
My pain, My comfort

"Have you found out yet? Will I be able to see him now? Is he dead? Please say he isn't..." Chanyeol said exasperated. He waited for hours, the sun already rose high in the sky and it was already day. 

"He's okay." The nurse said. "It's just because the blood loss cause his veins to narrow so the IV is entering his system very slowly."

"He'll be okay right?"

"Yes. Hopefully." The nurse said. "But we need him to drink lots of water. At this rate, he may not wake in time for that and the pills will kill him."

"Save him... Please!" Chanyeol begged.

"I'll try. But it may be a little hard." She said. She nodded and bowed before turning, facing away from him.

A smile crept into her lips as she walked away.

The nurse turned into a secluded corridor and took her phone out dialling a number.

"How is he?"

"It's going well. I'll give you the recordings a little later. May I asked Luhan-ssi, exactly what do you want with that boy?"

"You don't need to know about that Jessica. All you need to do is put Byun Baekhyun on the verge of death."

"I understand." She sighed. The line went dead. She sighed putting her phone away And remembering the words Luhan said to her yesterday night...


"Why are you crying noona?"

"I don't have enough..." She sniffed staring at her lap. She was sitting on a bench in a local park.

"Don't have enough? What do you mean?"

She finally looked up at the stranger's face. Just by looking at his face and the worry on his face she was convinced. 

It's okay, I can tell him. Right?

But what she didn't know was that it was fake worry etched onto his face.

"M-my father. He needs treatment, fast. But I don't have the money to pay for it."

"What about your mother?"

"She... She's not here. She left us, abandoned us for that other man..."

"Oh... I'm sorry."

"It's okay... I... I just want my father." She sniffed. "I don't want him to leave."

"Where do you work?" Jessica pointed at a place.

"There. At that hospital. Why?"

Luhan's face lit up only a little. "Do you know a patient called Byun Baekhyun?"

"Y-yes..." She said breaking the rules. You weren't supposed to give out patient's details to strangers. "He was transferred to the A&E ward just an hour or so ago. I'm his assigned nurse."

Luhan inwardly smirked. This is perfect.

"You said you needed the money right?"

She nodded.

"I can give it to you," upon hearing this, she jumped up and held his hands in hers.

"Really?" She said wiping her tears. Luhan nodded.

"On one condition though," he said.

"What? I'd do anything," she said.

"Postpone Byun Baekhyun's treatment."

"That can't be done-"

"You needed the money right?"

Jessica gulped and then nodded. "Fine. I'll do it."

They exchanged numbers and that was when it all started...


You made a fool out of me...

You thought it was funny didn't you...

To humiliate me like that...

To make me blindly trust you...

Just what did I do?

What did I do to make you hate me, hurt me, make fun of me...


Chanyeol stared outside watching the clouds go by lazily. Right now, he wished he was as free as the clouds. The real answer to that question was:

Because you make me fall deeper... You're a dangerous addiction... Your so addictive... I hurt you to remind myself that I can't have you... I need to kill you. It's my duty.

It hurts Baekkie. It hurt so much....

I'm sorry... It hurts for me more than it does for you...

Because I don't want to kill you but I have to taint my hands in your blood to free them...

Chanyeol knew, he knew it was a stupid excuse but it was true. Every word his mind spoke was true.

To true that it hurt.

The truth hurts.

More than a lie.

So that's what he did. He lied to Baekhyun...

Chanyeol's gaze on the clouds never wavered.

Can't the fairy godmother from Cinderella just come and turn me into a cloud? I want to eat a poisoned apple and just disappear... Can't I just find a magic lamp that will grant me a wish? If I could, I'd wish to become a cloud this instant. They just fly pass so freely. Without a care in the world.

"Park Chanyeol?" Only then did Chanyeol tear his gaze away from the clouds. He looked up at the nurse from before, Jessica.

"You can't visit him just yet but I think you might want to know," she said. Her face showed a worried and doubtful expression. "H-he's not going to survive for long."

"What?" Chanyeol's eyes widened as he felt his heart wanting to burst at that moment. "What do you mean?"

He was ignorant to the fact that she was lying, playing tricks on him.

"The IV drip isn't entering his system fast enough. He'll leave... He doesn't really have enough time. I'm really sorry."

"B-but they said this hospital was the best for these things..." Chanyeol said staring at the closed door that led to Baekhyun's room. "I need to see him,"

"I'm sorry but you can't-"

Chanyeol pushed past her and ran into the room. He slammed the door open and saw someone drug Baekhyun with a suspicious purple liquid.

"What are you doing?" Chanyeol huffed. What's in there?"

"Park Chanyeol," Jessica came in, "You can't be in here!"

"What is he drugging him with!" Chanyeol yelled.

"It's something that would make his veins wider so the the fluid can flow more." Jessica explained.

"You're lying. Just a minute ago you told me he hasn't got enough time left. Then why are you still trying? Normally doctors will give up,"

"You ungrateful child." She hissed. "Be grateful we're actually trying. Do you want him to survive or not?"

"Yes but you're drugging him with something that looks really suspicious!"

"What's going on in here?" A superior doctor came in. "What's all this commotion?"

"They're drugging him with something suspicious!" Chanyeol yelled.

"We're not!" Jessica said.

"Let me see," the doctor took the syringe from the man's hand and checked it. His face fell.

"You two... I want you both in my office this instant."

"Y-yes sir." Jessica said with her head down. The two left.

"I'm very sorry son," the doctor said. "If only I caught on earlier,"

"What's in there?" Chanyeol asked.


"They've been poisoning him!"

It's okay, only a little bit entered his system. He should be fine."

"But what if..."

"I'll do his treatment from now on,"

"Thank you, thank you so much."

"It's my job, don't thank me."

Chanyeol smiled.

"I'll leave you two alone for a while, but please leave in a few minutes." The doctor said.

"Yes sir, thank you," he said again before the door closed. Chanyeol exhaled before turning to face the unconscious Baekhyun. He sat on the edge of the bed staring down at his Angel's lifeless face. He started to Baekhyun's hair gently. His hand often moved to Baekhyun's cold lips.

"Can I kiss you?" Chanyeol said. "Will you wake up then? Like sleeping beauty does after her Prince charming kisses her..."

He laughed half-heartedly.

What am I saying? Those princess fairy tales really have taken a toll on my mind today...

"I don't want to hurt you anymore Baek... I really don't... But I have to... If only we met in a different way, a different lifetime.... Things would have been different right? Or would they still be the same?" 

"They would've still been the same..." A voice answered him...

Chanyeol stared down at Baekhyun.

"You know well Park Chanyeol... That it would be the same. It'd all be the same."

"Is that so?" Chanyeol bit his lip fighting the urge to break something.

"Yes. You know that Park, you don't even need to ask. Tell me, you haven't killed him yet. Why?" Only then did Chanyeol turn to face the heir.

"You really don't need me to answer that."

"You love him don't you. That's why you keep asking father to give you more time."

Chanyeol didn't open his mouth he stared down at his angel. 

Please wake up...

"You love him so much you can't even kill him. How many years has it been since father told you to kill him? Two years yet you never did." The heir carried on. "Look, you have a chance to end his life now."

A clanking was heard. A small pocket knife slid on the floor next to Chanyeol's foot.

"Kill him now Park." The heir said. "You love him don't you? End his misery for him."

Chanyeol picked up the knife from the floor eyeing the sleeping Baekhyun.

"Kill him."

"No." He sighed. "Not yet. The time isn't right."

"When will the time be right? You had two years."


"I don't really care either way. Father's blind. But I'm not. He still doesn't know your comfort. He doesn't know you love him." The heir smiled. "Just to let you know, I persuaded father to give you another year. Decide what to do and do it."

The heir left leaving a shocked Chanyeol behind.

"A... Year?" He was thankful. Very thankful.

But he shouldn't have been...

The doctor from before came in. Chanyeol stuffed the knife into his pocket happy that it fitted inside. "I'll have to treat him now. You'll have to step outside."

"Yes," he bowed before stepping outside. He looked at the time. It was nine o'clock. He missed school but he didn't care. He walked to the waiting room slumping down onto a chair.

He didn't even get an inch of sleep and he felt his eyes begging to be closed. But he betrayed them.

He never slept.

I'll stay wide awake until he wakes... Until he's safe...


Am I dead? Please say I am... I don't want to suffer anymore...

Mum... Let me join you, let me be by your side again... 

Hyung can survive without me... He's strong...

Please let me die...

Let me return to my mother's side...

A bright light blinded Baekhyun. He squinted trying to escape the blinding gaze of the white light.

"He's awake. He's alive." Someone said startling Baekhyun.

Where am I? Is this the afterlife?

"Mum?" He croaked.

"How do you feel son?"

"Where am I? My throat is so dry" He said slowly opening his eyes adjusting to the light.

"At the hospital." A man said. "I'll get you water, stay exactly how you are. Don't move."

Baekhyun's heart dropped. 

Hospital? So I'm still alive?

The doctor came back in. "Here son, drink as much water as you can. The pills still have an affect on your body so you'll feel drowsy. But for now, focus on drinking lots of water."

The words went unheard. Baekhyun took the cup and drained it's contents.

"Any changes? How do you feel now?"

"Dizzy... And... I still feel thirsty..."

"I'll get you more water, for the mean time, sit up and try to stay awake."

Baekhyun nodded staring down at the white sheets. 

I'm so tired...

I'm tired...

I want a rest...

I want an vacation away from this cruel world...

I just wanted to sleep...

Sleep forever.

Why am I always prevented? Why can't I leave this prison? Why can't I die?

The door slid open and an unexpected visitor came in. Baekhyun tensed. All dizziness or sleep left him.

"I'm sorry... I know you don't want to see my face right now... But..." He lifted the cup of water. "The doctor had to attend to important matters so he told me to give this to you."

"... I... D-don't n-need... It." Baekhyun mumbled shifting his gaze onto the white sheets.

"You do Baek." Chanyeol went to his side sitting on the side of the bed. He placed his finger under Baekhyun's chin and tilted his head up. He placed the edge of the cup onto Baekhyun's dry lips.

"Drink." Baekhyun opened his mouth drinking slowly. He took the cup from the taller boy.

"I... I can do it myself..." Bit his hands were shaking violently causing the water to spill. Chanyeol took the cup.

"Just drink, don't worry about anything else," Chanyeol assured feeding the petite boy. Baekhyun drank it all still feeling thirsty. But he didn't ask for more water. He knew that he needed water in his system to dilute the pill's effect. So he didn't ask for more, he wanted to die anyway.

They sat in silence for a long while. Baekhyun's gaze never left the white sheets that covered his lap and Chanyeol's eyes were on the boy. Baekhyun began to think about the first times he and 'comfort' talked.

Don't worry Baek. Don't worry about what other people say. I'll always be on your side. You'll always have someone to back you up, Hwaiting^^ ~comfort

Baek. You're wrong when you say nobody loves you. Your mother loved you, your Hyung loves you, I love you. Okay that sounded a little... Awkward but you know what I mean right ~comfort

I'll be there for you ~comfort 

I'll protect you... Somehow :D ~comfort

"You lied to me..." He whispered finally breaking the silence. "You said you'll be there for me, that you'd protect me, that you love me, that you'd be by my side..."

"I never lied. You just believed in false words. There's a difference." Chanyeol said a little harshly, inching just a little nearer. He didn't want to say it. He couldn't tell him the truth, he couldn't just convert to the 'good side'. He was the 'villain' in Baekhyun's eyes.

And that's how it should remain for the rest of our lives...

"I guess... I guess you're right... I blindly believed you. I'm so stupid. I fell into your trap..."

You're not stupid, it's me... I'm stupid because I fell for your charms...

Is what he wanted to say but instead he twisted it.

"You are stupid. How could you just blindly trust someone who you've never met before. Haven't you heard those cyber bullying things that happen these days?" Chanyeol's arms shifted. He placed them on either side of Baekhyun staring deep into his eyes. His body acted on it's own.

He couldn't stop.

His hand made it's way behind Baekhyun's head. His lips inching just a little closer.

Stop... Don't do this... You can't have him... Don't make it worse...

His mind was right. But his heart cried. He was addicted. A dangerous addiction.

Baekhyun just stared into the other's eyes shocked. "W-what are you going to..."

Chanyeol inched closer. Out of instincts, Baekhyun closed his eyes waiting for the touch.

. Stop stop stop!

Chanyeol's mind begged. At last minute he pulled away.

"You really are a aren't you?" He said to Baekhyun. "You wanted me to kiss you didn't you? You're unbelievable."

Baekhyun opened his eyes wide. "What? N-no! I... I despise you... I hate you..."

"But being the you are, you really didn't care whether it was me or someone else isn't it?"

"No... Stop... Please stop..." Baekhyun cried. "I'm not like that..."

It hurt. The words burnt as they rolled off Chanyeol's tongue. It was his fault not Baekhyun's. But he couldn't get attached. He had to make Baekhyun hate him, so that it'd be less painful when he kills him.

"Leave..." Baekhyun sniffed wiping away his tears with his sleeves. "I don't want you here if you don't have anything useful to say,"

"But everything I say is useful."

"Leave." His voices was so broken and dead. It was a dagger to Chanyeol's heart. 

If only we met in a different way... If only I was the hero and not the villain in your story Baek. 

Chanyeol stood up, giving one more glance at his broken angel before turning around and leaving...


"You failed."

"I'm sorry Luhan-ssi." Jessica said.

"You even lost your job too. What are you planning to do now that you can't earn money for your father?" Luhan said sitting on his chair.

"I... I don't know... I did what you said! I postponed his treatment." She begged

"By just a day, no, not even a day, less than a day."

"I'm really sorry..." She pleaded. "Please,"

"Guards," Luhan called, "Get rid of her. Permanently."

Jessica's eye's grew wide. "What...?"

"Be thankful, you'll die before him and you both will meet in 'heaven'..." He smirked.

The guards came in and held onto both her arms.

"No!" She screamed as she was being dragged away. "Please! Please! Luhan!"

He just smirked.

One thing, the last thing she learnt in her life was to never trust a stranger no matter how kind they may seem...

It may all be just an act...



Comment and let me know what you all think. KAMSAHAMNIDAA!


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Chapter 36: aww thats really a beautiful story.but i cried a lot when the chapter came that baekhyun was dead nd chanyeol will go to his grave nd talk to him after reading that i cried the whole night then as the story processed im really happy they r together nd all lovely dovey .thank u sooo much for this beautiful story.i really loved it.a beautiful story bring tears streaming down thats wt happened to me.its a mix od both sad nd happy tears thank u soo sooo much.
LisaSKimberly #2
Chapter 36: Ahahahhaha cute lmao
Ski is understanding about whatever happening love that waifu :D Nice journey as expected (just the yandere Luhan/Sehun relationship is kinda disturbing) don't get me wrong Sehun is my first bias and hunhan is my EXO first ship. See you soon.
LisaSKimberly #3
Chapter 31: Alright. Tbh I was panicked and my heart ached when they both 'died' I thought the nurse was lying so I just lolol and when it's 'real' I feel so attacked.
Lay. That guy. Thank you unicorn :p yet another beautiful ending as a closure. Thank you authornim !!
LisaSKimberly #4
Chapter 20: Whattheactual-
LisaSKimberly #5
Chapter 17: Someone end Baek's suffer. .too much conflicts. So many y af characters (no offense) Chanyeol >:c do ur best
LisaSKimberly #6
Chapter 6: To be honest, Comfort is literally every listeners on 7Cups lol. They act so kind and caring since the day you met them,..or suddenly turns out to advise you as if you just got out from the asylum and be the CCTV. Yep two mode, lmao. (actually I don't like their services much LIKE DUDE!! stop treating me like I'm some kind of troublesome emo child).//sob I'm Emo-L *Cries over PC because my boys r 2 precious* Anyhow, I liked the chapters so far! Why I haven't made my way to search this fanfics earlier lol.. *and it's 12am wtf am I DOIN* Ayyyyy I'm gonna hit the Next -> button till I'm done. See you!
Chapter 36: Ahhhhhhhh! I've read this story twice and I can't get over how much I LOVELOVELOVE it.
Thank you for writing this! <3
Chapter 36: why i cant open the link T.T
diana_parya #9
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