
Love Through A Circle

The sounds of phones ringing and nurses running back and forth filled the waiting room as Yul paced back and forth. He was too anxious to stay seated after realizing that he had been waiting for nearly 2 hours upon arriving at the hospital. He hadn’t seen Taeng since the ambulance crew hauled him into the ambulance and it was driving him crazy that the doctor hasn’t seen him nor update him on his condition. Yul gazes at the clock for the hundredth time and continues in the back and forth rut.

“This is my fault…” Yul whispered to himself, clenching his fists. “I… I shouldn’t have given up so easily,” He felt tears b on the corner of his eyes, “What kind of friend am I? What kind of... Brother lets his brother work himself like this?”

 He sniffles as his thoughts continue to blame himself for this situation. He never thought this would happen to Taeng. He knew that Taeng was determined and persistent but he never thought it could go this far. Yul wipes his unfallen tears with the back of his hand and takes a deep breath.

“Come on Yul,” He sighed, “You have to be strong for him.”

 He finally decides to sit down, feeling exhausted from the nerves and constant walking. It was almost 3 a.m., both the boys had classes tomorrow but Yul was insistent on informing the professors they cannot attend for this reason. He wasn’t going to let Taeng attend class no matter how hard he tried. Taeng needs the rest and he wasn’t going to let his “perfect attendance” excuse allow him to win.

 After what felt like days, the doctor who took Taeng in exits from the double doors. Yul immediately stands up and watches in anticipation as the doctor slowly approaches him.

“Are you his friend Kwon Yul?” The doctor asked monotonously.

Yul quickly nods.

The doctor reciprocates a nod as well, brings the clipboard up to his view and heaves a sigh.

“Mr. Kim is finally conscious. He’s doing okay now. His vitals are up to par.”

Yul sighs of relief hearing the good news. His heart that was beating fast from worry finally started to slow down.

He runs a hand through his hair, “That’s good to hear.”

 The doctor nods, “He feinted from exhaustion and dehydration. His body was completely overworked and by the looks of his blood sugar and vitals, he didn’t have enough nutrition in his body to provide the energy he needed. To be honest Mr. Kwon, I’m surprised he woke up so quickly. With his vitals, he should have been unconscious for at least a week, if not longer.”

Yul’s eyes widen hearing the information from the latter, he felt his heart started to beat faster as he thought of Taeng not waking up. He gulps and clasps his hands together, trying to suppress his worry for his friend.

“I see…” He said softly, his gaze moving to the floor, “How long will he have to stay here then?”

The doctor flips through the clipboard and clicks his tongue as he scans the document before him.

“It depends on his situation really but I would like for Mr. Kim to at least stay here for 3 more days just to make sure his vitals don’t significantly drop and we can feed him the appropriate food to get his diet aligned along with his sleeping schedule. After those 3 days if he’s feeling better we can discharge him and he can go home.”

Yul slowly nods, processing all the words. He was glad that it was only 3 days rather than more but he was sad to think he would be by himself at home. He felt guilty that he could have avoided this situation but it was already too late now. He mentally curses at himself for feeling this way but he knew there was nothing he could do about it.

 “Am I allowed to see him now?” Yul asked, desperately wanting to see his best friend whom he hasn’t seen for what felt like days.

“Yes, you can. He’s in the second door on the left,” The doctor directed, pointing down the white hallway.

Yul bowed respectfully and quickly makes his way to Taeng’s room. Without hesitating, he slowly twists the doorknob and carefully opens the door. His eyes widen seeing the blonde-haired boy’s condition. Tubes and patches were all over his body that he looked as if he had been in a car accident. Several pills were aligned neatly on the table next to his bed. The system that showed his heartbeat was the only sound emitting from his room. Yul felt crushed and hurt seeing the way Taeng looked. He enters the room and slowly closes the door. His eyes widen even more when he sees Taeng looking at him with a smile on his face.

“Yul… Geez, am I glad to see you,” Taeng croaked softly.

 Yul couldn’t help but chuckle as he walked closer to the latter, pulling a chair next to his bed and taking a seat. “You idiot,” Yul said with a small smile.

 Taeng chuckles softly, “Was it that bad?”

 Yul nods, “You scared the life out of me man… When you passed out on the floor I didn’t know what to do.”

Taeng breathlessly sighs and closes his eyes, “I’m sorry for worrying you.”

 Yul tightens his fists, “No… It’s my fault.”

The blonde-haired boy opens his eyes and gazes at Yul with confusion.

 “What? No, it’s not,” He reassuringly replied seeing the tight look on Yul’s face.

“Yes it is Taeng,” The latter replied grimly, “I… I should have kept insisting on letting you stay home… If I kept trying then…” Tears form in the latter’s eyes as he choked on his words. “Then you wouldn’t be here… I’m a horrible friend… even worse, I’m a horrible brother.”

Taeng’s eyes widen and he quickly shakes his head.

“Are you kidding me Yul?”

The dark-haired boy gazes at him with glossy eyes.

“You’re not a horrible friend or brother. You’re the best brother a guy could ever have. You pushed me to my hardest and I wouldn’t have had this motivating spirit if it weren’t for you. I’m thankful for everything you have done for me. I did this upon myself. I’m sorry for worrying you. Please don’t feel this way. I should have listened to you. I feel like a horrible brother,” Taeng softly replied, a sad smile on his face.

 Yul sniffles and shakes his head, “You’re not a horrible brother. Brothers push each other to their limits but they also take care of each other. You’ve taken care of me since day one.” He chuckles and sends a cheerful smile, “You truly are something Taeng. Thank you.”

 Taeng’s sad smile transforms into a hopeful one, “Thank you Yul. Thanks for taking care of me. I’m sorry for making you wait.”

Yul waves his hand, “Stop saying sorry. Brothers don’t need those words. I’m just glad you’re awake and doing well.”

Taeng nods in agreement, feeling happy he had this heart to heart talk with his friend. Yul was never one to cry but seeing him cry over him made him feel happy that he cared that much about him. He was thankful for a friend like Yul.

 “Me too… When can we go home?”

Yul sighs and leans back against his chair, “The doctor told me he wants you to stay here for at least 3 more days.”

 Taeng’s eyes widen, “3 days?! But what about classes?”

Yul softly chuckles, “Could you forget about school for at least 1 minute? You need the rest Taeng. Don’t worry I’ll tell your professors you won’t be attending class. I’m sure they’ll understand since you’re the top student. I’ll also collect any homework and notes for you so don’t freak out okay Mr. Genius?”

 Taeng sighs in defeat, “Fine… Thanks, Yul. I appreciate it.”

Yul sends the latter a thumbs up, grateful that he was finally able to win against Taeng about school. A comfortable silence falls between the two boys, Yul’s gaze was fixated at his hands while Taeng was warped around his thoughts. He bites his bottom lip and slowly moves his gaze to the dark-haired boy. Yul felt the stare of the latter and lifts his head to meet his eyes with the blonde-haired boy. He tilts his head in confusion seeing the worry in Taeng’s eyes.

“What’s wrong?” He asked softly. Taeng cringes his face and sighs in anticipation.

“Did… did you tell Tiffany I was in the hospital?” He finally asked, his heart beginning to beat faster.

Yul’s eyes soften as he shifts his gaze to Taeng’s bed, letting silence return between the two. Taeng’s nerves grew more as the latter didn’t answer so quickly. He watches as the latter sighs and runs a hand through his hair.

 “I told Jessica,” He answered shortly, gazing back at Taeng with somber eyes.

“Everything?” Taeng squeaked softly.

Yul nods, “Everything.”


“… He’s in the hospital.”

“WHAT?! What do you mean he’s in the hospital?!”

 “It’s a long story, Jessica…”

“Tell me everything Yul.”




 “I see…” The blonde-haired boy replied sadly.

Yul sighs again, “I’m sorry Taeng… She called me and pretty much interrogated me to tell her everything… I had to tell her.” He scowls and rubs his face, “But… I made her promise not to tell Tiffany.”

Taeng’s eyes widen, “What?”

 “I told Jessica that you have a part-time job but you didn’t tell Tiffany because you want to buy her airplane ticket for her but I told her not to tell that part to Tiffany,” Yul explained with his lips puckered out.

“Does she know I’m in the hospital?”

Yul nods, “Of course she does. She’s been calling me non-stop. That part I had to tell Tiffany because she had been calling your phone so many times but since you were unconscious she called my phone. I had to at least tell her that because if I didn’t it wouldn’t look so good.”

Taeng sighs, feeling guilty that his girlfriend was probably worried sick over him now. He didn’t want his girlfriend to worry more about him but it was too late. He wished he took care of himself more to prevent this from happening.

“Thanks, Yul…” He muttered softly, his mind still wrapped around his girlfriend.

 Yul tilts his head, “For what?”

“For making sure Jessica doesn’t tell Tiffany my plan. Even though it put me in the hospital I don’t want Tiffany to blame herself. It’s not her fault. Plus I still want to surprise her. Thanks again,” Taeng happily said, a small smile forming on his face.

Yul chuckles and shakes his head, “No need to thank me. It’s not my she’s going to rip apart when she finds out.”

Taeng laughs hearing the joke from the latter. It felt nice to finally rest and relax after stressful months. The blonde-haired boy knew the time was growing late and he could tell the latter was exhausted. He knew Yul wasn’t going to attend classes the next day but he didn’t want to burden him by staying with him so late. He had already done so much for him.

“You should go home Yul, it’s late,” Taeng reassured, chuckling as the latter yawned on cue.

 “No no, it’s okay. I can sleep later,” Yul groggily replied, cursing at himself as another yawn let out.

Taeng chuckles again, “I’m serious Yul. Go home. You need the rest, plus you can visit me tomorrow.”

Yul sighs and gazes at the latter, “Are you sure? I’ll be here as soon as I wake up.”

 Taeng shakes his head happily, “Of course. Don’t rush yourself. Take a good rest and don’t worry about me.”

Yul sends a soft smile and slowly gets up from the chair. He pats Taeng on the head softly and chuckles.

“If you need help, you know who to call.”

“Tiffany is too far though…” Taeng joked, sticking his tongue out.

 “Hey!” Yul yelled, sending the dorky boy into a fit of laughter.

 He knuckles the latter’s head and laughs, “Idiot.”

 He places the chair back to its appropriate place and walks to the door. He gazes back at Taeng who sends him a warm smile and wave. He chuckles and waves back to the blonde-haired boy.

“Take a good rest okay? I’ll see you tomorrow,” He sends a warm smile before heading out the door leaving Taeng alone in his hospital room.

Taeng sighs and looks around his room. Feeling uncomfortable that he wasn’t in his room back at home. He felt lonely even though Yul left not too long ago, he hadn’t experienced being alone in such a long time. He never liked hospitals and the fact the doctor wanted him to stay for 3 more days frustrated him. He already missed his bed and Yul’s annoying antics. The white walls and constant beeping from his heart monitor gave him goosebumps. He enjoyed quiet spaces but this was too much for him.

He gazes over to his left and sees his phone placed on the counter. He reaches over and takes the phone in his grasp. He clicks on the screen and his eyes widen seeing the missed calls from Tiffany. He grew more guilty thinking of her and without hesitating he immediately pressed “video call” on her icon. He anxiously awaits as the screen shows Tiffany’s face, he wasn’t sure how the call was going to go but all he knew was he missed her and wanted to hear her voice. He knew he had to apologize for making her worried and reassure her that he’s fine and that he will be okay. After a couple of rings, the screen turns black indicating Tiffany had accepted the call, Taeng waits in anticipation for his girlfriend’s face to load on his screen.


 His eyes fall seeing the girl on his screen sobbing with her head buried between her hands. His heart aches to see her body shake and tremble as her sobs echo through his speaker. It hurt him to see his girlfriend in that condition and it felt like a stab to his heart knowing it was because of him that she’s like that.

 “Miyoung-ah…” Taeng said softly, his heart aching more and more.

“I… I was so worried about you! When Yul told me you were in the hospital I… I didn’t know what to do!” She said through her tears as she lifts her head from her hands to look at Taeng.

The blonde-haired boy’s heart ached more as he gazes at the puffy eyes on his girlfriend’s face. It looked like she had been crying for hours. He mentally curses at himself for doing this to the person he truly loves.

“I-I’m sorry Tiffany… I didn’t mean to worry you…” He said sincerely, feeling tears form on the brink of his eyes.

“I… I couldn’t do anything to help you. I felt like there was nothing I could do... I kept calling Yul asking him to check on you because I can’t…” Tiffany hiccupped, trying to control her tears.

Taeng slowly shakes his head, “Please don’t blame yourself Miyoung-ah. I caused this upon myself. I should have listened to you… I’m sorry for not taking care of myself.”

 Tiffany’s tears fall again as she heard the guilt in her boyfriend’s tone. When Yul informed her that Taeng was in the hospital she felt her whole world stop. The fact the love of her life was unconscious miles away from her hurt her heart that she wasn’t there to be with him through his difficult time. It made her heart ache that all she could do was cry while he was in the hospital room by himself. She cried against Jessica as Yul kept informing her that he wasn’t awake. It scared her that if he didn’t wake up she wouldn’t be there beside him to see him one last time. The thought of that made her hurt more and she wasn’t willing to accept that.

“I… I just don’t understand Taeng…” Tiffany softly said, letting the tears fall along her cheek.

Taeng lovingly gazes at her, “What?”

“Why you stayed at the study sessions longer than Yul…” She continued, “Jessica told me that Yul would leave after about 2 hours but you would stay there for 4 and sometimes all night!”

Taeng felt a wave of relief course through his body hearing Tiffany’s reason. He was glad Jessica kept her promise to Yul about not telling her his plan but at the same time, he felt guilty that he was going along with this to Tiffany.

“I know how much grades are important to you Tae…” She reassured, “But you shouldn’t be working yourself like this! I’m so mad at myself for not being there to help you…”

 Taeng couldn’t help but let the tears he was holding fall against his cheek. It hurt him to hear the pain in his girlfriend’s voice, especially over him. This plan had been going on for quite some time now but it hurt him knowing the consequence was hurting his girlfriend. His heart hurt more as he looked at the pained expression on Tiffany’s face. He told her he wasn’t going to hurt her but he knew he failed and it was all his fault. He felt so guilty for making Tiffany feel that way. He was doing this for her but it was hurting her more than he was causing this onto himself.

Tiffany’s heart felt crushed seeing Taeng cry in front of her. Taeng never cries often, she knows he’s the type to hide his emotions and pretend to be strong for others. But seeing the tears fall made her heart ache.

“Tae…” She started to say through her tears.

“Tiffany I’m so sorry I made you feel this way,” Taeng sincerely said as more tears fell. “I can’t be there to hold you and reassure you that I’m okay. I promised you that I wouldn’t hurt you but I did and I failed. I’m sorry Tiffany… I didn’t mean to worry you. I’ve never felt so loved by someone and seeing you cry for me hurts me badly. I should have taken care of myself better. I don’t want you to feel the way you’re feeling now. I promise this will never happen again,” He gently said.

Tiffany felt her heart tingle with warmth hearing the sincere words of her boyfriend. She couldn’t help but let more tears fall as her heart fluttered. Tears of happiness, not sadness.

“Tae…” She said softly, “I love you so much. You know that right? You didn’t hurt me and I know you will keep that promise. Even though you’re not here with me, I can feel that you are with your love. You mean so much to me… I just couldn’t imagine what would have happened if you didn’t wake up. I didn’t want to think that way because I know the Taeng I’m in love with is a fighter and is strong to take on any battle. I just can’t forgive myself that I’m not there to help you and take care of you…”

 Taeng’s eyes soften and his heart melts hearing the words of the latter. The tears that were falling receded and his body felt light. The girl that was on his screen was not just his girlfriend, but his true love. Hearing the words of his the latter made him realize that despite this situation and his current health, it was worth it knowing that through thick and thin this girl was still going to love him.

 “Tiffany…” He started slowly, “Right now, just hearing your voice is enough to help me. You may not be here physically but I can feel that you’re taking care of me… with your love. You’ve done so much for me already. Yul told me that you wouldn’t stop calling him about me and if that isn’t love, I don’t know what is. I’m so in love with you Tiffany that thinking of you is all I need to get better.”

Tiffany’s lips finally tugged into a smile hearing the loving words from the latter. She had been crying all day and to finally see her lover’s face and hear the angelic voice of her boyfriend was what she needed to make her smile. Her worry vanished and a sudden surge of warmth and love overtook her body. She lovingly watches as the boy on her screen flashes a sincere smile. She was loving the feeling that was flooding her body and she knew he was the only one that could do this to her.

“You’re so sweet Taeng… What did I do to deserve a guy like you?” Tiffany whispered, the words of her boyfriend echoing in her mind.

“By being you Tiffany,” He replied sweetly.

 “I promise when we see each other, I’m going to take care of you no matter what!” Tiffany gleamed, a genuine smile forming on her face.

 Taeng couldn’t help but smile seeing the smile he had been yearning to see, the pained feeling in his heart vanishes and is instead replaced with warmth and lightness.

 “Really? Can you cook for me, Nurse Hwang?” Taeng flirtatiously said with a coy smile.

 Tiffany blushes, “A-anything you want.”

The blonde-haired boy grins and laughs, “Yes! I’m looking forward to it then.”

Tiffany laughs along with the boy, “I’m not the best cook though…”

“I don’t care. As long as you cook it I’ll love anything you make,” Taeng whole-heartedly replied smiling.

Tiffany felt her heart skip multiple beats as her smile grew wider. She loves that even though they go through tough times they always managed to make things better. There were never awkward moments for them because all that mattered was that they knew they still love each other at the end of the day. When they have heart to heart talks it made their relationship grow stronger and they were both glad they had a moment like this.

“I love you Taeng,” Tiffany shyly said with blushing cheeks.

Taeng sighs of happiness and smiles, “I love you too Tiffany. Thank you for taking care of me. Don’t worry about me okay? I’ll only have to be here for a couple more days then I’ll be better.”

 “I’ll call you every day. And don’t even think about the time difference, I want to keep you company as much as I can,” Tiffany beamed, a gleam in her eyes.

Taeng chuckles and nods, “Okay okay. I’ll let you win on that one.”

 Time passes by as Taeng and Tiffany catch up on multiple things. It felt nice for them to finally have the long talk they both have been wanting. They shared multiple stories and even motivated each other for upcoming exams. Surprisingly, Taeng was already feeling better but sadly he couldn’t argue against the doctor that love helped him feel better. It was almost 6 a.m. in Korea and Tiffany insisted on Taeng to take a rest. Even though he won’t be going to classes later she wanted him to take as much rest as he could to help his health.

 “But I’m not sleepy…” Taeng whined, pouting his lips like a child.

 “If you don’t sleep I won’t call you tomorrow,” Tiffany jokingly threatened but had a serious look in her eyes.

 The blonde-haired boy’s eyes widen and he vigorously shakes his head, “Okay I’ll sleep now!”

 She chuckles at how cute her boyfriend looked. They both share a laugh and stare lovingly into each other’s eyes.

“Take a good rest okay? I’ll call you immediately once my classes are done,” Tiffany said while smiling.

“Thanks, Fany-ah. I’ll wait for your call,” He dorkily replied with a grin.

 “Goodnight Taeng, sweet dreams,” She sweetly said, her eye smile melting his heart.

 “Good night Tiffany. I love you,” He cooed.

 “I love you too Taeng,” She cooed back, blowing him a kiss.

 He reciprocates a kiss back before watching his girlfriend end the call. He sighs of happiness and looks at the ceiling. He felt lucky she was his and he still couldn’t believe an angel like her would date a dork like him.

Before he went to bed he took his phone in his grasp and made one last call. Within seconds it was answered and the latter loaded on his screen.

“You’re alive!”

 He chuckles and sticks his tongue out, “I am.”

 “I’m glad you’re doing better.”

 “Thanks, I’m glad also.”

“So what’s up?”

“I just want to say… thanks for not telling Tiffany my plan Jessica and that I’m sorry for making her worry so much.”

Jessica chuckles on his screen and waves her hand, “No need to thank me. You should thank Yul. I promised him I wouldn’t tell and I don’t break promises, especially to him.”

 “I owe you a big one, Jessica…” He thankfully replied while smiling.

 “Yeah yeah,” She laughed, “But just know…”

Taeng tilts his head watching Jessica’s happy expression turn into ice cold.

“If you ever cheat on her, you’ll be back in the hospital and you won’t be waking up… Good luck Taeng!”

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Ree93brianti #1
author where are u...update pleasee
aerolcaroline #2
Continue? 😭
Chapter 37: hellooooo~~~ when will u update this :( don't ignore this story pleaseeee
1132 streak #4
1132 streak #5
Chapter 37: Ow he really is in love and he will also secretly buy that necklace but don't overwork yourself like what you didn't back then
Chapter 37: Feels good author...
TaeNyBross #7
Chapter 36: It takes 7 years for us to be able to witnessing this scene.
I'm so proud of you authornim.
Chapter 36: Thanks for the update omg its feels good waiting for another update
taeny2403 #9
Chapter 35: O my god..the long awaited scene..thank you so much author..one of my fave taeny fics..
maemae08 #10
going to wait for this story