Step One

Love Through A Circle


“Call?” Taeng holds up his phone up to his face, “Don’t call?”

 He crinkles his face and lies back against his bed. “Argh…” He groaned in frustration.

He had been contemplating whether to call Tiffany for 3o minutes now. He had this sudden urge to hear her voice, for some reason he missed hearing it. He wasn’t sure why he wanted to talk to her but all he knew was he had too.

Taeng sighs in frustration; he holds his phone over his face and stares at the screen.

 “Call?” He asked again, “Don’t call?”

Taeng pulls up Tiffany’s contact information on his phone. He intently stares at the ‘call’ button and his eyes become narrow.

 “What if she’s still at school?”

 “What if she’s busy?”

“Or maybe’s she’s with Jay…”

“Ah, so many questions!”

 Taeng sets his phone aside and tries to calm himself down. He covers his face with his hands and takes a deep breath. He closes his eyes and mentally tries to settle down.

“I shouldn’t be asking so many questions…” He muttered against his hands, “It’s just Tiffany…”

 He releases his hands from his face and stares at the white ceiling above him.

 “She’s just so…nice,” He said, “And…cute, well…” Taeng chuckles to himself, “She’s also pretty…funny. And her smile….”

 “Dude just call her already.”

 Taeng snaps up hearing another voice, he jerks his head and sees Yul leaning against the doorframe of his door. A smirk plastered on his face.

 Taeng’s eyes widen, “H-hey! How long have you been standing there?”

Yul laughs, “Long enough.”

 Taeng groans, “Go away!”

 Yul clasps his hands together, “Oh my gosh…Tiffany, you’re just so pretty! I could look into your eyes all day!” He flutters his eyes in a girlish manner at Taeng, receiving an eye roll from his friend.

 “You’re so funny and nice! I want to hear your voice all night and day!” Yul continued, his voice high pitched. He was having too much fun teasing Taeng.

Taeng tosses a pillow at him, “Yah! Do you want to die?”

 Yul laughs, he picks up the pillow Taeng threw at him and tosses it back at him.

 “I’m not the one contemplating whether to call Tiffany or not,” Yul retorted, a gleam in his eyes.

 He takes a seat next to Taeng and playfully punches his arm receiving another eye roll from the latter.

“Leave me alone…I thought you were going to call your girlfriend?” Taeng snapped, taking the pillow Yul threw at him and hugging it.

Yul rolls his eyes, “I am. I was just heading to my room when I heard you talking to yourself.”

 Taeng sighs, “Whatever.”

 The latter warmly smiles, “Dude if you want to talk to her. Call her. What’s wrong with that?”

Taeng shrugs, “I don’t know…I don’t want to feel like I’m bothering her.”

 Yul punches his arm, Taeng glares at him but he only sends another smile.

 “Won’t hurt to try. If she’s busy, you can always call another time.” He reassured, beginning to stand up.

Taeng remains quiet; he stares absentmindedly at the floor and only hears the sound of Yul’s footsteps leaving his room.

“Oh and by the way,” Yul stops in his tracks, his back facing Taeng, “She loves talking to you. Take my word for it.”

Taeng’s eyes widen, he turns his head to the door but Yul had already left his room. He sighs again and looks to his left, his phone resting against his leg on the bed. He picks it up and stares at the screen, his mind swiveling of Yul’s words.

She…loves talking to me? He thought, subconsciously biting his bottom lip.

He then takes a deep breath, presses a button on his phone and pulls it up to his ear.

 His heart beating out of his chest.



“Oh my gosh. Jessica, look.”

Tiffany shows the latter her phone that was vibrating in her hand.

 A smirk draws upon Jessica’s face, “Answer it.”

 Tiffany retreats the phone back to her gaze, “What if he just wants me to tell you something from Yul?”

Jessica rolls her eyes, “Doubt it.”

 “Then why would he call?!”

 “To have a normal conversation?”

 Tiffany felt her heart racing and sweat develop in her palms. She stares at the screen of her phone, her eyes intently on Taeng’s name and the vibration pulsing in her hands.

“Holy crap Tiffany, answer the phone already before he thinks you’re ignoring him!” Jessica exclaimed, her arms wide in the air.

Tiffany snaps out of her senses, she takes a deep gulp before pressing a button on her phone and pulling it up to her ear.


Taeng felt his body stiffen hearing her voice. The voice he had been yearning to hear was finally being projected into his eardrum. He felt his lips go dry that he couldn’t respond or say anything. His heart was beating uncontrollably and sweat was developing on his palms.

 Tiffany pulls her phone away from her ear, without hearing a response from Taeng she thought he hung up on her. But seeing the call was still connected, she puts her phone back up to her ear.

“Taeng?” She said, heat rising to her cheeks.

Taeng snaps out of his daze and takes a deep breath to recollect himself. “Tiffany?” He asked dumbfounded; mentally face palming himself for asking.

“Y-yes? Is this Taeng?”

Taeng gulps, “Y-yeah. Hey Tiffany.”

Tiffany looks at Jessica who had a devious smirk on her face; she rolls her eyes and walks to her room.

“Hey, Taeng. What’s up? Does Yul need something?” She asked as she took a seat on her bed.

Taeng rubs the back of his head, “A-ah no…”

 Tiffany’s eyes slightly widen, “Oh he doesn’t?”

 Taeng felt his heart skip a beat, “N-no…I just wanted to…talk.”


Taeng takes a deep breath, “I just…really wanted to talk. We haven’t been able to video chat so I wanted to know how you were doing.”

A smile forms on Tiffany’s face; she bites her bottom lip and tries to contain how happy she was. She felt her heart skip a beat and her stomach grow butterflies again.

“That’s so sweet…” Tiffany admitted, her smile growing wider.

Taeng flinches in surprise, “A-ah thanks…”

Tiffany sprawls herself on the bed, “Of course.”

 Taeng takes another deep breath, trying his best to control his emotions. He wished he was video chatting instead of just having a phone conversation. He found it easier speaking face to face then just hearing her voice. Her voice was like heaven in his ears, sweet and simple.

 He lies back against his bed, “So…how are you?”

“I’m doing good…Just studying my off for exams.”

 “Yeah? How’s that going?”

Tiffany sighs, “Not good. I’m struggling in Calculus right now and I just don’t know what to study because it’s so hard.”

Taeng gulps and bites his bottom lip. Calculus was his best subject; math, in general, was his strength. It had always been his favorite subject; he liked having to critically think about the problem.

 A small smile forms on Taeng’s face, “I can help you.”

Tiffany’s eyes widen, “R-really?”

 “Yeah. Math is my best subject; I can be your tutor.”

She felt herself blush hearing the kind offer from Taeng, her heart skips another beat.

 “I would appreciate that…Thanks so much, Taeng.” She said softly, her smile up to her ears.

 Taeng chuckles, “Of course. It’s not a problem. Whenever you need help, just text or call me and we can video chat or something.”

 Tiffany just wanted to squeal of happiness, her smile was starting to make her cheeks ache but she didn’t care. Knowing that she’ll be able to see Taeng more often made her day.

 “Again…thanks. I owe you.”

 Taeng chuckles again, “It’s not a big deal. You don’t have to repay me.”

 “But I want too!” She whined in a baby voice.

Taeng felt his heart melt hearing how adorable she sounded.

 Geez…Why did she have to say it like that? He thought to himself.

 “Well…there is one thing you could do…” He said softly, a smile on his face.

 Tiffany lays her head on her pillow and stares at the pink ceiling above her. “Tell me.”

Taeng lays his head on his pillow, “You see at college here, you’re required to take an English class…And honestly, English isn’t my best subject. Heck, I can’t even speak it properly without sounding weird.”

Tiffany chuckles, “So…are you asking me to be your English tutor?”

 Taeng bites his bottom lip, “I mean…If that’s okay with you. It’ll be a way of paying me to be your Calculus tutor.”

 Tiffany smiles warmly; she puckers her lips and creates a thinking gesture.

 “Hmmm, I don’t know…I hate tutoring,” She teased, suppressing her laughter.

The smile fades off Taeng’s face; he didn’t sense the humor in Tiffany’s tone so he felt embarrassed for getting rejected.

“Oh…that’s okay,” Taeng said sadly.

Tiffany bursts into laughter realizing that Taeng didn’t take the hint that she was just joking around. She found it cute how Taeng took things seriously.

 “Taeng I was just kidding! I would love to be your English tutor!” She exclaimed, a bright smile on her face.

Taeng takes a deep breath, relieved to find out that Tiffany was just joking.

 “Geez, Tiffany I thought you were serious…” He confessed, running a hand through his hair.

 Tiffany chuckles, “I’m sorry. I thought it would be fun to mess with you.”

Taeng laughs, “I’ll get you back for that.”

The latter laughs along with him, “Good luck. I’m known to be a pretty good prankster.”

Taeng an eyebrow, “Really now? We’ll just have to see. I play pranks on Yul all the time so I’m pretty experienced.”

Tiffany scoffs, “Are you Kim Taeng challenging Tiffany Hwang at who is the best prankster?”

 Taeng chuckles, “I guess I am. Why? Scared?”

“Not one bit.”

“Hm, maybe you won’t be easy to beat.”

Tiffany gasps, “Don’t get so cocky Mr. Kim.”

 Taeng warmly smiles, “Oh I’m not cocky I’m confident Ms. Hwang.”

They both share a laugh, realizing that they were acting like dorks over something so silly. A smile was plastered on both their faces; they never realized what it was like being comfortable with someone across the world.

 “Has anyone ever told you…” Tiffany trailed but her laughs stop her from continuing.

 Taeng chuckles, “What?”

 “That your laugh sounds like how an old person laughs.” Tiffany bursts into laughter after completing her sentence; she holds her stomach that was beginning to ache from the constant laughter.

 Taeng chuckles, a warm smile on his face, “Yeah. I’ve been told that countless amount of times. They always say stuff like, ‘Geez Taeng. You’re only 20 years old yet you laugh like you’re 60.’ I never really noticed I had an ahjhussi laugh until people told me.”

Tiffany lets out another chuckle, “It’s okay. I find it…cute.”

 Taeng blushes, he was thankful they were talking through the phone so Tiffany wouldn’t have to see his pink cheeks. But he had to already admit that Tiffany had seen him blush from their previous video chats but he didn’t find shame it that.

“Really? No one likes my laugh…Not even my girlfriend.”

 Tiffany rests her free arm above her head on the pillow, “Well she should. I would try to make you laugh every day just so I could hear your laugh.”

Taeng’s heart skips a beat, “S-seriously?”

 Tiffany blushes, she bites her bottom lip and her heart races out of her chest.

 “Y-yeah…” She answered softly, thankful that Taeng couldn’t see her blushing face.

 Taeng smiles warmly, “That’s nice of you to say, Tiffany. It makes me want to laugh more naturally.”

 A smile tugs on Tiffany’s lips, “Really?”

 “Yeah. I was pretty self-conscious about my laugh but knowing that at least you like it is enough for me.”

Tiffany felt her heart flutter, her stomach grows light and her smile grows wide.

 “That’s so sweet…” She said softly, her eyes becoming the crescent shapes Taeng loved to see.

“It’s the same for you…” Taeng said quietly.

Tiffany tilts her head against the pillow, “What do you mean?”

“Your smile…Especially the smile that makes your eyes smile with your lips.” Taeng confessed, heat rising to his cheeks.

 Tiffany’s body goes numb, she felt her body paralyze in shock hearing Taeng’s sweet confession. She felt her heart could burst any minute.

“Are you serious?” Tiffany said, her voice quiet yet soft.

 Taeng scratches his neck, “Yeah…You look really beautiful when you smile. It’s pure…like an angel.”

Tiffany was stunned; she places her hand over her chest and felt the irregular beat of her heart. She was taken aback by his words; it felt as if they pierced right through her heart. A lot of guys’ have told her that she has a beautiful smile, but the way Taeng said it was different. She felt as if he genuinely felt it. He wasn’t saying it because he had too but because he truly felt as if that was true.

“T-thank you…” She stammered; her hand still over her heart.

Taeng softly chuckles, “Of course.”

A comfortable silence settles between the two, it was well needed for both were too in their own world thinking of each other. A goofy smile was plastered on both their faces and their hearts were beating through the ears.

 “I should go study now,” Tiffany states, a sincere smile on her face.

 Taeng chuckles, “Yeah. I should probably go to bed.”

 “Talk to you soon?” Tiffany asked in high hopes.

 Another chuckle from Taeng projects, “Of course. Text or call me whenever you need my help.”

“Same to you.”

“Good night Tiffany. Good luck with your studies!” Taeng said dorkily, earning a laugh from the latter.

“Good night Taeng. Thank you!” Tiffany ends the call between them; she sets her phone down beside her and stares at the ceiling above her.

A smile was still on her face as her mind drifts off about Taeng again.

“You like my smile huh?”

Taeng sighs contently; he sets his phone down next to him. He places his hands behind his head and stares absentmindedly at the ceiling, with his mind drifting off about Tiffany.

“Aigoo Tiffany Hwang…You are a beautiful person.” 

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Ree93brianti #1
author where are u...update pleasee
aerolcaroline #2
Continue? 😭
Chapter 37: hellooooo~~~ when will u update this :( don't ignore this story pleaseeee
1131 streak #4
1131 streak #5
Chapter 37: Ow he really is in love and he will also secretly buy that necklace but don't overwork yourself like what you didn't back then
Chapter 37: Feels good author...
TaeNyBross #7
Chapter 36: It takes 7 years for us to be able to witnessing this scene.
I'm so proud of you authornim.
Chapter 36: Thanks for the update omg its feels good waiting for another update
taeny2403 #9
Chapter 35: O my god..the long awaited scene..thank you so much of my fave taeny fics..
maemae08 #10
going to wait for this story