
My pain, My comfort

"I'm so tired. Kyunggie, let me sleep on you..."

"No. Seriously why did you stay up last night?" 

"Because I couldn't sleep..."

Baekhyun was a walking zombie. His eyes were red and droopy and his eye bags were worse than ever.

Indeed he didn't get even a second of sleep. His mind was occupied with that last message comfort gave him. And it still was...


Meanwhile back at the heir's room, his father sat staring out through the window.

"It's indeed rare for you to come here, father."

"Park Chanyeol..." his father said speaking his thoughts out loud. 

The heir smirked once he heard the name but kept silent.

"He... Should've killed him ages ago so why?"

You're blind father... You don't see many obvious things... The heir said inwardly. He wasn't planning on negotiating with his father.

He had his own plans.

Even if it meant holding his bloodlust for just a while longer, he was willing to do it...

I'd love to see you break... Park Chanyeol...

"Why is he holding back?" his father's voice dusturbed him from his thoughts.

"I guess he's not ready to murder yet." the heir said shrugging his shoulders. "It's common father."

"Is it?" his father said drifting off a little.

"Father you must be tired, you hardly had any rest yesterday." the heir said acting worried. "Please rest,"

"I'm fine son, it's okay."

"No, please,"

"Well then, I guess I could do with a nap..." he smiled tiredly. "You worry about me too much."

The heir smiled a fake smile."I want you to be healthy and live long, father."

His father left the room going to his own chamber.

The heir smirked staring outside. He had a perfect view of the school, especially one classroom and one specific student.

Park Chanyeol.

In all honesty, he didn't care about Byun Baekhyun or the debt yet to be paid, all he wanted was to make the taller male suffer.

And to do that, he needed Byun Baekhyun...

He knew... He knew things his father didn't.

Including the 'comfort' story...

And he was going to use that to make Park Chanyeol crumble...


"Sorry I'm late." Yixing walked hurriedly into class and took his seat.

"Where were you?" Baekhyun whispered.

"Things came up." was the reply. He sat down and took his books out.

Class finished quickly and it was time for lunch.

They were up on the roof this time, eating Kyungsoo's homemade luxuries.

"Oh! It really is good!" Yixing said munching happily on a fried squid.

"Th-thanks I guess..." Kyungsoo still thought something was off about the transfer.

"No, this is just the squid, if you have it with the dipping..." Baekhyun closed his eyes imagining the taste... "I see heaven's doors two steps away from me..."

"Wow. When did you start cooking?"

"When I was eight I think. Or maybe nine?" Kyungsoo replied. 

"Really? That young? That's amazing..."

Just then, a phone vibrated.

"Oh, message." Baekhyun smiled checking it. "What! Today?"

"What is it?"

"I have to go work today straight after school, it's apparently an emergency." He sighed. "Damn. I guess hyung will cook today... And our house will burn..."

"Ooh, that sounds nasty. But you work?" Yixing said.

"Yep, part time in a convenience store, oh pass me that box Lay," the boy gave the small box of rice to Baekhyun.

"Cool, I need to start searching for a job myself..."

"Same. But I can just work at my dad's restaurant, the costomers love me so they pay extra when I'm around."

"What? Damn that's lucky..."

"I know right?"

Another phone buzzed.

"That's mine, sorry," Yixing said. He checked the message and his face dropped.

"What's up?"

"Nothing... Don't worry about it."

"Is it private? Is it your girlfriend?"

"What! No! I don't have a girlfriend!"

"Aww look at the blush on his face," Baekhyun laughed.

"Sh-shush!" Yixing said placing a kimbap into his mouth and chewing on it. He swallowed before saying, "I don't like girls anyway..."

"Oh really?"

"Yep. I'm gay."

"... Oh."

The atmosphere dropped a little.

"Well that's not new." Kyungsoo said. "Our Baek here is too."

"What! No I ain't! I'm as st-"

"'As straight as a pencil' yeah right." Kyungsoo laughed.

"Confused here." Yixing said.

"Don't listen to him Lay!" Baekhyun said. "He lies..."

"No, I swear you stare at Park-" he didn't finish the sentence.

"Park Chanyeol? That guy in out class?" Yixing said clueless. "You guys are dating?"

There was a long awkward silence in which Baekhyun was hyperventilating a little as he remembered that time when the taller male declared that they were in a relationship...

"Baek," Kyungsoo rubbed circles on his back. "It's okay, it's fine..."

"Is something wrong?" Yixing said as clueless as ever. He came to Baekhyun's side also.

Baekhyun was shaking a little now.


"What's going on? Did I say something wrong?" Yixing was starting to panic a little.

"It's a sensitive topic," Kyungsoo said enlightening him a little.



"I'm... I'm okay..." Baekhyun said still trembling a little. "Sorry..."

"I should be the one to say sorry! I shouldn't have said that." Yixing said.

"It's okay Lay, you didn't know." Baekhyun smiled.

But Kyungsoo stared at Yixing with a hard stare. He didn't trust the boy fully yet... 

"I'm not in a relationship with him. It's the other way. I hate him."

"Oh... I see." 

The bell mourned loudly signalling the end of lunch.

"Well then, what lessons to you have?"

"Biology, double period."  Yixing said.

"History and English lit." Kyungsoo said.

"I have chemistry..." Baekhyun sighed. With Park Chanyeol...

"Then I guess we'll meet after school then."


And with that, the trio split, going to their lessons...


Baekhyun sat quite a distance away from Park Chanyeol. The other male noticing this said nothing... Yet.

It was the end of the day when Baekhyun was dragged to an empty corridor by none other than the tall male. Baekhyun became tongue tied unable to say anything in fear. His body shook in Chanyeol's hold.

"Baekkie... It hurts when you look at me like that..." 

"M-mo-move..." Baekhyun managed to whisper.

Chanyeol tightened his grip on the petite boy and pinned him to the wall. He took out a small pocket knife from his pocket. Baekhyun's eyes grew wide, eyeing the weapon.

Little did Baekhyun know that Chanyeol's hand was shaking, the taller male was hesitant. He was too busy staring at the knife that was pointed directly at him.

"You know Baek, I really liked you," Chanyeol said trying to sound a little happy and excited. But he couldn't stop the lump growing in his throat as his voice started to shake a little. "I really did but you failed to see it..."

All the words that were being said went past Baekhyun, ignored. His eyes were fixed on the smooth blade that was yet to be tainted with red.

"Baekkie... Look at me."

Baekhyun's eyes were still on the weapon.


No response.

"Byun Baekhyun-"

"Don't kill me..." Baekhyun whispered finally. "Please..."

"But I have to."


"Because you don't deserve to live..." 

"I... Is that so..." Baekhyun said. "L-last time you stopped me... This time you're doing it for me... Then..."

He took a shaky breath in and closed his eyes gently before firmly saying:

"Kill me."

"It's no fun when you accept it with open arms." Chanyeol said. "Run away. Scream, do something..."

"Death isn't mean to be fun." Baekhyun mumbled. "Just do it... Please."

"You're scared aren't you?" 


"You're shaking."

"J-just kill me already..."

"... No."

The knife was still pointed at Baekhyun's stomach.

"Then I'll do it myself..." 

There was a clatter. The knife fell to the floor...


He was watching from quite a distance.

He won't kill him...

He never will...

The heir smiled. He took out his phone dialing a number.  "Hey, Luhan will be arriving at Korea in a few hours. Go pick him up."

"Yes sir." and then the line was cut.

"Well then, time to get things sorted..." The heir walked away...


The knife fell to the floor...

And one body with it.

"What the do you think you're doing!?" 

Chanyeol was on the floor gripping his swollen cheek as figure stood in front of Baekhyun protectively.

"L-Lay?" Baekhyun said shocked.

"What the were you gonna do just now!?" Yixing yelled at Chanyeol. He grabbed a fist full of the taller male's shirt and punched him hard.

"Lay! Stop! That's not it!"

"What do you mean 'that's not it'? He was gonna murder you just now!" Yixing said punching the daylights out of Chanyeol.

"I wanted it!" Baekhyun yelled stopping Lay. "I... I wanted it... So please... Stop."

"You... Wanted to die?"


"W-why? Wait..." Yixing grabbed onto Baekhyun's arm and pulled his sleeve up. "But you stopped cutting..."

"I... I may have stopped but... That doesn't mean the pain went away..."

Baekhyun fell to Chanyeol's side moving his fringe away and inspecting his face closely.

Anyone who didn't know the two's relationship would've thought that they were on really good terms.

"Lay, your scary..." Baekhyun said leaning down closer to see the taller's face. "He's out cold."

"Whoops? It wasn't my fault!" Yixing said sitting beside Baekhyun. "So what do we do with him?"

"Lock him in a broom cupboard and act as if nothing ever happened?"

"... Good idea."

And that was exactly what they did.

"Damn that dude is so heavy."

"What do you expect, he is a giant after all." Baekhyun said casually.

"True... Anyway, I feel bad all of a sudden."

"... Would it be weird if I felt the same way considering he made my life hell?"

"Not really. It just shows you're an amazing person." Yixing answered.

"... I see..."

"So what do we do with him?"

"Umm... Well you buried his face into his grave that's for sure. Umm... His wounds need to be treated." Baekhyun said.

"I didn't bury him! Umm the Hospital?"

"Exaggeration Lay and no, they'll get suspicious."


"I'm studying for medical school, I'll take him."



"Oh okay."

"That was meant to be sarcasm."

"... Oh."

"Lay my friend, you have a long way to go."

"I do? Wait, to where?"

"Gosh. Just... Just forget I said anything." Baekhyun face palmed. "Help me get this giant home will ya," 

"Sure. Although Kyungsoo won't be that happy about it."

"Leave him." they got to work, pulling the body out of the broom cupboard and dragging it to Baekhyun's house. 

"Well then, I'll leave," Yixing said. "I have a feeling my dad's gonna kill me when I come home. Gotta run, see ya tomorrow okay?"

"Yeah sure. Thanks for helping me drag this here,"

Yixing left.

Baekhyun was blind. Because everything, everything Yixing did was all a lie...

Baekhyun opened the door using a spare key when his brother didn't open it. He stepped in dragging the body with him.

"Hyung?" he called but there was no response. "Hyung?"

The house was silent. Very silent. 

"Hyung!" he said louder. He checked the whole house.

His hyung was no where to be seen.

"This isn't funny hyung! Come out!" he yelled.

Baekbeom never left the house before Baekhyun came back from school so it was strange that he was no where.

A groan from behind him startled Baekhyun. He turned around happy to find the taller male still unconscious.

"Where to put him..." Baekhyun mumbled to himself eyeing the stairs.


Yeah, that might be a good place...

And so, he got to work pulling the heavy body up to his room. By the time he got him to lay on the bed, he was exhausted and out of breath.

"Gosh, I need to work out more often..." he said. He felt a warm liquid trail down his arm and checked his scars.

"They reopened..." he mumbled. The steain of having to drag the boody up to his room made his scars bleed.

Not that he was complaining though.

He actually liked it.

His blood flowing out of his body. 

It made him reassured that he can 'let go' whenever...

Baekhyun washed away the blood and took out a medical kit.

He came back and slowly started treating the taller boy.

For some reason, he was relaxed. He'd normally shiver or becone insane when he was near the other, but he was calm and collective.

He looks so peaceful...

It's scary...

I guess it's because I'm used to him looking at me with that smirk of his...

That y smirk...

"No! No no no! Don't think like that!" Baekhyun scolded. "Stupid hormones..."

He felt the need to write his worries down, to let it all out. 

So he took out his phone.

And typed.

Stalker, I... Am I doing the right thing? You see, Chanyeol was going to murder me. And I wanted him to. And then Lay came and stopped him. And he kinda beat up Chanyeol... And... Well... I brought him home and I'm treating his wounds now... Am I doing the right thing? Treating his wounds? ~Baek

Baekhyun sent the message.

From inside Chanyeol's pocket, a phone buzzed.

Baekhyun found this a little strange. He was curious.

Baekhyun knew he shouldn't, but he took the phone out of Chanyeol's pocket and checked it.

There was a message.

Baekhyun pinched his lips together.

Should I read it?

It might be private...




That's more of a reason to read it.

He opened the message and read through it.

His jaws dropped.

He looked at the previous messages.

His hands began to tremble and the phone slipped out of his grasp falling to the floor.

This was why they said:

'Curiosity killed the cat.'


Baek... If you knew who I was, and what I do... What would you do?~comfort


I wasn't ready yet...

I wasn't ready for the answer...

It was meant to be a challenge but I found out...


You... Are my pain.

And my comfort...


Park Chanyeol...


Chanyeol woke to the smell of something cooking downstairs. He heard two voices talking too. He opened his eyes lifting himself off a bed.

Where am I?

He lifted his hands to his burning face remembering the incident...

There were a few bandages here and there. He looked around the room he was in.

There wasn't much. A closet, a little desk and a bed.

On the desk there was a picture, of two boys and a women.

He recognised the face of the youngest boy straightaway.


He shot out of the bed and ran downstairs.

"Okay, thanks for the food Kyungsoo, see you tomorrow," Baekhyun shut the door, his thin back facing Chanyeol.


"Kitchen." Baekhyun's voice quivered. "L-let's eat first..."

Chanyeol bit his lip sensing something wrong. But he didn't say anything... Yet.

The two sat in silence as they ate. The only thing that could be heard was the clock ticking.

Chanyeol noticed that Baekhyun didn't eat much. Or that, he couldn't eat; his mind was disturbed by something. He sighed picking his chopsticks and feeding the smaller male.

Baekhyun didn't say anything, he didn't even protest. He slowly opened his mouth and let the injured boy feed him as tears silently fell down his face.

Chanyeol wiped away his tears and continued to feed him.

"N-no..." Baekhyun mumbled, "Y-you eat..."

He left the table before the other could say anything, he went into the lounge and sat on the sofa silently. He sat there staring into space until the other came in.


"I know..." Baekhyun whispered. "I... I know who you are..."

Chanyeol sighed coming up to the other and sat beside him. The other flinched but his gaze was still fixed into space. Tears were still flowing out of his eyes.

"Who am I?" 

"... S-stalker..." Baekhyun said. "You're comfort aren't you?"

Arms wrapped themselves around his thin frame. Baekhyun clutched onto the others shirt crying silently.

"Correct. The prize is..." He bent low and kissed Baekhyun's forehead gently. The other didn't react. He didn't even realise the other had kissed him.

"Y-you... Why?" Baekhyun sniffed.

Chanyeol stayed silent.

"You made a fool out of me..." Baekhyun whispered. "You thought it was funny didn't you... To humiliate me like that. To make me blindly trust you... Just what did I do to you? What did I do to make you hate me, hurt me, make fun of me? Why?"

"Because... You're an easy target," Chanyeol lied.

Baekhyun sighed, "Is that it?"

"Pretty much,"

Baekhyun pulled out of Chanyeol's embrace and ran to the bathroom locking the door. He fell to the floor wailing loudly.

And he took out a blade and got to work.

It's too much...

Too too much...

I can't handle it...

Just kill me now.

He filled the bath tub with water and overdosed on sleeping pills...

Hyung... Where are you? 

I need you right now...

When I need you the most... Where did you vanish to?

Well, that doesn't really matter right now... As long as you're alive, it's fine...

Goodbye Hyung...

The water in the tub was dyed red, blood red...


Before Baekhyun returned home...

The heir walked away heading in the direction of Baekhyun's address. He crept in by the window.

He saw the elder of the Byun brothers sitting down looking at a piece of paper.

It was a family photo, just him, his mother and father. Baekhyun was yet to be born at that time.

The heir watched from afar, interested.

"Eomma, appa, Baek is doing really well. You don't need to worry too much. But I do fear that he's hiding things from me. He should be home by now but isn't. I think he might have extra classes so I'll wait a little longer... Oh and he has a really tall and handsome boyfriend, I hope you guys don't mind. The name's Park Chanyeol,"

This peaked the heir's interest.

So the two are dating?

Then... Does Byun Baekhyun know he's comfort?

No... judging from that last scene... I don't think he does...

The clock ticked away. The heir noticed the time and decided to do it now.

He took out a syringe from his pocket and approached the elder silently from behind.

However, the elder noticed and whipped his head around.

But before the elder could say anything though, the heir jabbed the needle into his nape making him instantly pass out...

"Time to put this hostage into good use..." The heir smirked dragging the unconscious Byun Beakbeom away...


Chanyeol watched as the other ran away.

He heard the other lock himself inside the bathroom. 

He waited for a while thinking...

I'm an idiot.

I'm stupid. 

I'm ed up.

I hurt him.

I murdered him...

When it had passed a good ten minutes, Chanyeol decided to check on Baekhyun.

"Baek?" He said through the door.

There was no reply.

The other side was silent. Very silent. Chanyeol could not hear any signs of movement. 

He began to panic. He looked around and found a few paperclips on top of a drawer. He grabbed one and began to pick at the lock.

After a few seconds it opened and Chanyeol barged in to see an open bottle of sleeping pills on the floor, blood, a small blade. And then his heart stopped when he saw a lifeless body floating in a tub of overflowing water. The voice in his head spoke:

I murdered him...

"Baekhyun!" He lifted the boy out of the water and ran to the lounge placing the body on the floor. He pumped the other chest performing CPR.

"Don't die..." Chanyeol begged. "Please don't die."

He took a deep breath in blowing into Baekhyun. He was frightened.

Beakhyun's lips were ice cold against his.

And the smaller boy never moved an inch.

Chanyeol whipped his phone out.

"I need an ambulance, fast." He said trying to stop his voice from shaking. He gave the details and continued filling Baekhyun with air...


This place again...

It had been a while since Baekhyun was in the hospital room. Chanyeol was waiting. He was inpatient, but managed to keep calm. His phone buzzed all of a sudden, a message from Baek.

He furrowed his eyebrows. Baek was unconscious in the room opposite him. So who...? He checked the message.

It's time to stop playing around, Park Chanyeol. It's because of you he's in that room, half dead, about to die. ~Baek

Who are you? ~comfort

Me? You know clearly who I am. ~Baek 

Indeed, Chanyeol knew. It was the 'heir'. He typed back.

What do you want? ~comfort

... Let's just say... I want you to crumble. ~Baek

Chanyeol sighed putting his phone away. He heard that many times before so he was used to it.

Finally after another hour of waiting a surgeon came out of the room.

"How many sleeping pills did he take?" The surgeon asked.

"I'm not sure, I just found him in the bathtub. Is he okay?"


Chanyeol's heart dropped.

"He's standing on thin ice. Very very thin ice. He could fall any moment," 

Chanyeol's heart started to beat violently. He was scared... So scared.

Don't go...

Don't leave...

"His body is refusing the IV fluids. Until we find out why, he is at a risk of slipping away."

"When will he be awake?" 

"That's the thing, we need to find out why his body is rejecting the fluids, and then we need to sort that matter before treating him properly. If we succeed, he should be awake tomorrow." 

"W-will I be able to see him now?"


Chanyeol sighed. Sitting back down.

And the long waiting process began again...


The heir smirked as he entered the Byun apartment again. He found what he was looking for easily...

Baekhyun's phone. He flipped through the contacts until he found the one he was looking for...


He smirked and began to type.

It's time to stop playing around, Park Chanyeol. It's because of you he's in that room, half dead, about to die. ~Baek

Who are you? ~comfort

Me? You know clearly who I am. ~Baek 

What do you want? ~comfort

... Let's just say... I want you to crumble. ~Baek

The heir wasn't stupid. He knew Chanyeol wouldn't send anything back so he took the phone and ran back home.


"Where did you go?"

"Sorry father, things came up."

"Luhan is waiting in the guest room."

"Yes father. I'll make my way over now." The heir entered the guest room where he saw his cousin sitting on the bed blantantly waiting for him.

"Evening Luhan,"

"Drop the formalities," he said. "You called me here for what?"

"Park Chanyeol."

Luhan's lips stretched into a smirk...

"I'm guessing you have everything under control?"



A/n: He found out! BAEKKIE FINALLY FOUND OUT! Yeollie how could you! 

What will happen next? Who is the stupid heir? And Lay? What's he hiding?

Could he possibly be the heir? And lulu? Why do they want Yeollie to crumble!?

Wonder what will happen... Anyway, how was it? Comment and let me know what you think! 

 (P.s: even if the comments are three thousand years late, still comment, it's nice once in a while ^^b)

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Chapter 36: aww thats really a beautiful story.but i cried a lot when the chapter came that baekhyun was dead nd chanyeol will go to his grave nd talk to him after reading that i cried the whole night then as the story processed im really happy they r together nd all lovely dovey .thank u sooo much for this beautiful story.i really loved it.a beautiful story bring tears streaming down thats wt happened to me.its a mix od both sad nd happy tears thank u soo sooo much.
LisaSKimberly #2
Chapter 36: Ahahahhaha cute lmao
Ski is understanding about whatever happening love that waifu :D Nice journey as expected (just the yandere Luhan/Sehun relationship is kinda disturbing) don't get me wrong Sehun is my first bias and hunhan is my EXO first ship. See you soon.
LisaSKimberly #3
Chapter 31: Alright. Tbh I was panicked and my heart ached when they both 'died' I thought the nurse was lying so I just lolol and when it's 'real' I feel so attacked.
Lay. That guy. Thank you unicorn :p yet another beautiful ending as a closure. Thank you authornim !!
LisaSKimberly #4
Chapter 20: Whattheactual-
LisaSKimberly #5
Chapter 17: Someone end Baek's suffer. .too much conflicts. So many y af characters (no offense) Chanyeol >:c do ur best
LisaSKimberly #6
Chapter 6: To be honest, Comfort is literally every listeners on 7Cups lol. They act so kind and caring since the day you met them,..or suddenly turns out to advise you as if you just got out from the asylum and be the CCTV. Yep two mode, lmao. (actually I don't like their services much LIKE DUDE!! stop treating me like I'm some kind of troublesome emo child).//sob I'm Emo-L *Cries over PC because my boys r 2 precious* Anyhow, I liked the chapters so far! Why I haven't made my way to search this fanfics earlier lol.. *and it's 12am wtf am I DOIN* Ayyyyy I'm gonna hit the Next -> button till I'm done. See you!
Chapter 36: Ahhhhhhhh! I've read this story twice and I can't get over how much I LOVELOVELOVE it.
Thank you for writing this! <3
Chapter 36: why i cant open the link T.T
diana_parya #9
Hey^^ I Want Your permission To Translate Your fiction in Persian
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