I'm Home

Love Through A Circle

“Wow, it’s like everything I’ve seen on the internet.”

Taeng chuckles, staring lovingly at the dark-haired girl as she gazed outside the passing scenery of the car. Tiffany had her hands up the window, her eyes shimmering as she looked at every passing building that would flash by. Light snow was falling from the sky and the streets were blanketed in snow. The streets were busy as ever as people trudge through the snow. To some people, it was a nuisance but to Tiffany, it looked like a winter wonderland.

She couldn’t believe she was in Korea with Taeng. Everything still felt like a dream and she still couldn’t believe that she was going to be here for the next 3 weeks.

“You’re so cute Tiffany,” The blonde-haired boy softly says, his stare still on the back of the latter’s head.

Tiffany smiles and shifts her gaze to the dorky boy while looking into his eyes.

“I just can’t believe I’m still here,” She replies softly; her hand reaching out to intertwine with his.

Taeng looks down at their holding hands and smiles, raising it to his lips to give the latter’s hand a gentle kiss.

 “I’m so happy you’re here.”

“And here we are!” Yul cheered with happiness as he pulls his car into his assigned parking spot of their apartment. He shuts off the engine and looks at the three occupants in his car with a wide smile.

“Welcome home everybody!”

Jessica laughs and shakes her head hearing the excitement in the dark-haired latter’s tone. She opens her car door and stretches her body. After being on a plane for so long, the last thing she wanted to do was sit. She gazes at the glass building and marvels at its height. She tried her best to contain her excitement as the long-awaited journey finally led her to be with the love of her life. She became lost in her thoughts as she thought of how happy Yul was when she surprised him. The look on his face when she pulled him into the longing kiss. Everything was worth it, and she couldn’t have done it without Taeng.

She snaps back into reality and hears Yul’s trunk being opened. She directs her attention to the three beginning to unload their luggage’s. She hops over to help them as she extends her arm to reach for her backpack. Yul heaves Jessica’s luggage and grunts after placing it on the ground.

“Geez Sica, how much stuff did you bring?” He says after heaving out a tired sigh.

 Jessica crosses her arms and pouts.

“Yah! Taeng told Tiffany it was snowing so I had to bring thick clothes, so I won’t get cold.”

 Yul chuckles and walks over to the pouting blonde-haired beauty. He crouches so he was eye level and looks lovingly into her eyes.

“I’m just teasing you, baby,” Yul teased as he leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on her lips.

 Jessica blushes, she looks away from the dark-haired boy and pouts again.

“Idiot…” She grumbled.

Yul laughs at the sight of his girlfriend and shakes his head. He grabs her luggage, closes his trunk, and locks the door. He lovingly takes the moment to kiss her again to which she couldn’t help the smile that grew on her face.

“You got everything Tiffany?” Taeng asked as he slings her backpack over his shoulder with her luggage in his hand.

 Tiffany nods and smiles, taking the moment to admire the blonde-haired latter standing in front of her. She gazes from his soft blonde hair to his handsome face, ending her stare at his shoes. She was still in shock this man was standing right in front of her. Her nerves got the best of her as Taeng’s appearance in person was more than what she imagined. She still got nervous every time he held her hand or kissed her lips. It was such an addicting feeling and she never wanted it to end.

Taeng tilts his head in confusion seeing the latter with a dazed smile. He walks closer to her and chuckles.

 “Tiffany?” He quietly asks, “You okay?”

Tiffany shakes herself out of her thoughts and stares at the latter. She felt her heart beat out of her chest seeing his onyx eyes that she loved. She smiles and cups his face, taking the moment to sweetly kiss him.

“I’m just so happy you’re mine,” She cooed.

Taeng blushes to hear the sweet words from his girlfriend, he felt his heart skip a beat and butterflies swirl in his stomach. Tiffany chuckles and takes Taeng free hand into hers. She leads them up their stairs to meet the other two who were patiently waiting for them. Yul unlocks the door to their apartment and all four quickly enter to escape the freezing air.

“Ah, feels so good to be home,” Yul exclaims as he dropped his keys on the counter.

The boys place the luggage’s in the living room while the two girls took off their winter coats. The apartment was nice and warm as they left the heater on while they were gone. It was the perfect temperature to combat the winter weather.

 “Your apartment is so cute boys,” Jessica awed as she gazed left and right.

Yul and Taeng shyly rub the back of their heads and chuckle; feeling proud of the approval. Tiffany aimlessly walks around, absorbing the home that Taeng comes to every day to video call her. Her hand grazes the walls as she makes her way to the closed doors. She smiles as her mind goes back to the days of her and Taeng's video chatting. Her mind imagines Taeng lying in bed with his phone in his hands as he texted Tiffany. How the laughs echoed throughout his room and how he would go to sleep with a smile on his face. All those moments she couldn’t wait to see.

The dark-haired beauty closes her eyes and places her hand over her beating heart. Her mind flashing back to all the memories of their long-distance relationship and how wonderful Taeng made her feel despite their distance.

A smile grows on her face as she felt strong arms snake around her waist from behind. She felt his warm breath on her neck which sends chills down her spine.

“What are you thinking about?” Taeng whispers in her ear; swaying the latter in his arms.

Tiffany slowly opens her eyes and turns around. She gazes at the smiling boy in front of her as she wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him closer.


“Whew, I’m starving,” Yul exclaims as he takes a seat on the couch.

Jessica chuckles and takes a seat next to him. She quickly wraps her arms around the latter and kisses his cheek. Yul looks over and smiles at the blonde-haired beauty. He felt his body grow light as he still couldn’t believe he was with the girl he had missed.

 “Did you want to eat out?” Jessica asked as she rested her head on his shoulder.

At that moment, Taeng and Tiffany walk out with their hands intertwined. Taeng leads them to the couch across the couple and takes a seat, his hand pulling Tiffany to sit next to him.

 “You guys want to head out to eat? I’m not sure if you girls are tired after your long flight though. You guys can take a rest and we can head out later,” Taeng said placidly as his hand rested on Tiffany’s lap.

Tiffany tilts her heads, placing her hand on top of Taeng’s and hums.

“I’m feeling okay now,” Tiffany starts, “How about you Jessica?”

 The blonde-haired beauty nods, “Me too. We can eat now and then take a nap later?”

Yul and Taeng smile and nod. They both look at each other with the same look as an idea had just struck their minds. There was already a set destination they had in mind.

“We know the perfect place.”

The four make their way through the busy streets of Korea, now that it was winter break students were taking the opportunity to spend time with their friends or families. The streets flooded with people of all ages going into shops or dining with their loved ones. It was a perfect winter day to be together.

 Tiffany shivers; zips up her jacket to its fullest, and looks up at the snow gently falling from the sky. She thought it was such a beautiful sight as she had never seen snow before. It was gentler than rain but far more attractive than the sun she’s used to seeing every day back home. She sticks her hand out of her pocket and reaches out to catch a snowflake in her hand.

“It’s beautiful isn’t it?” Taeng asked softly with a smile on his face.

Tiffany nods and grins; intently staring at the falling snow.

“Everything I’ve dreamed of.”

The four approach a busy-looking restaurant, loud cheers could be heard from the inside. As they approach, the two boys see the familiar elderly woman at the cash register and set their path towards her.

“Umma!” Yul yells with a wide smile and frantically waves his arm to grab her attention.

The older lady turns her attention from the cash register to the four lovers approaching her with smiles on their faces. She smiles and quickly meets them at the front of the store.

“Taeng! Yul! It’s so lovely to see you,” She lovingly says; extending her arms out to give both the latter’s a hug.

 They squeeze her as tight as they can before releasing her with their grins wide on their face. They always enjoyed visiting the woman who treats them as her sons. It made them feel warm despite the winter weather.

 The older woman looks past the two boys and gazes at Tiffany and Jessica who were patiently waiting behind them. Yul and Taeng turn around to follow her gaze; realizing who she was staring at, they both encourage the two girls to approach the elderly latter.

“Umma,” Taeng starts, “This is Tiffany.”

Yul clears his throat and continues, “And this is Jessica.”

Tiffany and Jessica brightly smile at the older women and extend their hands out. They both thought the same thing about the elderly latter, how cute she appeared with her thick coat and rain boots.

 “Nice to meet you,” They both say softly.

 Both their eyes widen as they felt the older latter pull them into her arms. She quickly embraces both the girls and squeezes them as a mother would their child. Tiffany and Jessica smile and quickly hug the woman back. They felt the same warmth Taeng and Yul felt. The smell of Korean food wafted on her clothes and it only made them hungrier. After some time, umma releases them from their hugs and smiles. She takes both of their hands and squeezes them.

“Taeng and Yul are very lucky to have such beautiful women in their lives.”

Both the girls blush to hear the flattering words causing Taeng and Yul to sheepishly smile. They felt proud yet embarrassed at how bold umma was with her words.

 The older woman directs her attention to the proud boys and sternly looks at them.

“You boys better not break their hearts,” She points her finger to their faces with a serious look on her face.

Both the boy’s chuckles and show a thumbs up to their motherly figure.

 “Don’t worry, you can count on us!”

“Here, here, have more rice children!”

Tiffany and Jessica continued stuffing their faces as umma kept providing more food. Each dish she brought out, Tiffany and Jessica would immediately place on their plate. The sweet taste of authentic Korean food was heavenly to them. They both dearly missed having a home-cooked meal. Taeng and Yul couldn’t help but continue laughing seeing their girlfriends with chipmunk cheeks. It warmed their hearts seeing their lovers eat to their heart's content.

 “Slow down babe, you’re going to choke!” Taeng teased as he poked Tiffany’s stuffed cheeks.

Tiffany grunts and shoves his hand away making the blonde-haired boy laugh again.

“This food is so delicious!” She says as she swallows her food.

Jessica nods and sighs, “I’m so jealous you guys get to eat this stuff every day.”

 Umma walks out with a tray full of hot tea and places each cup on the table.

“Drink up, it’s cold out there,” She warmly said with a smile.

She places the tray under her arm and sighs. It had been a busy day at the restaurant, so she was taking this opportunity to rest with her children before she went back to the needy customers.

“Tiffany? Jessica? How is the food?”

Both Tiffany and Jessica give the older latter a thumbs up with a grin on their face.

“So delicious! I want to eat here every day while I’m here.”

Umma chuckles and knuckles their heads. She gazes at the two boys who were lovingly staring at their respective lovers. She felt happy and proud of how hard they worked to have them travel here. Like a mother, she felt a tender spot for the two boys as they have helped her with the restaurant and cherished her like their mother. She almost wanted to cry knowing the first place they took their girlfriends to eat was her very own restaurant.

“I’m so happy to hear that,” She takes both the girl’s hands into her own and squeezes it tightly.

“Please take care of my boys. They mean a lot to me,” She gazes at the two boys who were still lost in their thoughts and smiles, “I don’t have any children of my own so whenever they call me ‘umma’ it makes me feel so happy I was lucky to be blessed with two kind-hearted kids.”

Tiffany and Jessica smile hearing the elderly latter express such warm words about their lovers. They place their hands on top of umma’s and energetically nod.

“You can count on us umma, we promise to take care of them.”


“Ah, I’m so full,” Yul expressed as they entered the apartment.

“I feel so bad umma didn’t let us pay…” Jessica softly said.

Tiffany nods, “We should have kept trying!”

 Taeng chuckles as he locks the door to the apartment. All four kept insisting to pay for their food as umma provided so much. But she kept declining, insisting that it was a welcome meal to Tiffany and Jessica. No matter how hard Tiffany and Jessica tried, umma would only push their money away with a smile on their face.

“That’s umma for you,” Taeng states, “She never lets her kids go hungry with her warm heart.”

 Tiffany and Jessica sigh, the guilt still eating at them as they thought about the generous lady from the restaurant.

Yul chuckles, “Don’t worry so much about it guys. We can always go back!”

Tiffany and Jessica sigh again in defeat, knowing there wasn’t much to do other than be eternally grateful to the woman. They were so touched by the kind’s woman gesture they vowed to visit her again before they return. As they enter the warm apartment, all four felt stuffed from eating and their body’s taking a toll from exhaustion. As if on cue, Tiffany and Jessica yawn, feeling the jetlag finally hit their bodies. Their eyes started to drop as they struggled to keep them up. Taeng chuckles seeing the grogginess of the two beauties.

 “Come on, you guys should take a rest.”

 Yul nods his head and takes Jessica’s hand. He lovingly smiles at her and leads her to his room. He waves to Taeng and Tiffany before softly closing his door.

 Taeng looks at Tiffany who looked like she was about to pass out any minute. He laughs, picks up her luggage, and takes her hand in his. He leads them to the closed door at the end of the hallway. He opens it and reveals his tidy room.

Tiffany enters first and immediately smiles. She scans the room and felt her heart beat out of her chest. An aromatic smell fills her nose and she knew that scent was Taeng’s. The entire room felt warm and she couldn’t help but be in absolute bliss being in her boyfriend’s room.

Taeng softly closes the door and sets Tiffany’s luggage to the side. He shifts his gaze to the latter who was standing still in front of his bed. He felt his nerves take over him realizing that he was going to be sharing a bed with his girlfriend. Though it was natural, it would be his first time having her lie next to him. He’s always dreamt about this moment, there were nights he couldn’t sleep as he was too excited imagining Tiffany laying with him. He gulped as the nerves were building up throughout his body. He wasn’t even sure if Tiffany felt comfortable sleeping next to him and he didn’t want to force her if she wasn’t ready.

 “U-uhm, I-I can sleep on the couch if you want,” He stuttered.

He widens his eyes and internally groans feeling embarrassed he let his nervous words get the best of him.

“Idiot…” He mumbles softly.

Tiffany turns around and smiles seeing how nervous Taeng was. She approaches him and wraps her arms around his neck. She adored how cute he looked when he was nervous. She loved how he would bite his bottom lip and sigh deeply.

Taeng gulped again as his heart skipped another beat seeing the dark-haired beauty stare intently in his eyes. It didn’t help his nerves as it only grew seeing how beautiful she looked and how he so badly wanted to kiss her.

As if she read his mind, the dark-haired beauty pulls him closer and passionately kisses him. Taeng immediately reciprocates, he wraps his arms around her waists and holds her tight as they continue to kiss. The fireworks explode in the background as they couldn’t get enough of the sensation of their lips together. It felt just like their first kiss and it was an addicting feeling they couldn’t get enough of.

Tiffany pulls apart from Taeng and smiles. Her heart beating erratically as she was never going to get tired of the boy’s inviting lips. Taeng smiles back and kisses the latter’s forehead, feeling his nerves wash away as he knew this was everything they have wanted. Tiffany sighs and lovingly kisses the boy again.

“It feels good to be home.”

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Ree93brianti #1
author where are u...update pleasee
aerolcaroline #2
Continue? 😭
Chapter 37: hellooooo~~~ when will u update this :( don't ignore this story pleaseeee
1120 streak #4
1120 streak #5
Chapter 37: Ow he really is in love and he will also secretly buy that necklace but don't overwork yourself like what you didn't back then
Chapter 37: Feels good author...
TaeNyBross #7
Chapter 36: It takes 7 years for us to be able to witnessing this scene.
I'm so proud of you authornim.
Chapter 36: Thanks for the update omg its feels good waiting for another update
taeny2403 #9
Chapter 35: O my god..the long awaited scene..thank you so much author..one of my fave taeny fics..
maemae08 #10
going to wait for this story