
My pain, My comfort

A/n: Just a warning for those who aren't a fan of torture or Gore 


"L-Luhan Hyung?"


"Wh-what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same..."

"... Th-that's Taeyeon isn't it? Wh-why is there blood all over you?"

"Simple." Luhan smiled, "I killed her."

Sehun took a few steps back.


"Because she stole something precious to me."

"M-May I ask... What?"

Luhan walked to the other wrapping his arms around Sehun.

"She stole you." Luhan breathed before desperately smashing his lips onto the younger's...


"Just come, I'll make it fun!" Luhan laughed dragging the other out into the cold night air...

"Lu ge, it's cold,"

Luhan wrapped his arms around the other smearing a bit of blood on him. "Any warmer?"

"No. Lu ge, get away from me you're covered in blood."

"Aw, when you were younger, you used to beg for me to hug you."

"That was before..." Yixing said blushing a little. "I'm older now, I hit that age in life..."

"That age? Why don't you just say puberty?"

"B-because it rolls off my tongue very weirdly."

"Tut tut. Excuses, excuses... You're just embarrassed dear unicorn,"

"Lu ge! Stop bringing up the past! I don't wanna be a unicorn anymore!"

"I recorded that you know, still have it."

"Delete it. Now."

"But it's cute,"

"Lu ge!" Yixing whined embarrassed.

"Okay, okay I'll stop," Luhan laughed. Yixing let out a breath of relief.

"But I won't delete that clip,"


Luhan chuckled keeping his cousin close to him.

"It's cold out, stay by me,"

"It's your fault if I get a cold. You didn't even let me get my coat." Yixing mumbled.

"You'll be fine. Anyway, I've tracked Sehun's location. He's in an apartment with that ... Alone." Luhan gritted his teeth as he said the last part.

"Aww, don't worry gege, I'm sure that he won't do anything like that to her."

"I know he won't... But what if that slave does? Tch." Luhan said. You could practically see the blood rushing through his veins.

"I-it's okay Lu ge, don't worry," Yixing reassured. Luhan gave him a look.

"This is why I love you most," Luhan said head locking him. "You'll always come first."

"I know. I'm too awesome that's why," Yixing said laughing. He then stopped abruptly. 

"What's up?" Luhan said turning to the other.

Yixing's eyes were fixed on a lamppost. Well more exactly, at the one standing under it.

"Gege, it's Hyung." Yixing said. "I... I'll have to go. I'm sorry, I'll stalk Sehun with you another time..."

"Aw, okay then," Luhan knew not to mess with Yixing's Hyung. They both walked to the other.

"You're out at this time? Is father home? Where are you two going?"

"We we're just walking around... Luhan ge has some unfinished business to attend to..."

"I'm sure Luhan can attend to his matters alone. Come child, let's go home,"

Yixing nodded.

"I'll be back within an hour or two," Luhan said.

"Very well, I'll be expecting you." Yixing and his Hyung left...


Luhan waited just by the window. He stood in the small balcony staring down at the roads below him. He listened carefully. Yixing was right, indeed, they didn't do that but they (they meaning Taeyeon only) were saying sweet words and exchanging kisses every so often.




Luhan's blood boiled. He couldn't take it anymore and was literally going to jump off the balcony or barge in.

Luckily though he heard Taeyeon speak.

"Babe, it's getting late, I should get going." She said.

"Okay then," Was the bored reply. Luhan was a little taken aback. He thought Sehun loved her but the way he spoke, it seemed like he was bored of her and wanted to get away. Luhan smirked.


He heard the front door shut and decided that Taeyeon had left.

As promised, someone died that night...

Luhan started to climb back down and tailed Taeyeon following her back to her little house. He stayed outside, behind a bush and watched as the bathroom light flicked on and her silhouette could be seen in the shower.

Tch... Shamelessly expressing her figure like that... Tut tut.

But it's okay... She'll be dead in a bit...

Luhan decided to creep in and hide in the shadows...

Taeyeon hummed as she applied a few moisturizing oils on after her shower. She stepped out with just her towel wrapped clumsily around her. She instantly noticed that something was wrong...

It was too quiet...

Too too quiet. Taeyeon felt as if she was being watched. And she shivered.

"Tae, you're just imagining things... You live here alone, of course it'll be quiet..."

"Exactly..." Taeyeon gasped and turned around. "You're... 'Imagining' things child."


"Yep. Me." Luhan said holding a long needle probably the size of his hand. 

"W-what are you doing here? Stalker? Did you fall for me? You think I'm y?" She smirked.

"Say another word and you'll perish." Luhan said throwing her to the floor.

"What do you wa-" She screamed.

"Didn't I make myself clear enough dear child? Silence." He said as he twisted the needle that was currently stabbed deep into her tongue.

"You need to be tought not to steal things that belong to others." Luhan hissed slapping her face hard.

"Tch. Filthy," he said taking his phone out, or to be more precise, the phone charm on it. Taeyeon's eyes grew wide as she eyed the small dagger that hung from it.

"You see this here," Luhan said swinging it. "This is all it takes to kill you,"

Another scream.

"I don't like your eyes. They're disgusting." He said staring at her. He stabbed the mini weapon deep into her left eye twisting it into different positions and angles.

"Stop it! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! What do you wa-" another scream was heard from the girl. Tears of crimson trickled down her left cheek.

Luhan stuck a needle down . She choked helplessly making it worse. 

"A-ah..." She croaked out painfully.

"You know, you're really boring." Luhan sighed. "You're limbs are free yet you don't fight back. You're Weak. Pathetic. Disgusting."

Only then did she flail her limbs around uselessly. Luhan stared at her skin, there were bite marks all over her inner thighs.

"I'm guessing these are all from different men? Tut tut." Luhan said pulling the mini dagger out of her eye and burying it deep into the sensitive flesh. 

"These marks are ugly, I'll make them better," he said carving little dots over the bites. She screamed convulsing violently.

"There... One leg done, time for the other-" Luhan paused when he saw a picture carved onto her other thigh.

"A mountain? No... Is that..." Luhan looked carefully. It was a sign he knew well. "Oh my, no wonder... You're from that brothel... Tch. Brings back memories... Tut tut. The way they tried to get rid of me through those disgusting women... The way they'd send several women to my room to play with me until I 'broke'... That plan never worked though..." Luhan smirked.

Taeyeon breathed hard, quickly. She was hyperventilating. Luhan didn't care.

Let her hyperventilating, this stole my precious Sehun...

Two hours went past.

Luhan sat quietly in the middle of the dark room with multiples of red blotches around him. The only source of light was the moon at that moment. He was sitting there for quite a while not even hearing the phone which buzzed continuously for about an hour or so. He sat there in the comforting silence listening to his heart beat. He didn't hear the door burst open...

"L-Luhan Hyung?" He snapped back into reality.


"Wh-what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same..."

"... Th-that's Taeyeon isn't it? Wh-why is there blood all over you?"

"Simple." Luhan smiled, "I killed her."

Sehun took a few steps back.

"Oh my gosh she doesn't even look human anymore... W-why did you k-kill her?"

"Because she stole something precious to me."

"M-May I ask... What?"

Luhan got up and walked to the other wrapping his arms around Sehun's neck.

"She stole you," Luhan breathed before desperately smashing his lips onto the younger's... 


"Hyung... Hyung I'm sorry..." Baekhyun sniffed as he cradled his brother's head. The other was out cold.

"Hyung, please be alive... Please... Don't die..." And for once Baekhyun actually thought about it. 

So this is what Kyungsoo was feeling when I tried to commit suicide...

Don't die...

Don't leave me...


The door opened and a figure clad in a white coat came in with a first aid box.

"Young master Yixing has given me orders to treat your wounds."

"Please help him!" Baekhyun pleaded.

"That's what I'm here for," the doctor did not say anymore and got to work examining Baekhyun's and Baekbeom's bodies.

"I'm fine, just please treat him first," Baekhyun cried.

"Okay, okay," the doctor said checking Baekbeom. After a while the doctor sighed making Baekhyun nervous.

"Hmm... He needs to be treated with proper facilities. I'll take him to the medical room and treat him there. Help me move his body,"

"Thank you. Thank you so much," Baekhyun said. There was nothing on his mind at that moment, nothing apart from saving his Hyung.

They came to the medical room and set him down onto a sheeted bed.

"I'm sorry but you will have to step outside for this," the doctor said, "it's for safety reasons."

"I... I want to stay."

"You need to go. This isn't an option. Go." The doctor said pushing him out of the room. He shut the door and locked it leaving Baekhyun outside.

Baekhyun sunk down onto the floor leaning his back against the door. He buried his head into his knees and silently cried.

Save me...

Please stop all of this...

Leave us alone...

What did I do?

Eomma... Appa... Hyung...

I'm tired...

Can I never find peace?

Baekhyun sighed feeling drowsy. He was just about to close his eyes and fall asleep when a familiar voice called to him.


Weakly, he turned his head to the voice. The person came running.

"What are you doing here?"

"I don't know... I really don't... Save me... Please save me..." Baekhyun pleaded.

"Baekkie, how did you get in here?"

"I was at w-work and then... T-then I th-think I f-fainted and en-ended up here. Where am I? Please save me..." Baekhyun held onto Chanyeol's shirt desperately. "Save me..."

Chanyeol took a moment to stare at the other.

I want to.

But I can't.

I'm sorry...

Chanyeol opened his mouth to speak.

"I told you before didn't I? The next time we meet, you... Might die." Chanyeol stood up tearing away from the other.

"No... Chanyeol please... Please!" Baekhyun cried reaching out to the other. Chanyeol just kept taking steps backward until hue disappeared into another corridor leaving Baekhyun alone to suffer...

He felt betrayed.

The other felt guilt.

He felt like the world has him.

The other felt the world ended.

Baekhyun was hurt

The other was worse.

Chanyeol regretted it.

He regretted many things in life.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Never forgive me... Don't ever forgive me Baekhyun... 

He went to the main entrance of the mansion and found the two he was looking for.

"You never told me anything about bringing him here. Why is he here?"

"The younger Byun? Oh, just because I wanted to welcome him,"

"That's ridiculous."

"It's not Park, the thing that's ridiculous it that you haven't even attempted to kill him. You could've done it now but you didn't. I swear you really have to kill him Park or else. Think about it Park, all this suffering, all the pain... It will all disappear once you put the bullet through his head."

"Hyung..." Yixing said behind him. "Hyung... I think we should stop."

"Shut it Yixing. You have no say in this."

Yixing stepped back a little.

"So Park, what will you do? Kill him here? Set him free? Let one of us kill him instead?"

"I'll set him free... Even if it's the last thing I do." Chanyeol said firmly.

"Oh, you finally admit!" 

"I'll set him free."

"Then the other two will die."

"I'll set them free too. I'll set everyone free."

"Then you'll die."

"So be it." Chanyeol walked off heading back to Baekhyun. He found him there crying his eyes out. Chanyeol didn't dare show his face again after what happened, he stayed in the shadows, away from Baekhyun's eye. He faced the consequences. He watched his Angel break from afar...


"Yixing, check on the two."

Yixing bowed taking his leave. He never really liked his step brother. But because of things he had to obey his every command and listen. His family was very complicated indeed. When his mother died, his step father decided to take him in.... It all started back then...

Yixing never knew his father. He had never seen his face. His mother said it was because his father lived on another continent far from home.

He accepted it. He was happy, his life flew by like the breeze. He met his cousin Luhan, they were almost inseparable. But of course because of other's fearing him becoming a psychopath like Luhan, they kept them apart. But even then they were still close. Yixing's life was amazing.

Until his mother decided to marry the CEO of the Weaponry company in South Korea. The CEO, otherwise known as Yixing's stepfather was a strict man who has a son of his own, just a few years older than Yixing but was capable of many things. Yixing was looked down on and was classed as an outcast. Because he wasn't in the 'main family line' he was restricted and had to listen to every single command his step brother would tell him to do. Even if it meant he had to kill himself.

He couldn't meet with anyone.

He knew his step father's plans and his brother's.

He never wanted to hurt Baekhyun. Never. That was partly why he befriended him.

But of course he couldn't disobey a command from his stepfather and brother, so he had to go with the plan, he had to act, he had to satisfy the 'main family line'.

Yixing arrived at the door. He took a deep breath in and pushed them open.

"G-good evening," he whispered switching the lights on. 

Why his brother told him to check on two dead bodies was unknown.

He felt guilty. Very guilty.

Park Chanyeol was working for no reason. He was fighting a battle that was already lost.

'Kill Byun Baekhyun. Then we will release your mother and sister.'

What a load of bull.

They're already dead.

You can't save them anymore. So save Byun Baekhyun instead.

It was frustrating. For all three of them. So many secrets, so many miscalculations, so many misfortunes... So many darkness.

Yixing hated it.

He hated how he couldn't say a single thing, how he was burdened with secrets he never wanted to keep.

"I'm sorry. You're son's suffering because of me and my family..." Yixing said staring at the two dust covered coffins which lay side by side on the floor.

"If I could... I would stop all this... I'm sorry. I really am." Yixing said letting a tear or two escape...


A/n: I didn't go into ditail with the Gore also I don't really wanna make this M rated so yeah, let's just say Luhan chopped her up into little pieces of meat and disposed of her bones making it look like sheep meat that was spilt all over the place.

Comment and let me know! Kamsahamnidaaa!

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Chapter 36: aww thats really a beautiful story.but i cried a lot when the chapter came that baekhyun was dead nd chanyeol will go to his grave nd talk to him after reading that i cried the whole night then as the story processed im really happy they r together nd all lovely dovey .thank u sooo much for this beautiful story.i really loved it.a beautiful story bring tears streaming down thats wt happened to me.its a mix od both sad nd happy tears thank u soo sooo much.
LisaSKimberly #2
Chapter 36: Ahahahhaha cute lmao
Ski is understanding about whatever happening love that waifu :D Nice journey as expected (just the yandere Luhan/Sehun relationship is kinda disturbing) don't get me wrong Sehun is my first bias and hunhan is my EXO first ship. See you soon.
LisaSKimberly #3
Chapter 31: Alright. Tbh I was panicked and my heart ached when they both 'died' I thought the nurse was lying so I just lolol and when it's 'real' I feel so attacked.
Lay. That guy. Thank you unicorn :p yet another beautiful ending as a closure. Thank you authornim !!
LisaSKimberly #4
Chapter 20: Whattheactual-
LisaSKimberly #5
Chapter 17: Someone end Baek's suffer. .too much conflicts. So many y af characters (no offense) Chanyeol >:c do ur best
LisaSKimberly #6
Chapter 6: To be honest, Comfort is literally every listeners on 7Cups lol. They act so kind and caring since the day you met them,..or suddenly turns out to advise you as if you just got out from the asylum and be the CCTV. Yep two mode, lmao. (actually I don't like their services much LIKE DUDE!! stop treating me like I'm some kind of troublesome emo child).//sob I'm Emo-L *Cries over PC because my boys r 2 precious* Anyhow, I liked the chapters so far! Why I haven't made my way to search this fanfics earlier lol.. *and it's 12am wtf am I DOIN* Ayyyyy I'm gonna hit the Next -> button till I'm done. See you!
Chapter 36: Ahhhhhhhh! I've read this story twice and I can't get over how much I LOVELOVELOVE it.
Thank you for writing this! <3
Chapter 36: why i cant open the link T.T
diana_parya #9
Hey^^ I Want Your permission To Translate Your fiction in Persian
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