
Love Through A Circle

Hello, my fellow readers. I know... It's been about 8 months since I've updated. I truly am sorry, I have been really busy. I can't promise frequent updates but I will try my best to update more (let's just hope less than 8 months). Again, I'm sorry but I hope this chapter makes up for the loss time. Thanks for the support guys. Enjoy. -MusicIsAnElement


“Stretch it out Taeng. Stretch it out.”

“Quit whispering that into my ear Yul!”

“Ah come on… I’m just messing with you.”

Taeng rolls his eyes as he stretches his arms to its limits, “Whatever. Can we go home now?”

Yul tosses him his keys and smiles, “Let’s go.”

A couple of weeks have passed by and Taeng’s goal on a healthy lifestyle has been doing exceptionally well. After a long week of excruciating exercises and sore muscles, he finally gained the willpower to work out every day with such ease.

Day after day, the two friends would go to the gym after classes and work out to their max. It was evident that Taeng’s workout was taking a toll on his body. His arms were getting toned along with the rest of his body. What used to be a flat stomach was starting to become pecks of steel.

“Maybe this whole ‘working out’ thing wasn’t a good idea…” Yul sarcastically remarked, throwing his sweaty towel over his shoulder.

“Why do you say that? Think I’m going to get stronger than you?” Taeng teasingly replied as he and his friend walk side by side to exit the gym.

The latter scoffs, “Yeah as if you would ever become stronger than me.”

 The dorky boy chuckles as he and his best friend pile in the car to drive home. It had been a long day for him, after a day of strenuous classes and an excruciating workout, he was ready to crash on his bed and pass out. He then sighs thinking of the amounts of homework he still had to do, assignments and essays calling his name from his computer desk from afar. As much as Taeng wanted to sleep, and being the diligent student he is, he knew he had to complete his assignments before anything else.

As the two friends arrive home, Yul quickly jolts to his room and shuts the door, leaving Taeng confused about his friend’s behavior. He shrugs and heads to the fridge to prepare dinner for himself and Yul, curious to what the latter was doing in his room.

A couple of minutes pass by and the blonde-haired boy hears Yul’s door open, he places the food on the table and watches as his dark-haired friend casually sits at the table with a placid look on his face. Taeng, still puzzled and confused, takes his seat across his friend and watches as Yul serves his food on his plate.

After taking his food, the dark-haired boy attacks his food in hunger, looking down on his plate and shoving spoonful after spoonful of food in his mouth. He realizes the silence from his friend after some time and looks up, only to see the latter looking straight at him with one eyebrow cocked up.

“What?” Yul asked with his mouth stuffed from rice and meat.

Taeng shakes his head in disbelief, “Are you okay?”

The latter swallows in confusion, “What do you mean?”

“As soon as we get home, you charge straight into your room and shut the door, come here and sit casually without even saying a word? What’s up with that?” Taeng asked in a bittersweet tone, leaning back against his chair to continue staring at his best friend.

Yul tilts his head to the side and looks at Taeng with the most innocent eyes only to be received with dagger eyes in the latter.

He chuckles and looks at Taeng with a sly face, “I was just talking to a friend.”

 This time, it was Taeng’s turn to tilt his head to the side, his curiosity grew even more.


“No… I would have said Jessica.”

“Who then?”

Yul sighs with teasing annoyance, “Why do you want to know?”

Taeng playfully shrugs and twirls his fork around with the rice on his plate, “I was just curious… You seemed eager to go to your room.”

The latter chuckles at his friend’s antics and leans against the counter, “Alright I’ll tell you, you nosy kid.”

The dorky haired boy lifts his head and pouts, “I’m not nosy…”

“Aish… You are a kid. Do you want to know or what?”

The latter nods, silently waiting for the dark-haired boy to respond and end his curiosity.

“I was talking to Tiffany.”

After hearing his girlfriend’s name, it sparked Taeng’s interest, his body perks up and his eyes slightly widen.

“Oh really?”

 Yul nods, not sensing Taeng’s tone to continue onto what his conversation was about with Tiffany, he looks down at his plate and continues eating again.

The dorky boy, in disbelief again, couldn’t believe that his best friend wasn’t going to say what he and his girlfriend talked about. It made his curiosity grow wildly.

“What… what did you guys’ talk about?” He asked, trying his best to sound casual.

Yul looks up from his plate and shrugs, “Nothing… Just talked.”

A weird feeling takes over Taeng’s body, his stomach was churning with an odd sensation and his heart started to beat faster. He wasn’t sure what to call this feeling, he’s never felt this way before. He bites his bottom lip, unsure of how to take this unusual feeling. He wanted to interrogate Yul and that’s exactly what he was going to do.

“Talked about what?”

Yul leans back against his chair, “Nothing in particular.”

“Can’t be ‘nothing in particular’ if you pretty much jolted to your room.” Taeng snarled, this feeling waving madly over his body.

 A small smile draws on Yul’s face, making the strange feeling Taeng was experiencing go crazy.

“Why are you smiling like that?” The blonde-haired boy asked in annoyance.

Yul couldn’t help but laugh as he leans against the table and coyly smiles at his tempered friend. “Mr. Kim Taeng, are you perhaps… jealous?”

Taeng’s eyes widen hearing that word come from his friend’s mouth.

Jealous? He thought, Is this what jealousy is?

Taeng has never been one to experience jealousy, he wasn’t sure how exactly it was supposed to feel.

“Jealous?” Taeng asked in curiosity.

The latter chuckles, “Oh Taeng… Are you jealous that I talked to your girlfriend?”

The feeling of what Yul claimed to be jealous returns to his body, the churning in his stomach worsens as Taeng grits his teeth.

“Come on Taeng, you’re jealous,” Yul continued to tease, enjoying seeing this new side of Taeng.

The dorky haired boy takes a deep breath and tries to recollect his thoughts.

“Taeng is jealous, Taeng is jealous,” Yul chants with a smile on his face.

“Whatever. You don’t want to tell me what you and Tiffany talked about? Fine,” He stands in anger and storms away from the table, “I’ll be in my room doing homework.”

With that, he walks into his room and shuts the door, leaving his friend to quietly snicker in the dining room.

“Oh man, that was seriously the first time I’ve ever seen Taeng so mad. I never thought he would be the jealous type,” Yul states quietly to the phone in the kitchen.

“Geez Yul, you are something.”

 Taeng was at his computer desk, typing away on his laptop to complete his essay. He has calmed down a bit from the incident that happened with Yul during dinner but the feeling he was experiencing was still boiling inside of him. Every time he thought of Yul talking to Tiffany, it made the feeling worse. He never minds if his best friend talks to his girlfriend, what set him off was that he was keeping a secret of what they discussed. He stops typing and takes another deep breath, shutting his eyes in the process.

“What’s wrong with you Taeng?” He mutters softly to himself.

He slowly opens his eyes and leans back against his chair, staring out the window in front of him. “Jealous? Is this really what I’m feeling?”

Before he got the chance to answer it himself, his phone starts to ring which alerts him off guard. He takes his phone and quickly presses the answer button, pulling it up to his hear and sighs.


 “Hi, my dorky Taeng.”

His eyes widen upon realizing who was on the other line. The feeling quickly washes away and was replaced by a warm feeling he always gets when he talks to his girlfriend. It amazes even himself that she had this ability to ease his temper or this so-called jealousy. Not even she could keep him mad, not even Yul could make him calm down so easily.

A smile spreads across Taeng’s face, “Hello to you my beautiful Tiffany.”

He hears a chuckle on the phone and it only made his heart flutter of happiness.

“How are you?” She asked so eagerly on the phone.

“Uh, I’m… good.” Taeng hesitantly replied. Although Tiffany made his temper calm down, the thought of Yul hiding the discussion with Tiffany from him still bothered him. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to ask Tiffany about it since he knew she wouldn’t hide things from him but he didn’t want her to get upset at him for being so curious. He was in a deep predicament. He trusts Yul and Tiffany so he shouldn’t be so bothered by this incident that occurred. But it itches at him like a scab and he wasn’t sure if he wanted to scratch at it or leave it alone.

“Are you sure? You don’t sound good. Is everything okay?” Tiffany asked in concern hearing the tone in the latter’s response.”

Taeng takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, it’s up to you Taeng. You can either ask her or let it go.

Silence falls between the two and Tiffany grows worried if something had happened to her boyfriend. After some time, she hears him take another deep breath and give a soft chuckle.

“Yeah, everything is fine. Just a lot of homework. It never seems to end.” I trust both of you.

Tiffany felt a sense of relief wash over her, she was glad it was nothing serious.

 “I know the feeling. But you can do it! You’re smart! Fighting Taeng!” Tiffany cheered on cutely to her boyfriend.

 The dorky haired boy smile grows wider, his heart skips a beat and he couldn’t stop this feeling in his stomach from going crazy.

 “Aish you always know how to make me a loss at words,” Taeng replied softly.

Tiffany smiles on the other line, “I just want to make sure you have the energy to complete your homework.”

A comfortable silence falls between the two teens, only the sounds of soft breathing could be heard. Tiffany liked when silence fell between them, for some reason, it felt as if Taeng was right next to her when she heard his breathing on the other line.

After some time, Tiffany heard a little bit of shuffling and she thought her boyfriend had fallen asleep on her only for her to be truly wrong.

“You’re my energy.” Taeng softly said in the phone, his tone sincere and heartfelt.

Tiffany’s eyes widen after hearing the words from the latter, she felt her heart skip multiple beats and her stomach grows butterflies. The words Taeng had just said echoed in her mind and the feeling of warmth spreads throughout her body. A wide smile grows on her face as she keeps replaying the Taeng’s perfectly soft voice in her head.

She really couldn’t believe that a guy like Taeng was hers, they have already been together for 6 months but she still wasn’t used to this feeling of being with a perfect boy.

 It was all a new experience for her.

For both of them.

He’s never met someone who could make his body feel so warm and she’s never met a guy who could make her smile from ear to ear.

 They’re perfect.

To each other.

For each other.


After allowing some silence seep in, Tiffany sighs of happiness with her smile still bright.

 “Taeng… You truly are perfect.”

The blonde-haired boy softly smiles, “You’re perfect Tiffany. I know we’ve only been together for 6 months but I just want to say… Thank you... I’ve never felt so happy being with someone. To be honest, it scares me because I’ve never had this feeling of warmth flood my body. It’s all new to me but if anything… I’m glad I’m experiencing these feelings with you. I wouldn’t want to have these feelings for anyone else but you.”

 Tiffany bit her bottom lip to stop herself from crying. Not from sadness but of pure happiness. Never in her life had she heard such sweet words. She felt as if she was in sweet bliss. A smile grows on her face as she closes her eyes to let this moment seep in.

Despite being thousands of miles away, these two never fail to plant on a smile on each other’s faces. This was a milestone in their relationship, it had deepened their feelings to another meaning.

Both, afraid of this new feeling but both, ready to take it on.

As long as they had each other, they weren’t afraid of anything.


“Taeng… I feel the same way. I’ve… I’ve never met someone who has truly brought me happiness. I’m scared too… Of this new feeling, I’m having but… As long as I’m with you, I’m not afraid.”

 Taeng chuckles, his smile bright and refreshing after hearing his girlfriend’s sweet words. “We’re in this together…”

Tiffany chimes along, “Through the ups and downs.”


Time passes until it was growing late for Taeng and Tiffany. Tiffany had classes to attend but both were reluctant to say goodbye.

“I’ll talk to you tomorrow then okay?” Taeng said softly, his eyes appearing more tired.

“Okay, good night Taeng. Sweet dreams.” Tiffany replied sweetly, her smile ever so bright.

“Thank you, have a good day okay? See you.” Taeng answered in the same tone.

After hanging up, Taeng quickly crashed on his bed only to find himself smiling as his eyes shut close. Tiffany sighs of happiness with her smile still apparent, the feeling in her heart still there and beating softly.

Before she heads to class, however; she pulls the phone up to her ear and waits for the latter on the other line to pick up.

 Within three rings the person on the other end picks up, “Annnnnnd?”

 Tiffany chuckles, “Perfect. Just. Perfect.”

 “I knew it. I can tell by the sappy tone in your voice.”

 “Thank you… Just thank you.”

 “Yeah yeah, whatever. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay… Oh but next time…” She smiles again, “Don’t you ever make him jealous again.” 

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Ree93brianti #1
author where are u...update pleasee
aerolcaroline #2
Continue? 😭
Chapter 37: hellooooo~~~ when will u update this :( don't ignore this story pleaseeee
1131 streak #4
1131 streak #5
Chapter 37: Ow he really is in love and he will also secretly buy that necklace but don't overwork yourself like what you didn't back then
Chapter 37: Feels good author...
TaeNyBross #7
Chapter 36: It takes 7 years for us to be able to witnessing this scene.
I'm so proud of you authornim.
Chapter 36: Thanks for the update omg its feels good waiting for another update
taeny2403 #9
Chapter 35: O my god..the long awaited scene..thank you so much of my fave taeny fics..
maemae08 #10
going to wait for this story