
Love Through A Circle

Final exams. The week student’s dread was only a few days away. The library had its usual business of students shuffling through their textbooks and jotting down every note they could find. It was the bittersweet moment of knowing once finals were over another semester has ended and graduation crept closer.

 For the four, it would be their second to last semester before graduation. It was hard for them to believe it was their senior year of college and they weren’t quite sure if they should feel excited or anxious.

Snow was peacefully falling from the night sky, the streets were quiet as businesses were starting to close down after a busy night. Taeng and Yul were walking home after studying for what felt like days to them. They both were bundled with multiple layers of clothes to keep the cold from touching their skin. The sounds of their shoes crunching against the snow left their marks as they trudged through the winter storm. Taeng shivers as he stuffs his hands in his pocket in hopes it would keep them warm. He lets out a breath and gazes at the smoke that left his mouth and shivers again.

“Geez, no matter how many clothes we wear I’m still cold,” The blonde-haired boy chattered through his teeth.

Yul laughs, “You’re telling me. I’m taking a hot shower as soon as we get home.”

“Hey! You better save some for me, last time you took a shower I had to take an ice bath!” Taeng battered.

“Sorry… I couldn’t help it, the water was so nice and warm. I felt like I was in a sauna,” Yul replied.

They both laugh and in no time they were approaching the steps to their apartment. Taeng unlocks the door and both quickly rush inside to escape the freezing air.

“Ah, thank goodness we’re home,” Yul exclaimed as he took off his thick jacket and placed it on the couch.

“Can you turn the heater up?” Taeng asked as he placed his jacket next to Yul’s.

“You got it.” The dark-haired boy walked over to the dial and turned it as far as it would go. In an instance, the room began to feel much warmer which comforted the two friends.

“We still have leftovers from umma right?” Yul asked as he makes his way towards the fridge.

“I’m pretty sure, let’s heat them so we can eat. I’m starving,” Taeng replied following Yul’s directions.

With final exams approaching vastly, umma gave both boys time off to allow them to focus on their studies. They were both grateful to have this break as Taeng was able to catch up on much-needed sleep.

On top of that, he was able to dedicate more time to talk to Tiffany. Their conversations would go on for hours and it was always on the same topic.

The time left until they meet.

The day was approaching so quickly that both were feeling excited yet nervous. Both had trouble sleeping as their excitement kept each other up.

The moment needed to happen soon.

Taeng and Yul were sitting at their kitchen counter, eating their dinner and having small conversations about exams. Yul sets down his chopsticks and clasps Taeng’s shoulder which catches the blonde-haired boy off guard. He gazes at the latter who had a soft yet bright smile on his face.

“What’s with that face?” Taeng asked as he chuckled.

“Are you excited?” Yul asked with an excited infliction in his tone.

Taeng smiles, knowing exactly what Yul was referring to, he quickly nods and shifts his smile to a wide grin.

 “I can’t believe its only 2 weeks away.”

“Crazy how fast time passes right? I bet it’s hard to study knowing Tiffany is going to be here that soon,” Yul teased, lightly punching Taeng’s arm.

The blonde-haired boy laughs, “I’ll say, I’m lucky I only have 2 exams and the rest of my classes were online or essays.”

 Yul groans, “Man how did you get so lucky? I have 4 in-class exams.”

“At least you’ll be done with your harder classes, next semester is going to be a breeze for you!” Taeng reassured, clasping the latter’s shoulder in return.

Yul sighs, dropping his arm from Taeng’s shoulder to his side.

 “Can you believe we’re going to be college graduates after next semester?” The dark-haired boy asked with disbelief in his eyes.

 Taeng blows out a breath and shakes his head, “That’s even crazier. I don’t even want to think about job hunting.”

Yul scoffs, “With your perfect grades and brains, any company would be lucky to hire you!”

“Yeah, but look at you! You have great grades and technical skills, that’s in high demand!”

The two laugh at their playful argument, letting silence seep in between them. Both their minds thinking about their future and what it will hold. They couldn’t help but look at each other and smile. They both knew they would continue to be the brothers they are regardless of where the world takes them. It’s a bittersweet feeling but knowing they have each other’s support is all they need.

“Do you think you and Tiffany will live here or California?” Yul curiously asked, changing the subject to the latter’s love life.

“Hm, that’s a good question. I never really thought about it,” Taeng answered while shrugging, “What about you and Jessica?”

Yul tilts his head, “I think here in Korea. Jessica always talks about how much she misses it here.”

The blonde-haired boy smiles and nods, “I don’t blame her.”

 Yul smiles and nods along with the latter. They both begin to trail off into a different conversation, not wanting to discuss plans as they wanted to enjoy the moment they were in right now.

As they finished up their dinner, they both parted ways to resume their studying. Taeng and Yul’s first exam would begin in two days so they were both happy to have tomorrow off to rest and study. Taeng finishes up his nightly routines and heads to his room. He walks over to his backpack that was carelessly thrown on the floor and picks it up. He searches through its contents until he finds the textbook he needed before placing the bag back on the ground. He throws himself on his bed, adjusting himself to a more comfortable position while his textbook was in his hand. He leans back against his bed frame and takes a big sigh. He gazes over to the small calendar that rested on his nightstand next to his bed. He picks it up and stares at the date with a soft smile on his face.

“I can’t believe she’s going to be here soon,” He says softly, tightening his grip on the calendar.

He sets it back down on the nightstand, picks up his textbook, and opens it to the page he last left off. He begins reading and studying the contents, trying his best to memorize the words and numbers that were printed on the pages. His phone begins to ring as it vibrated the mattress underneath it. Taeng places his book down and picks it up; immediately smiling as he hits the answer button.

 “Good morning Tiffany,” He cooed, his smile growing wider as he hears his favorite chuckle on the line.

“Good morning handsome,” Tiffany replied.

 She had just woken up after a much need night’s worth of sleep. Luckily for her, her exams didn’t start for another day so she was taking advantage of this day to talk to her boyfriend for as long as she could. She was hoping to even study with him on the line so they could motivate each other.

 Tiffany makes her way back to her room after grabbing an apple with her other hand and shuts the door. She plops back down on the bed and relaxes with a wide smile knowing her boyfriend was on the other line.

 “Did you sleep well?”

 “Really well, I haven’t slept that well in months,” Tiffany joked, taking a bite of her apple and setting it down on the napkin she had placed on her nightstand.

 “I bet, soon you’ll be able to sleep in all you want!” The dorky latter cheered.

Tiffany laughs, “I can’t sleep in when I come to Korea though! I want to spend all the time I can with you.”

Taeng felt his heart skip a beat hearing Tiffany talk about her soon visit. He started to grow even more excited that she was counting down the days with him.

“I can’t wait until you’re here Miyoung-ah,” He said softly.

Tiffany felt her lips tug into a smile hearing the words she thought she wasn’t going to hear for a while. She gazes at her pink calendar that rested on her nightstand. She gently picks it up and smiles even wider seeing the picture of Taeng’s selfie she printed next to the day of her departure to Korea. She couldn’t believe how fast the days were passing and she only grew more excited as she crossed off the days.

“I can’t wait to be in your arms,” Tiffany trailed softly, her eyes kept on the calendar as she set it back to its place on the nightstand.

“It was worth the wait right?” Taeng asked gently, his heart fluttering.

“Of course, I wouldn’t have wanted to go through this with anyone else Tae,” The dark-haired beauty lovingly replied.

Taeng happily sighs and closes his eyes.

 “I love you Miyoung-ah,” He whispered, his smile bright and apparent.

Tiffany couldn’t help the tears that formed in her eyes. They weren’t tears of sadness but tears of love. She was so overwhelmed with how in love she was with the boy who pours his heart out to her every single day that she couldn’t contain her emotions. She knew their love was real and she knew this long wait of about 2 years of friendship and romance was worth the risk of being in a long-distance relationship. Every time she thought of her love for him, she couldn’t help but cry at how lucky she was to have this boy in her life and how she wants to savor every sweet word he says to her.

Tiffany sniffles, trying to relieve her emotions as she wipes the unfallen teardrop with her other hand.

Taeng hears the latter and couldn’t help but grow worried.

“Everything okay Tiffany? What’s wrong?” He worriedly asked.

Tiffany couldn’t help but chuckle through her sniffles, “I’m sorry Taeng. I’m fine it’s just…”


She takes a deep breath, “I love you so much. I sometimes get overwhelmed with how much I love you that it makes me burst into tears. You’ve made me the happiest girl alive and whenever we talk and whenever I look at you on my screen, I can’t help but think I’m so lucky that you chose me to love. I’m so thankful for you and I want to show how thankful and in love I am with you when we meet. There’s so much I’m thankful for that no matter what I do, it won’t amount to all the wonderful things you have done for me. To the amount of love you shower me with every single day,” Tiffany takes another breath, “I’m sorry… I’m talking too much.”

Taeng softly chuckles with a smile on his face. His head was overflowing with love and his heart was beating out of his chest. He knew all the words she had said were true and he couldn’t believe it was him she was saying it to. All those late-night he worked, he knew this was all worth it as the dream of being in each other’s presence was soon to be a reality.

 “Tiffany… I can’t even begin to say how lucky I am,” He starts softly, “All those things you said mean so much to me. I’m sitting here thinking ‘wow, she really loves me. I can’t believe I’m the one who gets to hear this from the most beautiful, loving woman on this planet’. You amaze me with your knowledge, your wisdom, your caring nature, your selflessness; so many things that sometimes I can’t believe someone so perfect exists. I love you so much Tiffany, I’m going to continue showing you how much I do and when you’re here I’ll only prove it even more.”

 Tears began to fall from the dark-haired beauty’s face as she absorbed every word the latter had just said to her. Her heart started to beat erratically as the tears continued to fall onto her comforter.

“I just want the next few days to pass by faster,” She said through her tears while chuckling.

Taeng chuckles along with her; he looks up at the white ceiling above him and smiles imagining that day.

“Don’t worry my love,” He grins, “The day will be here before you know it.”


Hello, my readers! Happy New Year! Are you still with me? I hope you are, I’ve missed writing and continuing this love between TaeNy. I hope you guys liked this comeback chapter, wanted to keep it short yet fluffy. The day is coming soon guys, TaeNy finally will meet! Sorry, it took 7 years to get this story finished…. But better late than never right? I appreciate my subscribers and the lovely comments you all left. Till next time –Musicisanelement

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Ree93brianti #1
author where are u...update pleasee
aerolcaroline #2
Continue? 😭
Chapter 37: hellooooo~~~ when will u update this :( don't ignore this story pleaseeee
1131 streak #4
1131 streak #5
Chapter 37: Ow he really is in love and he will also secretly buy that necklace but don't overwork yourself like what you didn't back then
Chapter 37: Feels good author...
TaeNyBross #7
Chapter 36: It takes 7 years for us to be able to witnessing this scene.
I'm so proud of you authornim.
Chapter 36: Thanks for the update omg its feels good waiting for another update
taeny2403 #9
Chapter 35: O my god..the long awaited scene..thank you so much of my fave taeny fics..
maemae08 #10
going to wait for this story