
My pain, My comfort

Baekhyun didn't know what came to him.

It was just that Chanyeol's face was so close and Baekhyun felt a sudden wave of heat come across him and that he was really nervous. And he was scared that the other could hear his loud beating heart.

It definitely wasn't because Chanyeol's lips were tempting and that his scent was so alluring and that it just felt so right to kiss him on the spot...

Definitely not...

"Ch-Chanyeol... Please?" Baekhyun asked for the nth time that day.

"No." The other whined childishly wrapping his arms tighter around Baekhyun.

"But I can't make breakfast like this... A-and... I st-still don't trust you..."

"I'm never gonna let go. Ever."

Yes. Since that time when they shared a spark of romance, Chanyeol never left Baekhyun's side.

He was attached to him like super glue.

They were both in the kitchen, one making breakfast (which consisted of eggs and bacon) and the other being completely useless.

"Park Chanyeol. Get away from my favourite dongsaeng."

And that was the only time went Chanyeol would detach himself from the smaller boy.

"Hyung your my saviour..." Baekhyun said hugging Baekbeom.

"You guys didn't do anything last night did you? Like... Putting the key into the lock... If you get what I mean..."

"No! Hyung! Stop thinking dirty! A-and I still... Don't trust him! Yesterday was j-just a... One time th-thing..." Baekhyun said hiding behind his Hyung.

Chanyeol would be lying if he said the words didn't hurt.

"Baekhyunnie, you're no fun. Gosh just accept the fact that you like this abnormally long tree."

"Tree?" Chanyeol repeated.

"Yeah. Tree. You're a tree right?"

"I think you need glasses Hyung." Baekhyun said, "But yeah... Is it me or can you smell something burning?"

"Oh I can smell that too..."

The three turned to the face the cooker.

"Should we call an ambulance?"

"What are they ever gonna do?"

"No as in... I feel sorry for that egg... Like they can treat the burn right?"

"Baekhyun my dear child, you have a long way to go."

"... Okay..."

"Well? Why are we still standing like potatoes watching a fricking egg burn?" Chanyeol said.

"... Who knows. Oh well."

"Hyung! What kind of answer is that!? Turn the hob off then!"

"Oh, right,"

"Chanyeol, open the Windows."

"Yes sir!"

"Poor egg has gone to waste... It's all your fault Hyung!"

"Me? What did I do?"

"You distracted me! I thought I told you to never step into the kitchen ever again!"

"That was at home!"

"I don't care! Never take a step into the kitchen ever again."

"Fiesty... And beside, at least I helped get the tree off you."

"Well... A-at least he wasn't distracting me!"

"He was."

"N-no he wasn't..."

"What this Baek? Taking your boyfriends side... Tch."

"I'm not..."

"And here I thought they said 'bros before hoes'... What a load of bull."

"Hey! I ain't a hoe!" Chanyeol yelled out.

"Hyung. Just shut up and get out of the kitchen and let me finish making breakfast!"

"Okay, okay I'm going. But just... Kick him out too. Who knows what he'll do to you when I'm not around..."

"Out. And not another word from you."

Baekhyun sighed.

They're such a handful...

Men these days don't know how to do anything.

Baekhyun sighed as he looked at the burnt egg in the pan. He felt arms wrap around his torso from behind.

"Chanyeol, seriously stop,"

"Is what you said true?"


"That... It was just a one time thing?"

"Uh..." Baekhyun pinched his lips together. He turned around to face the giant. "I... It... Um..."


"I... I th-thought you just used me to relieve y-your stress... Li-like you used to do... A-and besides... I'm straight. As straight a-as a pen...cil"

"Stupid. 'Straight as a pencil' my ." Chanyeol whispered kissing the other.

"I ing love you..." He said in between kisses.

Tears fell from Baekhyuns eyes. "I... I'm sorry... I want to, but I still can't trust you..."

"Why? I won't ever hurt you..."

"I'm still scared of you."

"Don't be."

"It's hard."

"I know... But still Baek..."


"Then... Start by calling me whatever you want to call me..."


"Trust me... Call me by whatever you want,"

"I... I can't..."

"Baek... Please."

"I... Then... Y-Yeollie?"

"Perfect," Chanyeol husked making the smaller blush. "Treat me however you want... Do whatever you want to me... Baekhyun."

The taller kept advancing onto the smaller. 

"Ch- I mean... Y-Yeollie..."


"Y-you're too close..." Baekhyun whispered staring into Chanyeol's clouded eyes.

"Yeah you're too close. Seriously. Chanyeol-ah, get away from my brother."

"But Hyung I thought you didn't mind." Chanyeol said his eyes never leaving Baekhyun's.

"Well I don't when you guys are not in front of me but when you guys are then you have to be three meters apart."

"Hyung that's not fair..."

"What? It's not my fault Baekhyun got someone before me and it definitely doesn't make me jealous when you guys share the love together. Definitely not..."

"Hyung you just made it obvious. Well you've brought home many girls and I'm sure you've kissed thousands of people before me so yeah. We're even."

"Yeah yeah whatever, is breakfast done yet? I'm hungry?"

"Give me a few minutes." Baekhyun said wriggling out of Chanyeols grasp and getting things ready.

"Chanye- I-I mean... Y-Yeo-Yeollie..." Baekhyun mumbled. "Can you take these to Hyung?"

"Sure," Chanyeol said taking the plates and walking out of the kitchen.

Breakfast was silent again like the day before. They ate, dumped their dishes in the sink and then relaxed.

"Three meters away." Baekbeom said falling onto the couch between the two. "And besides, now's not the time to be all lovey-dovey with each other."

"That's true..." Baekhyun sighed. "Hyung what do we do?"

"I'm not really sure yet."

"Well, they want Baekhyun to die and for you, Hyung, to pay the money your father couldn't." Chanyeol said getting a pen and notebook out from a nearby cupboard.

"Well if we think about it, it's mainly Mr Kim who wants you dead. Suho just wants to toy with me and Luhan too. But we'll, Luhan is madly in lust with my side man Sehun so I'm not exactly sure about him. About Yixing... He's a little different," Chanyeol said noting things down.

"So who's a threat and who isn't?" Baekhyun asked.

"Well for now, it's safe to assume that all of them are threats, it's just that Luhan and Yixing not as much." Baekbeom said.

"About Suho... He'd basically do anything to make me 'crumble' as he says."

"Oh... Then what do we do?" Baekhyun said.

"Here's what I think should happen..." Chanyeol said noting more things down...


Baekhyun sat out on the veranda that evening watching the moon and stars.

"You must really enjoy being ill."

Baekhyun whipped his head around. "Chan- um... Y-Yeollie..."

"Seriously, at least wrap a blanket around yourself and have a hot drink if you're gonna sit out here,"

"I'm scared."

"I know. We all are but first, wrap a blanket over yourself,"

"Do I have to? You can just warm me up by hugging- I... Forget I said anything..." Baekhyun mumbled.

Chanyeol wrapped his arms around the smaller boy tightly.

"Let's go inside Baek,"

"I want to stay out here."


"I like this feeling. Being a place where you can be free with a beautiful night view... I've been living in the city for my whole life... A change feels good."

"Wow. Okay, then I'll go grab a few things." Cha yeol said walking back into the house...

"I look like a bloody snowman."

"Yeah you do, but you look cute so it's okay,"

"Chanyeol," Baekhyun warned causing he other to burst out laughing.

Baekhyun had thousands of layers of jumpers on him, a scarf wrapped around his neck, two hats on his head and two large cushions against his sides.

"At least you won't get cold," Chanyeol said giving him a light kiss.

"I can't move."

"So? At least you're warm."

Baekhyun huffed and whined. And then an idea came to mind.

"But if I can't move... I won't be able to k-kiss you..."

"I'll just kiss you then, you don't need to move as long as you're warm," Chanyeol smirked.

"Chanyeol!" Baekhyun whined. "At least take three of these jumpers away I can't breathe,"

"Okay, fine, only three though,everything else stays."



They sat in a comforting silence.

"The moon looks really pretty..."

"To me you're more pretty,"

"Stop it, that's so cheesy." Baekhyun laughed.

"But it's true..."

"Chanyeol." Baekhyun said facing the other. "Seriously, I'll get Hyung to drag you three meters away from me."

"That's not fair..." Chanyeol said wrapping the other in his arms. "I won't ever let go of you then. I'll stick to you like a leech."

"Ew, no, get away from me!" Baekhyun laughed.


"Yaa, Park Chanyeol-"

"Okay, three meters! I'm three meters away!" Chanyeol said running in the other direction.

"I wonder why he's scared of you Hyung, you're not even the least bit scary."

"What! I am scary! The grudge is scared of me!"

"Pfft. Shut up Hyung."

"Okay yeah, I seriously don't get why he's so scared of me either, poor child."

"We're gonna have to go back tomorrow right?" Baekhyun said in a low serious tone.

"Yeah. Don't worry little baby, you're Hyung will protect you!"

"No. Just no."

"You really dislike me you."

"Yep. You pretty much summed up my essay of why I you're so useless and annoying and why I hate you so much."

"A stab to the heart. Can't you be more gentle?"

"No, now stop scaring Yeollie away."

"Yeollie? Already have a pet name for him I see,"

"I... N-no... It's... It was a slip of the tongue!"

"Oh really now?"

"Stop it! Chanyeol!"


"Holy you were behind me all that time?" Baekbeom jumped clutching his heart. "Youngsters these days always make their elders suffer..."

"Yeollie... Let's go. Hyung's being mean."

"No wait! Don't leave me please! It's so boring being alone!"

"Then hurry up and find me a nice caring sister who can actually cook."

"Yaa! H-hey! Guys! Please!"

His pleas were ignored as the two disappeared back into the cottage...


"We'll have to go back tomorrow right?" Baekhyun sighed falling onto the bed.

"Yeah. Don't be scared." Chanyeol said joining him.

"Three meters."

"Baekkie that's not fair." 

"Three meters."

"No!" Chanyeol said wrapping all four of his limbs around Baekhyun.

Baekhyun couldn't deny that he felt safe and secure in the other's grasp.


"I'm not leaving."

"No I wasn't gonna tell you to leave."


"I... You're too close."

"Seriously? Get used to it because at this rate I might get closer."


"You ." Chanyeol whispered into the other's ear.

"You're not planning to..."

"I might be. Gosh you smell really yummy and you're so alluring I want you so bad."

"Ch-Chanyeol... You're scaring me..."

There was a slight pause where the two were just breathing.

"You won't... Hurt me right? Or force me to do anything right?" Baekhyun whispered.

"No. I won't. That's 100% guaranteed." Chanyeol said immediately loosening his hold on the other.

"I... Think I'm starting to trust you a little more..." Baekhyun yawned as sleep slowly tamed him.


"We're going back today..."

"Yeah, hopefully things will go right."

The two youngsters woke early, just before the sun rose. They were both laying still on the bed covered with the warm duvets.

"I feel as if... I'm going to... Lose you and Hyung..." Baekhyun whispered bringing his fisted hands to his chest.

"You won't Baekhyun, I'll be right here." Chanyeol whispered placing his large hands over the other's perfectly.

Baekhyun's heart began to beat and flutter from the small contact.

His hands are so big...

"You're hands are really big..."

"Are they? I just thought yours are really small."

"... Then I guess yours are abnormally big while mine are abnormally small." Baekhyun smiled.

The sound of a few birds were heard.

"It's still really early, you should go back to sleep." Chanyeol said wrapping the duvets more tightly around the other.

"I'm not sleepy, you can sleep if you want to."

"I'm not sleepy either."

"Do you want to do anything? To pass time?"

Sudden dirty thoughts flew through Chanyeol's head making the tree blush heavily.


"No? O-okay..."

"Oh, no, sorry I mean is there anything you'd want to do?"

"N-no..." Baekhyun sighed. "Actually... There is..."


"Here." Chanyeol said handing Baekhyun a warm cup of herbal tea.

"Thank you." Baekhyun smiled.

The two quietly snuck out to the front of the house sitting in the middle of a large field of green grass. They were lucky that the elder Byun didn't wake...

"This is pretty normal for me," Chanyeol said taking a seat beside the other.

"But I hear that the sunrise is really beautiful in the country." Baekhyun replied taking a sip of the warm tea.

"I'll let you enjoy it then."

"Stay with me." Baekhun said abruptly grabbing the other's sleeve. "I don't want to be alone..."

"I wasn't gonna leave."

"Oh... Okay." Beakhyun mumbled letting go of Chanyeol's sleeve.

Baekhyun closed his eyes enjoying the peacefulness as he swayed side to side a little.

"Do we have to go back? Can't we stay here?"

"They'll find us here Baek. We have to settle things to assure our safety."

"Then... Once that happens... Can we come back here?"

"If you want. Of course we will. Anything for you."

Baekhyun rested his head on Chanyeol's lap eyes still closed.

"The sun's rising," Chanyeol said the smaller boy's hair absent mindedly.

"It's so pretty." Baekhyun breathed lifting his head off Chanyeols lap a little.

"I still find it normal."

"Shh, you're ruining the mood." Baekhyun pouted.

"Should I make the 'mood' better then?" Chanyeol offered.

"Make the mood better? How?"

Chanyeol smirked taking the cup away from Baekhyun and took a sip making sure it moistened his lips.

He pushed Baekhyun gently to lay on the floor before kissing him deeply.

He smirked when Baekhyun began to his lips tasting the sweet herbal tea.

The kiss was long and slow. They parted finally after running out of breath.

"Ch-Chan... Y-yeol..." Baekhyun huffed staring up at the other. His arms were at his side's clawing at the grass.

"Is the mood better then?"

Baekhyun kept his eyes on the other's, unable to speak he simply nodded his head satisfying Chanyeol.

"The sun's still rising, aren't you gonna watch? Or have you found something more beautiful to look at?" Chanyeol smiled teasing the other.

"I've found something more pretty."

"You have?" Chanyeol said smirking. He was about to advance onto the other but Baekhyun pushed him away and pointed up to the sky.

Chanyeol looked up. "There's nothing there."

"No silly, the sky. It looks pretty." Baekhyun smiled oblivious to the other's disappointment.

Fifteen minutes went past and that was when Chanyeol decided that it was enough. He dragged the other back into the house ignoring his cries and protests.

"No! No!"

"Shh! You'll wake Hyung up!"

"I don't care!" Baekhyun screamed.

"I care."

Chanyeol somehow succeeded, covering the smaller males mouth with his hand and dragging him back to the room. The first thing he did was threw the smaller boy onto the bed a little too roughly and jumped onto him pinning him down.

"I wanna go outside!" Baekhyun yelled out.

Chanyeol was thankful that there was no neighbouring houses nearby or else he'd have thousands of complaints by now.

"Shh, Baek, please." Chanyeol said sincerely making the other shut up.

"But I'm bored..." The smaller pouted.

"But if you go out you might fall ill."

"Then let me... Hyung will look after me so I'll be fine."

"What if Hyung is too busy?"

"Then you'll do it... Won't you?" Baekhyun said cupping the other's face.

"No. I'll let you die." Chanyeol teased poking his nose. He got off the smaller boy laying beside him. "Seriously. It's still too early."

"... I'm just worried..." Baekhyun sighed.

"Don't be."

"But... I don't want any bloodshed."

"... I can't promise you that,"


"I can't."

"I'll kiss you if you promise no blood."

"I can't."

"I'll trust you with my life."

"I can't Baek,

"I'll let you do whatever you want with me. Anything. Hurt me, use me, toy with me, do whatever, just please..."

"That's a good offer."

"Really? So you promise?"

"No. I won't keep promises I know I may break."

"... Oh. Okay then..." Baekhyun said a little lowly. The atmosphere changed, it dropped slightly leaving the two in an awkward silence...


Meanwhile, about 2-3 days back, when the three fled the Kim mansion...

The smoke started to clear.

Yixing was on his knees breathing heavily.

"Yixing." His father called. He looked up. "What was that disgraceful display?"

It wasn't a question, it was more an order, harsh and cruel.

Yixing kept silent. He was afraid to speak out of line, right now, he was just a gun shot away from death.

"Answer me!"

"I'm s-sorry f-f-fa-ther..."

"Father? You still dare to call me that?"

Yixing kept his head bent low.

"Get out."

He bowed and left the room. Luhan followed after him with a confused lamb which lived by the name of Oh Sehun.

"Yixing!" Luhan said stopping the other. "Why didn't you do it?"

"I'm sorry ge, I couldn't. I'm not as brave as you... I can't imagine taking someone's life away..." Yixing mumbled.


"Lu ge." Yixing said placing a hand on his shoulder. "Your love is waiting, don't worry about me, go."

Yixing walked off leaving a shocked Luhan behind.

He found his room after a small walk around the mansion.

He fell onto the bed staring up at the ceiling.

His hear was racing.

They fled.

Thank God...

He was so relieved. It was like thousands of years of work got off his shoulders.

There was a knock at the door.

"Master Yixing, Lord Kim has sent you a message: 'You are not to leave this room unless you need to visit the bathrooms. Food will be sent here for you so you don't need to visit the dining hall.' That is all." A maid said bowing before taking her leave.

He was left in the room undisturbed for about two hours. When sleep was about to claim him, the door burst open harshly.

"I thought I taught you well enough."

"Hyung?" Yixing said sleepily.

"Don't sleep, you can't sleep." The elder said smacking his face hard.

Yixing hissed in pain but stayed silent.

"Do you need more beatings from me? Do I have to make you experience everything all again?"


"Why didn't you kill him?"

Again, Yixing kept quiet.

"You little ." The other spat. "Why didn't you kill him?"

"I co-couldn't..." Yixing mumbled.

"Che, knew you were a ing weak little ." Suho said pulling Yixing by the front of his shirt.

"Hyung please..." Yixing was tired, he didn't feel like doing anything at all.

"That won't do."

"Why do you want to kill him so badly? Isn't there another way for you to make Park crumble?"

"No. There isn't. You've ruined my plans 'dear younger brother'." He mocked. "You'll pay. With your body."

Yixing knew he'd suffer the beatings from before. When his Hyung violated his body, whipped him, harassed him ually, emotionally, physically...

It all replayed in Yixing's head.

And within the next few minutes it was all replaying in reality...


"Isn't this enough to convince you?" Baekhyun huffed staring down at the tree he was sitting on. He was straddling the tall male's stomach with his hands on either side of the other's head.

"Take me! Take all of me..." Baekhyun pleaded.

"Nope. You can stop trying Baek, I won't promise anything."

Kiss after kiss after kiss after kiss.

Baekhyun's lips were red and swollen.

"Please..." He said swooping low to catch the other's lips in yet another deep passionate kiss. "I love you... I love you! Please!"

"Stop it Baek, seriously, I feel bad. And quiet down, Hyung might hear..."

"I don't care! Anything to make you change your mind." Baekhyun said ing the shirt he had on. He was so desperate it amused the other.

"Is there a reason why you don't want any bloodshed?"

"... I don't want to lose those dear to me..." Baekhyun said letting the shirt slowly slide down his shoulders purposely as he tried to attract the other male.

"No one will die... Oh and also, I won't do anything to you, don't try seduce me with your body Baek."


"Baek you're making a really big deal about it."

"I'm 100% against it!" Baekhyun huffed loudly finally being free from the shirt. He began to ed Chanyeols shirt too, on the soft spot near Chanyeols collar.

"Gosh if Hyung sees us like this-" Chanyeol moaned.

"Already did." A voice at the door said unamused. "Baekhyun you've gone crazy."


"I will say this once and only once." Baekbeom took a deep breath in. "THREE METERS. RIGHT. NOW."

"You said you were fine with it!" Baekhyun said kissing the other again and again.


"You can stop now Baek. I don't want to do these things if you're gonna force yourself. I want to claim you when you're ready. When you willingly come and submit yourself to me, not when you're forcing yourself. And... I won't change my mind... Besides, we need to get going." Chanyeol said gently pushing the smaller boy back. "Get off me will ya?"


"Then I'll just take you with me."

Without warning, Chanyeol got off the bed making Baekhyun scream and wrap his arms tightly around the other's neck and his legs tighter around his waist.

"Are you gonna get off or should I drag you into the shower with me?"

"Don't you dare think of showering with my baby Park." Baekbeom warned.

"Yes sir!" He put Baekhyun down and fled the room.

"Wow, you look as if you drank blood, your lips are so red. Damn you did a number on him."

"I... I think I love him."

"Wait so you're telling me all this time you never liked him?"

"No... I didn't."

"So only now... Baek you're unbelievable. Anyway, get ready, we're leaving in two hours."

Baekhyun sighed.

He didn't want to leave. He didn't want to go back into the danger zone.

But he had to...


The three were out of the house.

"Let's go..."

"I'm gonna miss this place." Baekbeom sighed as he hopped into the car.

The drive back to the city was silent. Baekhyun noticed that Chanyeol was driving in a different route, away from the Kim mansion.

"Chanyeol... I think you're going the wrong way..." Baekhyun said. None of the two with him spoke.

They stopped outside a familiar flat.

"Why are we in Kyungsoos street?"

"Baekhyun, listen," Chanyeol said turning to face him. "You're staying here. It's too dangerous and neither of us want you to get hurt,"

"What?" Baekhyun's heart dropped.

"Baby bro, it's for the best. You're their target, it's best if you stay away from your predator,"


Chanyeol stepped out dragging Baekhyun out with him.

"No! Please... Chanyeol please..." Baekhyun yelled trying to pull away.

"I'm sorry," with ease he pulled the smaller boy to Kyungsoo's door. Before he knocked, he turned to the younger.

"It'll be fine. Everything will be fine Baek, trust me..."

"No..." Baekhyun sniffed, "what if I lose you? Or Hyung?"

"I won't die, none of us will die, I'll make sure we'll make it out alive. It's a promise."

Chanyeol rang the doorbell once. In a few long seconds the door opens revealing Kyungsoo.

"Baekhyun! Where have you been the past two days? I missed you! Damn you shouldn't take so many days off school!" Kyungsoo said. "Hey what's wrong? Why do you look like you're about to cry-"

His gaze shifted to the taller male.


"Heya Kyunggie, keep Baek for me while I'm gone okay?" Chanyeol said a little too brightly.

"Chanyeol..." Baekhyun sniffed. "Don't... Please take me with you."

"I can't." The other said embracing the smaller male. Kyungsoo watched the scene with wide eyes.

"Then... Promise you'll come back to me."

"I promise," Chanyeol answered burying his face in Baekhyun's soft hair.

"Okay then..." Baekhyun mumbled taking in Chanyeols scent. They parted. Chanyeol took two steps away but then turned back to Baekhyun.

"... Care to explai-" Kyungsoo started only to be cut off when the tree pulled Baekhyun into a deep kiss right in front of him.

Kyungsoo watched amused. The deep kiss was slowly turning into a make out session. When he decided that the two were getting too into it, he stopped them.

"Okay enough of this, the neighbours are gonna complain if they hear from outside my door." Kyungsoo pulled Baekhyun away.

There was a small moment of silence and then Chanyeol nodded walking away.

"Baek... What was that?"

"I'm... I think I'm in love..."

"With the one you used to fear?" Kyungsoo laughed. "I knew you had something for him deep down. Well? What happened to 'as straight as a pencil'?"

"Hey... People change over time ya know!"

"Oh really now?"

"Yeah! It's scientifically proven you idiot."

"Oh really now?"


"Okay okay I'll stop, it's cold out here, come in." Kyungsoo said leading the other inside...



A/n: Few more chapters guys! Might put in some bonus chapters too.


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Chapter 36: aww thats really a beautiful story.but i cried a lot when the chapter came that baekhyun was dead nd chanyeol will go to his grave nd talk to him after reading that i cried the whole night then as the story processed im really happy they r together nd all lovely dovey .thank u sooo much for this beautiful story.i really loved it.a beautiful story bring tears streaming down thats wt happened to me.its a mix od both sad nd happy tears thank u soo sooo much.
LisaSKimberly #2
Chapter 36: Ahahahhaha cute lmao
Ski is understanding about whatever happening love that waifu :D Nice journey as expected (just the yandere Luhan/Sehun relationship is kinda disturbing) don't get me wrong Sehun is my first bias and hunhan is my EXO first ship. See you soon.
LisaSKimberly #3
Chapter 31: Alright. Tbh I was panicked and my heart ached when they both 'died' I thought the nurse was lying so I just lolol and when it's 'real' I feel so attacked.
Lay. That guy. Thank you unicorn :p yet another beautiful ending as a closure. Thank you authornim !!
LisaSKimberly #4
Chapter 20: Whattheactual-
LisaSKimberly #5
Chapter 17: Someone end Baek's suffer. .too much conflicts. So many y af characters (no offense) Chanyeol >:c do ur best
LisaSKimberly #6
Chapter 6: To be honest, Comfort is literally every listeners on 7Cups lol. They act so kind and caring since the day you met them,..or suddenly turns out to advise you as if you just got out from the asylum and be the CCTV. Yep two mode, lmao. (actually I don't like their services much LIKE DUDE!! stop treating me like I'm some kind of troublesome emo child).//sob I'm Emo-L *Cries over PC because my boys r 2 precious* Anyhow, I liked the chapters so far! Why I haven't made my way to search this fanfics earlier lol.. *and it's 12am wtf am I DOIN* Ayyyyy I'm gonna hit the Next -> button till I'm done. See you!
Chapter 36: Ahhhhhhhh! I've read this story twice and I can't get over how much I LOVELOVELOVE it.
Thank you for writing this! <3
Chapter 36: why i cant open the link T.T
diana_parya #9
Hey^^ I Want Your permission To Translate Your fiction in Persian
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