My Boss Is Weird

My Boss Is Weird

In the haste of it all, time had gotten away from the either people in the room. Six of the seven doctors have been able to make it to the meeting that was called shortly, Jackson Avery had been the only doctor who cancelled last minute because of an emergency surgery in the ER. Since Arizona had already been in the office, she had called Callie first, who just happen to be in the Attending’s Lounge with Derek, Meredith and Owen. Meredith then paged Cristina, who managed to catch up with the rest of the doctors in front of the hospital. 


“Jung,” Tiffany called.


“Yes, Boss?” Jessica looked up from the stack of papers that was piled in front of her.


“I need you to come take a look at this,” Tiffany motioned her to pull up a seat next to her. “Do these numbers look weird to you?”


“Shouldn’t you have Minho, Amber or Ailee look at those?” Jessica hesitantly walked over. “They seemed to know what they’re doing when it comes to these kinds of things.” 


“I’m asking you, do you see any of them around?” 


Jessica nodded and made her way over to Tiffany. “What exactly am I looking at here?” She had picked the papers off the table and stared blankly at all the numbers and dollar figures that were written all over the papers.


“Look at the numbers and tell me what do you see?” Tiffany leaned in and rested her hand on the table. “Do any of these look weird to you?”


Jessica bit her bottom lip, “Well, since the hospital is trying to save money, I think that the amount that they’re spending on the plane transportations is a little much. Does that mean that they need to find a lower alternate cost to have them save more money or are they planning on keeping the same airline?”


Tiffany smiled, “Make a list of questions you have for the doctors when they come in. That way, you’ll be a little more prepared than you were earlier this morning. Good work, by the way. There may have been a few mistakes here and there, but overall, I think you just bought us a couple of days for the Hospital Board to rethink the offers. I owe you a drink after all this is over, Jung. Okay?”


Jessica’s grinned widened, “You got yourself a deal, Boss.”


Arizona had been sitting on the other side of the table seeing the scene between Tiffany and Jessica unfold in front of her. She couldn’t help but roll her eyes at the way Tiffany was so oblivious to how Jessica was acting around her, but then again, she knew her friend was never one for subtlety. In fact, she knew that Tiffany wouldn’t even know if Jessica liked her unless the other woman would flat out say it. Small gestures were definitely not going to cut it when it comes to the way Tiffany looked at relationships.


One good thing about Kim Taeyeon was that she knew how to voice her opinions. Tiffany never questioned how her ex-girlfriend would have been feeling because whatever she felt, Taeyeon made sure that the other woman knew exactly what she was feeling. If she was mad, she would yell. If she was hungry, she would make Tiffany order her food. If she was upset, she was crying her heart out -although Arizona was almost positive that Taeyeon didn’t have a heart. The bottom line was that she knew Tiffany had no clue that Jessica was in to her, but she didn’t know if Tiffany had the same feelings towards Jessica. After all, she had just gotten out of a 3-year relationship with a crazy psychotic . As much as the blue-eyed American hated to admit it, Kim Taeyeon did make Tiffany genuinely happy.


“Arizona?” A voice called out.


“Huh?” She blinked a few times and looked straight ahead. 


“Hey,” A tan hand was placed on her shoulder. “You look like you were trying to think about something really hard. Are you okay?”


Arizona laughed, “I’m fine. I was just thinking about dating.”


Callie furrowed her eyebrows together, “Are you thinking about leaving me and dating other people?”


“No, no, no,” Arizona shook her head. “I was thinking about what if Jessica and Stephanie were to start dating?” She whispered in Callie’s ear.


“No.” Callie crossed her arms and stared at her wife. “The last time we meddled into other people’s dating lives, we nearly ruined Mark and Lexie’s. I don’t think that I have the energy to ruin another couple’s future. Let’s just let the river run its course, okay?”


“But look how happy they are,” Arizona motioned at the two Korean-Americans hunched over a stack of papers.


Tiffany was starting to get frustrated at looking at the same thing over and over again, while Jessica was clearly not understanding what the other woman was trying to tell her. 


“Yeah,” Callie rolled her eyes. “They definitely look happy.”


“That’s because you weren’t here earlier,” Arizona stuck her tongue out at Callie.


Owen, Cristina, Meredith and Derek were all settling in while Callie and Arizona decided to sit on the couch at the corner of the room. Arizona had her head resting on Callie’s shoulder while Callie’s hand was rubbing her wife’s back. Meredith had taken the liberty of stealing Derek’s jacket since she had been complaining about how icy cold the office was. Derek had his arm around his wife’s shoulder in hopes in trying to keep her warm because he didn’t have another jacket lying around to give to her. Cristina was quietly sitting on one of the office chairs and busied her self by spinning to one side and then spinning the opposite way. She was still in her dark blue scrubs because she had been paged 911 to come to the office as soon as she had finished surgery, giving her no time to change at all. She had even left her white lab coat in the car. 


“Are we ready?” Owen walked up to where Tiffany and Jessica had been sitting.


“Are you ready, Jung?” Tiffany gave her colleague an encouraging smile.


“Ready, Boss.” Jessica took a deep breath and gathered herself together.


“Is everyone settled and ready?” Tiffany spoke up.


“Why exactly were we all paged 911 for this?” Cristina raised her hand up.


“I’m here to talk to you guys about how much money we’re going to be needing in order to keep this hospital up and running.” Jessica straightened her back and stood up straight while keeping a firm grip on the list of things she knew she needed to cover by the time the meeting is going to be over. “Now, if you’ll please listen to some of the ideas I have written down, we can start brainstorming some ideas of how to approach this problem.”


Hearing those words made the doctors feel at ease.


“It’s a great night to save the hospital, people.” Derek smiled.


— — — — —


“Can you hand me some headache meds and water please?” Sooyoung made her way to the office’s lobby couch and sprawled herself onto it. “I swear, Yul, with all these phone calls, I forget that there’s more to life than just being a secretary.”


Yuri laughed and pulled up a chair next to her friend, “You just need to remember that we’re also the accountants and the person who makes sure that Ppany gets what she needs when she needs it.” She handed her friend two pills and a water bottle. 


“But do you ever hear a thank you from her?” The taller woman of the two slowly sat up and took the things out of her best friend’s hands, “I mean, I know that she’s under a lot of stress right now and she’s my best friend and all, but I need to know that I’m appreciated.”


“You are being appreciated,” Yuri leaned back on her chair and rested her feet on the couch. “You just don’t hear it.”


“What’s that supposed to mean?”


“When she says things like ‘What do you guys wanna eat? I’ll go get it for you, don’t worry about where it’s at’ or ‘I already made your coffee, it’s on the counter.’” Yuri tilted her head back and took a deep breath. “She cares, she just doesn’t outright say things like that because she had never been a person in tuned with her emotional side.”


Sooyoung fell silent. The dim light in the lobby at 1AM was the only light at the moment. Tiffany and Jessica were still having a meeting with the doctors and neither of them wanted to interrupt them because of how important their meetings were. Every second counted.


Yuri’s soft snoring could be heard. Her head was still tilted back and her arms were crossed, but was slightly hanging open. Sooyoung laughed and transferred Yuri to the couch and moved herself to the chair her friend had pulled up earlier. All those nights of working so late and answering phone calls finally got to her. Sooyoung would never admit it out loud, but she knew that Yuri was better at their job than she ever would be. She was a better people-person, more efficient, always willing to go the extra mile and always there when the office needed her the most. She deserved to complain more about their best friend than she did. And, Yuri was always letting her take the credit for everything she did. She, apparently, didn’t really like all the attention that she knew Tiffany would be giving her and deep down inside Sooyoung, herself, wanted that appreciation from Tiffany.


Ever since they were in high school, Sooyoung always had a lingering feeling that Tiffany had like Yuri more than her as a friend. Of course, she knew that it was impossible, but she still couldn’t help but shake the feeling off. If she had told Yuri this, she knew for a fact that she would get the beating of a lifetime for thinking the way she did. Over the years of their friendship, she also figured out that Tiffany was a lot more protective over her and Yuri, but she always tend to lean in more towards Yuri.


“Are you okay?” A voice asked out of sheer concern.


Sooyoung’s head moved in the direction of the voice, “Ppany? How was the meeting?”


“It was fine.” Tiffany moved and sat on the floor. Her legs went underneath the chair Sooyoung was sitting on and rest her head on her best friend’s lap. “Are you okay?” She repeated.


“I’m fine,” Sooyoung laughed. “You worry about me too much.”


“Of course, I worry,” Tiffany looked up and rolled her eyes, “You guys have been staying up late and coming to work early. Yuri’s passed out on the couch and you’re sitting here spacing out. You two deserve a break.”


Sooyoung patted the head that was on her lap, “You need a break. You need it more than any of us do right now.”


“Goodnight, Steph,” A few voices simultaneously said as they filed out of one of the conference rooms.


“Goodnight, guys,” Tiffany lazily waved.


“No fair!” Ailee leaned back on her chair and grunted. “We bust our assess in the office day in and day out and in one fell swoop, Jessica somehow gets to assist on this firm’s first biggest case!”


“You got to assist me on the case, remember?” Amber patted her friend’s shoulder.


Tiffany and Sooyoung looked at each other. “They’ve been like this all night.”


“What do you mean?” Tiffany pulled herself off the floor and made her way into the other conference room. “Have they been yelling like this all night?”


“You could say that,” Sooyoung shrugged and followed behind her.


“Yeah, but that was a minor case even though we won.” Ailee motioned Minho to pour her another shot of vodka. “Even though Jessica had dropped out of the case, she was able to get her hands on something that was bigger and better. Let’s face it, guys, we’re not cut out to play varsity.” Ailee glumly gulped the shot of alcohol.


“She’s right, ya know.” Minho filled up his red cup halfway with vodka and orange juice for the other half. “Sica is so good that it makes me sick-ah.”


“How much have you two had?” Amber gave her two friends a look.


“Just enjoy this while we can,” Minho took two big gulps of his cup and winced at how strong the taste of alcohol in his mouth. “God, can you believe that we all started this job at the same time, but Jung is getting all the big varsity cases? And the ing sad part is that we practically studied the business side of the law far more than she has. I mean, the girl has a Criminal Justice Law Degree while the three of us have MBAs, Business Law Degrees and being Civil Rights Attorneys and going to the Political Science Academy in London. If anything, Liu should be in there too.”


“You’re right,” Ailee filled up three shot glasses of vodka and downed all three in one go. “This is really depressing. Three business lawyers sitting in the conference room, drinking the booze Minho decided to sneak in after the first week of being hired with nothing. Jung is able to work on one of the firm’s first biggest case while the three of us is drinking alcohol in the dark because we’d get our assess beaten if Boss ever finds out that we’re drinking in the conference room.”


“Our lives aren’t so bad,” Amber defended. “At least we have a roof over our heads and we have a stable job with a stable income.”


“Our lives are just full of rainbows and unicorns that glitter.” Ailee took another shot and wildly shook her head. “That last one really hit the spot.”


“How many have you had?” Amber refilled the three shot glasses and started drinking again.


“Yeah,” Tiffany crossed her arms and glared at her lawyers, “How many have you had, Ailee?”


“Enough to know that if an emergency were to arise, I can still operate heavy machinery like a truck with the impending zombie apocalypse, but still drunk enough to want to sleep with Minho and somewhat find him attractive.” Ailee raised her glass in Tiffany’s direction and grinned, “Cheers, Boss.”


Amber blinked several times and tried to see what Ailee was talking about. Minho was struggling to keep his eyes open. He was lying on his left side with the red cup empty in front of him. The tall man had his shirt ed and a hand was in his pants.


Sooyoung and Tiffany sighed at the three drunkards. Since Sooyoung was still unable to carry heavy things because of her leg, she was forced to take care of two that was still somewhat conscious. Tiffany had pulled up a rolling chair next to Minho and rolled him to his side.


“Yah,” Tiffany smacked his back, “I need you to sit on this chair so I can roll you to the car.”


“What’s going on here?” Jessica’s voice sounded at the door.


“You’re friends decided to get drunk in the conference room after work hours and now we’re trying to get them in the car,” Tiffany answered.


“I’ll take Amber. Yuri, you can take Ailee.” Jessica offered. “Boss, I already put everything away. I’m gonna type the rest up tomorrow morning when I get here and give you a hard copy of the final proposal by the end of the day.”


“Nice work, Jung.” Tiffany gave her a nod in approval.


“Minho’s not attractive!” Amber scoffed.


“I mean, he’s a y beast!” Ailee exclaimed. Amber gave her an are-you-serious look, which somehow seemed to have brought Ailee back to her senses. “You’re right. I’m drunk and possibly .”


— — — — —


“How the hell are we supposed to get this man-child to his room?” Tiffany groaned as she saw that there were 18 steps between Minho and his bedroom.


“Put him in the closet?” Yuri shrugged, keeping a firm grip on Ailee’s waist.


“I’ll help you carry him,” Jessica offered.


“That’d be nice,” Tiffany laughed.


“Once I put Ailee in bed, I’ll order some pizza with bacon on the crust. I feel like we all deserve it tonight,” Yuri said as she easily picked Ailee up and headed to her bedroom.


“Wahh~ my princess charming, Kwon Yuri is here to sweep me off my feet!” She cupped Yuri’s cheeks and gave her a drunken smile. “You’re so hot, I could mouth kiss you right now.”


“I’ll make it to bed, Sooyoung.” Amber groggily said. “Just make sure I don’t fall down the stairs when I walk up them, okay?”


“Alright,” Sooyoung laughed. “I’ll be right behind you if you feel yourself starting to fall.”


“You wanna take his arms or his legs?” Tiffany asked. Minho’s back was on her calves and she could feel his sitting on her feet.


“I’ll take his feet,” Jessica stretched her shoulders out and popped her neck. “Let’s do this.”


Yuri walked past them with her cellphone pressed against her ear, “Yes…uh huh… Four large bacon crusted pizza with everything on it…hold on a second…” She stopped in front of Jessica, “How do you like your pizza?”


“Anything is fine,” Jessica answered.


“Alright.” Yuri went back to talking on the phone and disappeared in the kitchen.


“We should just leave him in the hall,” Tiffany put him on the carpet floor and rested her hands on her hips. “Let me just go get some pillows and a blanket for him.”


“You were serious?” Jessica called after her as Tiffany’s figure disappeared in a linen closet. “Okay. She really was serious.”


“Can you lift his head please?” Tiffany knelt beside him and placed a pillow underneath the sleeping head and put a blanket over him to keep him warm through out the night. 


“Pizza’s here!” Yuri shouted in the kitchen.


“Let’s hope he doesn’t get cold in the morning,” Tiffany shrugged and walked downstairs.


“We’re seriously just going to leave him here?” 


“Yeah,” Tiffany nodded. “You’re seriously gonna leave pizza for him?”


Jessica shrugged and nodded, “You’re right.”


Yuri and Sooyoung had already made themselves comfortable by sitting on both edges of the brown leather living room couch. The T.V was , but it wasn’t loud enough to be heard all the way upstairs. There were four wine glasses set up on coasters on the glass coffee table in the middle of the room. The flat screen was five feet off the ground with a long brown table underneath it with drawers that held all of Sooyoung, Yuri and Tiffany’s favorite movies and TV shows. The speakers were hidden in the cabinets on either side of the brown table under the flat screen, which also had drawers that CDs scattered inside.


Tiffany walked to the coffee table and poured herself a glass of white wine. “Do you prefer white or red wine?” She looked over at Jessica who was still awkwardly standing at the bottom of the stairs. 


“White wine, please.” She answered.


“What are you doing just standing there, Jung?” Yuri motioned her over. “Come sit down and grab a drink. Your pizza is gonna start getting cold.”


Jessica slowly made her way to the living room, knowing full well that this was her Boss’s house she was at and she was with her two best friends. Keeping those thoughts in mind, she suddenly was fully aware that this was her Boss’s house that she was eating her pizza at in. Her boss had paid for the food. She was sitting on the carpet that was sitting on. A lot of things started racing through her head that somehow made her slightly dizzy. 


Although it had been two months since she had started working for Tiffany, her crush for her started occurring a couple of weeks ago who she saw Tiffany pacing back and forth around the office with her hands on her hips. It was something she had noticed the other woman would do whenever she was in deep thought about something. She had been doing a lot of those recently ever since the doctors have practically been on her back about trying to persuade the Hospital Board to keep the hospital and not have a foreign investor buy it.


“What’d I miss?” Tiffany’s voice interrupted her deep thoughts.


“Nothing really,” Yuri took bite of her pizza. “So far, Rachel meets this Melissa girl that she apparently made out with back in the day. Phoebe doesn’t believe her because she’s too vanilla and didn’t know she was a lesbian, so now she’s gonna go meet up with this chick.”


“I think Rachel is too vanilla.” Sooyoung nodded. “She hasn’t really done anything to impress me, except for the fact that Reese Witherspoon and Cristina Applegate are her sisters in the show.”


“I like Rachel.” Tiffany commented.


“But not as much as Joey and Phoebe,” Yuri took a swig of her beer. 


“She’s always had a thing for the crazy and weird ones,” Sooyoung nudged Jessica’s shoulder and laughed.


“Do you watch Friends?” Yuri asked Jessica.


“I do,” She replied.


“Are you oaky?” Tiffany gave her a worried look.


“Yeah, I just texted my little sister and told her not to worry about me tonight.” Jessica nodded. “I think I’m just a little tired, is all.”


“You wanna go sleep in my room for the night?” Tiffany offered.


“H-huh?” Jessica stuttered, thankful that the living room was dark so her boss and her friends couldn’t see her blushing.


“Yeah,” Tiffany nodded. “You deserve a good night’s rest. Go and sleep on my bed. I’ll probably just crash in Sooyoung’s or Yuri’s room or something. It’s really no big deal. Let me just go get you some clothes to wear tonight.” Tiffany stood up and started walking to her bedroom.


“Did that seriously just happen?” Jessica asked her two friends.


“That’s Ppany for you,” Yuri shrugged. “It’s her way of saying, ‘Thank you for everything that you’ve done for me these past couple of days. I know that it’s been super hard on you and I want you to have the break that you deserve.’”


“Enjoy it while you can, Jung.” Sooyoung raised her wine glass and hit Yuri’s beer bottle. “Trust me, she only does that to people she actually likes, otherwise, we would’ve have just dropped you off at your apartment after the meeting.”


“Jung?” Tiffany called from her bedroom.


“Should I?” Jessica’s eyes widened in fear.


“Go to the woman you love,” Sooyoung said dramatically with her arms outstretched.


“Wh-what?” She cursed herself for stuttering like an idiot all night.


“You’re too obvious about everything, Jung.” Yuri laughed. “Just be glad Ppany is clueless when it comes to these kinds of things.”


“Go before she gets mad,” Sooyoung urged.




The way up those 18 steps seemed to have been the longest 18 steps in Jessica’s life. The wooden walls started to fascinate her. She was seeing Tiffany’s life unfold before her eyes. At the bottom of the stairs, there was a picture of her, Sooyoung and Yuri in cap and gowns with smiles plastered all over their faces. Next to it was the same college graduate Tiffany with two other women and two men who looked like her, making Jessica assume that they were her siblings and standing next to them was their father. The younger version of Tiffany was a little taller than her, the other woman had short hair, but she and Tiffany looked like they were about the same height, but when you looked closer, Tiffany was a tad bit taller. The man was definitely taller than the rest of them, which was clear to see that he was the brother. Their father had some grey hairs and little bit of a beard that also had some grey hair on it. 


Next was what seemed to look like Tiffany, Sooyoung and Yuri in high school; the three of them were sitting at a round table sitting with two other boys. One had red hair and the other one had black hair slicked back.


The next picture was Tiffany in the middle of waving at someone, maybe the person behind the camera taking the picture, but she had a really big smile on her face with her backpack strapped tightly behind her. She looked like she was around 11 or 12, Jessica assumed that it was her first day of middle school. 


The next picture was a smaller version of Tiffany, and there was another girl taller than her, probably the older sister, and a boy taller than the two girls, probably the older brother, and a woman was cradling  a baby in her arms, probably the younger sister. 


Next to it was a black and white picture of the family of 6. Her parents were standing behind the kids. The older brother was cradling the baby while Tiffany and her older sister had their little arms around their big brother.


“My older brother’s name is Leo, he’s 38. My older sister’s name is Michelle, she’s 32. My little sister’s name is Evelyn, she’s 20.” Tiffany had been standing at the top of the stairs, observing Jessica’s movements. 


“Sorry, I didn’t mean to pry.” Jessica sheepishly looked down.


“That’s okay,” Tiffany smiled, “Minho, Ailee and Amber know who they are, it only seems fair that you know who those people on my hallway is.”


“How come your mom isn’t in any of the pictures later on?” Jessica walked up the stairs.


Tiffany lost her smile, “She died a couple of years after Evelyn was born.”


“I’m sorry to hear that,” Jessica said softly.


“That’s okay.” Tiffany took a deep breath and led Jessica to her room. “I hope that the clothes fit you, but if they don’t, I’ll go borrow some of Yuri’s or Sooyoung’s since they’re a smaller size than me. If you need to shower, feel free to go ahead. Sooyoung had this habit of buying unused underwear in case we have people stay the night and take showers in the morning. If you open the third drawer, there should be an unopened box of underwear and socks and things like that. Make yourself at home and I’ll see you in the morning.”


“Thank you again.” Jessica smiled.


“You deserve a break,” Tiffany repeated. “Good night.”


“Good night,” Jessica waved and watch the door close.


She let out a big sigh and sat on the edge of the bed. Looking around, she noticed that Tiffany had a lot of pictures of family and friends scattered around her bedroom. From the looks of it, the other woman probably missed her family back home. On her bedside was a picture of Tiffany and her siblings with their mother. Jessica felt her heart sink when she saw it. Tiffany had a really big smile even though she had a tooth missing. She was tightly hugging her mom, a smaller girl looked like she was in tears because her older sister was hogging her mom. The other older sister was tugging on her mother’s while the older brother was just standing there, watching the entire scene unfold before his eyes.


“Oh dear, God.” Jessica was suddenly aware of where she was. Seeing all the pictures in the bedroom, she knew that she shouldn’t be snooping around her Boss’s bedroom. She was already nice enough to give her a ride, buy her pizza, give her wine and offer her bedroom.


A smile suddenly crept on Jessica’s face, “I’m in her bedroom.”


She laid down and wrapped herself around the blanket that smelt like Tiffany. “It smells like her.” A huge grin was on her face as she fell asleep, “Cherry blossoms.”

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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 17: I was here rereading this fic of yours... Wherever you are... Please be happy and healthy, I love ur story =D
otnine0922 #2
Chapter 17: Author ssi will you still comeback???????? Pls comeback and continue your story!!!!!
It's been 3 years. I hope you come back :<<<
Just found this... Sadly u haven't log in more than a year... Hope u will comeback someday and finish this...
Chapter 17: Just finish re-reading again 'cause I miss this story so much. Are you busy? When are you planing to update this story?
KalakiMae #6
Chapter 17: Please update again soon I miss this story
Chapter 17: Where are you author-nim? I really miss this story. Update soon please~~~
Chapter 17: Please update soon. I want to see the progression of jeti
Chapter 17: Update juseyoooooo its my second time re-reading this since yesterday TT TT i'm thirsty for new updatessss
Chapter 17: Eeek JeTi are so cute! But gosh I can understand where both Tiffany and Jessica are coming from...but I loved how Tiffany convinced her to stay, that was beautiful Hahaha. And Jessica is forever adorable! Can't believe so much happened in Tiffany's past and it all comes back every year on that day :( but Jessica is there for her~ love JeTi forever! And OMG the bathroom scene was so funny XD love those three Hahaha. Awesome chapter, honestly super excited for the next update, just love your writing and fic so much :) it never fails to keep me wanting more!