

“Your past is always your past. Even if you forget it, it remembers you.”



"It's not your eyes that are's your heart" 


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1131 streak #1
Chapter 36: Why did I only read this now? Hehehe and glad that Taeng and Sica still remain friends in the end...
sweet_taeny #2
Chapter 37: Hey...seqeul for us please...i really hope you will make it
creamcarlton #3
Chapter 12: awwww such a Sweet Story.. smiling like crazy
Chapter 37: Over already? I just finished reading this and i'm so happy that it has a happy ending. I really enjoyed the taengsic moments too. I thought it was gonna be taengsic and yulti hahahha. Well i guess i was wrong
Chapter 37: i was so loving TaengSic when they were together and im glad they stays best friends. Taeyeon is just perfect. hehee. ^^ gonna take a look on your other stories and im also hoping for the sequel. ^^
darkunderlight #6
is this taeny or taengsic? Cause I want taengsic actually.. :D
Chapter 37: Author-ssi ~ I love this story VERY MUCH !

irfy_isml #8
Chapter 36: Omgg i love this story! i gotta say this is one of the best fanfic i've ever read! Are you sure this is your first one writing?! hahaha if so then good job! Really! i was really impressed! i hope you can write another story that's fascinating as this one. i believe in you and your story. you know i almost cry?! haha once again, congrats! i never regret myself when I first subscribe it :)
leesonekyu #9
Chapter 36: i love this story .. love is truly blind :] i love kim taeng perfect is understatement :]..another addition to my favorite fanfic :D well its perfect if u make a sequel :D bring the jelous and hellfany..sica is so nice.. its really much better if you and your partner have understanding like sica and taeng and unlike other couples they end up friends happily :] gonna upvote it ♥ ♥ ♥ more stories from you author ssi
Chapter 37: Wow *jaws droped*...
In the first, truthfully i didnt like the pairing in the story that came first.. Just yoonhyun i like haha...
Because so much heartbreak in first time.. Poor for taeng, yul, and jessica :(
But i do love the line goes here...
Altough i didnt like the pairing in first time, but im still curious about what happen next in the story, so still going to read the next chapter hehe.. :D
This is a great story... Really... Happy for TaeNy then \(^o^)/
Author jjang!^^