You're Different

Love Through A Circle


“So really all you have to do is find the derivative and from there, you can solve the equation,” Mr. Callum said, his eyes not leaving the whiteboard that was covered with calculations.

 Tiffany heaves a sigh and tries her best to absorb all the new information but she was struggling to achieve it. Math was never her best subject, all the constant number and critical thinking strain her brain. She scribbles what little notes she could think of before returning her gaze to the teacher.

“With that, you can see the amount that is needed,” He continued, his voice low and monotone.

Tiffany scrunches her face; she runs both her hands through her hair in a frustrated manner.

 “What?! That doesn’t make any sense!” She muttered to herself, she stares at her notes and tries to understand the new information but to no avail.

 “Now. Any questions?” Mr. Callum said, his gaze finally leaving the whiteboard and to his students.

Tiffany starts to raise her hand, “Uh yeah Mr. Callum I don’t understand how-”

 The bell rings cutting off Tiffany, students immediately start packing up, the shuffling of papers drowning out her voice.

 “Alright, don’t forget to do the questions for homework tonight. It’s in your packet,” Mr. Callum states.

Tiffany scoffs in disbelief, unbelievable he didn’t even bother to answer her question. She sighs and packs her stuff in her backpack without even bothering to talk to her teacher. She leaves the room with her unanswered question and makes her way the bustling campus hallways.


 Tiffany turns around, “Oh hey Jay.”

The latter softly kisses her cheek, “Where are you going?”

 “Home.” She answered placidly, “Classes are over for me.”

 “Hang out with me,” Jay said in a demanding tone, his messy hair all over his face.

 “No. I have a lot of homework,” She stated firmly, her grip on her books tightening.

The latter scoffs, “Seriously?”

 Tiffany nods, “I’ll see you later.”

Without giving him a chance to speak, she turns around and makes her way to her car. She didn’t bother to look back because she knew he wouldn’t even chase after her, the fact of knowing that made her frustrated.

“Sometimes I just wish you would persist…” She mumbled softly as she places her bag and books in the passenger seat of her car.

She walks around to the driver’s seat and heads home. She parks in her usual spot and heads inside her apartment, which was empty. Jessica had class until five so Tiffany would be home alone for the time being.

 “I guess I should go get started on math…” She said; dropping her keys on the counter and making her way back to her room.

 She pulls out her math book and notebook, setting them down on her bed and retrieving her laptop. She plops on her bed and begins her excruciating math homework.

 An hour passes by; Tiffany was staring at her paper that was filled with eraser shavings and faint pencil marks.

“Argh, this is too hard!” She complained, her hands frustratingly combing through her hair.

She heaves a deep sigh and crashes her head in the textbook, “Why must math exist?!”

 Her phone vibrates; she lifts her head and grabs her phone. Her eyes widen in surprise seeing Taeng’s name displayed along with an envelope indicating a text message. She quickly opens the message and hastily reads the text.

From: Taeng “Hey, how’s everything going?”

 A small smile forms on her face, she was happy to see Taeng taking the initiative to check on her. No one usually asks her about her well-being, not even Jay.

 To: Taeng. “Good! How about you?”

 She quickly presses send and anxiously waits for his response. Her mind suddenly forgets about her homework since her eyes were heavily glued on her phone. It vibrates and she quickly presses open it.

From: Taeng. That’s good! And I’m doing alright. What are you up too?”


To: Taeng. “Math homework…Unfortunately.”


 From: Taeng. “ Oh, how are you doing? Do you understand it?”


To: Taeng. “No! I don’t understand ANY of it…”


From: Taeng. Ah really? Do you need help? Remember if you ever need help, I’ll be glad to assist you.”


Tiffany bites her bottom lip, she intently stares at the last message from Taeng and she could feel her heart racing.

 To: Taeng. Ah! I remember you telling me that. I would appreciate the help.”


 From: Taeng. “Okay. I’d be glad to help! Shall we video chat?”


To: Taeng. “Yes! What’s your username?”


 She quickly replied, not wanting to miss the opportunity of seeing Taeng. It had been a while since they last talked, she had missed seeing the dork on the screen. She was always trying to make Jessica talk to Yul just so she can see Taeng because she didn’t want to seem desperate. But the latter would always be busy, ruining her chance to talk to him. Her phone vibrates again and she quickly takes it in her grasp to open the message.

From: Taeng. “DorkyLeader39…Haha.”


Tiffany couldn’t help but laugh at Taeng’s username, she found it cute yet also embarrassing.

 Even his username is dorky, she thought to herself with a smile still on her face.


 To: Taeng. “Wow. Cute username…Hehe. I will add you!”


 She quickly logs on her video chat account and types in his username, within seconds his name pops up. She adds him as a friend before clicking the call button listed under his username. Tiffany takes a deep breath and subconsciously fixes her hair. She intently stares at the screen as two black boxes load and Taeng’s face slowly fades in.

“Okay…In my defense, I made that username when I was young.” Taeng defended as soon as he loaded on the screen, his arms crossed in a childlike manner.

 Tiffany chuckles, “I didn’t say anything bad about it…I said it was cute.”

 Taeng pouts, which was Tiffany’s weakness after realizing how cute and nonresistant he was when he does that.

“Hey don’t pout! I like your username.” She stated; a bright smile on her face.

Taeng smirks, “Better than PanyPanyTiffany81.”

She gasps, “Excuse me?! My username is genius!”

Taeng laughs, “I was just kidding…Your username is pretty cute.”

“It’s not just ‘pretty cute.’ It’s creative!” She defended on her behalf.

 Taeng shakes his head cutely, “Okay okay. You’re right, your username is creative.”

Tiffany beams a grin, “Thank you.”

He nods and chuckles, “Of course…” He takes a sip of his water, “So…What do you need help on?”

“Wait…Isn’t it early there?” She inquired, forgetting that Taeng and her go by different times.

The latter shakes his head, “Not really. It’s only 7 in the morning.”

 “Oh, do you have class?”

“No. I don’t have class until 3 in the afternoon.”

 Tiffany’s eyes widen, “Then why are you up so early?!”

 Taeng shrugs, “I always wake up early.”

 “You’re so weird…” Tiffany said softly, her smile turning into a smirk.

 Taeng crosses his arms, “You’re mean.”

Tiffany sticks her tongue out playfully, “Don’t be such a baby.”

 Taeng scoffs, “I’m not a baby.”

Tiffany stifles her laugh, “Yes you are.”

“Do you want help with math or not? I can just leave if you’re going to be mean to me.” Taeng playfully threatened yet showed the most serious look on his face.

Tiffany’s smirk remains on her face, “Okay okay. Sorry, Mr. Kim.”

 Taeng dorkily grins, “Apology accepted. Now let’s get started on math.”

 Time passes by between the two, Tiffany would read the problem out to Taeng and he would try his best to explain the solution to her. At times, she would have to hold the book up to the webcam so Taeng would be able to see the equations, write down the solution on scratch paper he had nearby, and show it to her through the webcam.

Tiffany was amazed at how well Taeng was at tutoring, he would slow down at things she didn’t understand and he would check up on her to see if she was doing okay. She was still struggling but having Taeng to guide her through it made it a whole lot easier than if she were to do it alone.

After some time, Tiffany completed her math homework with help from Taeng. She grins showing her perfect white straight teeth and hums of happiness.

 “Oh my gosh. Thank you so much Taeng!” She said whole-heartedly.

 She was truly grateful for Taeng’s patience and time to tutor her, her smile was genuine and bright.

Taeng chuckles, “Of course. Are you getting it though?”

 Tiffany ecstatically nods, “I’m still a little confused about it…But you made it a whole lot easier. I appreciate it.”

 Taeng smiles, “No problem. I’m here if you need any more help.”

 “You won’t be annoyed? Because I’m pretty sure I’ll be asking for your help a lot of times…” Tiffany stated softly.

Taeng’s smile becomes wider, “Not at all. Anything to help you understand math. Whenever you have trouble, just call or text me. Don’t even bother about the time difference.”

Tiffany felt her heart skip a beat; she stares at the gentle face of Taeng with awe. She’s never met anyone willing to help her despite the troubles and burdens. She was always used to having to do things on her own ever since…

 “Thank you Taeng…That’s so sweet of you.” Tiffany said softly, a sincere smile on her face.

 He grins, “Just trying my best to help you out.”

Tiffany bites her bottom lip, “Thanks…again. I can’t thank you enough.”

Taeng laughs, “Stop thanking me…That’s what friends are for right?”

Tiffany happily nods, “Yeah…”

 “So, was that all?” Taeng asked, taking another sip of his water.

 “Yup. For today at least.”

 “Nice. So…” Taeng trailed, unsure if he should continue the conversation or give Tiffany space. He already spent a lot of time tutoring her so he wasn’t sure if she was annoyed by him or burdening her.

“Got any plans for the rest of the day?” Tiffany continued; her smile bright and alive.

Taeng flinches in surprise, he didn’t think Tiffany still wanted to talk to him but he wasn’t going to argue against it. He was glad he had another opportunity to talk to the beautiful girl.

“I think I’m going to hang out with Jieun…” Taeng hesitantly said. He wanted to say something else but he couldn’t stand lying, especially to Tiffany.

He never understood why he felt uncomfortable mentioning his girlfriend to Tiffany. There’s no denying he’s attracted to the girl. He already admitted it to his best friend.

 But is it just an attraction?

 Or something more?

“Oh…that’s cool,” Tiffany replied; a hint of sadness in her tone.

 “Yeah…Well, how about you? How are you and Jay?” Taeng quickly asked, removing the spotlight from him.

 “Jay and I…” Tiffany trailed, “I don’t know. I feel like we’re losing the spark.” She confessed which snatches Taeng’s attention.

 Taeng slowly nods, “What do you mean?”

 She sighs, “He’s just changed really…He’s my first real relationship. So…I’m not experienced when it comes to that kind of stuff.  I don’t know…I guess I was so hooked on who he was before that I never wanted to accept the fact he changed.”

Taeng sadly smiles, “People change. It’s human nature.”

“Yeah but for the worse?” Tiffany asked curiously, her eyes staring right into Taeng’s.

He sighs, “It’s no fun whenever someone changes for the bad… It’s hard to deal with someone, knowing they meant a lot to you change right in front of you. You want to stay with them because let’s face it. We’re drawn to first impressions. We’re drawn to who people used to be that we believe that’s all they are and ever will be… Just like my dad…” Taeng muttered softly, his eyes containing sadness.

Tiffany remains quiet, she heard the last part Taeng said about his father and she was stunned to hear how relatable his speech was to her personal life. She wanted to ask him about his relationship with his father but she wasn’t sure if she was able too. The sad look in Taeng’s eyes was holding her back.

Taeng looks back into Tiffany’s eyes, “If you’re losing the spark, it’s always two options. Fix it or miss it.” He said softly, averting the attention away from his father.

Tiffany tilts her head affectionately, she could see Taeng didn’t want to dig deeper into his family life so she complies with him and stays out of it.

“So…you’re saying I either fix our relationship…or break up with him?” She inquired softly.

Taeng shrugs, “Y-yeah. A relationship is nothing if both people aren’t happy. Do you still have feelings for him?”

 Tiffany puckers her lips, “I-I don’t know…”

 He softly chuckles, “Feelings are complicated huh?”


Taeng gazes down, letting a slight pause come between the two.

 “Can I say something Tiffany?” He asked, his eyes soft.

Tiffany nods but doesn’t say a word, Taeng takes a deep breath.

“You’re a beautiful girl Tiffany. Inside and out. You deserve someone who only brings the best out of you. If Jay doesn’t realize how amazing you are, well, then that’s his loss. You deserve someone who will always put a smile on your face, not just a simple smile. YOUR smile. Your genuine beautiful smile that makes your eyes smile as well. If you say happy things, it makes your eyes see happy things.”

 Tiffany was stunned; she didn’t know what to say. She felt her heart race and her stomach flip. Her eyes were glued on Taeng as he awkwardly rubs the back of his neck and chuckles.

 “I-I’m sorry…Was that too cheesy?” He asked awkwardly.

 Tiffany slowly shakes her head, “N-no…That was…” She takes a deep breath, “Really sweet. Thank you so much Taeng. You really know how to make a girl feel special…” She awkwardly chuckles, “It’s no wonder Jieun’s happy to be your girlfriend…”

 Taeng tilts his head, “That’s a little too much. But I appreciate it. And I meant every word, Tiffany.”

She smiles, the smile Taeng labeled as hers, the one that melts his heart, captivates his eyes, and takes his breath away.

Her smile.

“Thank you again Taeng. I’ll be sure to take your words to heart.” She said sincerely.

 Taeng snaps back to his senses, “O-Of course. I’m not the best at giving advice but I’ll always be here if you need to talk.”

“Same to you Taeng,” Tiffany replied, her smile only growing wider.

Taeng smiles, “I should get going. Yul and I are going to grab something to eat.”

Tiffany nods, “Okay. Thank you again for everything.”

He chuckles, “Stop thanking me. I already told you, that’s what friends are for. I’ll see you later Tiffany. Hope to talk to you soon. Good night over there.”

Tiffany laughs, “Okay. Good morning over there.”

He grins, “Bye Tiffany!”

She waves to the webcam, “Bye Taeng!”

They both end the call, idiotic smiles on both their faces. Tiffany sighs happily as she closes her laptop and places it to her side.

 “You guys’ are too cute together.”

 Tiffany snaps her head hearing Jessica’s voice, her eyes widen seeing the latter comfortably leaning against her doorframe.

She blushes, “H-Hey!”

 Jessica laughs, “I can’t wait for the day you realize you’re in love with him.”

Tiffany grows redder, “I-I’m going to kill you!”

She starts to get up from her bed but Jessica thinks quicker and runs down the hall.

Tiffany heaves out a sigh, “Idiot…”

Oh say what? Things are spicing up between them huh? I know, I’m sorry that the progression between these two is going so slow. But I don’t want to rush things and make it seem like I’m writing too fast. I hope you all stick with me though.

Hm, so what’s the relationship between Taeng and his father? We’ll find out later. (:

Will Tiffany ever tell Taeng about her mother? (Remember I mentioned her a while ago?) Ohhh we’ll just have to find out later as well!

And lastly… Will TaeNy happen?

Or am I just trolling you readers?
Hmmm….I guess you’ll just have to keep reading to find out. ;D


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Ree93brianti #1
author where are u...update pleasee
aerolcaroline #2
Continue? 😭
Chapter 37: hellooooo~~~ when will u update this :( don't ignore this story pleaseeee
1120 streak #4
1120 streak #5
Chapter 37: Ow he really is in love and he will also secretly buy that necklace but don't overwork yourself like what you didn't back then
Chapter 37: Feels good author...
TaeNyBross #7
Chapter 36: It takes 7 years for us to be able to witnessing this scene.
I'm so proud of you authornim.
Chapter 36: Thanks for the update omg its feels good waiting for another update
taeny2403 #9
Chapter 35: O my god..the long awaited scene..thank you so much of my fave taeny fics..
maemae08 #10
going to wait for this story