
My pain, My comfort

"You missed like, two days of school, what happened?"

It was a Saturday morning and Baekhyun was ready to go to work. Kyungsoo decided to drop in and check on Baekhyun before he left since he was absent for two days.

"Nothing happened, I just... I just had some time off."

"Do you really think I'm going to buy that? Something happened didn't it? Where's Hyung anyway?"

Baekhyun paused.

He never saw Baekbeom since Wednesday, the day the little 'accident' happened.

"I don't know where he-" Baekhyun furrowed his brows. "Have you seen my phone anywhere?"

"No, why?" 

"Where did I last put it?" He said searching under his bed and in the corners. His sleeves rose a bit as he searched and Kyungsoo saw the scars.

'Baek? What are those?"

"What are what?" Baekhyun said not turning to face the other boy. Kyungsoo took his arm and pulled the sleeves up causing Baekhyun to cry out a little.

"Ow! Kyunggie-" his eyes made their way to his scars and then to Kyungsoo's shocked face. 

"Since when?"

"I stopped ages ago, don't worry-"

"Don't lie to me, these are still quite fresh, when did you do these?"

"W-Wednesday..." Baekhyun mumbled. "A-after... You gave the food..."

"Baek! What the hell! Why?"

"P-P-Park... Cha-Chanyeol..." Baekhyun mumbled. 

"This is why I said it was a bad idea to treat his wounds. You never listen do you?" Kyungsoo sighed. "Baek, yes, you have a kind soft heart but if you keep this up, you'll be the one to suffer first."

"So? Let me suffer, I don't care... In fact, it'll be better," Baekhyun mumbled.

"What do you mean? Baek... What about us? I've seen, I know how your suicidal but... Have you ever considered how we would feel after you leave? Baek, you keep talking about wanting to die but... After that... After you leave us... How are we meant to survive without you?"

Then, Baekhyun started to use his brain.

"How would we feel? Have you thought about it?"


"Baek. Seriously, stop letting yourself crumble. You need to be stronger. Die just because of one ugly giraffe? I don't think so."

"Soo... Stop..." Baekhyun said feeling his heart twist a little.

"Imagine our roles were swapped. How would you feel if I suddenly decided to end my life?"

Baekhyun gasped as he imagined a torn and beaten Kyungsoo. "Soo! You'd never! I'd stop you no matter what,"

"Exactly. So stop this Baek."

Baekhyun felt a lump in his throat. "I'm sorry... I'm so stupid. I've never thought about you guys. I'm so selfish..."

"You're not selfish Baek, he'll you even agreed to treat that ugly giraffe's wounds when you know you hate him... Yaa! You can't cry! You're going to work in a bit, what if they start teasing you about your red eyes and say you look ugly?" Kyungsoo said as he saw a small tear run down Baekhyun's eye. 

"I-it's your fault!" Baekhyun said wiping his tears. 

"Aw, you big baby," Kyungsoo said ruffling his hair.

"Yaa! I just fixed my hair just a few minutes ago! You ruined it!"

"It looks fine, seriously,"

There were strands of hair sticking out all over the place.

Baekhyun sighed patting his hair down a little went into the bathroom. He looked around. Everything was still the same. The open bottle of pills was lying on the floor and the bathtub was still filled with blood dyed water. Baekhyun gasped.

If Kyungsoo sees this... Then I'm dead.

He pulled the plug out of the bath and let the water drain and put the bottle of pills back into the cabinet. He stared into the mirror. His eyes were a little red and puffy. 

I look like a disaster.

He washed his face quickly and eyed the time.

I should get going now.

Baekhyun stepped out of the bathroom and walked to the front door slipping his shoes on.

"Kyungsoo!" He yelled.


"You leaving or what? I ain't having you alone in here." 

"Oh yeah, coming," Kyungsoo's footsteps tumbled down the stairs as he followed Baekhyun out of the house.

"Well then, see ya later."

"You too,"

And with that, they both parted into their seperate ways...

And then Baekhyun thought about that time. His fingers made their way to his lips and his cheeks grew a little hot.

He didn't mean it... He didn't so stop acting like this... 

He hated it. When he was alone his mind would always be invaded with that scene and his body would react differently. He'd feel... Hot and embarrassed and almost... Filthy... He shook his head occupying it with work as he carried on walking...


"This is the new employee?"

"Yeah, he's a part timer like you Player," Tiffany said while on a lollipop.

"Ooh, Heya! I'm Taeyeon, nice to meet you. Sorry I wasn't here last week," a girl with big pretty eyes and a doll like face. 

She's pretty...

Wait. No, no she's not. Be silent stupid hormones.

Baekhyun bowed politely and introduced himself. "I'm Byun Baek-"

"Byuntae!?" She yelled scaring the customers.

"What? No! Urgh, why does everyone do that?"

"Cause you just said Byuntae!"

"I said Byun Baekhyun!" He sighed. "Gosh."

"Sorry about that Byuntae, she's a little, you know," Tiffany said. Baekhyun sighed at the nickname.

"Yaa! I'm a little what!?"


"I'm not weird! I'm a-"

"Player." Tiffany finished off. "You're a player and he's a Byuntae."

"Pfft, player? Whatever. I mean, they were all annoying ad anyway,"

"Tut tut. I feel for them... Oh my..." Tiffany's eyes grew wide and she grabbed Baekhyun by the wrist and pulled him behind her. Baekhyun winced as she applied pressure on one of his scars.

"You can't mess with Byuntae's heart! Even though you two are a perfect match, you can't break his heart!"

"Pfft, whatever," Taeyeon said pulling Baekhyun's other wrist making him wince. "I like him, he's cute and y. So now he's mine. I claimed him."

"What? No! I don't even like you!" Baekhyun said pulling away from her grasp easily.

"Yaa Byuntae, I chose you, you're mine now." She said wrapping her arms around Baekhyun. It felt foreign to him. Like it was wrong. Like he belonged in someone else's arms. But who?

"Let go of me!" Baekhyun yelled.

"Yeah Player, let go of Byuntae. He's not even interested in girls, he likes guys,"

"What! No I don't-" Barkhyun took a brief pause before saying, "Y-yeah! That's right! I... I like guys!"

"So? I claimed you. You're mine!" Taeyeon said kissing his cheek leaving a bright pink lipstick mark. He didn't like the feel of her lips on his skin, like he was yearning for someone else's lips on his skin.

"Ew. That looks like a bruise... You better wash that off..."

"Yaa you slackers, get to work. We have customers waiting!"

"Sorry Suho-ssi. We'll get to work straightaway!" The three bowed respectfully and got to work. Tiffany was at the counter while the other two were stacking boxes at the back.

"I wasn't lying when I said I claimed you."

"But I'm as straight as a pen- I mean as bent as... As your nose!"

"Eh? My nose is bent?"

"Yeah, it's crooked." He said trying his best to give off a bad impression so she doesn't bug him.

"What! No this can't be!" She said taking out a small mirror and checking herself. 

"Well it is so yeah."

"Pfft. Whatever. It's so obvious that you're lying. You just want me to stop bugging you right?" She said approaching him. Baekhyun took steps back as she advanced. He cursed as he felt his back collide with the wall.

"I claimed you Byuntae," she said pressing her hand onto his chest and staring up at him. "You're mine now,"

Baekhyun pinched his lips. He didn't like her touch at all. Like it wasn't meant to be, like it was meant for someone else... But who? 

"Stop. You've only met me today. You know nothing. Stop it." Baekhyun said a little coldly. But who could blame him? Inside he was a burning mess.

Taeyeon stared up at him. A smirk crawled onto her lips. "You're even more y when you talk like that... I like it."

"Stop it. Seriously."

"Urgh, fine!" She said raising her palms, "You're no fun. I'll get you one day Byuntae,"

She stalked off with sass in every step she took.

Was Baekhyun's only thought about her. He was left alone again. And again the thoughts flooded his mind. He slid to the floor wrapping his arms around his knees as he thought.

His breath was really warm and minty...

No wait. Stop. Stop you stupid hormones...

How would it have felt? Soft? Daring? Sweet?

Just ing stop. You're acting like a fricking girl who can't get a guy and fantasizes about one for the rest of her life...

Okay that was a little harsh... But still...

Baekhyun sighed as he wondered how will he fix his messed up mind.

And from the back window, a pair of eyes were on him. The same ones from those other times...


"Mmm... Y-Yeollie... A-air..." Baekhyun moaned trying to pull away. "St-stop... A-ah..."

The other was literally biting and on Baekhyun's lips as he stripped him. 

"Y-Yeollie..." Baekhyun huffed as he broke away staring into the other's eyes. A trail of saliva hung from their lips. Baekhyun wrapped his arms around the other's neck smiling.

"I love you Baek..."

"Mmm, I love you too..." Baekhyun said clinging onto the other. "Kiss me again... Touch me... Do whatever you want with me Yeollie,"

There were blankets, pillows and clothes all over the place...


"UWAAHHHH!" Baekhyun shot up hitting his head on something hard. "Ouch..."

"Oh you're finally awake." Baekhyun turned his head to the source of noise and was met face to face with Suho. His brain took a while to recall twhat happened, when it did he stood up abruptly and dusted his uniform.

"I'm so so so sorry." Baekhyun bowed formally. "I didn't mean to doze off, I... I just-"

"It's okay. I just woke you to tell you that your shift is over. I'll let you off this time, but if you fall asleep tomorrow then I'll cut your wage for a day."

"Yes sir!" Baekhyun saluted walking out of the storeroom. Suho smiled as he watched him go. He looked around and then spotted a figure watching from outside. He furrowed his brows but discarded it going back to his office.


Baekhyun walked briskly and held his flushed cheeks all the way home. He's head was swimming through the thoughts of the 'nightmare' he just had.

I did not just dream about that.

No I didn't.

No it's a misunderstanding... I didn't... That's impossible... Me... With him? Never. I'm as straight as a pencil!

He touched his lips.

What's wrong with me? Stop. Stop it. He hurts me. He's a bastard. Stop... It...

He got to the front of his door knocking for a while when he realised his Hyung wasn't home. He then fumbled through his pockets for his keys and opened the door stepping into the dark house.

He looked around.

It doesn't feel like home anymore...

It feels so foreign... Where did everyone go?

Just then he heard a pair of feet shuffling around. He froze as a figure switched on the lights. Baekyun froze completely.

"Y-you... Why a-are you here? Ho-how d-did you get in?" Baekhyun said backing up to the front door behind him.

"Simple. The window was open so I slipped in," Chanyeol said smiling like a dork.

"D-did something happen? Wh-why are y-you smiling?" Baekhyun stuttered as thoughts about his dream came into mind. His eyes instinctly made their way to Chanyeol's lips and his cheeks became a whole new shade of red.

"Smiling? I'm smiling? Wait, why are your cheeks so red? A fever?" Chanyeol placed his forehead onto the other's not sensing his discomfort. 

They were just an inch away. Baekhyun's breath hitched as he stared into the others eyes.

What the is wrong with him? Get away... Please... I need space...

Baekhyun's eyes became heavy lidded as he felt the warmth radiating from the other's body. Before his body could do anything else, Baekhyun pushed the other away.

"Do-don't touch me." He stated. "Ge-get lost. You're not sup-supposed to be in here... I... I hate you. I don't want to see you..."

"That hurt," Chanyeol said dramatically holding his heart. "I only came to check up on you,"

"You didn't need to waste your time on me."

"But I wanted to..." Chanyeol mumbled quietly so that Baekhyun couldn't hear.

"L-leave me alone." Baekhyun said brushing past the other. "Go h-home."

"You're stuttering an awful lot today. Did something happen, Baekkie," Chanyeol said grasping the other's wrist and pulling him back with ease.


"And you're stuttering again."

"I'm not!" 

"There, you stopped." 

"Can you... Leave? Like... Please?"

"Oh but Baekkie we gotta talk," he whispered into Baekhyun's ear letting his lips brush the shell of his ear. Baekhyun held his chest.

Stop beating so loudly for s sake!

Baekhyun pleaded. He gasped as he felt Chanyeol's wet tongue on his ear. He jumped away.

"Stop! Just stop it! How much further will you hurt me... I'm broken so stop it... Stop humiliating me. You broke me to pieces. I can't be mended anymore. You've achieved your goal so stop..." Baekhyun yelled.

He didn't mean to lash out like that. It just happened. But his words were ignored, thrown out of the window as Chanyeol held his wrists and pushed him to the wall for the nth time. He was always pushed to the wall by the taller male, always...

"Ah!" Baekhyun let out a gasped as he felt the wall hit his back hard.

"You're so cute when you're angry Baekkie... Stop seducing me like that..." Chanyeol whispered bending low so that their lips were just a few centimetres apart. "You make me want to do things to you..."

"M-move... Please..." Baekhyun's heart was pounding. "Please..."

He sniffed, which then turned to little shudders and then the tears fell.

Stop reacting like this... Stop pounding so loudly stupid heart.

Baekhyun was afraid that the taller boy would hear and then do something to him, hurt him again...

"Stop crying..." Chanyeol ordered. He wiped the other's tears away. "You're not beautiful when you cry."

Baekhyun didn't hear the last sentence over his beating heart.

"Baekkie... Let's talk business now." Chanyeol said releasing the other. He dragged him to the sofa and made him sit. Chanyeol took a seat beside him fighting the urge to hug him, kiss him, 'comfort' him right there and then. He took a deep breath in calming himself.

"Where is the phone?"

Baekhyun's eyes were still watery but he answered faintly. "C-can't... Find I-it."

"Tch. Okay, when was the last time you saw your Hyung?"

"T-the morning... Be-before school... O-on... Th-that... Day." He was talking about Wednesday... When everything happened.

"That's technically all I came here for." Chanyeol said getting up and dusting his trousers. "Well then Baekkie, next time we meet... Just know one thing..." He stooped low capturing Baekhyun's attention.

"You... Might...".Chanyeol said against his ear. "Die..."


It was all a lie when Yixing said he came from China. Yes he was indeed Chinese but he was always in Korea. He was born in China yes, but his whole life was spent in Korea. He watched again that night.

He always watched.

All the time.

Every time.

That time in the funeral, the hospital, the time where Baekhyun was about to be stabbed... He was always there watching. And there he was watching Baekhyun from the back window as he slept in a weird position on the floor of the storage room.

But what he didn't know was that more eyes were following Baekhyun. A lot more. 

When Baekhyun woke and walked off, the man that was with him turned to look at Yixing. But before Yixing could see his facial features, he ducked, silently leaving the area.

The man looked awefully familiar...

He then got a text from a familiar contact.

I know it's you Yixing. Go home. Your father's probably waiting...


"You... Might..." Chanyeol said against his ear, "Die..."

So hate me... Resent me... So that it's less painful...

He sighed inwardly as he stepped away from the other.

Baekhyun was silent. Very silent. He stared at the wall opposite of him. His mind went blank for a minute or two. Only after he heard the front door close signalling Chanyeols departure did it start to work again.

Die? ... You said that countless times before... You tried countless times before...

Will... Will you keep to you're word this time?

He sighed feeling his heart tighten painfully...


"Yaa you , get up!" A kick to the face woke Baekbeom. He was wide awake. His face was bruised and bloodied and the rest of his body wasn't better. He was tied with a rope, it rubbed against his skin roughly leaving ugly red marks.

"Please... What do you want? I'll do anything..."

"Heh," Luhan smirked. "You'll know once we capture the other, don't worry, he'll be here tomorrow or so,"

"Leave Baekhyun out of this!"

"Oh but he drowned too deep. He knows too much. He can't be saved Byun Baekbeom," Luhan smirked as he took out an electric whip from his back pocket. "So, until tomorrow, I'll give you the best treatment I can provide..." Luhan smirked whipping the floor near Baekbeom.

"You're sick..."

"I know..." Luhan smirked "I knew ages ago... Even though they never bothered to tell me..."

He started trailing into his own thoughts.

"They knew! But they never cared! You knew but never cared... They'd rather let me die! Stuck in that room for the rest of my life!"

With every sentence, the elder Byun was struck, electrocuted mercilessly.

"It was all a lie! A lie! They were fake... It was all fake!" He started rambling on and on about something.


Baekbeom knew straightaway.

He's relating me to them... The one's who shut him away...

"They could've prevented it... But they never tried... You never tried..."

"St-s-s...." Baekbeom couldn't speak. His body convulsed, shuddered still facing the aftereffects of the electrocution.

"Suffer... I'll treat you the way you did to me back then..." 

"I'm not... The... O-one... Who... Hu-hurt you..." Baekbeom gasped.

"Silence! It's lies! Lies! You all locked me away! It was only Yixing first accepted me... My dear cousin..." Luhan yelled whipping him yet again, huffing deeply as he stared down at the mess he made. Blood poured out of the elder of the Byun brothers in small, thick streams.

"P-please... I... I'll do wha-whatever..." Baekbeom gasped.

"I told you before... Tomorrow..." Luhan huffed dropping the weapon and walking away. He shut the door and left the elder Byun to suffer in the dark, cold room...


Chanyeol burst through the door. He stalked right up to the heir.

"Where is he?"


"Don't act ignorant! You know who I'm talking about. Where's Byun Baekbeom!?" Chanyeol huffed grabbing the front of the heir's shirt.

"I don't really know. Tell Luhan." 

"Luhan? He's here?"

"Of course, he came a while ago. It was him who used that nurse to poison Baekhyun."

"That was him!?"




"A-anyway... Where is he?" 

"Are you sure you want to meet him now? He's in a state of... 'Uncertainty' as I say. He just came from torturing the elder of the two brothers."

"That's more of a reason why!" Chanyeol gasped exasperated.

"So be it. Luhan resides in his chamber,"

"Tch, don't talk like that." Chanyeol muttered stomping out of the room. He walked through a few grand halls that were dothed in red and gold intricate patterns. He bit his lips once he arrived at the doors of the guest room. He took a deep breath in placing his ear on the door just to make sure the other wasn't crying or screaming or breaking anything. But before he could even hear anything though, the door opened.

"I was expecting you. You came at the right time... Park Chanyeol." Luhan smiled a fake smile dragging the other inside the room. Chanyeol gulps as his foot stumbled into the room. The door shuts and the atmosphere drops drastically.

"So, Yeollie... I want you to help me in something that has been bothering me for years now,"

For years?

Chanyeol dreaded the answer.

This can't be good...

"Wh-what's wrong?" Chanyeol stuttered as he eyed Luhan who was admiring his collection of weapons he loved dearly. Most of it was made of daggers and knives...

"Well... That kid you usually hang out with..."


"The tall one with the perky big and y body and beautiful eyes..." Luhan said trailing off. "And his lips were so beautiful too... And that cold look in his eyes and that oh so y jaw line is just a killer..."

Chanyeol stared at the other with a horrified look.

Luhan... Is... Falling in love? THE Luhan is in love... With one of my friends?

As expected. This was not good. Not good at all...

"I think the name was... Oh... Oh shun?"

Chanyeol's jaw dropped to the floor. The atmosphere in his view kept on dropping further and further.

"Y-you mean... O-Oh Sehun?" 

"Yes! That's the one!"

Dear child, I feel so sorry for you... I'll start digging you'regrave and planning your funeral, my most dearest, loyal, best friend, Oh Sehun...

"Has he seen me before? Back then when I came to visit, 3-4 years ago?"

"No. He never did."

"I... I see... I bet he has become more y." Luhan's finger's started to bleed as he intentionally slid them over the sharp edge of a knife.

"He's so beautiful... Introduce me to him... Tomorrow maybe? Before Byun Baekhyun finishes his shift tomorrow."

"Uh... H-he works too so that's impossible-" Chanyeol narrowly missed a knife that was thrown at him. He looked behind him feeling sorry for the wall that had a knife stabbed deep into it.

"I demanded, not asked. Learn the difference dear Chanyeol." Luhan grinned. Chanyeol nodded his head almost completely forgetting why he came to the ill young man. He pursed his lips.

Should I do it?

Might as well... 

"Um... L-Luhan, can-"

Another knife was sent flying in Chanyeol's direction. He was glad his reflexes were sharp. Otherwise he would've had several knives jabbed into his head.

"It's Luhan-ssi for you,"

"Ah... L-Luhan-ssi, I'd like to know something."

"Go on,"

"Byun Baekbeom... Where is he?"

Luhan raised a brow smirking. "To ask me such a thing... You really do have balls,"

I'm a guy, of course I'd have balls, duh?

"I won't tell you Park Chanyeol. I know what you would do. Like what you did at the hospital, you would save the elder brother..." Luhan came up to Chanyeol. "Don't get into my way if you know what's coming at you. And believe me, it isn't as peaceful as the treatment Byun Baekbeom is getting down below,"

Down below? The basement?

Chanyeol thought. But he didn't dare say a thing. He pinched his lips together and excused himself silently.

When he shut the door behind him, he heard screaming and glass breaking.

And he was thankful he left the room before the other lashed out...

He took out his phone and tested Sehun.

Meet me at the café near the park tomorrow at 9 okay?~Chanyeol

I have work tomorrow bro. Another time?~Sehun

Tomorrow. Or I'll spill all your secrets to 'her'~Chanyeol

Right. Tomorrow at 9. Okay. I'll be there.~Sehun


Chanyeol smirked. But then that was soon gone. He then checked the message history.

The last message from Baekhyun was that last one the heir sent...

He made his way back to the heir's chamber.

"Yaa, what did you do with Baek's phone after you sent that ?"

"... Hmm what did I do indeed..." The heir smirked. "You can't contact your beloved Byun Baekhyun anymore. What will you do Park Chanyeol?"

"Where is it?"

"So, what did my dear cousin say? Did he tell you? I don't see a bruise or a speck of dust on your body... It seems everything went okay no?" The heir smirked blatantly changing the subject.

"You son of a... Tch." 


Chanyeol was drowning deeper and deeper. He sighed leaving the room.

Help me...

Eomma... Noona...


A/n: Progress guys... Progress...


Somebody else's arm around him...

somebody else's lips on his skin...

Somebody else's touch...


Wonder who? *smirk*

About the psychopath thing, either search it up or watch hello monster (highly recommended) because I'm too lazy to explain.

Eomma? Noona? What does Chanyeol mean!?!??

COMMENT AND LE- you really don't need me to tell you guys right? Just do the usual :D

And because I don't think I thank you guys enough:



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Chapter 36: aww thats really a beautiful story.but i cried a lot when the chapter came that baekhyun was dead nd chanyeol will go to his grave nd talk to him after reading that i cried the whole night then as the story processed im really happy they r together nd all lovely dovey .thank u sooo much for this beautiful story.i really loved it.a beautiful story bring tears streaming down thats wt happened to me.its a mix od both sad nd happy tears thank u soo sooo much.
LisaSKimberly #2
Chapter 36: Ahahahhaha cute lmao
Ski is understanding about whatever happening love that waifu :D Nice journey as expected (just the yandere Luhan/Sehun relationship is kinda disturbing) don't get me wrong Sehun is my first bias and hunhan is my EXO first ship. See you soon.
LisaSKimberly #3
Chapter 31: Alright. Tbh I was panicked and my heart ached when they both 'died' I thought the nurse was lying so I just lolol and when it's 'real' I feel so attacked.
Lay. That guy. Thank you unicorn :p yet another beautiful ending as a closure. Thank you authornim !!
LisaSKimberly #4
Chapter 20: Whattheactual-
LisaSKimberly #5
Chapter 17: Someone end Baek's suffer. .too much conflicts. So many y af characters (no offense) Chanyeol >:c do ur best
LisaSKimberly #6
Chapter 6: To be honest, Comfort is literally every listeners on 7Cups lol. They act so kind and caring since the day you met them,..or suddenly turns out to advise you as if you just got out from the asylum and be the CCTV. Yep two mode, lmao. (actually I don't like their services much LIKE DUDE!! stop treating me like I'm some kind of troublesome emo child).//sob I'm Emo-L *Cries over PC because my boys r 2 precious* Anyhow, I liked the chapters so far! Why I haven't made my way to search this fanfics earlier lol.. *and it's 12am wtf am I DOIN* Ayyyyy I'm gonna hit the Next -> button till I'm done. See you!
Chapter 36: Ahhhhhhhh! I've read this story twice and I can't get over how much I LOVELOVELOVE it.
Thank you for writing this! <3
Chapter 36: why i cant open the link T.T
diana_parya #9
Hey^^ I Want Your permission To Translate Your fiction in Persian
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