
Love Through A Circle

Taeng was sitting at the university café, his eyes and hands focused on his phone. As soon as his class was over, he had been texting Tiffany nonstop and he was glad that it was Wednesday in the states because she didn’t have classes. He subconsciously smiles as they had been nonstop texting for quite some time.


He lifts his head hearing his name being called, the smile fades away seeing that it was his ex-girlfriend Jieun standing in front of him.

“Oh…hey Jieun.” He greeted her sourly, his phone still in between his hands.

 The latter bites her bottom lip, without asking for his permission, she takes a seat across from him which catches Taeng off guard.

 “Uhm…” Taeng felt uncomfortable having his ex-girlfriend sit across from him, he wasn’t sure if she was going to beg for forgiveness or thrash on him more.

He was hoping for the second option.

 “Taeng, can we please talk?” She said weakly, making Taeng’s eyes widen in surprise.


 “I miss you. I’m sorry for all the words I’ve said, I didn’t mean them… I was stupid to cheat on you.”

Taeng remains silent; he was utterly speechless because he wasn’t sure if he was willing to believe her or not. As he was about to reply, his phone vibrates indicating a text message from Tiffany. He subconsciously smiles as he sees the girl’s name displayed on the screen of his phone, for a second he forgot Jieun was still sitting across from him.


He snaps his daze from the phone and directs his attention back to Jieun. The feelings for her were shattered. Jieun had hurt him, it quickly crumbled up the feelings he had for her. He wouldn’t mind being friends with her but he knows for a fact that it wasn’t going to happen. She cheated on him; it left a permanent scar on him. If they try to be friends, it would only lead to awkward tensions and he doesn’t want that.

“Jieun…” He takes a deep breath, “I’m sorry…I can’t return the feelings I once had to you. You cheated on me. Twice. It hurt me a lot that it wiped away the feelings I had for you.”

Jieun sighs and hangs her head low, “I see…”

He weakly smiles, “I’m sorry.”

 “No, it’s okay. I’m sorry for everything.”

 “Don’t be. Just…don't make the same mistake in the future.”

Jieun weakly nods her head, feeling rejected she stands up and sighs. “Goodbye Taeng.”

Taeng watches in silence as the girl walks away from him with her shoulders slumped. He felt guilty for hurting the girl and rejecting her but at the same time, he was glad that he didn’t pressure himself to take her back.

 It wouldn’t help the real feelings he had.

 The school day ends and Taeng rushes home, he promised Tiffany that he would help her study for her math exam. He busts through his room door and grabs his laptop, in one swift motion he lies on his bed and props his device up. He texts Tiffany that he’s online and she quickly replies that she’s logging on.

 A smile draws on both their faces as they were both happy that they are going to once again, see each other’s faces. Taeng sees Tiffany's name pop online and he rapidly invites her to video chat. After some time, both their screens load and the two teens smile at each other while waving to the webcam.

“Hey, Tiffany.” Taeng greeted excitedly to the dark-haired beauty.

“Hi, Taeng!” She greeted with the same emotion as him.

 “So let’s get started!” He said dorkily, causing the girl to laugh.


 Time passes by, Taeng tutors Tiffany and assists her in the best way he can.

 Tiffany, on the other hand, was extremely grateful that she had a tutor like Taeng, the more he tutored her, math suddenly got easier. She even passed her last exam thanks to him. Tiffany studies a bit longer before telling Taeng they should take a break, which he happily complies with.

“Do you understand it?” He asked while dorkily smiling.

Tiffany happily nods, “Yes! You have no idea how grateful I am. You are a lifesaver Taeng!”

 Taeng rubs the back of his neck, “Ah it’s no problem. I’m glad I was able to help you. I’m sure you’re going to ace that test!”

The girl smiles, she could feel her cheeks ache from the constant smiling but she didn’t care. She honestly loved it whenever the boy made her smile with no effort.


As they descend into their break, they break into a conversation about random things, they always enjoyed doing this.

Having no specific subject to talk about.

There were no boundaries.

Taeng tilts his head to the side and stares at Tiffany, his mind drifting to the conversation he and Jieun had. It bothered him, how she approached him and asked for his forgiveness. He found it unusual as well since Jieun was thrashing that he’s too nice and that every girl he’s going to date is going to cheat on him. It hurt his pride a little hearing that from someone he cared about.

Tiffany notices the sudden change in the dorky boy, she mimics his action and tilts her head to the side and looks at him with sincerity. Taeng couldn’t help but smile, causing the girl to smile as well.

 “What’s wrong?” She asked caringly.

He sighs and shrugs, “It’s just about Jieun.”

 Hearing Taeng’s ex-girlfriend’s name catches her attention; she springs her head back and looks at him with compassion.

“What about her? Do you miss her?” She hesitantly asked, mentally hoping Taeng would say no.

He chuckles and quickly shakes his head, “No. I don’t miss her one bit…”

Tiffany wanted to sigh a relief hearing that but she remains quiet as she waits for the boy to continue.

“She talked to me today…” He bites his bottom lip, “She wanted me to take her back.”

Tiffany’s eyes widen in surprise, she couldn’t believe that the girl would try to earn Taeng back after everything she did.

“Really?” She asked curiously, receiving a nod from the latter. “What…W-What did you say?”

 Taeng sighs, “I rejected her. I told her that I won’t be able to return the feelings I once had to her. If I take her back…I wouldn’t be happy.”

Tiffany smiles, she was happy that Taeng thought of his happiness because she truly felt as if he needed it. She was afraid that if he did take her back, he wouldn’t be the same.

“I’m really happy you didn’t take her back…” She confessed softly, making Taeng’s eyes widen in surprise.


“Yes…It’s like you said, if you did take her back, you wouldn’t be happy. You should be with someone who makes you happy.”

Taeng warmly smiles, his heart tingles of warmth hearing the girls’ advice.

 “Do you think I’ll find her?” He asked, staring straight into the girls’ eyes.

Tiffany nods, “I’m sure you will…”

“I hope she’s going to be everything I’ve dreamt of…” He said dreamily, his mind drifting off to his dream girl.

Tiffany found her smile growing faint seeing the dreamy look in Taeng’s eyes, she wanted to know who exactly Taeng was thinking about. She felt a slight tug in her heart; it hurt her to see the dazed look on the boy’s face.

 I hope your perfect girl will realize that you’re a perfect guy…


 She quickly snaps out of her thoughts, she gazes at Taeng who was staring at her with curious eyes.

“Huh? Oh sorry…I must have spaced out.”

 He laughs, “It’s okay. You look cute when you’re all zoned out.”

She blushes hearing the compliment, she sticks her tongue out to conceal her rosy cheeks from the flattering words.

Taeng does the same action, “What were you thinking about?”

 “N-nothing in particular.” She stuttered, shrugging her shoulders to act nonchalant.

“Are you sure?”


 Taeng slowly nods, “Hm okay.”

 “What?” She raises her eyebrows and crosses her arms, only receiving a dorky smile from the dorky boy.

“Nothing!” He replies happily.

Tiffany rolls her eyes, trying her best not to smile. “Dork.”

He smiles, making her beat skip a beat, “That’s who I am!”

 This time, the brunette couldn’t suppress her laughter; she lets out a fit of laughter which makes the boy on the screen laugh along with her.

Time passes by and it was growing late in Korea, Taeng was starting to grow sleepy and Tiffany could tell by his constant yawns.

 “You should go to bed Taeng, it’s probably late over there.” She said, chuckling when Taeng shakes his head cutely.

“Noooo, I want to stay and talk to you.” He replied cutely, his eyes slowly closing shut.

Tiffany stifles her laugh, “Go to bed Taeng. There’s always tomorrow to talk.”

 He pouts and crosses his arms, “You promise?”

 She wanted to squeal at how adorable he was acting; instead, she nods and sends him a warm smile. “I promise!” She replied happily, showing a thumb up to the webcam.

Taeng happily nods, “Okay! You promised!” He stretches and yawns before resuming, “Good night Tiffany! See you tomorrow beautiful!”

Tiffany felt heat rush to her cheeks; her heart skips multiple beats and the butterflies in her stomach bursts out of their cage.

“See you tomorrow beautiful!”

“You’re beautiful.”

She clears , thankful that Taeng was groggy from exhaustion to realize how red her cheeks were. Taeng cheekily smiles, acting completely normal even though he just called Tiffany beautiful.

“G-goodnight T-Taeng.” She stammered, her mind swirling of endless thoughts and her heart beating out of her chest.

The boy waves one last time before ending the call between them, leaving Tiffany stunned and dumbfounded.

She places her right hand over her heart, taking a deep breath to calm down her fast-beating heart. She bites her bottom lip but she couldn’t stop the sweet smile that grew on her face.



 As Taeng shuts down his laptop instead of heading straight to bed he finds himself running to Yul’s room. He knocks a couple of times before hearing Yul’s command to allow him inside. He barges through the door and sees Yul on his bed searching through the web.

“Hey Taeng, you’re up late,” Yul commented, his eyes still on the computer screen.

“Can I talk to you about something?” Taeng quickly asked. His mind was swirling and he needed confirmation, he has been holding this in for quite some time and he finally needed to let his feelings out.

Yul diverts his attention to Taeng seeing the odd look in his friend’s eyes; he nods before sitting up and motioning him to sit next to him on the bed.

“What’s up? You seem all…jittery.” He said worriedly, his eyes glued on the latter.

Taeng bites his bottom lip, “I have a dilemma…”

Yul quickly nods, “Okay. What’s wrong?”

He sighs and runs a hand through his hair, “I have this friend…” He looks at Yul before continuing, “That…Likes this girl right?”

Yul’s face contorts into confusion, “Okay?”

Taeng takes another deep breath, “So my friend likes this girl…But let’s say, this girl… lives in another country.”

Yul eyes widen in surprise before he knew it a smirk grows on his face. He gazes at Taeng who was staring at the sheets of his bed, his smirk only growing wider.

“Wow, that sounds like a problem already,” Yul stated, going along with Taeng’s scenario.

 Taeng nods, “Yeah…So my friend doesn’t know what to do. He likes this girl but he’s afraid that she won’t feel the same. Or even worse… That she’ll reject him because they live in two different worlds.”

Yul dramatically nods; he clasps his shoulder before letting out a playful sigh. “I know the feeling. You should- I mean, your friend should tell her how he feels. You never know what will happen. Even though they live in two different places, love has no boundaries. If your friend likes her then he should confess.”

 Taeng grows quiet, his mind processing what Yul said to him. He bites his bottom lip before taking another sigh and looking straight at Yul with hopeful eyes.

 “Yul…” He bitterly chuckles, “My friend that I’m talking about… Is me.”

 Yul dramatically scoffs, “No! Really?”

 Taeng chuckles, not sensing Yul’s sarcasm since his mind was so warped on the subject.


Yul nods, “I’m happy for you man.”

Taeng gleams up, “Really?”

“Yeah. I’m glad to see you’re moving on. You deserve someone better.”

He bitterly chuckles, “But… She’s miles and miles away…”

 “So? You were able to catch feelings for her even though she’s not physically here, what makes a difference if you ask her to be yours?”

 “I don’t know… Won’t it be hard?”

“Nothing is impossible Taeng. If both of you have strong feelings for each other than the distance shouldn’t matter. If she makes you happy then isn’t that enough?”

 Taeng smiles hearing the advice his best friend was giving him. Hearing the encouraging words from him boosted his confidence.

“I can see why Jessica loves you…” He teases, earning a playful punch from the latter.

“Yeah yeah, whatever.” Yul chuckles and shakes his head before looking at the latter with awe, “What made you fall for her?”

The dorky boy dreamily smiles thinking of all the high points of the girl.

“She’s just so pretty…and cute. And nice. And funny. She’s different than most girls. She’s not afraid to stick up for herself. She’s confident and independent…Strong-willed. Smart. Has a great mindset. Caring. Beautiful. And have you seen her smile? Gah, it’s like… seeing heaven.” Taeng sighs happily, “I don’t know, I just… can’t stop thinking about her. I find myself smiling whenever I think of her… She’s just…so amazing.”  

Yul couldn’t help but snicker seeing the dazed look in Taeng’s eyes, he was happy to see his friend falling for a girl that’s perfect for him.

 He tries his best not to laugh as he encouragingly pats Taeng on the back, “I think I already know who this is about. But can I hear this girls’ name?”

Taeng chuckles at Yul’s dorkiness, a smile draws on his face already thinking about the girl. He knows for sure that what he was feeling was true. He sighs dreamily before looking Yul straight in the eyes with a smile.

“Tiffany Hwang. I’ve fallen for Tiffany Hwang.”  

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Ree93brianti #1
author where are u...update pleasee
aerolcaroline #2
Continue? 😭
Chapter 37: hellooooo~~~ when will u update this :( don't ignore this story pleaseeee
1131 streak #4
1131 streak #5
Chapter 37: Ow he really is in love and he will also secretly buy that necklace but don't overwork yourself like what you didn't back then
Chapter 37: Feels good author...
TaeNyBross #7
Chapter 36: It takes 7 years for us to be able to witnessing this scene.
I'm so proud of you authornim.
Chapter 36: Thanks for the update omg its feels good waiting for another update
taeny2403 #9
Chapter 35: O my god..the long awaited scene..thank you so much author..one of my fave taeny fics..
maemae08 #10
going to wait for this story