My Boss Is Weird

My Boss Is Weird

8 AM


“Where are you?”


“I’m on my way, don’t worry.” The voice on the other line laughed.


“You tell me not to worry, but I always end up worrying.” The other once scolded. “You’re hiring new people to your new firm. Shouldn’t you try to at least be on time?”


The other person on the other line smiled, “Where’s the fun in that?”


“This is no time to be having fun.” The first voice frowned. “Your company, your responsibility.”


“As your best friend, I’m telling you to just head over there and make sure that everyone is nice and comfortable.” 


“Hwa—“ but the other caller had already hung up.




— — — — —


9:30 AM


“Where is she?” A tall, slender woman in a business suit whispered to the other woman.


“I have no idea.” The tall, tan beauty had replied.


“She was supposed to be here 30 minutes ago.”




I’ll be little late



The two women looked at each other and then at the four people sitting in the other room.


“We gotta do what we gotta do.” The tan beauty sighed.


“I’m tired of dealing with her .” The taller one grumbled. “She owes us big time.”


The taller one of the two had worn a black pencil skirt with a black blazer with a white button up and tied it all with a brown belt along with a gold statement necklace hung loosely around her neck. Her blood red high heels made her look stern. The tall, tan beauty decided to go with black high waisted pants with a salmon color button up with a black tie with stiletto heels. The grey blazer the tan beauty wore over it made it seem like she was just all work and no play.


The taller one pushed the double doors open with the tan beauty shortly following her.


“We apologize for the wait,” The taller one said, “there was an incident my associate and I had to handle.” The four people sitting in the room shot up and automatically bowed. “Please, have a seat and make yourselves comfortable. My name is Choi Sooyoung and this is my right hand man, Kwon Yuri, well, hypothetically speaking.”


“Hello,” Yuri shifted her gaze at the four people sitting on the desk. 


“Hello,” A man said with short brown hair. “My name is Choi Minho. I am 25 years old with an MBA along with a minor in Economics. I was born and raised here in Korea, but went to school in the United States for a year in a foreign exchange program. I speak English as well as Japanese. Please take care of me.”


“My name is Amy Lee, but please call me Ailee and I’m 25,” A curvy woman spoke up. She had a short stature, but she seemed to have carried herself on a high pedestal. “I had a privilege to go to the Political Science Academy in London for two semesters on a scholarship. Even though I was born and raised in the States, I came to visit Korea quiet often, so I’m well aware of the customs here. I am also fluent in English, Korean and French.”


“No Japanese?” Sooyoung spoke up.


Ailee shook her head, “Unfortunately, no. My university never offered that as a class.”


“Hello everyone, my name is Liu Yiyun, but I’d prefer if you were to call me by my American name, Amber Liu. I’m 24 years old. I am Civil Rights attorney. I am also fluent in English as well as Mandarine and Cantonese. I was born and raised in China, but came here in Korea to further my education.”


The double doors suddenly opened. A girl in swearing gray sweats and an over sized sweatshirt came through. Her hair was up in a ponytail and her glasses seemed to be on the verge of falling off her noise. She sniffled and pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose and walked to the open seat in between Yuri and Sooyoung. 


“I brought you all breakfast.” She held up a small bag and dumped the contents on the table. A half eaten blueberry muffin, crumpled tissue papers and a fork rolled out. “I hope you’re all hungry.”


The four sitting across the table stared at the contents of the bag. What this some sort of joke?


“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt your introductions,” The girl motioned to the last person sitting at the table. “Please continue, Ms. Jung.”


The woman at the edge of the table seemed surprised that the girl sitting across from her new her name. She cleared , “My name is Jung Sooyeon, but please call me Jessica. I’m 26 years old with a Criminal Law degree. I also speak Korean and English, but also French and German.”


The room once again fell silence.


The girl in the sweats looked at Yuri and Sooyoung and smiled, “Shall I introduce myself as well?”


“Might as well, since you showed up an hour late.” Sooyoung scoffed.


“Hello,” The girl stood up. “My name is Stephanie Hwang. I am 26 years old. I graduated with a Business Law degree and an Associates in Political Science. I wasn’t as fortunate as Ms. Lee to have gone to the Political Science Academy, but I graduate with Laude in my class in Konkuk University School of Law. Choi Sooyoung,” She motioned on her right, “she is my go-to person and advisor, so whatever she says goes. To my left,” she motioned on her left, “Kwon Yuri. She handles all our financials, so if you’re going to ask for a raise, please take it up with her. She and Ms. Choi will evaluate and such and such. I think that that’s all of it.”


“You’re forgetting something.” Yuri said.


“I am?” Sooyoung and Yuri nodded. “Oh! I am!” She cleared , “Instead of calling me Stephanie, please call me Tiffany. Ladies and gentleman, congratulations, you are officially part of Hwang Law Firm.”


“Is that usually our dress code?” Minho asked, motioning to Tiffany’s apparel of choice.


She laughed, “It depends. Did you want it to be the dress code?” Tiffany eyed the four sitting across from her.


“Is it?” Ailee asked in a tiny voice.


“I have rules here in this firm. In order for you to be successful, you need to feel comfortable. When you entered, notice how there were couches all over the place and your desk chairs are more comfortable than the usual, of course, if you’re the type who likes wooden chairs, feel free to let one of us know and we can get that taken care of. Back to my point,” Tiffany motioned to Yuri and Sooyoung, “these two are probably uncomfortable in the clothes they are wearing now and would be much happier in more comfortable clothes such as mine. My theory is that happy workers, work harder. That theory has never failed me before and I don’t think that it will fail me now.”


“Get to the point.” Sooyoung scolded.


“I’m getting there, Youngie.” Tiffany held up a finger in Sooyoung’s direction. “Now, when you’re at home, you are the happiest because it’s a place where you can freely wear what you want without judgement. I want this work environment to be just like working at home. As long as you are working, I don’t care what you wear. You can show up to work in a bikini or swim trunks for all I care, just as long as you are somewhat covered up. I know that you are all busy people, so I’m sure laundry is the last thing on your mind. Plus, business suits are expensive enough as if it, so save those for when we actually show up to court. So rule number one, always be comfortable at work. Rule number two, make sure that you are at least covered up. The rule of thumb is that if you’re able to wear it in front of your grandmother, then you can wear it to work. Rule three, I like to start meetings around 12PM only because I like having lunch meetings and it makes work sound like a casual topic and we’ll always have something to talk about at the table.” She smiled. “Sooyoung and Yuri, as I have said before are my go-to people. If you can’t find me, go to them and they will help you in my place. If it’s private matter, please talk to me first and I will personally handle it myself, but keep in mind, they will most likely know your situation as well, I don’t keep anything between the three of us.”


“What exactly are our responsibilities?” Amber asked.


Tiffany shrugged,“I’m a very busy person, as you can already tell. Yul?” She turned her head and faced Yuri. “Can you bring out the files please?” Yuri nodded and left the room. “I already have a case for us. Ms. Jung?”


“Yes?” Jessica made eye contact with Tiffany who smiled back.


“This is a criminal law case,” Tiffany looked around. “You and Ms. Liu will be working closely with this case. You two seems to be the most experienced with cases like these. I have faith in you two that within the next few days, you will be able to educate us before we take this case to court.”


Yuri entered the room with folders in her arms. She circled around the room and handed the new recruits a folder.


“What are we supposed to be doing for the time being?” Minho piped up.


“I need you and Ms. Lee to start doing some research on parental laws and restrictions. This is kind of a tough cookie.”


“What is it?” Ailee asked, flipping through the pages of the files.


“The got his victim pregnant and is seeking parental custody.” The four pairs of eyes shot up and made eye contact with Tiffany’s. “I need you four to start doing your research as soon as you possibly can.”


“When will you like to have some information by?” Amber narrowed her eyes as she eyed the fine print.


“Have something to talk about tomorrow for lunch.” She smiled. “Any more questions?”


Jessica raised her head, “Ms. Hwang?”


“Yes, Ms. Jung?”


“Are you our boss?”


Tiffany smiled, “Yes I am.”

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Jeti48 #1
Chapter 17: I was here rereading this fic of yours... Wherever you are... Please be happy and healthy, I love ur story =D
otnine0922 #2
Chapter 17: Author ssi will you still comeback???????? Pls comeback and continue your story!!!!!
It's been 3 years. I hope you come back :<<<
Just found this... Sadly u haven't log in more than a year... Hope u will comeback someday and finish this...
Chapter 17: Just finish re-reading again 'cause I miss this story so much. Are you busy? When are you planing to update this story?
KalakiMae #6
Chapter 17: Please update again soon I miss this story
Chapter 17: Where are you author-nim? I really miss this story. Update soon please~~~
Chapter 17: Please update soon. I want to see the progression of jeti
Chapter 17: Update juseyoooooo its my second time re-reading this since yesterday TT TT i'm thirsty for new updatessss
Chapter 17: Eeek JeTi are so cute! But gosh I can understand where both Tiffany and Jessica are coming from...but I loved how Tiffany convinced her to stay, that was beautiful Hahaha. And Jessica is forever adorable! Can't believe so much happened in Tiffany's past and it all comes back every year on that day :( but Jessica is there for her~ love JeTi forever! And OMG the bathroom scene was so funny XD love those three Hahaha. Awesome chapter, honestly super excited for the next update, just love your writing and fic so much :) it never fails to keep me wanting more!