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Love Through A Circle

Finals week was officially over and winter break had begun. The campus was no longer busy with students as most have already departed from their dorms or returned home to enjoy the break. Both ends of the world felt the same feeling of relief and success.

For Taeng and Tiffany, this was it, the moment the two lovers were waiting for. They never thought this day would come so soon. But their excitement kept their spirits up.

Taeng was busy cleaning the apartment, he wanted to make sure everything looked perfect for Tiffany’s arrival. He was pulling out the vacuum from the closet when he heard the front door swing open.

“Whoa, this place looks so clean,” He heard Yul marvel.

He closes the closet door and pulls the vacuum along with him to meet the dark-haired latter in the living room.

“I’ve been cleaning all day,” Taeng expressed with a soft smile.

Yul whistles as he scans the apartment again. “I can tell,” He chuckles, “Someone is trying to impress Tiffany.”

Taeng laughs along with him, “Everything needs to be perfect for her. I don’t want her to be grossed out when she comes in.”

 “The place was clean Taeng. You deep cleaned the hell out of it,” Yul teases.

He walks over to the fridge and pulls out a water bottle. He had just come from the gym but he felt as if the blonde-haired boy was more exhausted than him.

“Take a break,” Yul suggested softly with a smile.

“All I have left is to vacuum so no worries,” Taeng reassured; plugging in the vacuum to the nearest wall outlet.

Yul rolls his eyes with a smile as he was very entertained seeing how hard Taeng was working to make the apartment look presentable. The dark-haired boy chuckles to himself as he leaves the dorky boy to resume his cleaning and retreats to his room. He sets his gym bag down on the floor and takes a seat at his computer desk. He lets out a tired sigh; taking out his phone in the process. He scrolls down to Jessica’s name, clicks call and places the phone up to his ear.


“Good morning Sica,” Yul says sweetly.

“Good morning Yul, how was the gym?” Jessica chirped.

She was currently sitting on the couch mindlessly watching TV. She loved being on winter break as it emphasized her laziness without having to worry about homework or studying. She picks up the remote to lower the volume so she could hear the latter’s voice on her phone.

“It was good, I’m pretty tired,” He expressed; letting out another tired sigh.

 “I’m proud of you though baby!” Jessica proudly replies; hearing the dark-haired boy let out a laugh.

“Thanks, Sica,” He chuckles again, “I’m pretty sure I’m not as tired as Taeng though, he’s been cleaning all day.”

Jessica laughs, “Awh, he must be so excited.”

“He is, he couldn’t sleep at all last night and I bet he won’t be able to sleep again tonight since Tiffany lands tomorrow.”

“I know, Tiffany has been the same way. She’s busy packing right now but I can tell she’s super excited.”

Yul grows silent after Jessica chuckles; his eyes gazing at a picture frame resting on his desk. He reaches over and takes it in his grasp. He intently stares at the picture and focuses his sight on Jessica’s smiling face. His eyes grow watery as he stares at the last picture he took with Jessica when they were together. He felt the sadness wash over him again as he thought about how excited Taeng is and how he wished he was feeling the same excitement with him. He sets down the photo, wipes his eyes, and softly sighs.

“Yul?” Jessica says after hearing the soft sigh, “Are you okay?”

Yul remains silent, feeling his emotions take over him as the sadness grows stronger within him.

“Yul?” The blonde-haired girl says again, feeling worried for the quiet latter.

“I miss you…” Yul weakly says.

Jessica’s eyes widen hearing the sadness in the latter’s tone. She felt her heart ache knowing the reason behind the boy’s words.

“I miss you too Yul…” She replies with the same tone; her eyes beginning to water.

“I wish I could say ‘I can’t wait to pick you up from the airport tomorrow,’” The dark-haired boy states; his tone inflicting so much sadness.

“I know sweetie,” Jessica starts, “But you’re so amazing to give Taeng the money he needed to buy his ticket. It shows you‘re an amazing friend and brother to him. I know he would have done the same for you.”

Yul sniffles, feeling the tears come back to his eyes, he wipes them away and sighs again.

“We’ll see each other soon right?” He asks; his eyes returning to the photo frame.

 Jessica stands up from the couch and crosses her arms.

“Of course my love, we made a promise to each other right?” She reassures; a tingle of hope in her tone.

The dark-haired boy bitterly chuckles, “Yeah…”

“I love you Yul. I’m going to help Tiffany pack now okay? Please don’t be sad,” Jessica sincerely replies.

 “I love you too Jessica,” Yul says while trying his best to sound happy.

He hangs up the call and sighs again with his phone in his grasp.

“Soon Yul… soon,” He says to himself before standing up and leaving his room to check on Taeng.


 Jessica gazes at her phone, her heart still aching after hearing the sadness in Yul’s tone. She puts her phone in her back pocket and heads towards Tiffany’s room. She gently knocks on the door and waits for a reply from the latter on the other side.

 “Come in!” She hears; she grabs on the doorknob and swings the door open revealing a busy Tiffany staring at her closet.

She chuckles seeing the number of clothes thrown on the floor and her bed and gazes at Tiffany who shifts her attention to her.

“I have no idea what to pack,” Tiffany tiredly says.

 Jessica laughs and walks towards the dark-haired girl while avoiding the clothes on the floor.

“Maybe this is why you shouldn’t have waited last minute to pack,” She teases while poking Tiffany’s cheek.

“Ugh, I thought I knew what to bring but Taeng told me it’s snowing and I barely have any winter clothes. Help me Jessicaaaaaaaaa.”

Tiffany hugs the latter and groans against her shoulder, feeling more tired as all she wanted to do was sleep. She listens as the blonde-haired latter embraces her and laughs, feeling her pat her back with encouragement.

“Okay okay, let me help you,” Jessica says through her laughter.

 Tiffany looks up and smiles at the latter, she releases from her hug and returns to her closet to continue packing. She takes out two thick jackets that she recently bought for her trip and shows them to Jessica.

“Okay, so I bought both of these just for the snow. Should I bring both or will I be okay with just one?”

Jessica ponders, staring at both pink jackets in front of her.

“I say bring both just in case,” Jessica answers firmly.

Tiffany eagerly nods, “Great, I was thinking that too.”

 She stuffs both jackets into her luggage before gazing back at her closet.

 “Are you excited?” Jessica interrupts with a smile on her face.

Tiffany shifts her attention to the smiling latter and smiles back.

“So excited, I can’t believe I’m leaving so soon.”

 “Yul just told me Taeng’s been cleaning the apartment like crazy,” Jessica laughs while shaking her head.

“Awh, he doesn’t have to do that,” Tiffany replies while blushing.

Jessica continues to laugh as she takes a seat on the pink bed. She stares as Tiffany resumes looking through her closet and taking clothes out to place in her luggage.

“You’re going to have the best time…” Jessica softly states as her gaze was on the floor.

Tiffany pauses her packing and looks at the blonde-haired latter staring absent-mindedly at the ground. She walks over to her and takes a seat on the mattress next to her.

“I wouldn’t be doing this if it weren’t for you,” Tiffany softly states, wrapping her arms around the latter.

Jessica smiles and chuckles, “That’s what sisters are for right?”

The dark-haired girl nods against Jessica’s arm with a smile on her face.

“You’re the best sister a girl could ask.”


 “Dude, you need to sleep,” Yul said through his fits of laughter.

Taeng was hastily rearranging the furniture in the apartment, pacing back and forth as he contemplated where to place the coffee table.

 “Do you think the table will look better here or by the TV?” Taeng asked ignoring Yul’s comment.

Yul shakes his head and walks over to the busy boy. He clasps his shoulders and stares right into his eyes.

“Taeng. You. Need. Sleep,” Yul says again while gently shaking Taeng’s body.

“I’m just worried okay…” The dorky boy said while letting out a tired sigh.

“The apartment is fine. We have to wake up at 7 AM tomorrow and it’s already 11:30! You don’t want to be tired when Tiffany walks through the gates right?”

 Taeng sighs again and nods, “You’re right… We should probably head to bed.”

Yul smiles and pats the latter’s shoulders again.

“That’s my boy, come on, let’s head to bed.”

 Taeng gives in to the dark-haired boy’s request and bids him goodnight before parting ways. He does his nightly routines, heads to his room, and crawls into bed. He picks up his phone from his nightstand, squinting his eyes as they adjust to the bright screen in the dark room. He quickly pulls his phone up to his ear as the sound of ringing resonates.

Tiffany felt her phone vibrate on her nightstand, she turns around and quickly picks it up. A smile grows on her face as she answers it and places her phone up to her ear.

“Hey baby,” She greets sweetly.

“Miyoung-ah, how is the packing going?” He gently asks.

 “I’m pretty much done, Jessica helped me so it made it go by easier,” She replied, taking the chance to sit on her bed to rest.

“I’m glad, when do you plan on heading to the airport?”

Tiffany gazes at the clock on her stand to check the time.

“Uhm, probably in the next 2 hours or so,” She starts, “I can’t believe this is happening…”

 Taeng smiles hearing the happiness in the latter’s tone.

“I can’t either, I don’t know how I’m going to be able to sleep tonight knowing once I wake up you’ll be here soon.”

Tiffany chuckles, “I’m going to try to sleep on the plane but I don’t think I can either, I’ll be too excited.”

She hears the latter chuckle with her. She lays on her back as stares at the ceiling above her, her smile growing wider as she thought about how close she was to being in Taeng’s arms. She looks over to her luggage all prepped and ready along with her backpack.

“I love you Tiffany,” Taeng coos, “I can’t wait to have you in my arms.”

 Tiffany breathlessly sighs hearing the sincere words from the blonde-haired boy. Her heart beating at a steady beat as she tries to contain her excitement. She closes her eyes and chuckles.

“I love you too Taeng,” She softly replies, “I’ll see you soon.”


Morning comes quickly as Taeng was awakened by his alarm. He slowly opens his eyes and turns over to his phone. He grabs it and dismisses the alarm. He peels the warm comforter off of him and sits up; rubbing his eyes, he swings his legs over the bed to stand up. He stretches, fixes his bed, and makes his way to the bathroom. He approaches Yul’s door and knocks to wake him up before trudging his way to the bathroom.

 Although he felt tired, his excitement was coursing through his body. He splashes water on his face to help wake him up and stares at his reflection in the mirror. A grin on his face as he stares.

 “Today’s the day, holy crap today is the day,” He repeats to himself as he finishes up his morning routines.

 He leaves the bathroom to see Yul tiredly lean against his bedroom doorframe. Taeng chuckles and walks towards the sleepy latter.

“Morning Yul,” He chirps.

Yul chuckles softly, “Today is the day.”

The dorky boy eagerly nods, “Today is.”

Yul smiles and makes his way to the bathroom to get ready while Taeng returns to his room. He opens his closet and stares at the articles of clothing before him.

“What do I wear…?” He asks himself.

He contemplated through many outfits before deciding on a button-up, pants, and a pea coat. He walks over to the small mirror that was by his door and grooms his hair. He wanted to look his very best for Tiffany. He puts his watch on and sprays his usual cologne. Taeng walks over to his phone and checks the time. Tiffany’s flight was targeted to land around 9 AM and he wanted to make sure he got there early enough to wait inside the airport. He stuffs his phone in his pocket and leaves his room, his stomach starting to flip upside down as time was passing by quickly. The thought that he was going to be at the airport soon made him nervous that he wasn’t sure if he wanted to pass out or throw up.

Yul was sitting tiredly on the couch, casually scrolling through his phone. He was wearing a flannel underneath a thick wool-lined coat with jeans. The dark-haired boy looks up and smiles seeing Taeng appearing ready to go.

“Looking good buddy,” He compliments with a wide smile.

 Taeng chuckles, “Thanks, man. Did you want to eat something here or pick something up?”

Yul tilts his head to the side and thinks.

“Let’s pick something up,” He replies placidly as he begins to stand up.

“Cool, you ready to go?” Taeng asks as he walks towards the door to put on his shoes.

Yul nods and approaches the door. He watches as Taeng puts on his shoes and stands up. Yul smiles, he approaches Taeng and helps him fix his collar.

 “For someone who’s girlfriend is about to be here in a couple of hours, you’re pretty calm,” Yul teases as he smoothens out Taeng’s jacket.

The blonde-haired boy laughs, “I’m honestly hiding the fact I’m about to pass out from all the nerves.”

“This is the moment you’ve been waiting for, are you ready?”

Taeng grows silent, his mind racing about Tiffany and all the times they have talked through the webcam. He smiles thinking back to all their laughs, tears, and comfortable silences. He looks at Yul who was staring back at him with soft eyes and a smile. The blonde-haired boy smiles back and nods.

“I’m ready to have her in my arms.”


The two make their way into the airport, shoving past other people who were also waiting to pick up their loved ones. Taeng and Yul find an open stop in front of the gate Tiffany was supposed to exit from and stand there next to each other. Instantly, the nerves Taeng was trying to contain came back as in just moments the love of his life would be in his very eyes. He shoves his hands in pocket and raises his feet up and down. His eyes stay straight on the exit gate as he watches people start to come out. He takes out his phone to check the time and if there were any messages from Tiffany. After seeing none, he stuffs his phone along with his hand back in and begins the waiting process over again.

Yul laughs seeing how nervous the latter was and clasps his hand on Taeng’s shoulder. Taeng gazes over at the dark-haired boy and looks at the smile on the latter’s face.

“I’m sure you’re both feeling nervous,” He says with a smile, “I can’t wait to see you hug the life out of her man.”

 The nervous blonde-haired boy laughs, feeling the butterflies in his stomach explode and his heart beat out of control. He returns his gaze to the exit gate as he heard multiple steps from people exiting. A plane had just landed and people were making their way out of the gates to reunite with their families or loved ones.

Taeng searches through the crowds, hoping the next one out would be Tiffany. His heart was erratically beating out of control as the waves of people began exiting the gate. He was having a hard time looking through the crowds as many people that were behind him shoved through after seeing their loved ones to hug them. He continues searching, his nerves still beating him as his eyes have yet to see the girl he was hoping to see.  

“Do you see her?” Yul asks through the crowd, his eyes assisting Taeng with his search.

“No…” The blonde-haired boy replied, feeling dejected that Tiffany hasn’t come through the gate yet.

 As the wave of people starts to die down, Taeng felt sad as he wasn’t able to locate Tiffany. He watches as people hug their loved ones tightly and assist them with their baggage.


 His eyes widen hearing his name. He turns towards Yul and looks at him in confusion.

“Did you say my name?” Taeng asked.

 Yul grins and shakes his head, “Nope, wasn’t me man.”


He slowly turns his head towards where he heard his name. His eyes widen upon realizing who said it.

There she was.

Tiffany stood with her luggage in her hand, her eyes wide as well after calling out the man she thought was Taeng. He stares at her, seeing her in her skinny jeans, blouse, and a thick coat. Both stood there, in shock that they were breathing the same air, standing in the same space. Time felt frozen as they both felt as if they were in the airport alone. They couldn’t believe that this was now a reality.

A smile grows on Taeng’s face as he felt his legs move towards the person he yearned for. His legs pick up pace as his small steps turned into strides. Tiffany smiles as wide as she could and begins to run toward the boy as well, leaving her luggage behind as she ran. They both continue to run towards each and in just a few moments, Tiffany was in Taeng’s arm.

“Tiffany!” He exclaims, as he picks her up and spins her around.

This was the moment they were long awaiting. The moment they talked about through their webcam over and over. The moment the pictured in their heads. The moment they had dreamed for. This was now their reality.

“You’re here….” Taeng said breathlessly as he continued to hug Tiffany, “I can’t believe you’re finally here.”

Tiffany felt tears in her eyes as the moment she had been waiting for overwhelmed her with emotions. She instantly felt safe as she continued to hug Taeng and be in his arms. His smell wafting in her nose and his warmth mixing with hers.

She felt at home.

Tiffany looks up at Taeng and marvels at how handsome in person he looked. His onyx eyes that she dreamed of were more vibrant up close and his baby-like face enamored her.

 Taeng looks deep into Tiffany’s eyes as his heart beat rapidly out of control. She looked so radiant and beautiful. Her milky skin, her soft hair, and her addicting smile were all things he was used to looking on screen. Seeing it in person drove him crazy.

Both were drowning in each other’s presence.

He cups her face which sends both of their hearts skyrocketing.

“You’re beautiful Tiffany,” He softly says.

Tears stilled filled Tiffany’s eyes as she couldn’t believe she was staring at the man she was madly in love with. She places her hands on top of his and smiles.

“You’re so handsome Taeng,” She replies.

 At that moment, they knew they wanted to do what they were long waiting for. They stare lovingly into each other’s eyes, still shocked that they were only centimeters apart instead of miles. They both smile and chuckle as their nerves were still apparent but the excitement couldn’t contain itself either.

“I love you, Tiffany,” Taeng coos softly as his hands still cupped Tiffany’s face.

The tears that were in Tiffany’s eyes fell hearing the three words resound in her ear. The three words that helped get them through this long-distance relationship. The three words that made this journey worth it. The three words she’s been longing to hear escape his lips.

“I love you too Taeng,” she replies through her tears.

Taeng smiles as he wipes the tears off of Tiffany’s face. At that moment, Taeng leans in slowly towards Tiffany and closes his eyes. Both their excitement building up as what they have been longing to do was only centimeters away. Tiffany smiles, closes her eyes, and immediately felt his lips on hers. Fireworks explode, the world stood still, as the two share a passionate kiss that held all the emotions they were wanting to express.

 Tiffany cups Taeng’s face and leans in, continually kissing him as she never wanted it to end. The butterflies in both their stomachs filled their body and their hearts beat out of control. They part their lips and stare back into each other’s eyes.

 “You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that,” Taeng said with a grin, his lips burning and craving more.

Tiffany laughs, “Was it worth the wait?”

Taeng takes the moment to lovingly kiss her again, feeling Tiffany wraps her arms around his torso and pulling him closer.

“It will always be worth the wait.”


 Yul watches from afar seeing the two share sweet nothings to each other. A small smile on his face as he was happy yet sad for his friend. He stares as Taeng continues to hug Tiffany, embracing her in his arms and not wanting to let go. He sighs and sticks his hands in his pocket, continually watching the couple exchange kisses and love.

 “They make such a cute couple huh?”

Yul felt his body freeze hearing a familiar voice. He looks over to his right and sees a blonde-haired girl standing right next to him with a wide smile on her face. Out of shock, he takes a step back and rubs his eyes. Not wanting to believe who was standing in his presence next to him.

“J-Jessica…?” He said breathlessly, feeling the wind knocked out of him.

Jessica giggles and shifts her body towards him.

 “Did you already forget about me Yul?” She teases.

 Without any hesitation, Yul immediately pulls her into his arms and hugs her tight. Jessica’s eyes widen but immediately regains as she hugged the dark-haired boy back.

He couldn’t believe that the girl he hadn’t seen in 3 years was in his arms and he was both happy and confused. He continues hugging her tight as he felt tears brim in his eyes.

 “W-what are you doing here?” He asks with a shaky voice.

He hears Jessica chuckle against him.

“I’m here to see you silly!” She chirped as she snuggled her face against the latter’s chest.

 He quickly pulls apart and stares into her eyes.

 “B-but… I don’t understand,” He questions.


 Yul looks over to see Taeng and Tiffany approaching them with their hands intertwined. Taeng smiles at the dark-haired boy and chuckles.

“I really surprised you didn’t I?” He proudly asked, releasing his other hand from Tiffany’s luggage to throw the latter a thumbs up.

“H-how did you…?”

“I had extra money after buying Tiffany’s plane ticket and I asked umma for the rest,” Taeng explained happily, “Umma didn’t even argue and gave me the money. With that much, I told Jessica I had enough to fly her here too.”

Yul felt the tears in his eyes fall as he rushed over to hug Taeng tightly which knocks the latter back.

“I… I can’t believe you did this for me,” Yul muffled through his tears against the blonde-haired boy.

Taeng laughs and hugs the latter back.

“I wouldn’t have Tiffany here if it weren’t for you. It wouldn’t be the same if we didn’t have Jessica here to spend time with us.”

Yul continues to cry against Taeng as he couldn’t believe the kind gesture his friend had done for him. All this time, Jessica was on her way to see him and he couldn’t believe the long-awaited 3 years had come to an end.

After a long hug between the two brothers, Taeng laughs and slightly pushes Yul off.

 “Hey man, you should be hugging Jessica, not me!” He teases.

Yul laughs with him and wipes his eyes, trying his best to contain his emotions.

“Sorry… Thank you Taeng, thank you so much,” He softly says with a smile.

Taeng smiles back, “What are brothers for right?”


 At that moment, Tiffany rushes towards Yul to hug him. Excited that the boy who helped her meet the love of her life was with them too.

 “I’m so happy to finally meet you!” She says as she hugs him ever so tightly.

Yul laughs and hugs her back, “Me too, I can’t believe you’re here.”

 Tiffany releases from her hug and smiles, encouraging him to direct his attention to the blonde-haired girl that was waiting for him.

 Yul smiles back and immediately pulls the girl he has loved for years. Jessica looks up and cups his face. They stare lovingly into each other’s eyes as they felt their faces only centimeters apart. They both close their eyes and share a passionate kiss.

Much like the other two, the fireworks explode and both their stomachs flip upside down. It was a long-awaited kiss, a kiss that felt like their first all over again. As they part their lips and breathlessly look into each other’s eyes they both smile.

“I’m so happy you’re here,” Yul softly says, his arms wrapped around Jessica’s waist.

The blonde-haired girl chuckles, “Me too.”

They both take the opportunity to kiss again. Taeng and Tiffany smile as they watch the couple reunite with sweet nothings.

Taeng looks at Tiffany and takes her hand in his. The dark-haired beauty looks at him and smiles, feeling the tingling feeling of their hands together, she stands on her tippy toes to kiss him again.

“You guys ready to go?” Yul asked, his hand intertwined with Jessica’s.

 Taeng looks at Yul with a wide smile and nods, “Yep, let’s go home.”

Yul takes Jessica’s luggage as Taeng takes Tiffany’s.

Hand in hand, both couples walk back to the car with nothing but love and smiles across their faces.


The long awaited moment! This scene has been stuck in my head the past 7 years and I'm so happy to finally have it in writing. Thank you guys so much for the love, the story is almost over so thank you so much for sticking by me the past 7 years and enjoying the story as much as I enjoyed writing. Much love. - Musicisanelement

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Ree93brianti #1
author where are u...update pleasee
aerolcaroline #2
Continue? 😭
Chapter 37: hellooooo~~~ when will u update this :( don't ignore this story pleaseeee
1120 streak #4
1120 streak #5
Chapter 37: Ow he really is in love and he will also secretly buy that necklace but don't overwork yourself like what you didn't back then
Chapter 37: Feels good author...
TaeNyBross #7
Chapter 36: It takes 7 years for us to be able to witnessing this scene.
I'm so proud of you authornim.
Chapter 36: Thanks for the update omg its feels good waiting for another update
taeny2403 #9
Chapter 35: O my god..the long awaited scene..thank you so much of my fave taeny fics..
maemae08 #10
going to wait for this story