

Sitting on the old dock, a spot nobody knows exists but you, you finally find peace. Surrounded by dense, green foliage, with your guitar in your lap, it's like nothing else exists. Not the distressed, pity filled looks, not the fog of denial that envelops your very soul, and definitely not the bestfriend who was never going to come back home. Your mom and dad tried to get through the impenetrable wall you'd put up around your feelings, but not even a bullet could pierce through it and save you. You'd put up a facade, one of anger and spite, hoping to scare away anyone who was going to try and help you. In your mind, you were beyond help, a soul who had gotten lost on its way home, and was too stupid to follow the road signs back. Being the bestfriend of the star of the 11 o'clock news was draining, and everytime you the TV you had to be reminded of what had taken place, what had gone down the night you could've sworn your world stopped turning.

The night your bestfriend, Jeon Jungkook, went missing.



Lee Azalea is in pain. Not physical pain like you get when you stub your toe, and not the emotional pain following a bad breakup. No, this pain is much worse, the kind that eats you from the inside out and consumes you, leaving nothing but a shell of who you once were. The kind of pain only those who have experienced it themselves truly know and relate to. The pain of loss. The subtle twinge in your brain that, although it allows you to go about your normal day, keeps you shrouded in its wispy, gray arms. The perpetual feeling of leaving your cellphone at home; missing. The only time Azalea feels at peace, is sitting on an old dock she and her bestfriend, Jungkook, had stumbled across a few years back, long before the constant tears and oppression, and even longer before the one you were closest to was snatched and taken just out of reach, a fingertip's lenth away. You see, when you lose a piece of yourself in only a matter of hours, you can never recover what you've lost, there's always a hole where the piece should be, and always the regret of not doing more to rescue it. However, sometimes, someone can come along and add onto you, not filling in the gaps or trying to mend all of the cracks, but affixing a brand new piece onto your heart, one that makes you feel much less empty than you had felt before. Think of it as having a hole torn in your sock, although the sock will never look the same, with the help of a needle and some thread, you can reduce the hole until it's only a mildly annoying lump in between your toes. The thread used to repair it can still be felt, but the hole itself is not. If you get lucky enough and find the right thread and needle, there's a way to put the pieces back together, however, not always a way to erase what had already happened. Had you told all of this to Azalea only a matter of months ago, she probably would've looked at you as though you'd gone mad, and told you "he WAS my needle and thread". However, like the first day of spring, change is sweeping through all corners of Lee Azalea's life, and that change has a name. 

Kim Taehyung.





Lee Azalea-
 17, Acts cold, but is only trying to protect herself and others.
  Rarely lets her guard down.
  Misses bestfriend, Jungkook, who went missing
  Plays guitar and sings.
  Secret place is the dock.
  Cute, funny, quirky, and kind once you get to know her.
  Half white, knows fluent Korean.
Alice Wykes-
 16, Transfer student from the states, where Azalea was born.
  Cute and funny.
  Loyal to her friends.
Kim Taehyung-
 20, Quirky and weird, outgoing.
  Loves to tease people.
  Plays guitar.
  In a gang.
Jeon Jungkook-
  17, Has been missing for 5 months.
  Azalea's bestfriend.
  Presumed dead due to gang activity.
  Ran away from home.
  Hard home life.
  Very immature, protective of Azalea, part of BTS.
  Sometimes sneaks to Azalea's house to watch over her (will get to that later in story)
  Fiercly loyal to one another.
  Care about each other.
  Considered "dangerous".
   All in their early 20s


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Dukiepoopie #1
Chapter 11: I love your story! Hope you'll update soon!!!
Knite-Hyung #2
Chapter 12: YAAAASSSSS
inseoulinflow #3
loreanb #4
about time lolz
blanktae10321 #5
yea i knew u'd be back
nojamsfam #6
kyungsoos_mangina #7
yaaaaaaaaas everyone plz read this its most def one of the best v fanfics I've seen out there. deserves more recognition.
JessiDerps #8
Chapter 5: I have a panic disorder, mostly my diagnosis was strongly toward severe anxiety accompanied with panic attacks. It really is like that e.e but you can learn things to make it less severe or managed better. Anyway , to the point. I actually love your writing and this story so far ! I hope to read lots and lots from you :)