Worth It

Love Through A Circle

“Taeng, I need this food to be delivered to Table 7 pronto!”

 “I’m on it!”

“Taeng, someone is ready to pay!”

“Be there soon!”

“Taeng, order for table 10!”

“I got it!”

 Back and forth were the only movements being seeing from Taeng. It had been a couple of days since he started working at the Korean restaurant and he was becoming one of the best workers.

 Every day after class he would head straight to work until closing, help clean up, go home, study, talk with Tiffany, and sleep. That was his routine. Sweat drenched his body as it drips down his face but that didn’t stop him from working his hardest. It was making him exhausted but that wasn’t going to stop him. He only had one thing on his mind and he wasn’t planning to stop for any reason.

“Taeng,” The owner of the shop said softly with a sweet smile, “Why don’t you take a rest? You’ve been working so hard. You’re sweating so much.”

Taeng shakes his head and sends a reassuring smile, “I’m fine umma. I’m not that tired anyways plus the restaurant will be closing soon.”

 The latter nods her head, patting him on his back before returning to her post at the register. Yul was busy sweeping the floor, rapidly brushing up the debris onto the pan and disposing of it in the same pattern. He takes a deep breath, exhausted at all the work he had been doing today and stretches his muscles.

“Man, I’m so glad we’re closing soon,” He exclaimed tiredly, looking over at Taeng who was wiping a table.

 “Yeah me too, we’ve only been working here for 4 days but it feels like we’ve been here for years,” Taeng joked, tossing the towel over his shoulder.

 “It was nice of umma to hire us on the spot,” Yul said with a smile, looking at the elderly women tend to her customers.

 “Yeah… I’m thankful for her, I was about to rip my hair off if I heard one more shop turn us down,” The blonde boy said sincerely, gazing at the owner and sending her a smile.

 Soon the restaurant was closed for today, Taeng and Yul quickly helped umma clean up the place and bid her goodbye before heading home. As Yul pulled up on the driveway, they were physically and mentally drained that it was hard for them to exit the car.

 “Man I’m beat,” Yul said breathlessly, his body wanting to give out from exhaustion.

 “Same, let’s head in so we can take a rest,” Taeng stated, grabbing his backpack from the back and heading out.

The two boys enter their apartment and tiredly sigh as they make their way to their rooms. Taeng throws his bag on the floor and immediately crashes on his bed. He was maxed out just like every day he has been working. His body was taking a toll on this newly found labor of work. He couldn’t believe how he was able to handle his school, social, and personal life in one day because thinking of all events that occurred in just one day mentally exhausted him. He groans against his bed, thinking of all the unfinished assignments he still has to do and exams that need to be studied for but all that his body wanted to do was sleep. He forces himself up from the bed and decides to take care of his hygiene first before tackling what could be another long night for him.

After his shower and night routines, he drags himself to his computer desk and pulls out his textbooks and laptop. He groans with fatigue as he begins his assignment, his hand already aching from the little writing.

After what felt like hours, he drops his pencil and leans back against his chair in exhaustion. His bed was calling his name and as much as he wanted to succumb to its call, he had to finish his work. He leans forward to pick up his pencil to resume his work but before he had the chance to continue, his phone begins to vibrate in his pocket. He pulls out and smiles seeing the name, without hesitation he answers it and places it up to his ears.

“Miyoung-ah,” He said tiredly, his voice hoarse.

 “Taeng, you sound tired…are you okay?” Tiffany worriedly asked.

She knew it was late in Korea but she wanted to hear her boyfriend’s voice before she headed to class. She hoped she didn’t wake him up but the recent days, his voice always sounded the same to her, worn out and tired. It worried her that he wasn’t resting well perhaps it’s because final exams were coming up and she knew how hard Taeng would study for them.

Taeng chuckles softly, “You always ask me that. I’m fine Tiffany, I’m just tired.”

 “And you always say that… It’s so late there. Did I wake you up?”

 “No, I was doing my homework and studying.”

 Tiffany sighs, “You usually don’t stay up this late. Knowing you, you always finish your homework and study pretty early.”

 Taeng sighs, “I-I know… But you know, final exams are coming up and I need to pass them.”

 The blonde-haired boy felt guilty that he still didn’t tell Tiffany that he started working. For some reason, he felt as if that would give away the surprise as to why he has a part-time job. He couldn’t just tell her out of the blue why he decided to do it so for now, it was all a secret. He even made Yul swear he wouldn’t tell her either to which he willingly agreed, though Yul didn’t want to tell Jessica either for the sake of spilling secrets.

“I know babe but… It’s not good to sleep so late. You’re going to get sick,” Tiffany said, concern filling her tone.

Taeng couldn’t help but smile hearing the worry in his girlfriend’s voice.

 It was the little things like that made him love her more.

 “I know, don’t worry once finals are over I’ll be able to sleep like a bear,” He jokingly said while chuckling.

 Tiffany laughs at his words, “You better. Otherwise, I’m going to force you to sleep.”

“Oh, and how will you do that Miss. Hwang?” He flirtatiously said causing the dark-haired latter to blush.

“Uhm… I-I d-don’t know yet,” She stuttered, mentally slapping herself for still getting nervous around her boyfriend.

 Taeng bursts into a fit of laughter, the sound of an ahjussi laugh filling the ears of Tiffany who herself, couldn’t help but laugh along with him hearing the laugh she loved hearing.

“Oh my gah, stop Taeng,” She said breathlessly between laughs, “You’re making my stomach hurt from your old man laugh!”

Taeng continues laughing, “I’m sorry I can’t help it. You’re just so adorable!”

Both their laughter dies down and only the sound of their breathing could be heard. It was moments like this that they wish they could capture forever. The unseen but felt comfortable silence. It was a moment that made them feel as if they were in their own little world. For a while, Taeng had forgotten that he was even tired.

“Yah Tae! Go to bed, mister!” Tiffany sternly said, realizing it was almost time for her to leave.

Taeng laughs, “I will after I finish this last assignment.”

“Now!” She stated firmly.

 “Please Miyoung-ah, I promise I’ll go to sleep once I finish this assignment,” Taeng pleaded with a cute tone.

 Tiffany knew she couldn’t resist whenever Taeng acted cutely, she was thankful they weren’t video calling otherwise his pout and eyes would have killed her.

She sighs as she runs her hand through her hair, “Okay. You promise okay? Finish that assignment and go to bed.”

 “Yes my princess,” Taeng answered cheerfully.

Tiffany chuckles and takes a deep breath, “Okay I have to go to class now. Good luck with your homework okay?”

“Thanks, Tiffany, I’ll do my best! And good luck to you with your classes!”

 “I love you Taeng,” Tiffany softly said with a smile on her face. Heat immediately rises to her cheeks and her heart was erratically beating out of control. The little things in their relationship made her love him more.

 “I love you too Tiffany… so much,” Taeng replied sweetly, a smile growing on his face.

“Sleep well Tae, sweet dreams,” She said softly, her emotions washing over her.

 “Thank you, I’ll talk to you soon. Goodnight, I love you,” He said again.

He was never going to get tired of loving her.

“Goodnight Taeng. I love you too,” She replied happily before hanging up their call.

 She was never going to get of loving him.

Taeng softly places his phone on his desk, his smile still apparent on his face. He gazes over at the calendar that was pinned on the wall next to his desk. He heaves a sigh as his smile transforms into a grin.

 “You got this Taeng. This is all worth it,” He said to himself before resuming his work on his homework.


 The next day

 “Taeng wake up! We’re going to be late!”

 Taeng immediately jolted out of bed. Taking care of his morning routines and gathering all his necessary materials. He stuffs his mouth with a piece of bread before slinging his backpack around his shoulder and racing towards the door.

Yul tosses him his keys as he approaches and smiles.

 “Is this worth it?” He routinely asked his best friend.

Taeng smiles and opens the front door, “It’s always worth it.”

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Ree93brianti #1
author where are u...update pleasee
aerolcaroline #2
Continue? 😭
Chapter 37: hellooooo~~~ when will u update this :( don't ignore this story pleaseeee
1132 streak #4
1132 streak #5
Chapter 37: Ow he really is in love and he will also secretly buy that necklace but don't overwork yourself like what you didn't back then
Chapter 37: Feels good author...
TaeNyBross #7
Chapter 36: It takes 7 years for us to be able to witnessing this scene.
I'm so proud of you authornim.
Chapter 36: Thanks for the update omg its feels good waiting for another update
taeny2403 #9
Chapter 35: O my god..the long awaited scene..thank you so much author..one of my fave taeny fics..
maemae08 #10
going to wait for this story