My Boss Is Weird

My Boss Is Weird

“The Wicked is dead.” A stack of files were dumped on the pillow next to the woman sleeping on the bed.


“What?” The sleeping woman mumbled under her pillow.


“Wake up.” The figure shook the woman under the covers. “Soo is already making food. Waffles and something else. I forgot.”


“How do you forget?” She stretched in bed and slowly sat up. “The Wicked is dead?”


The tan beauty crossed her arms, “Your step-mom finally moved out of your dad’s condo.”


“About damn time.” She started looking through the files that were placed on her bed. “What are these?”


“The ’s case in a little more depth. Amber emailed those to me last night. She’s a hard worker, Ppany. Check the time she sent it.”


“Huh. 2:47AM,” Tiffany nodded in approval. “I need people like her working on my future cases.”


“Let’s hope Jessica is on top of everything too.”






“Can we stop by a coffee shop before we head to work?”




“I wanna buy the new interns some coffee.” Tiffany smiled at her friend.


“Are we gonna be on time this time?”


“Only if we hurry.”


“You’re lucky we’re room mates.” Yuri shoved Tiffany’s head back in the pillow and walked out of her room.


Tiffany groaned and rolled over to the other side of the bed. “Some room mates I have.”


— — — — —


Footsteps were barely heard over the sound of sizzling bacon and the aroma of waffles wandered in the apartment house. The wide sliding door was wide open as the sun burst into the kitchen’s wooden floor. Sooyoung was in the kitchen cooking their breakfast while Yuri sat at the table looking through the newspaper. Tiffany looked around her living room and frowned.


“What’s wrong, Hwang?” Yuri sipped her coffee and flipped to the next page.


“I think we should redecorate.” Tiffany went to the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee.


“You say that whenever you think about inviting guests over.” Sooyoung walked up with a plate of bacon, waffles stacked up, eggs and sausage and placed them on the table.


“I’m just saying that a little change isn’t always a bad thing.” She defended. The woman walked over to the kitchen and got the jug of orange juice out of the fridge. “We’ve always talked about redecorating so why not do it sometime this month?”


“Because your firm is just starting to pick up, you have four employees to worry about and you still have to make a name for yourself. You have a lot more things to worry about than redecorating the living room.” Sooyoung took some bacon and waffles.


“She’s right,” Yuri added. “Besides, you should be reading up on this case.” 


Tiffany clicked her tongue and open the case files, “Isn’t there a law somewhere about natural and unnatural with a child?”


“Hey, don’t look at us.” Sooyoung opened her hands in defense. “We’re just two assistants who just happen to live with our boss.”


“Who has also been friends with their boss ever since her mother died 15 years ago.” Tiffany rolled her eyes and sipped her coffee once again.


“You, Youngie,” Yuri said as she finished off her cup of coffee, “need to hurry up so we can leave and get to work on time before our boss yells at us.”


“I’m sure your boss won’t mind you two showing up a couple hours late,” Tiffany grinned behind her coffee cup.


“I’m sure she won’t, but the interns are going to show up all confused and wonder why the office isn’t open and if they’re supposed to even be there today.” Yuri stood up and headed for her room.


“Were you supposed to have a point imbedded in there?” Tiffany called out.


Sooyoung shook her head and finished her food, “You two will be the early death of me, if not Taeyeon.”


“What’s wrong with Tae?” Tiffany flipped through her case file papers.


“I’m just saying that she’s just after your money.” Sooyoung defended.


“Look, she’s just coming to the office for lunch. She’s not going interfere, she’s not going say anything stupid and she certainly isn’t going steal money from me.” Tiffany defended.


“Wake up and smell the green, Ppany.” Sooyoung leaned back from her chair. “Where was your last date on?”


“We went on a midnight ferry ride on the Han River, what about it?”


“Do you realize how much money that ferry ride alone cost?”


“How much?”


“It cost us the ability to redecorate our living room.”




“I’ll see you at work.”


— — — — — 


“Gotta go. Gotta go. Gotta go.” An average height woman with a petite figure kept repeating as she frantically ran around her apartment grabbing and stuffing whatever she deemed useful in her satchel. “Gotta go. Gotta go. Gotta go.”


“Unnie?” A teenager a bit taller than her suddenly popped her head out of the kitchen doorway. “Why are you in such a hurry?”


“Already late. Can’t talk. Gotta go!”


“Sica Unnie!” Her little sister called.


“What, Krystal?” The brunette stopped in her tracks and glared at the head sticking out of the kitchen doorway.


“Today is the musical. Don’t forget, okay?”


“I won’t forget.” Jessica gave her a reassuring smile. “Okay. Gotta go!”


“What about breakfast?!” Krystal called out.


“Gotta go!” Jessica grabbed her keys near the door and rushed out of her apartment.


“I made her favorite breakfast too.” Krystal sulked and looked at the hard work she had created and worked so hard on. She even woke up early just to make her sister’s breakfast. “Well, might as well make her some lunch and bring it to her work.” She smiled and began to eat her breakfast.


Meanwhile, Jessica was tapping her foot on the metallic part of the bus. Her hands were sweaty in anticipation. It was already bad enough as it was to be late on the very first day of her job, but it was even worse that since she had been helping Krystal with her homework, she forgot to do research on the case her boss had assigned. She groaned and started to look through her phone to find some last minute facts that she can jot down on a notepad.


She dug through her satchel to find a pen and something to write on. She didn’t care what it was just as long as she would be able to read it later on at the luncheon meeting with her boss and the rest of the staff later this afternoon. Just her luck. Her phone was at 37% and the bus ride was only going to be about a 20 minute one. Sighing for the millionth time that morning, she pulled out her phone and began to write any kind of information she possibly could find about this case. She just needed to keep her boss happy so she can keep the job and keep her little sister, Krystal, fed.


“You look busy.” A voice said. There was a rustle of things on her left side as the figure sat down next to her. “What’s that?”


Jessica looked up and saw a blonde with perfect teeth and a smile that made the sun look dull.


“Are you deaf?” The girl tilted her head to the side and gave her a worried look.


“Oh!” Jessica finally snapped out of the trance. “I’m just doing some last minute research for this thing my boss assigned me to.”


“So you are busy?” The voice asked again.


“Not really. I’m just all over the place today.” 


The woman laughed, “I can tell.” 


Even her laugh was graceful. Jessica felt herself melt into the woman’s eyes and that laugh made her seem more enticing. Why was she being like this all of a sudden? And for a stranger? This was nothing like her at all. She was usually always so well put-together when it came to her emotions. Why was this woman any different?


“I was too busy last night helping my little sister with her homework that I completely forgot about my own.” Jessica confessed.


“Are you in college?” The woman asked as she eyed Jessica up and down.


Since the law firm’s dress code wasn’t even close to formal or casual, she had decided to go with skinny jeans, a white tank top with a red and black plaid button up with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. The satchel slung over she shoulder didn’t seem to help her appearance look a lot younger than she really was.


“I’m not in college,” Jessica laughed. “I’m actually heading to work.”


“What kind of adult goes to work looking like a teenager about to start their first day of college?”


“The type of has a boss that doesn’t really care what the employees wear.” She remarked.


“Well played.” The woman smiled.


“I’m Jessica by the way.”


“And this is my stop.” The woman grabbed her purse and started to get off the seat.


“What’s your name?” Jessica looked at her frantically.


“I have a feeling that we’re gonna see each other tomorrow morning, Jessica.” The woman smiled and got off the bus.


Jessica looked out the window and observed the surrounding. Since the beautiful woman had gotten on the bus a little after she had and got off the bus earlier than her, she knew that she was living close by. She didn’t know where exactly, but close enough to where if Jessica just happen to go the nearby convenient store, she might run into the woman again, but only by complete chance. As much as she wanted to believe the beautiful woman’s words, she knew that she couldn’t let herself be that hopeful. After all, not a lot of lesbians are willing to show their true form in a place like Korea and Jessica wasn’t about to let that part of her life come out, or at least not yet anyway. She had a little sister and a career to worry about. The last thing she needed were ignorant people gossiping behind her back.


— — — — —


“What do you think you’re doing?” An angry voice asked from behind her.


“Sunny!” Tiffany jumped. She turned around and saw a short woman holding a wooden spoon with her arms on her hips. “I can explain.”


“You better start talking before I whack your with what I’m holding.” The short blonde haired woman glared at the taller woman crouched in front of her.


“I was looking for a few things to buy for my new interns at the law firm.” Tiffany quickly said. “It’s their first day on the job and I wanted them to feel comfortable and actually want to keep working at Hwang Law Firm. I was only going to buy doughnuts I swear!”


“You and Taeyeon aren’t going to have in the back room again are you?” Sunny narrowed her eyes at Tiffany.


“Scout’s honor,” Tiffany held up her three fingers with her left hand and marked a cross over her heart with her right hand. “It was very cold and a terrible idea to begin with.”


“Don’t you ever think about having in the back room ever again!” Sunny screeched. “Do I make myself clear, Stephanie Young Hwang?!”


“Yes, ma’am!”


“Are you harassing my girlfriend again?” A familiar voice chuckled.


“I have to harass your girlfriend.” Sunny defended. “How else is she going to learn to not have in the back room?”


“When are you gonna let that go?” The figure walked inside the shop and placed her things behind the counter. “It was a bad idea to begin with, plus it was cold.”


“That’s what I said.” Tiffany agreed.


“I know, babe.” Tiffany was pulled into a hug and a familiar pair of loving lips met hers. “What brings you by?”


“Ew.” Sunny made gagging noises as she walked away from the couple.


“I just wanted to buy some doughnuts and decent food for my new interns.” Tiffany wrapped her arms around her girlfriend’s neck. “Tae?”




“Are you still coming to have lunch with me?” She asked cutely.


Taeyeon smiled, “Of course, Mushroom. Why would I even say no?”


“I was just making sure.”


“Kim Taeyeon!” A voice roared. “You are going to spend your entire lunch break cleaning this entire mess up!”


“What mess?” Taeyeon yelled, still keeping Tiffany in her embrace.


“The one you and that other , Hyoyeon made last night!” Sunny’s enraged face popped up from the small window behind the counter. “You two decided to stay late and clean up, but this is not what clean is supposed to look like. It looks even messier than when I left last night! How can you call this clean? Everything is out of order! You better call your partner in crime and tell her to bring her early to work because this isn’t going to slide.”


Taeyeon buried her face in her girlfriend’s chest. “I knew volunteering to clean that kitchen up was going to be hell.”


Tiffany giggled at her girlfriend’s actions, “It’s okay. We can always have dinner, right?”


Taeyeon lifted her head up and kissed her girlfriend’s lips, “Dinner sounds nice.”


The taller woman slipped out her the embrace, “I should get going. Yul and Youngie are going to get mad at me again for being late.”


“The first time wasn’t your fault, that was mine.” Taeyeon kept raising her eyebrow and shot Tiffany a goofy look.


“It was also your fault that I ended up wearing your sweats to work because you decided to rip my favorite blouse.”


“Once again, I apologize. That was my favorite blouse on you too.”


“I really should get going now.” Tiffany planted one more kiss on Taeyeon’s lips and started heading back to her car that was parked in front of the store. “You should really tell me when you work so I can just take you. I’d feel a lot better driving you than having you take the bus every single morning.”


“It’s alright,” Taeyeon smiled. “I made a new friend on that bus. I’ll be okay, I promise.”


“No funny business, Kim Taeyeon, okay?”


“I love you.” Taeyeon smiled.


“I love you too.”

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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 17: I was here rereading this fic of yours... Wherever you are... Please be happy and healthy, I love ur story =D
otnine0922 #2
Chapter 17: Author ssi will you still comeback???????? Pls comeback and continue your story!!!!!
It's been 3 years. I hope you come back :<<<
Just found this... Sadly u haven't log in more than a year... Hope u will comeback someday and finish this...
Chapter 17: Just finish re-reading again 'cause I miss this story so much. Are you busy? When are you planing to update this story?
KalakiMae #6
Chapter 17: Please update again soon I miss this story
Chapter 17: Where are you author-nim? I really miss this story. Update soon please~~~
Chapter 17: Please update soon. I want to see the progression of jeti
Chapter 17: Update juseyoooooo its my second time re-reading this since yesterday TT TT i'm thirsty for new updatessss
Chapter 17: Eeek JeTi are so cute! But gosh I can understand where both Tiffany and Jessica are coming from...but I loved how Tiffany convinced her to stay, that was beautiful Hahaha. And Jessica is forever adorable! Can't believe so much happened in Tiffany's past and it all comes back every year on that day :( but Jessica is there for her~ love JeTi forever! And OMG the bathroom scene was so funny XD love those three Hahaha. Awesome chapter, honestly super excited for the next update, just love your writing and fic so much :) it never fails to keep me wanting more!