Chapter 10

The Story of an NBSB Bridge
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Chapter 10

“It often happens that things are other than what they seem, and you can get yourself in trouble by jumping in conclusions.”

No way…

“Hey Guys.” He says and waves in front of us.

Sehun is joining the dance club? This can’t be true. I stare at him with wide eyes and he seems too fascinated with my reaction he winks at me. After he has introduced himself he was asked to show his moves and to my surprise he sure does have some moves. Since this is Performing arts we get to act, sing and dance every Saturday and practice for performances or competitions the school opens for us.

As he finishes his spotlight in front he quickly walks towards me.

“So how do you find my moves?” He asks.

“Hmm.. It’s good, but not as great as mine.” I teased.

“Psh. What kind of moves do you have?” He asks putting emphasis in the word move. I grinned and twirled and blew him a playful kiss.

“Moves like this.” I chuckled as I come to a stop and he did too, clutching his heart playfully.

“Aigoo that caught me, you shouldn’t do that again.” We both laughed.

“Oh my I am getting sick here, you two love birds better get away from me.” Seulgi says and I just laughed.

“Please we’re no love birds.” I said.

“Yeah, just lovers.” Sehun said placing and arm on my shoulder.

“Did I hear that right? You two are together now?” Kai out of nowhere appeared. “Miss Love bridge finally has a love life?” He mocked earning him a death glare from sehun.

For a moment I am enjoying his protection. Pfft Kai deserves that for teasing me.

“Woah man, Sorry I was just being playful here.” He says raising both his arms in surrender.

“Sure you are.” Sehun snickers.

“But to clear up the misunderstanding. No Sehun and I are not a couple.” I say clearing my name. Well it’s true, if he wants me he needs to earn me.

Plus I haven’t really cleared my mind about the questions running in them last night.

“Yet.” Sehun says confidently.

“Oh don’t be too sure there might be better guys out there after Irene.” Seulgi butted in.

“Psh.” Sehun just rolled his eyes.

Seulgi is still pissed off with what he did before although she knows what happened between us and his confession. She claims to be on team Han. Lol seriously? The guy isn’t even interested in me but she insist that I open my eyes and see the hints he’s showing. Hints? He’s a playboy? I suppose basing on his phone and how he acts, he’s flirty and all over himself I bet he wouldn’t like me. But Chanyeol here on the other hand after hearing about what sehun said and talking to him himself as well claims to be on team sehun. My friends are seriously desperate to give me a love life when I myself is not ready yet… I think.

“Hello? Contacting Irene Bae, are you still in earth?” I zooned back in, I didn’t know I was already spacing out.

“Sorry what was it again?” I asked.

“Thinking of Prince Charming again are we? I wonder which one—“ She grinned.

“Hush it Seul.” I said hissing at her.

“Anyways let’s start the routine.” She says and we both started moving.


After hours of practice it’s finally time to go home…. For some of them, I on the other hand I have a promise to fulfill. Sadly Seulgi has an appointment with her dentist later so she can’t come with me.

“Hey, what’s your plan for the rest of the day?” Sehun asks as he packs his things in his bag.

“I made a promise to a friend so yep I’ll stick to that.” I said shrugging.

“I see, that means you’re busy right? I guess I’ll have to ask you out earlier next time.” He chuckles.

I chuckled too. “We have lots of time sehun.” I said smiling.

“Ofcourse. Anyways want me to take you to wherever you’re going?” He asks.

“No thanks, I’ll be fine.” I said. To be honest I don’t like to tell him it’s Han I’ll be meeting or we might get in an argument again. Luckily he didn’t ask any further.

I changed into the a new set of clothes I brought with me since I know I’ll be sweaty like a wet chick after the day and took a quick shower in the gym’s shower room before heading out.

He texted me that their game will be held in the arena, which is a big place for a school competition to be held without any event? I wonder what it would be for.

I boarded the bus on the way to the arena, the first place I went to with Sehun before. I smiled as I recalled the fun times. The bus stops and I was surprised to see the number of people around. Wow, I wasn’t informed the game was a big one. I scanned the crowd and to my surprise I saw students from my school… wow what are they doing here? Wait a minute…. Don’t tell me today is the day—

“Irene! What are you doing here? I didn’t know you came to support me today. That’s a first.” Minho says and I stared at him. How do I say I came here not because of him. Okay to be honest I was not really a football fan or something, I do watch it, sometimes and I love my brother but I never really went to his games and now I am in one and was about to support his—oh gosh I am going to support his opposing team?! What do I do? Should I go and escape now?

“I’ll see you later sis we’re needed inside the locker room now.” He waves goodbye and I just watch him jog away. I sighed.

“JOOHYUN!” Someone shouts from the left side to where I am standing. It’s Han. “I thought you weren’t coming, I was so nervous but after seeing you I think it got lessen.” He says as he looks at me in the eyes and that’s when I know all he said were sincere.

“I was planning to go home seeing that the opposing team would be—“ He cuts me off.

“Your own school I know, I am sorry baby girl but I just really need you right now.” He says holding my hand. “Let’s get in, the crowd will fill in soon and I won’t be able to sneak you in without bruises.” He winks.

Wait. I don’t want to. I was left with no choice since he literally dragged me with him and I was forced to run with him seeing the amount of girls which seems like his fan girls coming the least thing I would want to do is face them.

As I enter their locker room all eyes were on me. Then cat whistles starts.

“HAN! What the hell are you doing bringing in a girl inside? Do you think it’s one of your play times?” A big guy with a big tummy which seems like their coach shouts at them.

“Coach wait, Let me introduce you guys to the one and only energizer of your star player. She’s my inspiration coach you shouldn’t shout at her or I might get mad and play badly.” He says smirking.

Wow, this is a new side of him… I never imagined Han as a bad boy type.

“.” I heard his coach mumble before turning his gaze away from us, earning Han a victorious grin as he tightens his grip on my hand that was interlaced in his.

We—yes we went out of the field and I was made to sit in the bench behind the other players that aren’t playing yet.

Gosh I hope my brother wouldn’t see me here or I am dead meat. I watch han as he jogs on the field, warming himself up. LH… wait a minute.

LH… isn’t it the guy Minho was ranging on about the other day and talking all—oh my god. I am in big trouble.

LH stands for Han? I facepalmed myself. How come I just noticed this now?

“So you’re Lu’s girlfriend?” The person in front of me, one of the players suddenly asked.

“Huh- uh am, no. I am not.” I sa

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ELFAina132 #1
Chapter 18: i prefer hunrene :((( besides, it's hard to imagine baby lu with other girl but me :p LOL
Chapter 18: This story is so sweet and fluffy. :) it's really fun reading it. Author please write another story of lurene or hunrene. Thank you.
Chapter 2: I love ur story. I love sehun's and irene's interactions. Cute.. :)
BiseuteuByut #4
Chapter 18: I love itttttttttt. This is story is all fluff haha. Ive not read fluff for quite a long time so yeahh . And at the few first chap I never see Luhan as a conceited guy but that traits showed in the last few chap ughh guy like that is so annoying haha but reading it couldnt make me stop smiling because he is so cute . And Park Bogum cameooooo mannn I like that guyyyy gahhhh oh andd I really wish Seulgi will end up with Sehun hehe . I mean isnt it just sweet when a guy used to like yr friends and you actually like them being together and then yr friend likes another guy . Of course the thought of the first guy will ever end liking youbdoesnt crossed in yr mind rite . So yeah i think its pretty sweet if Seulgi with Sehun ♡
LKaiZeloMarkYerin #5
Chapter 18: Awsome story... Sweet ending... Hope you can write about LuRene in the future again....
Chapter 18: thanks for this wonderful sehun x oc x luhan love story! enjoyed it <3
LKaiZeloMarkYerin #7
Chapter 17: What this is the end ??? No way !!! I need an epilogue.... Or a sequel ??
bobjo1913 #8
Chapter 16: Hihihihi so cute!!
LKaiZeloMarkYerin #9
Chapter 16: Awww.... So sweet... Goosebump everytime read..... Can't wait till the last chapter....
pinkgirl #10
Chapter 15: OMG! I'm so happy that Lurene has finally made up! Ah! I'm so happy that she finally admitted/realized her feelings for Luhan!OMG that cliff hanger though! Holy crap! She now has confirmation that Luhan is Xiao! What in the world is going to happen now? I wonder if Luhan introduces Irene to his mom as, Bae Joohyun, will she freak out and be against their relationship? I hope that everything goes smooth for Lurene! <3