Getting Fit

Love Through A Circle

“Taeng,” Yul called out to his friend who was staring intently at his phone. He rolls his eyes after receiving no reply for the tenth time and walks over to the sulking boy with his arms crossed.

“Taeng!” He yelled again, this time swatting the dorky boy’s arm roughly.

Taeng grimaces in pain from Yul, finally peeling his eyes off his phone screen to rub his pained arm.

“What the heck Yul?!” He yelled as his eyes finally set on the dark-haired boy.

Yul sighs in frustration as he finally gained the attention of his friend with so much effort. He takes a seat across the latter who was still gazing at him, pouting and rubbing his arm.

“Dude, I’ve called your times a hundred times!” He exaggerated, crossing his arms and looking at Taeng with annoyance.

Taeng cutely tilts his head, “Really? Sorry… I didn’t hear you.”

 “Clearly… What’s your problem? You’ve been sulking for like two weeks now!”

Taeng sighs as he rests his head on the table with his arms stretched out across the wooden surface. He gazes at his phone that was held in his right hand and he sadly pouts seeing the reason behind his behavior.

 “I miss Tiffany…” He mumbled, adjusting his head so that his left cheek was being mushed against the table.

Yul rolls his eyes playfully hearing Taeng dorkily complain about his girlfriend. He shakes his head in disappointment as he sighs and tilts his head to the side. “Seriously? That’s why you’re acting this way?”

Taeng cutely nods against the table and sighs of sadness again. In the states, Tiffany had a massive amount of finals to study for and she told Taeng she wouldn’t be able to contact him until finals were over. Taeng once offered to help Tiffany study but it failed because the supposed to be study time turned into a fluffy conversation with sweet words and red cheeks. Tiffany scolded her boyfriend for distracting her precious study time and punished him by not being able to contact her for two weeks so she could study.

 It has been the worst two weeks of Taeng’s life. During the two weeks, he sulked and would always gaze at his phone in hopes that Tiffany would relieve him of his punishment. But not once has she texted or called him. He was glad that his girlfriend was focused on her studies but he missed her.


 He missed hearing her angelic voice and seeing her beautiful face. It was torture for him. He’s never missed someone so badly.

“Geez Taeng… Stop sulking. Do you miss her that much?” Yul asked, cutting off Taeng’s attention again from his phone.

Taeng sighs and nods, “I miss her a lot.”

“Man you must really like her.”

He softly chuckles, “I do.”

Yul sighs but he couldn’t help and chuckle seeing his friend act so down because of his girlfriend, “Hey don’t worry, she’ll call. How long has it been?”

“Two weeks.”

 Yul scoffs, “Only?! The longest I wasn’t able to talk to Jessica was for a month! And you’re sulking because it’s only been two weeks?!”

 Taeng lifts his head from the table and pouts hearing the comment from his friend. He crosses his arms, looking like a child from his usual dorky pouts.

Yul laughs and shakes his head, “Aish you really are a kid… I wonder if Tiffany feels like a e.”

Taeng’s eyes widen, his childish pout vanishing away in an instance.

“Yah! Shut up! I’m not a kid.” He commented, glaring at the latter who was bursting of laughter.

“Whatever man! You have the face of a kid!” Yul said through his laughs, holding his stomach that was beginning to ache from his laughing fit.

Taeng pouts and sulks again, his childish face not helping since Yul’s comment deemed accurate. He leans back against his chair and mutters incoherent words about Yul who was still laughing maniacally.

His phone then begins to ring and without bothering to look who it was, he picks it up from the table and immediately presses the accept button before placing it to his ear.

“Yeobeseyo?” He answered crankily, his mood ruined by the teases from his friend.

“Omo, someone sounds cranky.”

 Taeng’s eyes widen and his heart skips a beat hearing the angelic voice he’s been dying to hear for two weeks. He stands up from his chair and leaves the laughing Yul as he makes his way back into his room.

“T-Tiffany?” He asked in disbelief.

 “Aish… It’s only been two weeks Taeng… Did you forget about me already?” Tiffany said cutely as she lies down in her bed in exhaustion. She’s been studying her off the past two weeks and finals were right around the corner. She barely got any sleep since she always stayed up until morning reading and highlighting. Her eyes were ready to give out any moment.

“N-no of course not!” Taeng quickly said, “I just… I missed you. A lot.”

 A smile grew on Tiffany’s face, hearing Taeng say those words made her heart flutter. She missed him.


 It was hard for her to study at times because she had to control herself from contacting Taeng. She was happy to hear that the boy missed her as much as she missed him.

“I missed you too baby,” She cutely replied.

 Taeng smiled as he lied down on his bed. He felt his heart skip another beat and his stomach grow butterflies.

“But why are you cranky? Did something happen?” Tiffany asked in curiosity.

“Erm… Yul called you a e.” Taeng started, scratching the back of his head.

“A e?!” Tiffany exclaimed, growing fumes out of her ears for being called such a word.

“Yeah… It’s because he thinks I look like a kid so he called you a e.”

Tiffany heaves a sigh after realizing that it was just a minor joke and something not to take seriously. Still, it made her a little irritated that Yul would say such a thing about her.

“I swear I’m going to kill Yul…” She muttered softly but Taeng was able to hear her.

“I can help you!” Taeng commented dorkily with a cheeky grin.

 “Aigoo… I missed you and your dorkiness.” She said sweetly, causing the latter on the other line to smile.

“You were the one who punished me for two weeks…” Taeng lightly teased.

 “Only because you distracted me from studying!”

He chuckles, “Aigoo… It’s not my fault. I can’t help but compliment you. You’re just so beautiful.”

Tiffany felt heat rush to her cheeks as the warm feeling she’s been missing soars throughout her body. She could never get tired hearing sweet words from her sweet boyfriend.

 “Now I feel bad for punishing you…” She said softly with a bright smile on her face.

 Taeng chuckles, “It’s okay Miyoung-ah. I’m glad you put education first.”

She chuckles and sighs of happiness, she was starting to feel drowsy but she was trying her best to stay awake because she has been dying to talk to Taeng all day.

“How was your studying session though? Did you study well?” He asked in concern, making Tiffany’s heart melt even more of how thoughtful Taeng was about her.

“It went well… I’m just exhausted… I haven’t had a good sleep in the past two weeks.” Tiffany answered softly, yawning as if on cue.

 “Aigoo… You need to sleep, Tiffany. Lack of sleep isn’t good for you.” He replied worriedly.

 She softly chuckles hearing the concern in his tone, “It’s okay Taeng… I want to talk to you. I missed you a lot…”

Taeng sighs of both defeat and concern. He was happy he finally had the chance to talk to his beloved girlfriend but he was worried about her health after hearing she’s been lacking sleep for so long. As much as he wanted to keep talking to her, her health was more important.

“Baby I’m happy that you took the time to call me but you should sleep.”

 Tiffany smiles as the warm fuzzy feeling erupts in her body hearing the sweet words of concern from her boyfriend. She felt her eyelid go heavy as she tried her best to keep the conversation a bit longer.

“Are you sure?”

 “Of course! There’s always tomorrow to talk right? I can wait for another day.” He replied dorkily, causing the girl to laugh.

“You’re so cute…” She groggily mumbled, her eyes wanting to give out any minute.

 Taeng chuckles, he found Tiffany’s sleepy voice adorable.

 “Go to sleep, my sleepy princess.” He cooed softly, chuckling after hearing another yawn from his drowsy girlfriend.

“Promise to call me tomorrow?” She asked cutely.

 “I promise!”

 Tiffany sleepily giggles and yawns, “Okay… Good night Taeng, talk to you tomorrow.”

“Good night my Miyoung-ah. Sweet dreams!”

Tiffany chuckles again at her dork of a boyfriend before hanging up the call between them and finally let slumber succumb over her.

 Taeng happily sighs as he sets his phone to his side as he stares at the white ceiling above him.

“Aish… How did I get so lucky?” He happily asked himself as a dorky grin spread across his face.

“I still can’t believe she doesn’t see herself as e…”

The dorky boy jerks up and gazes at the dark-haired boy who was leaning against his doorframe. His eyes widen as he pouts and throws a pillow at the latter.


 Yul laughs as he picks up the thrown pillow and tosses it back at the sulking boy.

“You are head over heels for that girl,” Yul stated as he walks over and sits at the corner of the bed.

Taeng tilts his head to the side, “I am.”

“I swear you guys’ are going to give me diabetes…” Yul mumbled, his face contorting into disgust.

Taeng shoves his face and sticks his tongue out, “Hey don’t give me that look. You probably talk like this to Jessica all the time!”

 Yul rolls his eyes, “Yeah yeah whatever.”

 He stands up and crosses his arms before daggering his eyes at Taeng.

“Come on.” He said with seriousness, causing Taeng to look at him oddly.


“Change into shorts and a t-shirt,” Yul stated, making Taeng even more confused.

“What the heck are you talking about?!”

“We’re going to the gym.” The dark-haired boy finally stated.

 Taeng’s eyes widen, “The gym?”

 “Yeah. You need to build up some muscle dude. You’re nothing but bones.”

 He lifts his shirt and gazes at his toned stomach. He didn’t exactly have muscles or abs but he was fit enough to have a decent body. He gazes at Yul with a hurt look on his face.

 “I’m not all bones… I’m fit. I’m on the soccer team!”

“Yeah but you have no body shape… You’re just…flat.”

 “Eh?! Flat?!”

“Yeah,” Yul answered placidly, he walks over to Taeng’s closet and pulls out a work out tank and basketball shorts. He faces Taeng and throws the clothing at his face, “Go change. We’re going to leave in 5 minutes.”

Without giving Taeng a chance to argue he walks out his room and shuts the door, leaving Taeng speechless.

 “Idiot…” He mumbled before getting up from his bed to change.



 “See isn’t working out fun?” Yul asked while laughing as he and Taeng walk through their apartment door.

 Taeng dragged himself inside his apartment, tired and worn out. He has worked out a couple of times but he’s never worked himself out this much. Throughout their workout session, Yul only gave Taeng more workouts to do with little to no breaks. Crunch after crunch and lift after lift, he was dead beat exhausted. He trudged his way to the couch and immediately crashed on it, his body lifelessly sprawled out.

Yul rolls his eyes and pats Taeng’s back, “Geez man, are you that tired?”

 “Go. Away.” Taeng muffled against the couch, causing the latter to stifle his laughter.

“Stop complaining. We’re going back tomorrow.” Yul stated, walking over to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

 The exhausted dorky boy lifts himself off the couch in surprise hearing the news from Yul. He quickly stands up and walks over to where the latter was.

“W-what? We’re going back tomorrow?” He asked in disbelief.

 Yul nods and walks over to the sink to wash the vegetables, “Duh. You can’t just go to the gym for one day and expect results. You have to work for it.”

Taeng groans in annoyance, realizing that this newly conjured plan for fitness was going to be a daily thing. He leans against the frame of the wall as he watches Yul cook dinner.

“May I ask why we’re doing this all of a sudden?”

Yul sighs and wipes his hand on the dishtowel before facing Taeng with a serious look in his eye.

“Dude, someday you’re going to see Tiffany in the flesh right?” Yul started, looking at Taeng with an enthralling look. He dorkily nods and waits for Yul to continue. “Imagine… When you finally hold her in your arms, she’ll realize you’re able to protect her with your strong muscular arms.”

 Taeng scratches the back of his head, “Yeah… That would be nice.”

Yul nods, “Exactly! Plus she wouldn’t be able to keep her eyes off you! She wouldn’t be able to believe that a kid like you has such a nice body!”

Taeng sticks his tongue out and rolls his eyes, “Hey…”

 The dark-haired boy laughs, “Sorry… And besides, you’re my best friend. You need to have a top-notch body like mine.”

The dorky latter rolls his eyes, “You don’t have a ‘top-notch body.’”

Yul an eyebrow, “I don’t?”

He then lifts his shirt to reveal his chocolate milk abs and toned body. He gazes at Taeng with a cocky look as he shows off his glorious body. Taeng felt his jaw drop and his eyes widen in surprise. He never knew his best friend had such a body. He couldn’t help but gawk at his perfectly toned abs and bulk arms.

Yul laughs and fixes his shirt to cover his body, “See. That’s the kind of reaction you want Tiffany to have right?”

Taeng shakes his head after knocking some sense into his brain and clears his throat. He didn’t want to admit that Yul had a nice body; he was rather jealous that this entire time, his best friend one-upped him when it came to strength.

He nods his head and cheekily grins at Yul who was looking at him with expectant eyes.

 “So… What time are we going to the gym tomorrow?”



Sorry for the late update… College is going to be the death of me. This chapter was meant to be for comedy because I wasn’t in the right mood to write fluff… Sorry. But don’t worry! Fluffy writing will come in the next update.

Anyways… What’s more romantic? A nice romantic stroll down the beach on a nice summer day? Or cuddling up in front of the fire on a cold romantic winter day? It will help out this story a lot. Thanks guys’, much love. 

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Ree93brianti #1
author where are u...update pleasee
aerolcaroline #2
Continue? 😭
Chapter 37: hellooooo~~~ when will u update this :( don't ignore this story pleaseeee
1120 streak #4
1120 streak #5
Chapter 37: Ow he really is in love and he will also secretly buy that necklace but don't overwork yourself like what you didn't back then
Chapter 37: Feels good author...
TaeNyBross #7
Chapter 36: It takes 7 years for us to be able to witnessing this scene.
I'm so proud of you authornim.
Chapter 36: Thanks for the update omg its feels good waiting for another update
taeny2403 #9
Chapter 35: O my god..the long awaited scene..thank you so much of my fave taeny fics..
maemae08 #10
going to wait for this story