“I’m not understanding,” Minho slightly shook his head.


“I’m sorry for what I had said to you when we first met and for questioning your lawyer abilities. It was out of line of me and I wanted you guys to know that I really do feel bad about what happened between the four of us.” Arizona had her hands behind her back and she rocked back and forth on her real foot and prosthetic leg. “I had apologized to Jessica earlier this week and I haven’t really been able to see you three by yourselves, so I thought that now would be the perfect time to apologize for my past mistakes.”


“Apology accepted, thank you,” Amber gave her a smile.


“I accept it too,” Ailee laughed.


“Me, too,” Minho nodded.


“Okay, yay!” Arizona cheered. “I’ll leave you guys alone with your work then!”


“Bye,” Ailee, Minho and Amber waved.


“Oh good!” Callie grinned. “I thought you guys were busy or something. I need to you guys a question about some legal documents.”


“Do you have them with you?” Ailee asked. 


“No, but I will be right back with them in my hand. Stay there!” Callie called running down the hall and disappearing in a corner.


“There you are!” Derek smiled. “I would like you guys to look into an adoption for me.”


“We don’t have that kind of jurisdiction,” Amber shook her head. “Only Social Services and the court have that kind of information. Even if we wanted to, we don’t have access to that kind of private information just like that.”


“So you can get access, but it’ll just take a while?” Derek smiled.


“Honey, are you bothering the lawyers?” Meredith faked a smile. “We promised each other we wouldn’t do that to them and we were just going to wait.”


“Okay, so here are the papers about my new cartilage reproduction research.” Callie beamed and handed a small stack of papers to Ailee, Amber and Minho. “Would you guys mind reading over these and tell me if there’s anything wrong with how I formatted them?”


“We’re very busy people,” Minho repeated. “I don’t think we’ll even get to this this month.”


“I don’t have a month though,” Callie argued.


“They’re looking at our adoption papers first,” Meredith countered. “My baby is more important than your stupid research.”


“Hold on a second,” Jackson cut in. “I have these files about an upcoming board meeting and I was wondering if you could all take a look at it and make sure that nothing is flawed. I just want the board to know that I’m serious about being one of the head’s of the doctors and tell them that I’m serious about this job.”


“What about me?” Cristina butted in. “I have to do heart a heart transplant on a patient and I could really use some help convincing Mayo Clinic that she deserves to get the next possible trans plant.”


“When did you even get here?” Meredith asked.


Amber and Ailee looked at each other in desperation. There had to be some way for them to get some peace and quiet in order to get through what they needed to finish before they entire team of lawyers would get together at the end of the day and discuss everything that had done. They were doing just fine before they were being interrupted. It made them feel like they were actually going to finish their work until the group of doctors showed up.


Minho shot his two friends a pleading look. He couldn’t get rid of them, even if he wanted to. Tiffany’s instructions were very clear about giving the doctors what needed and making sure that they were satisfied with them being there. At this rate, if they were to look at every single paperwork they had been asked to look at by the doctors on top of their own work, they wouldn’t make the deadline Tiffany had set up.


The lawyers already knew that Tiffany was walking on eggshells with the doctors enough as it is, the last thing she needed on her plate was a bunch of angry doctors that Minho, Ailee and Amber had shooed off. On top of that, Minho, Ailee and Amber also knew that the doctors didn’t trust them on damn bit and they needed to do something to win some of their trusts, even if it was just a little bit of that.


“What do you think you five are doing?” Arizona’s voice sounded over all of them. She had decided to bring her new friends some pizza and soda to drink because they looked like they haven’t had a decent meal all day. “They’re busy people. Leave them alone.”


“But I—”


“Leave them alone, Derek.” Arizona cut him off. She glared at her wife, “Really, Calliope? Of all people! You leave them alone too. Same goes for all of you. They’re just as busy as we are and they need some time to finish everything up. Now go before I find a brick and hit every single one of you.” She barked.


“Fine,” Jackson muttered and walked away, as well as everyone else heading in different directions.


“Your wife’s crazy,” Cristina whispered.


“No kidding,” Callie muttered.


“Now,” Arizona smiled her dimpled smile, “I hope you all like pizza.”


— — — — —


Sooyoung and Yuri were the only ones who had the luxury of being able to show up at the office at noon. Since everyone had been so busy doing their own thing, Sooyoung and Yuri decided to do their own thing with everyone else practically gone, except for Jessica and Tiffany locked up in one of the conference rooms.


“What do you think they’re doing?” Sooyoung asked.


They’ve been sitting across from each other on either side of the room. Yuri had put a garbage can in the middle of the room and made it a game to see how many crumpled pieces of papers they could make inside the bin.


“Working,” She shrugged. “What else would they be doing?”


Sooyoung tossed a crumpled paper that bounced off the rim, “Do you think that they’ll actually get together?”


Yuri stopped to think, “Maybe, but you and I both know that if they are gonna get together, Jung’s gotta have a lot of patience with that one.”


“You got that right,” Sooyoung scowled when Yuri managed to make one in the bin. “I never really realized how ty Ppany’s relationship choices have been in the past till now.”


“What do you mean?” Yuri crumpled another piece of paper from her pile.


“Have you take a loot at her track record?” Sooyoung did a small fist pump when she made one in. “Yoona broke up with her because she worked too much and was always paranoid that she was cheating on her whenever she stayed late in the office. Hyoyeon broke up with her because she was always intimidated by Tiffany being a lawyer. Nicole was understandable, but Ppany never had the time to be an actual girlfriend to her. Then, Taeyeon practically speaks for herself.”


“I never really thought much about that,” Yuri leaned back against her chair. “Do you think that Ppany should change?”


“Of course not,” Sooyoung said quickly. “Our Ppany is perfect the way she is.”


“What do you think it is?” Yuri asked.


“You think it’s because of what happened with Leo?”


She bit her bottom lip, “You think so?”


Sooyoung shrugged, “I mean, it could be? I don’t really know. Ppany has always been a private person in general, even back when we were all still in high school.”


“But Leo hasn’t been back ever since a couple of years ago, but even then, we haven’t heard from him ever since.” 


“You think he could have made it worse?” Sooyoung stopped crumpling the paper in her hands.


“It might be the case, but I don’t really know.” Yuri sighed. “Ppany has always been like this for as long as we can remember. We can’t really change that part about her because that’s what makes her…well, her. I think we should just cheer Jung on right here on the side lines.”


“You really think it’ll work?” Sooyoung tossed another piece of paper, but sighed when it bounced off the rim again.


Yuri tossed a paper and made it inside the bin. She looked at her friend and smiled, “I know that it’ll work.”


Knock. Knock.


“The pizza’s here!” Sooyoung jumped out of her chair. She grabbed her purse and headed to the front of the office. “What are you three doing here?”


“They kept pestering us,” Ailee walked past Sooyoung and walked into the second conference room that had its door wide open.


“Why aren’t you at the hospital?” Yuri looked at the three lawyers carrying their boxes full of paperwork.


“Arizona bought us pizza. Derek and Meredith wanted us to look over adoption papers. Callie wanted us to look at her research. Cristina wanted us to help her come up with an argument about her transplant people. Jackson wanted us to help him look like he was a serious doctor.” Amber dropped everything in her arms. “We haven’t had any quiet time to do what we had to do because everyone kept bothering us!”


“I didn’t know that being a lawyer in that hospital could be so…” Amber snapped her fingers signaling the others to held her find the right word.


“Tiring?” Ailee asked.


“Expensive?” Minho shrugged.


“What?” Amber gave him an odd look. “Expensive?”


“That was me trying to help,” He shrugged.


— — — — —


That entire morning, Jessica and Tiffany had been awake since 4:30 in the morning. Since Jessica’s apartment was on the way to the office, they had both decided that it was best that they should just carpool and go together. It was easier to grab a cup of coffee int he morning because Tiffany had no idea how Jessica liked her coffee.


“I don’t drink coffee,” Jessica said at the Starbucks drive-thru.


“What?” Tiffany turned to her right and gave her a look of disbelief. “How can you not drink coffee? Coffee is the best thing that’s ever been made by man.”


Jessica yawned, “It’s too early for me to fight you on this. Let’s just try to have one disagreement  today and please don’t let it be about coffee.”


Tiffany cringed. They have been arguing a lot these past couple of days, but it had only been legal matters. There hadn’t been a time where it wasn’t since the two women had kept everything strictly professional, at least in through Tiffany’s eyes. 


“You’re right,” Tiffany agreed.


Jessica blinked. It had been very rare that Tiffany would back down from an argument, especially since coffee was one of the very few things she had been very passionate about. There had only been one time that Jessica had convinced Tiffany that she was wrong, but even then, Tiffany didn’t back down without a fight. From Jessica’s observations, the other woman was very hardheaded when it comes to things she was passionate about.


“That’s it?” Jessica tilted her head to one side.


“What do you mean, ‘that’s it?’” 


“You didn’t put up much of a fight, Tiff.” 


It was weird not calling her Boss, Boss, but Tiffany had insisted on calling her by her first name because they had more of a personal connection than she had with the other lawyers. Tiffany had felt comfortable enough for Jessica to start calling her by her first name rather than, Boss. It seemed fitting because if she was going to be her right hand woman, aside from having Yuri and Sooyoung, Tiffany felt the need to have a more personal connection with Jessica.


She wanted to make Jessica feel like an equal, not just someone who is shadowing her. Meanwhile, Jessica was still uncomfortable calling her Boss, Tiff because of the fact that the brunette had been her boss for so long that it was just out of pure respect for the woman. But that was the professional side of Jessica Jung.


The personal side of Jessica had been squealing like a fangirl hyped up on sugar. Since Tiffany had wanted a more personal connection with her, she felt as if she finally had a break through with Tiffany and she was ready to take the next step forward. The next step would be inviting her over for dinner at her apartment with Krystal not being around the apartment to intrude with every passing second, it was one of those types of things. She wanted to rush this relationship, but knowing Tiffany, she knew better than to do such a thing.


She shrugged, “You were right. It is too early for us to pick a fight.”








“No, it’s something.”


Jessica internally smiled. In the weeks that they had been working together, Tiffany would never have picked up on something like that. Whenever Jessica tried to end the conversation with the word Huh, Tiffany would just nod and continue on whatever she was doing or reply with another Huh and the thought would never cross her mind ever again. But now, she had gotten a feel of what Jessica was actually able to feel or at least portray of what she was feeling and deduct that something was wrong or bothering her.


“It really is just nothing.” Jessica defended. “It’s—”


“It’s too early to pick a fight, I know,” Tiffany finished off her sentence. She laughed and parked her car. “I’ll be right back.”


She grabbed her purse and made her way to the morning Starbucks like. It wasn’t that long, so she decided to pick up some food for her and Jessica to eat on the way there.


Jessica let out a loud sighed and sank back in her seat. She had no idea that trying to keep her feelings locked up in a bottle and away from Tiffany was going to be so hard, especially since the other woman was so charming. Liking her Boss had never been her intention, but ever since they started working closely, something in her brain just clicked and told herself that she actually needed this woman in her life. Of course, her little sister, Krystal, was all for it with her being a hopeless romantic. 


Krystal had described their situation was similar to how her friend Sulli had a thing for their friend Victoria, but Victoria was dating some college dude that was in town. But then, the younger Jung, stated how Tiffany was basically dating their law firm and Jessica was Sulli who kept her feelings hidden, causing her to snap at her, Amber and Luna. The more Jessica thought about her situation, it was nothing like some high school senior drama she was going through. 


This was completely different. This was her Boss and she was working for her. Sooyoung and Yuri already knew about her hidden feelings along with Ailee and Amber, who she had already trusted with that kind of information. Then, there was Minho who most likely had his suspicions, but since he was probably just as dense as Tiffany, Jessica didn’t think that he would care all that much. After all, Minho had the thing with Yuri he needed to take care of. Her problems were most likely at the bottom of his to-do list.


“I wasn’t sure what you wanted, so I got you the thing you always get whenever we come here,” Tiffany stepped back inside the car and handed her something warm inside a small baggie. “I remember you said you wanted to try it a couple of weeks ago, but then we never came back so I just thought you’d wanna try it now.”


“You remembered?”


“Of course, I remembered.” Tiffany scoffed. “A lawyer is basically programmed to remember useless information for future references.”


“So you think my interest in trying out different kinds of food is useless?” Jessica eyed her.


“Not what I meant and you know it,” Tiffany took a bite of her food and blew it in .


“Face the other way, I can smelly the morning breath,” Jessica pretended to plug her nose up and made a face.


“I think you smell that delicious scent of coffee,” Tiffany held it up to Jessica’s nose before taking a sip of it.


“Just drive,” She commanded. “We have a lot of things to cover by the end of the day,”


“Yes, ma’am,” Tiffany started the car back to life and drove to the firm.


“There’s this girl,” Jessica blurted out.


Where the hell did this suddenly come from?! Jessica covered and sank in her seat.  Maybe Krystal was seriously starting to get to her. The love life she intended to keep from her sister disappeared when she came home wearing Tiffany’s clothes that night she ended up eating pizza with Sooyoung, Yuri and Tiffany and spending the night at her house.


“A girl?” Tiffany nodded her head, signaling Jessica to continue to tell the story. 


“At the subway,” She continued quietly.


“What about this girl on the subway?” 


“She asked me to go on a date…” Her voice got quieter and quieter until she was only able to whisper the very last word. Even then, it tasted like venom.


“And you’re telling me this because…?” Tiffany raised an eyebrow.


“I thought we were friends,” Jessica mumbled. “Friends tell each other things when they’re unsure about something, right?”


“Do you think we’re friends?” 


“I feel like we’re friends.” Jessica shrugged. “Do you think we’re friends?”


“If you think we’re friends, then I guess we’re friends,” Tiffany returned her shrug.


“So we’re friends?”


Tiffany nodded, “Yes, we’re friends. So tell me, my dear friend, what is this problem that is troubling your pretty little head?”


Pretty, little head. Jessica took a mental note and smiled. “Well, I haven’t really known her for very long, I only knew her because we take the same bus. But since the hours I’ve been working have been pretty hectic, I haven’t been able to take the bus. So, the other day, when I decided to take the bus, she sat next to me and as usual, she struck a conversation with me. Then, she asked me for my number, so I gave it to her thinking that it was going to purely be friendship. But the other night, she called me and asked me if I wanted to go on a date with her. What do I do?”


Tiffany swallowed hard, “Well, friend, I think that if you don’t like subway girl, you should just tell her. How else will she know how you’re feeling unless you tell her?”


“But how do I tell her without hurting her feelings?”


“Just be firm and confident,” Tiffany did a small fist pump. “I mean, if it were me, I would appreciate the straightforwardness. I always had a thing for that. I think that’s one of the reasons why I dated my last girlfriend.”




She laughed, “She’s irrelevant to my life now.”


Jessica nodded, “Too soon?”


“Definitely too soon,” Tiffany agreed.


“Let’s just go to work then.”


“Sounds like a plan.”


The entire day had gone by just like any old day. Jessica was on the other side of the room while Tiffany took up the other half. It had been a daily occurrence ever since this case with the hospital had started. Jessica noted how Tiffany had always been so tense the closer and closer they got to the office. It really wasn’t something new to her, but she would be lying if she said that it didn’t worry her.


They had been working late nights and starting early in the morning. Their new sleeping schedule was something she was getting used to. Sleeping after midnight and waking up at the crack of dawn. The lack of sleep had never bothered her, even though she was the type of person who actually liked to sleep. This job and this situation needed her to give up on her sleep for the time being in order for her to put her best foot forward.


“Tiring?” Ailee asked.


“Expensive?” Minho said.


“What?” Amber asked. “Expensive?”


“That was me trying to help,” Minho said.


Jessica looked up from what she was doing and wondered why her colleagues were outside talking. Tiffany looked at her and gave her a puzzled look.


“What are they doing here?” Tiffany looked at her.


“I was going to ask you the same thing,” Jessica shrugged. “I thought that they’d be in the hospital all day. What do you think happened?”


Tiffany got up from her chair and went outside, “What are you three doing here?”


“Those doctors wouldn’t give us a moment’s peace!” Minho threw his arms up in the air. “They kept bothering us and knocking on our doors at the worse possible times.”


“Sounds like you guys need the second conference room,” Tiffany opened the other door next to the one her and Jessica were working at. “I’ll order us some food and we can all take a break and all eat in the third conference room. We all need a break today.”

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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 17: I was here rereading this fic of yours... Wherever you are... Please be happy and healthy, I love ur story =D
otnine0922 #2
Chapter 17: Author ssi will you still comeback???????? Pls comeback and continue your story!!!!!
It's been 3 years. I hope you come back :<<<
Just found this... Sadly u haven't log in more than a year... Hope u will comeback someday and finish this...
Chapter 17: Just finish re-reading again 'cause I miss this story so much. Are you busy? When are you planing to update this story?
KalakiMae #6
Chapter 17: Please update again soon I miss this story
Chapter 17: Where are you author-nim? I really miss this story. Update soon please~~~
Chapter 17: Please update soon. I want to see the progression of jeti
Chapter 17: Update juseyoooooo its my second time re-reading this since yesterday TT TT i'm thirsty for new updatessss
Chapter 17: Eeek JeTi are so cute! But gosh I can understand where both Tiffany and Jessica are coming from...but I loved how Tiffany convinced her to stay, that was beautiful Hahaha. And Jessica is forever adorable! Can't believe so much happened in Tiffany's past and it all comes back every year on that day :( but Jessica is there for her~ love JeTi forever! And OMG the bathroom scene was so funny XD love those three Hahaha. Awesome chapter, honestly super excited for the next update, just love your writing and fic so much :) it never fails to keep me wanting more!