
My pain, My comfort

Sehun sat drinking coffee as he waited for the other. He waited and waited checking his watch every so often. He was about to leave when the clock struck 10 but then he spotted his tall friend and another smaller boy with him.

"Yaa Park Chanyeol, you said 9 and you appear at 10!"

"Sorry about that," it was Luhans fault they arrived late. He kept on changing his outfit and causing a tantrum back at the mansion.

"Who's that kid with you?" Sehun said casually. For Chanyeol, the atmosphere dropped.

... He called Luhan a kid... Not good, not good...

Chanyeol turned to Luhan who had a forced smile on his face.

"Uh... Th-this is Luhan, a friend of m-mine."

"Nice to meet you," Luhan bowed in a friendly way.

"Uh... Yeah. Um, you... How old are you?"

"Me? I'm 20 why?"

"O-oh, Omo... I'm sorry, I thought you were a kid."

Chanyeol was watching the two with hawk eyes. Luhan slyly gripped his hand crushing his bones as he spoke.

"It's okay. Everyone makes that mistake, Sehun," Luhan smiled a very forced smile. "They say I look very young and feminine but I'm actually manly,"

Sehun looked at Chanyeol an eyebrow raised. "You know my name?"

The question was directed at Luhan.

"Uh, y-yeah. Chanyeol sleep talks about you all the time. It peaked my interests," 

Chanyeol felt like dying. 

Ground, please swallow me up.

Please, I'll be nice to you, I won't spit gum onto you anymore, I promise, I'll throw my rubbish in the bin next time, just swallow me whole now...

But of course the ground never granted his wish.

"What the hell Chanyeol, you dream about me? Bro that's just weird..."

"Uh n-no I don't. Its not like that I-" Chanyeol shut his mouth when he heard his bone crack. He squeezed his eyes shut trying really hard not to scream out in pain.

"Anyway, why'd you call me out here for? I swear it better be a good excuse or my manager will have my head,"

"Head? He'll chop it off! I won't let him do that!" Luhan said.

"Luhan-ssi, it's a-a figure of sp-speech, don't take it seriously," Chanyeol stuttered. He was doing quite a good job trying to act normal in front of the older male. 

"So? Give me an excuse." Sehun said ignoring the other. Chanyeol and Luhan took a seat around the small table.

"Oh um, Luhan-ssi here has c-come from China and back home they told me to take him around and show him around."

"And you need my help just for that?"

"Yeah cause you're like... Free right now,"

"I swear, you really asking to be dug six feet under right right now?"

"Yes. Yes do me a favour and dig me deep under ground." Another crack and Chanyeol was silenced. "I... I mean help me show Luhan-ssi around, please?"

"Fine. Only because I don't wanna waste this opportunity. Where do you wanna go?"

"Anywhere really, I don't mind since I'm with you," Luhan said staring into the other's eyes.

"Uh, me, he means me," Chanyeol said causing another crack to be heard. His hand was definitely messed up after that last crack Luhan did.

Indeed, he is manly. Never judge a book by it's cover they say.

They speak the truth.

Park Chanyeol realised this ages ago when he first met Luhan, and was reminded again.

"Let's get something," Luhan said shifting the subject. "Oh bubble tea,"

And Chanyeol swore he saw dancing halos in Sehun's eyes.

"Oh if it's bubble tea then you should get the chocolate one! That's the best. I think I'll order one too,"

"Great, let's order the same thing," Luhan smiled.

Chanyeol's day couldn't get any worse.

Luhan smiled. He smiled. HE ING SMILED!? Like an actual real smile and not that messed up one he usually has on...

"What about you Yeollie," Sehun said causing yet another crack. He gulped looking at Luhan's face.

"Uh... I... I'll have the same- I-I mean I'll have coffee, yeah, coffee." He said before Luhan could crack yet another one of his bones.

They gave their orders and then Luhan started conversation.

"So Sehun, have you ever dated anyone?" He said smirking.

"Dating? Oh yeah, I'm dating a girl called Taeye-" his phone buzzed. "Oh it's a call from her,"

He picked up his phone. Chanyeol prayed hard. Very hard that he would survive this torture.

Luhans mood dropped drastically.

"Park Chanyeol." He hissed through gritted teeth so that Sehun wouldn't hear. "Someone will die tonight. Pray very hard that it isn't you."

As long as it isn't me or anyone precious to me then it's fine.

Chanyeol thought closing his eyes not really listening to the other. He was already tired.

"Why didn't you tell me before!?" Luhan hissed digging his nails harshly into Chanyeols skin. Chanyeol shrugged too tired to speak. But he did have an answer in mind.

Who would think about girlfriends when there's knives flying their way and their life is on the line?

"Tch." Luhan hissed. 

Sehun hung up and came back to the table.

A waitress came over with a tray.

"Here are your orders."

"Ah, thank you," Sehun bowed politely as she set the tray down. Luhan eyed daggers at her as she smiled blantantly taking an interest in his... Prey.

"This is heaven..." Sehun smiled taking the straw in between his lips and drinking the tea.

"You're heaven..." Luhan said dreamily taking a sip of the tea.

Sehun eyed him and then Chanyeol.

"Oh, um his Korean isn't as fluent, he was meant to say 'you're right, it is heaven.' Sorry,"


Another bone was broken. Chanyeol took his coffee with his broken hand wincing. He was right handed after all.

"Bro what's up with your hand?"

"Oh, I broke it in the morning, that's partly why we came a little late," Chanyeol said. Beside him Luhan smirked quietly sipping his tea.

"So where should we go first?" Luhan asked as they finished drinking.

"Well, how long are you going to be staying here for?"

"Ah, a year or maybe more,"

"Oh, then why don't we just walk around he local area and get used to that first?" Sehun suggested. "That's okay right?"

"Yeah. Anything's fine as long as I'm with you," Luhan said.

"Uh he meant as long as we stay with him and he doesn't get lost," Chanyeol bit his lips as Luhan cracked yet another bone. He'd have to get it treated at the hospital.


"Okay, let's go," Sehun said placing the bill on the table, Luhan stopped him.

"I'll pay," Luhan said pulling out his wallet.

"No it's fine, you really shouldn't. I'd feel bad,"

"He'll repay you," Chanyeol said.

"Repay me?" Chanyeol swore he saw a smirk creeping up Luhan's lips. "That's okay,"

Chanyeol knew where this was going. 

In the end, Luhan paid and the three got up. Chanyeol drifted into a small thought but then a buzz broke him out of thought. He checked his phone.

Leave us be. Make an excuse and get your out of here. Or else~Luhan-ssi

Chanyeol stared at the older male, or more at his phone, which, to anyone else would look normal, but Chanyeol knew it was far from normal.

Chanyeol noticed the small phone charm hanging from Luhan's phone. It was of a dagger. 

But the thing was, the dagger wasn't fake, it was real. And Luhan purposely made it sway side to side threatening Chanyeol. Chanyeol gulped then turning to Sehun.

"Uh, Sehun, I got a text from... From home. I gotta go, ASAP."

"Then what about Luhan Hyung... I can call you that right?" He quickly added turning to the older male.

"Yes!" Luhan practically squealed freaking the living daylights of  Chanyeol out. "Although something like yeobo or jagiya would be-"

"Yeah... Um about that..." Chanyeol said cutting off Luhan and trying to act a little disappointed. From an actors point of view, he failed miserably but it was enough to convince Sehun.

"Luhan was looking forward to today and all... I think you guys should just run around the place without me... I-I mean it'd be a sh-shame if Luhan had to g-go back home n-now..." Chanyeol said stumbling on his words as he spoke the first things that came to mind. "Just, like, after three to four hours or so just drop him off at that convenience store that your girl works at, he'll know his way around from there. Okay I really have to go Hunnie, take care, see ya you two!"

And out he ran into the street leaving the two, one standing awkwardly while the other inwardly smirked...


Baekhyun sighed again as he stacked boxes up. Tiffany and Taeyeon watched him amused.

"He stacked the wrong boxes together yet again..."

"Should we stop him now? I mean, we'd have to stack the boxes properly after and I really can't be bothered."

"Shut it Player, just watch... Oh, he sighed again, that's the 196th time today..."

"Damn that's a lot." Taeyeon said, "And I'm not a Player! They were all annoying anyway! Hey, speaking of that, you gave us nicknames, what about you? Hmm..."

Tiffany opened a lollipop wrapper sticking the thing in between her lips.

"Heh, cola flavour really is the best in days like these..."

"That's it! You're nickname can be lollipop!" Taryeon yelled. "So, lollipop, how do you like you're nickname eh?"

"Oh, nice. Lollipop... Suits me," Tiffany said as she on the stick. "Okay shush and let's just watch..."

They watched for a few more minutes...

"Urgh! I really can't take it anymore!" Taeyeon yelled finally getting bored. "I'll make him better,"

"Pfft, go ahead, you'll just make his mood worse," Tiffany said popping the lollipop out of . Taeyeon huffed as she readied herself and walked up to the depressed young man.

She back hugged him.

"Oppa~ what's wrong?"

"Don't call me 'oppa' Taeyeon your older than me."

"Oppa~. Did Taeyeonnie do something bad?"

"Let go Taeyeon, I'm not in the mood." Baekhyun sighed pulling away from her embrace. "Leave me alone."

But as stubborn as she was, Taeyeon clung onto him again. 

"Baby~" she cooed. "Tell me what's wrong,"

"No! Leave me alone! I really am not in the mood. Please leave me be." He said walking away into one of the bathrooms.

"See, told you you'd make it worse," Tiffany said casually the lollipop. "I think you should just leave him be,"

"Urgh, whatever." Taeyeon rolled her eyes. "I'll just check on my Sehunnie..."

"My tender heart tends to start to bleed," Tiffany sang, "When you say a boy's name. I feel for them you know. Poor child. You already have a guy yet you're messing with Byuntae... Tut tut tut."

"Shut up." Taeyeon said pressing a few buttons and then placing the ear to her phone. Tiffany sighed as she heard all the lovely dovey comments being thrown around.

Poor guy...

She thought looking at the other girl squealing happily...


"Oh! That looks amazing!" Luhan said pointing at a fountain while munching on pocky sticks.

"It is... You said you were do m China right?"


"Your Korean's very good,"

"Yeah, I learnt it for the sake of meeting you..." Luhan smiled not realising how freaky and stalker-ish he sounded. Sehun gave him a funny look before deciding to let it slide.

"So um... Shouldn't we be going now? It's getting late And I gotta go pick up my girlfriend,"

"Aw, is it already time? It was fun talking and all Sehun." Luhan said trying to keep a smile on his face. Inside he was burning deeply with anger and the need to cut something up.

Stupid girlfriend...

Someone will die...

Someone will definitely die...

 Luhan and Sehun made their way back in an awkward silence.

"Y-you're suddenly really quiet hyung,"

"I am? Oh I think... It's just things on my mind. Don't worry too much about it." Luhan smiled.

"Okay then," they arrived at the convenience store that Baekhyun worked at.

"My girlfriend works here,"

"She does?"

This is where Byun Baekhyun works isn't it...?

Luhan inwardly smirked. He had a spy track Byun Baekhyun's every move from morning till now...

I'll take a look at that...

"Sehunnie!" A girl came running into Sehun's arms smashing her bubble pink lips onto Sehuns smearing pink onto his face. Luhan watched gagging inside and fiddling with the mini dagger on his phone.





Luhan couldn't stay calm. He cut his finger with the dagger drawing blood. He bit his lips lifting his finger to his lips on the wound. 

She... Will die.


He's mine... Mine!

From the corner of his eye, Luhan spotted the younger of the Byun brothers. He smirked.

They look the same...

He checked the time on his watch and then decided that it was time.

"Time to steal Byun away~" he smirked forgetting about the romance that was happening two steps away from him. He took out his phone and started to text.

Take him. After we've left. ~Luhan

Finally. That took so long. ~Chen 

Luhan smirked and turned to Sehun.

"I guess I'll get going now." Luhan smiled acting all bubbly.

"Eh? Sehunnie... Who's this?" The girl said, her arms hung around Sehuns neck. Luhan wanted to puke.

"A friend's friend. The name's Luhan. He's from China,"

Luhan felt a little down. 

A friend's friend eh? That's all I am to you...

"You said you're leaving now right?" Taeyeon said. Luhan nodded. "Good, leave me and my Sehunnie and get lost."

Luhan wanted to kill her right then and there.

He would've if Sehun wasn't at the scene.

"Sorry, see ya Hyung,"

Luhan smiled and turned and walked away hearing the girl giggle behind him.

Oh how he wanted to torture her so badly. He was already coming up with ways to kill her...

Don't worry, I'll kill you...

I definitely will.


Baekhyun finished his shift. He watched as Taeyeon ran to another man smashing her lips onto his. He cringed.


Baekhyun decided to clear away a few things before heading out...

As he moved a few boxes, he felt as though the room became silent. Too silent. And he felt another presence in the room. At first he thought he was going mad and didn't really pay much attention, but after he heard a door knob twist, he felt afraid. He turned around.


There was no reply.

"Is anyone there?"

Silence. Baekhyun furrowed his brows and then turned to finish tidying the boxes when he came face to face with Suho. Baekhyun jumped back.

"Omo you scared me!" He said holding his heart.

"Did I?" Suho smiled, "I'm sorry about that,"

"I-it's okay, um... So, what brings you here?" Baekhyun said moving a few of the boxes.

"Well I heard shuffling so I came to check, just in case it was an unwelcomed person." He said. "I didn't expect you to be here. Your shift is over."

"Yeah... I just thought this place could do with some tidying up." Baekhyun laughed nervously.

"Oh. But it's getting late. You really should head home." 

"I'm fine, I just live a street or two away,"

"Okay then. I'm going back to my office, still hve a little bit of work to do,"

"Okay, I'll leave when I'm done."

"You can leave now if you want." Suho said walking out of the door.

Baekhyun was about to turn back to the boxes when Suho stuck his head in.

"One more thing Baekhyun," he said sternly. "Careful on your way home."

With that he left. Baekhyun stared at the door for a while and then shrugged his shoulders.

I'll be fine... Home is just a street away...

There was a few lights switched on but other than that, the place was dark. Baekhyun didn't actually notice until he heard a box being knocked down on the other end of the shelves.

"Suho-ssi?" He called out. There was no reply. But he did hear footsteps. They were slow getting closer and closer, louder and louder. And then they stopped behind Baekhyun. Baekhyun didn't dare look back. He was a little frightened. He stood there taking a few breaths in until he finally managed to turn around and come face to face with a figure clad in black.

Before he could even scream, Baekhyun fell unconscious...


He woke with a groan. The floor beneath him was cold and hard. And his neck started to pain from the position he was in. He sat up, stretching his stiff limbs. Surprisingly, they were free. No ropes, no cuffs... He was free to move around. So the first thing he did was wonder around.

Where am I? 

The room was dark apart from a small light near a door. He decided to step out of the room and explore the area. He came to an equally dark corridor. Baekhyun waited for a while listening before deciding to wonder around. He went right and left many times, up a flight of stairs and down another countless of times too.

But it was too dark to see a thing.

Where the am I?

He turned a corner numbing into someone.

"Ah-" Baekhyun let a little cry escape his lips as he rubbed his nose.


"L-Lay? Omo! I'm so happy I found someone, what's up with all the corridors and darkness?"

"What are you doing here?" Yixing avoided his question.

"That's what I wanna know. Where am I anyway?"

"Uh... W-where did you come from," he tried his best to act ignorant, but he knew why Baekhyun was here.

"I really don't know, some dark room, Lay let's get outta here plea-"

A cry of pain was heard.

Baekhyun paused listening deeply.

Anoth cry from the same voice came again.

Beakhyun knew that voice very well.

Very very well.

He turned back to Yixing.

"Lay... What are you doing here? And why can I heard Hyung crying?"

"Your hyung crying? You're probably imagining things, I can't hear anything."

"No seriously, listen."

Another cry was heard.

"Did you hear that?"

"Yeah, I heard that one." Yixing said. "But... Are you sure it's your brother?"

A mad laugh was heard.

"Lay, I'm scared. Where are we?"

"I don't know myself." Lie. It was a lie. Yixing knew where they were. He knew very well. "L-let's try contacting someone.

"I lost my phone,"

"Oh don't worry, I have mine."

Baekhyun sighed sitting down on the floor as Yixing typed.

I thought you said he was tied up, he's out here in the corridor. ~Lay

Sorry. I'm coming home. Is Luhan well? He was the one who brought the younger Byun here. ~Sg

His name's Baekhyun not 'younger Byun'. And yeah Luhan brought him. He's doing fine. He's torturing Byun Baekbeom right now.~Lay

Don't let him kill the Elder Byun.~Sg


"Any luck?" Baekhyun said. Yixing almost forgot about him

"Nope. Can't get to anyone." He said.

"Oh... Then I guess we should... Somehow get out of here."


And the cry was heard again.

"C-can we go check?" Baekhyun said already walking towardsn the sound. Yixing decided to follow him.

So the two walked.

Baekhyun was happy to have found someone he knew in his unknown place but... Yixing was acting a little strange. He didn't answer much of Baekhyun's questions.

The cry was much louder and a voice could be heard.

"He's here! You're baby brother's here! Ahahahaa!" 

"Le-leave him... alone..." A voice huffed painfully.

"Leave him alone? Really? Hah, that would never happen Byun Baekbeom!"

Baekhyun gasped. "Hyung!"

He ran towards a door. Behind it, he could hear his Hyung and another talking.

"Baekhyun... I don't think-"

"It's my one and only brother. I have to." Baekhyun said taking deep breath in before pushing the doors open.

"Hyung!" Baekhyun screamed running to the other. "Hyung oh my gosh!"

The elder brother was bloody and bruised with several cuts that would need to be examined in the hospital. Baekhyun started to cry holding onto Baekbeom for dear life. 

"Ah... The younger one's here. Oh and my dear cousin..."

"Lu-Luhan..." Yixing said. The said man was covered in the Elder Byun's blood. 

"Cousin? What? L-lay? What's going on?" Baekhyun said shocked.

Yixing was silent, staring into Luhan's eyes.

"He said not to kill him. Stop now Luhan," Yixing said in his mother tongue.

"... Because it's you who's telling me dear Yixing, I'll stop." Luhan replied in the same tongue. "But... Why are you with the younger Byun?"

"He's not called 'the younger Byun', he has a name you know, it's 'Byun Baekhyun'."

"Lay, what are you saying? What's going on? Why is your cousin beating my Hyung? Lay... Is there something you're hiding from me?" Baekhyun said as tears fell from his eyes. 

Yixing didn't answer, his eyes were fixed on his cousin.


"Luhan ge, let's go. Leave these two here. And I'll send down a medic to clean the mess you've made." Yixing said in his language.

"Agreed," Luhan smiled following the other out.

"Baekhyun," Yixing called. The other lifted his head staring at Yixing.

"I'm sorry. I'll send down a medic."

Baekhyun's eyes widened but before he could say anything, the door closed. He hard a lock click and then silence...


"Yixing!" Luhan said throwing himself into the other once they entered the lounge. "I missed you~"

"Lu ge," Yixing laughed. "We had this talk before, I missed you too." He got out of the other's embrace and sat on the sofa. 

"But I only love Yixing. Only you... And another child too," Luhan added taking a seat beside him.

"Another? Who?" 

"Park's friend, Oh Sehun. He. Is. Amazing."

"... Okay then. Looks like I'm going to be replaced." Yixing said wiping a fake tear away from his eyes. "Lu ge no love me anymore."

"No no, you'll always be my number one." Luhan said hugging the other. "You will always come first, then it's him."

"Aw, Lu ge is amazing~"

"I know I am."

"Tut tut." Yixing said. "Anyway, about the Byun Brothers..."

"Ah yes, the older one is very strong. At first, he looked like he could break with just a blow of wind but he's still alive after all that," 

"No, um... Why are they downstairs? I thought that Park Chanyeol was meant to kill Byun Baekhyun..."

"He never told you?" Luhan said.

"Who never told me what?"

"Oh... Well, even though you are my favourite cousin, things like these will have to be kept from you. Sorry," Luhan sighed.

"I don't understand... Well I do, kind of but it's confusing..." Yixing sighed. 

"Hmm... Should we go stalk Oh Sehun just to get your mind off things? There's also a person I want no, need to dispose of."

Yixing gave him an awkward stare. "I don't stalk people."

"Yes you do. For the past week or more you've been stalking the younger Byun."

"... That... That's different,"

"Just come, I'll make it fun!" Luhan laughed dragging the other.

"Wait! You can't go out like that!" Yixing said pointing at all the blood.

"It's night time, no one will notice..." Luhan replied pulling the other into the cold night air...


A/n: Who was Yixing texting? Sg?? And Luhan!?? What will happen next!?!?!??!?

Also sorry for the long wait, I was so busy with homework and all so yeah. Kamsahamnida for waiting patiently. Comment and let me know~~~

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Chapter 36: aww thats really a beautiful story.but i cried a lot when the chapter came that baekhyun was dead nd chanyeol will go to his grave nd talk to him after reading that i cried the whole night then as the story processed im really happy they r together nd all lovely dovey .thank u sooo much for this beautiful story.i really loved it.a beautiful story bring tears streaming down thats wt happened to me.its a mix od both sad nd happy tears thank u soo sooo much.
LisaSKimberly #2
Chapter 36: Ahahahhaha cute lmao
Ski is understanding about whatever happening love that waifu :D Nice journey as expected (just the yandere Luhan/Sehun relationship is kinda disturbing) don't get me wrong Sehun is my first bias and hunhan is my EXO first ship. See you soon.
LisaSKimberly #3
Chapter 31: Alright. Tbh I was panicked and my heart ached when they both 'died' I thought the nurse was lying so I just lolol and when it's 'real' I feel so attacked.
Lay. That guy. Thank you unicorn :p yet another beautiful ending as a closure. Thank you authornim !!
LisaSKimberly #4
Chapter 20: Whattheactual-
LisaSKimberly #5
Chapter 17: Someone end Baek's suffer. .too much conflicts. So many y af characters (no offense) Chanyeol >:c do ur best
LisaSKimberly #6
Chapter 6: To be honest, Comfort is literally every listeners on 7Cups lol. They act so kind and caring since the day you met them,..or suddenly turns out to advise you as if you just got out from the asylum and be the CCTV. Yep two mode, lmao. (actually I don't like their services much LIKE DUDE!! stop treating me like I'm some kind of troublesome emo child).//sob I'm Emo-L *Cries over PC because my boys r 2 precious* Anyhow, I liked the chapters so far! Why I haven't made my way to search this fanfics earlier lol.. *and it's 12am wtf am I DOIN* Ayyyyy I'm gonna hit the Next -> button till I'm done. See you!
Chapter 36: Ahhhhhhhh! I've read this story twice and I can't get over how much I LOVELOVELOVE it.
Thank you for writing this! <3
Chapter 36: why i cant open the link T.T
diana_parya #9
Hey^^ I Want Your permission To Translate Your fiction in Persian
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