
My pain, My comfort

"She stole you."

It took a while for Sehun to realise what was happening.

He was normally sharp, but the feel of Luhan's lips on his made him feel a little dizzy. 

Not the bad kind of dizzy, but the type of dizzy that makes you crave for more.

If that even made any sense.

It didn't for Sehun but still, he just went with it, kissing back with as much force, if not, more making the other moan in approval.

He wasn't in control of his body at all.

Instincts took over.

But he never felt so good, so amazed.

Within seconds, the two were in the middle of Taeyeon's bloody remains. They were kissing, biting, clawing one another until Luhan gently pushed the younger onto the floor crawling on top of him like a wild cat.

Luhan held onto the front of Sehuns shirt pulling him off the floor a little.

"You're mine Sehunnie." Luhan whispered soaking the other's features with his lust filled eyes.

The younger was tongue-tied. He couldn't speak. Sehun just stared at the other a little excited but scared too.

"I see you're still innocent..." Luhan examined smirking a little when he saw the other blush. "Let me claim you... I'll taint you... I'll fill you with me... I'll place my mark on you. I'll be the one to strip you of you're chastity..."

"H-Hyung-" Luhan devoured his lips completely before he could continue...

"Mm! H-Hyung... N-not here.... T-taeyeon's blood... A-ah..."

"So? Let her remains see that you're mine Sehunnie. Let her witness our display. Let her finally drill it through that thick head of hers that you're mine. And mine only."

And there in the middle of the bloody mess was a psychopath making love to an innocent being...

"H-Hyung..." Sehun gasped before he passed out. Even though the other was unconscious, Luhan kept going, pounding into the poor boy like there was no tomorrow.

Only when he 'cooled' down did he seperate from the other.

They were both covered in sweat, blood, Taeyeon's blood to be exact and bits of her meat and flesh was stuck to them. Luhan was a little disappointed. He the other's hair.

"You didn't last as long as I expected..." He then smiled.

"Hehe, you're so cute..." He kissed the other's parted lips before lifting him into his arms. In the distant he heard a siren wail.

Tch, oh well, at least I got what I wanted...

Gotta get out of here.


He dressed himself quickly and disposed of the body, cleaning all of the evidence. He even wore gloves and then burned them after. He took the sleeping Sehun and dressed him before running out of the house avoiding all sorts of CCTV.

He was still covered in blood.

But it was the dead of night, no one was around and the darkness helped him get back home safely...

He entered his room and placed the sleeping boy on the bed.

"I'll bathe with you when you wake beautiful," he said before getting a change of clothes to put on both of them.

He was exhausted, unlike Sehun who passed out, he had to clean everything and bring them back home.

He still had blood all over his skin. But he didn't care. Who did care about hygiene when they were so exhausted that they couldn't lift a single finger? Definitely not Luhan.

He fell the bed beside his beloved and wrapped the duvet around them falling into a deep slumber...


The doors opened. Baekhyun looked up as the doctor stepped out of the room wig a worrying expression on his face.

Baekhyun scrambled to his feet holding the doctor's sleeves.

"Is he alright? He will survive right? Please tell me he's okay. Why aren't you saying anything? Please... Please tell me..."

"Master Luhan was too extreme." The doctor said. "You're brother is hanging on a thin rope. Pray he'll survive."

With that, the doctor pulled out of Baekhyun's grip and left.

Beakhyun fell to the floor feeling his heart twist.

Save me...


Baekhyun crawled to the door and reached for the handle pushing the door open. He stood up with difficulty and then made his way to the bed where his brother was, sound asleep.

Baekhyun stared at the other's scars.

He held onto Baekbeom's hand it.

"Please... Stay alive." He whispered. "Don't Leave me alone Hyung... Please..."

He kept begging and begging, crying and crying and before he knew it, Baekhyun grew tired, exhausted and passed out beside the other, their hands still entwined.


"Hyung... We should just stop. Please. I don't want to do this anymore." Yixing pleaded as they entered his brother's room.

"But it's fun Yixing."

"Why do you want Park Chanyeol to crumbled anyway?" Yixing said taking a seat on the bed.

"... I don't know. Because it's a fun game. Also, when he has drowned deep enough, I'll be the one to end his misery. Taint my hands in his blood. When I do, it'll be the most satisfying thing." The elder took a seat beside Yixing resting his head on the other's lap.

"You and Lu ge..." Yixing sighed not bothering to finish his sentence. Both of them were psychotic. But at least his step brother can control his lust for blood more than Luhan.

He began to his Hyung's hair gently and massaged his temples.

"Mm, you're getting good at this..."

"Umm... Th-thank you?"

Yeah, after all those whip lashes I forced myself to become a pro...

It was true, he was ordered to massage the other countless of times before and every time he did, his Hyung would whip him mercilessly saying he wasn't good enough.

He learnt the arts of massaging in fear of being whipped again.

There was a long silence between the two until the elder decided to break it.

"Where was my dear cousin going anyway?" Yixing didn't like it when he said that.

He's not your 'dear cousin', he's mine.

But of course he has to abide by the 'main family line's' rules.

So he kept his mouth shut.

"... Like he said, he had unfinished business to attend to and wanted me to come along."

"Unfinished business? Then tell me, who goes around with blood all over them?"

"Lu ge does. It's his thing. You should know that by now," Yixing laughed.

"That man... Gosh. Anyway Yixing,"


"Get lost. I need some space."

"I... Hyung... Um-"

"Get lost."

"Y-yes Hyung." Yixing bowed before leaving the room.
It was always like this.


He sighed and decided to check Luhan's room to see if he was back yet.

Slowly, he opened the door and peered in sighting his cousin sleeping soundly with someone.

He smiled.

Looks like you've got what you wanted.

Yixing withdrew out of the room and walked on. He forgot where his room was.

The house was so big with many twisted corridors leading to all sorts of room.

Yixing still wasn't used to it even though he'd been living here for quite some time now. He made his way to wherever trying to remember where his room was.

Back in China he lived in the country in a small house so it was easier to move around.

So tiring.

Yixing sighed for the nth time that day.

He was in a deep thought, thinking and he didn't realise he wondered into the basement (again) until he bumped into someone.

Ah, sorry." He said stumbling back a little.



"You should be asleep by now. What are you doing?"

"I could say the same to you. Why are you here? You know you're not allowed to be here unless we let you,"

"I'm searching."

"For what?"

"You don't need to know." Chanyeol hissed. "I'll set all of them free Yixing, you can't stop me."

It's fine, I won't stop you. So please, just save everyone.

"I'd like to see you try Chanyeol. Me and my brother will stop you." Yixing smirked a fake smirk.

I don't mean it. I'm sorry, I really don't.

"You're searching for your mother and sister are you not? It's futile to search here. Leave." Yixing said.

"Because it's you, I don't really feel threatened."

"But if it was me, then you would." A new voice entered the conversation. Yixing turned around to face his step father.

"I now know your plan, Park." He said. "You can't save them until you kill Byun Baekhyun. But obviously you are unable to do so. Why? I still don't know."


"Yixing. Let him wonder around here. It's useless anyway. I'll kill him later," His father grabbed onto Yixing's wrist.
"You instead can kill Byun Baekhyun,"

"M-me? I thought Hyung was meant to do that."

No, please, please don't make me hurt him. I don't want to kill... I don't want to become a murderer!

"You're Hyung is a little stressed. You are capable of killing a weak child are you not?"

"But father I have no experience!"

"This shall be your experience then. You must obey my every order remember? Now," there was a slight pause in which the atmosphere dropped drastically.

"Kill Byun Baekhyun."



"Kill Byun Baekhyun."


"Simple. Kill Byun Baekhyun. Now. In front of my eyes."

"B-but I don't know where he is!" Yixing lied helplessly.

"Go fetch him then bring him here, at the main hall."

"But his brother? The elder Byun?"

"Oh right, fetch him too,"

"No, um he... The elder is out cold. He's injured a-and is getting treated at home."

"Is that so? Then we shall wait until the elder is conscious. He must witness his younger brother's death."

"Y-yes sir..."

"He should be awake by tomorrow evening no?"

"Yes father. I've been watching their every move and yes, tomorrow evening."

"Then we shall do it then." His father turned and walked away.

Yixing turned to Park Chanyeol.

"You love him do you not? The younger Byun?"

Chanyeol nodded slightly.

A sudden light flicked inside Yixing.

"I... I can't stain my hands with blood. You do it instead."

"... I'll never hurt him."

"But you've hurt him in the past! This is a way for you to finally end his misery!"

"No. I refuse." Chanyeol turned around and walked away.
Yixing's heart was beating quickly. He was scared. His chest felt like it was being ripped apart.

He needed to talk to someone.


But he immediately dismissed the thought. He couldn't possible have the audacity to trouble his worn out cousin.

Never! He will suspect me. And then hurt me again.

Talking with the damsel in distress is a complete no no.

Yixing was alone in this.

He was always alone.

It was sad.

And it hurt greatly, but he put up with it for many years now.

But for some reason, he couldn't handle this alone...

Sehun woke that morning. His skin was really dry and he felt sick.

He mumbled random words burrying his face into his pillow which was unusually soft and was very ticklish. He scrunched his face up and he slowly opened his eyes to see a honey brown bundle of messy hair tucked under his chin.

Where the ...?

It took only a few moments for the youngster to realised and recap what had happened. He blushed a crimson red and distanced himself from the other only to have moans of protest coming from Luhan and the elder cuddling into him more.

"H-hy-Hyung?" Sehun whispered. "W-wake up..."

"Five minutes..." The other mumbled.

"No seriously... Hyung..." Sehun said shaking the other lightly. Luhan moaned slapping his hand away. "Three mins..."

"Hyung you're covered in blood! Wake up!" Sehun said shaking the other more hardly.

"Oh for s sake I'll buy you bubble tea for breakfast if you give me five more golden minutes of sleep." Luhan said before closing his eyes clutching onto the front of Sehun's shirt.

"... Really? Like bubble tea for breakfast?"

"Mmm," Luhan hummed in approval.

"... Deal." Sehun said grinning.

Bubble tea for breakfast... Heaven... I love this psycho...

With Luhan gently snoring away beside him, Sehun looked around the room. There were multipless of daggers, swords, knives displayed on the wall. He wouldn't even be able to identify more than half of the weapons there. He gasped in awe as he saw one that stood out. It was neatly polished and untouched. It was lying on the top shelf far from reach.

Just by looking at it, Sehun felt the power and sacredness of the sword. It sent shivers down his spine.


As promised, five minutes later, Luhan grumpily woke up.

"Urgh... Stupid morning..." Luhan yawned rubbing his eyes cutely. And one thing that Sehun noticed was that his personality did not flow with his actions and looks.

"Aaah... That crack felt good." Luhan breathed as he crack a few of his bones.

"Um... H-Hyung..." Sehun mumbled.


"A-about y... Yesterday..."

"... Oh ." Luhan shot out of bed and pulled Sehun with him making his way to a small bathroom that only he used.

"Hyung!" Sehun said. "Where are you going?"

"Shower." Luhan stated stripping Sehun.

"H-Hyung!" Sehun said holding down his shirt embarrassed.

"What?" Luhan said looking up to the other.

"You just took my innocence..."

"Yeah, and?"

"... I feel weird."

"Gosh Hunnie, you're acting like a girl, just strip and get in there already."


"I'm coming in with you," Luhan said beginning to take his clothes off. "I can't bare another minute with that 's blood on me..."

"... Oh." The atmosphere suddenly dropped but Luhan paid no attention to it.

"Get in Hunnie," Luhan said pushing the other into the shower following behind him. Luhan smirked all the way through making the other embarrassed.

"Uuhh... I think I should just shower after you-"

Luhan silenced him with a kiss.

"No. If I say we shower together, we shower together."

"... Mmm... Ah... H-Hyung... S-stop..." Sehun moaned as the other started to kiss him, touch him, feel him, leave bite marks all over his neck and some of them also started to bleed a little.

There was more dirtying than cleaning going on but either way, at the end, they were both clean...

Baekhyun woke finding himself on the cold floor. His muscles hurt from the position he was in. As Baekhyun adjusted to his surroundings, he noticed that his arm was numb. His hand was still entwined with his hyungs.

Baekhyun got up slowly and sat on the bed caressing his brother's cheek.

"Hyung?" The other's eye twitched.

Baekhyun noticed this and his heart beat quickened.

"Hyung?" The other's hand twitched. Baekhyun hopped off the bed to give the other space as he began to stretch and wake.

"Oh my gosh... Hyung!" Baekhyun burst into tears of happiness.

He was ignorant to what was going to happen later on that day. Otherwise he wouldn't have been thw slightest bit happy.

"Baek...hyun? A..ah... It hurts..." Baekbeom whispered slowly sitting up.

The doctor from before stepped in.

"I see he is awake."

"He said he's hurting..."

"It's okay. He'll heal naturally over time."


"I'll keep him here for now though, we must run a few tests before we can let him free."

"Thank you... Thank you so much." Baekhyun cried gently holding the clueless elder.

He didn't hear the phone call being made over his happiness.

"The elder Byun is awake. When do you want them? Seven? Okay. I understand master Yixing."

It was that time.

Yixing and his father were sitting down on the 'throne' (as they liked to call it) waiting for the heir, the two Byun brothers, Luhan and Park Chanyeol...

A few minutes went and Luhan entered the room looking formal with Sehun behind him.

"Who's this, Luhan?"

"Evening uncle," Luhan bowed, "This is Oh Sehun."

"Care to explain what he is doing here?"

"He's my property," Luhan said wrapping and arm around the younger's shoulders. "Don't worry about him, uncle. My love here won't do anything to displease you."

"I see. He better not or I'll have his life too."


Sehun watched carefully.

So he has killed before...

The two stood beside a wall.

"Hyung, what's going on?"

"Think of it as an execution. I'm making you watch so you can get used to it. I may kill in front of you. I don't want you to run away when I do," Luhan said seductively whispering the last part before kissing the other briefly.

"Yixing." His father called. "Prepare yourself."

"Y-yes father..." You could tell from a mile away that he was nervous. His eyes kept of drifting back and forth from the dagger to the sword to the gun and to the other multiples of weapons and gadgets that were displayed in front of him.

Just then, aloud screaming could be heard from outside.
Two voices to be exact. The doors burst open and there was the two Byun brothers being thrown into the room by a guard. Both were cuffed by the ankles and the younger by the the wrists.

"What the !" Baekhyun screamed. "What exactly do you people want from us! Leave us alone!"

"Byun Baekhyun?" Sehun whispered. Luhan gave him a look.

"You know him?"

"If Chanyeol knows obviously I'd know him too."

"I see,"

"What's wrong with you people! What have we done?" Baekhyun carried on screaming.

Baekhyun's words were ignored.

"Where is the Park boy and my son?"

"The Park boy's whereabouts are unknown. Your son will be here shortly." The guard said.

"I see. You are dismissed." And with that, the guard left.

Baekhyun looked up and locked eyes with Yixing.

"Lay..." He muttered staring at the other with hate and sorrow in his eyes. "Why?"

"Because... It just had to be done."

"You... I... I trusted you."

"You shouldn't have Baekhyun. You really are gullible."

"... I've done that twice now..." Baekhyun mumbled to himself.

He believed in 'comfort' and now he believed that Yixing could've been a source of his happiness...

"Baekhyun..." The elder brother said. "Shh..."

"H-Hyung!?" Baekhyun said shocked.

Yixing's father stood taking a few steps towards the two who were in the centre of the grand hall.

"Child. Silence yourself."

"Please..." The elder Byun spoke up. "At least tell us... Exactly why are you targetting us?"

"Wise indeed. Like your mother. The younger one here..." Yixing's dad roughly held Baekhyun's chin. "... Is like his father. Makes me sick."

Baekhyun didn't understand a single thing but for Baekbeom, a light flicked on.

"You..." He whispered. "Oh God..."

"Hmm, the elder seemed to have clocked. Mr Kim sure is good at this." Luhan said quietly smirking as he stepped forward. "Makes me want to whip him again."

"Hyung..." Sehun whispered. "Can we leave?"

"No. Keep watching,"

"You understand now don't you?" Mr Kim said smirking.

"You can't be talking about that incident..."

"I am."

"What incident? What are you talking about Hyung?" Baekhyun yelled. 

"It happened before you were born Baek."

"He doesn't need to know." Yixing stepped in.

"No, he does..." His father said. "Care to tell him, Byun Baekbeom?"

"... Father... He... He borrowed from this man."


"Money and a few gadgets and weapons."

"For what?"

"It was for some operation they were doing- Ah, you don't know what father worked as do you? He worked as a detective. A few months before you were born, he was on a case that required support. A lot. I was quite young back then but still had a grasp on what was going on..." Baekbeom turned to face the elder man. "You accepted his offer only if he paid you the money."


"But he paid less than half. And then passed due to the case. It was dangerous and he was murdered."

"What... How comes I never knew anything about this... Hyung... Hyung!" Baekhyun's tears stained his eyes falling in small fragile streams. "This... Is this why we're here now!"

"Yes. You will pay what your father couldn't."

"That's simple... I'll pay it all!" Baekbeom pleaded, "Just let us go."

"It isn't that simple Byun." Mr Kim turned from them, making his way back to his seat. "Go on Yixing. Do it."

"B-but Hyung hasn't arrived yet."

"Forget about it. Just do it."

"... Uh... O-okay..." Yixing made his shaky way to the middle of the hall where the weapons were placed. He turned to his dear cousin who gave him and encouraging nod. He gave him a fearful look in reply.

Yixing gulped turning back to the weapons.

"A-am I supposed to use them all?"

"If you want to. Choose as many as you like."

"O-okay..." His hands were shaking violently and it was noticeable. He picked up the weapon most close to him.

The Gun.

He took a few steps forward aiming for Baekhyun's head. His hands was shaking so much he couldn't bear it.

"No!" Baekbeom spread his arms out and took his position in front of a paralyzed Baekhyun. "Don't! I said I'll pay it all! Please don't!"

"But still. You haven't heard the whole story. You're father did die. But he didn't die alone."

"What do you mean?"

"He killed my wife. Your mother, Yixing."

"What? You've never told me that! All you said was that she died by a disease!" Yixing yelled.

"Well, there's the truth. Those two disgusting animals before you carry the blood of your mother's murderer. It's time for revenge no?"


All heads turned to the door.

"Ah, so you were going to come..." Luhan smirked. "Come watch your little princess die, Park."

"D-die?" Baekhyun's eyes widened. All colour drained from his face.

If this was the Baekhyun from a few days ago, he would've accepted it but after seeing his Hyung on the verge of death he was scared.

"Isn't that your boyfriend? What's he doing here?" Baekhyun turned to his Hyung.

"He's not my boyfriend. He's an ." Baekhyun stated. "I hate him Hyung. He's the reason I suffered..."

"What?" His Hyung looked shocked.

"I refuse to merely watch him die." Chanyeol said walking up to Yixing. He pulled out a gun from God-knows-where and aimed at Yixing's head.

"I'll start with you."

"Ch-Chanyeol?" Sehun called. "What the bro,"

"Shut up Sehun now's not the time to talk." Chanyeol said calmly keeping his eyes on Yixings.

"Boy, what is all this nonesense!" Mr Kim yelled.

"Father allow me to explain." The last person entered the room.

The heir.

"This Park boy you speak of is madly in love with the little damsel here," he said pulling Baekhyun by his hair. "And will do anything to set him free."

The heir kicked Baekhyun's side and walked on towards Yixing and Chanyeol.

He turned and only then did Baekhyun get a grasp of his face.

A face he knew too well.

His eyes widened.



A/n: Anyway, guys I'm sorry if I probably hit the m rated line a little.

It's kinda hard trying to Not make this m rated...

Oh well.

Comment and Kamsahamnida!!

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Chapter 36: aww thats really a beautiful story.but i cried a lot when the chapter came that baekhyun was dead nd chanyeol will go to his grave nd talk to him after reading that i cried the whole night then as the story processed im really happy they r together nd all lovely dovey .thank u sooo much for this beautiful story.i really loved it.a beautiful story bring tears streaming down thats wt happened to me.its a mix od both sad nd happy tears thank u soo sooo much.
LisaSKimberly #2
Chapter 36: Ahahahhaha cute lmao
Ski is understanding about whatever happening love that waifu :D Nice journey as expected (just the yandere Luhan/Sehun relationship is kinda disturbing) don't get me wrong Sehun is my first bias and hunhan is my EXO first ship. See you soon.
LisaSKimberly #3
Chapter 31: Alright. Tbh I was panicked and my heart ached when they both 'died' I thought the nurse was lying so I just lolol and when it's 'real' I feel so attacked.
Lay. That guy. Thank you unicorn :p yet another beautiful ending as a closure. Thank you authornim !!
LisaSKimberly #4
Chapter 20: Whattheactual-
LisaSKimberly #5
Chapter 17: Someone end Baek's suffer. .too much conflicts. So many y af characters (no offense) Chanyeol >:c do ur best
LisaSKimberly #6
Chapter 6: To be honest, Comfort is literally every listeners on 7Cups lol. They act so kind and caring since the day you met them,..or suddenly turns out to advise you as if you just got out from the asylum and be the CCTV. Yep two mode, lmao. (actually I don't like their services much LIKE DUDE!! stop treating me like I'm some kind of troublesome emo child).//sob I'm Emo-L *Cries over PC because my boys r 2 precious* Anyhow, I liked the chapters so far! Why I haven't made my way to search this fanfics earlier lol.. *and it's 12am wtf am I DOIN* Ayyyyy I'm gonna hit the Next -> button till I'm done. See you!
Chapter 36: Ahhhhhhhh! I've read this story twice and I can't get over how much I LOVELOVELOVE it.
Thank you for writing this! <3
Chapter 36: why i cant open the link T.T
diana_parya #9
Hey^^ I Want Your permission To Translate Your fiction in Persian
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