First Step

Love Through A Circle


“Taeng, let’s go to that store!” Jieun pointed at a nearby store, she tightly grabs on his hand and pulls him into the store.

 “Aish Jieun, you’re always shopping…How do you have all this money?” Taeng asked as he watches his girlfriend rummage through the racks of clothes.

 His girlfriend crosses her arms in dismay, “What are you trying to say Taeng? That I’m spoiled?”

Taeng’s eyes widen, “What?! N-no! I was just wondering…”

 Jieun drops the act and chuckles at her flustered boyfriend.  She wraps her arms around his torso and lays her head against his chest.

“I’m just kidding baby,” Jieun said softly.

Taeng awkwardly smiles, “O-oh, o-okay.”

His hands were still to his side as Jieun hugged him tighter. His girlfriend looks up to him, “Are you okay?”

Taeng awkwardly chuckles, “Y-yeah. Why?”

“You’re acting…different.” Jieun pulls away from the hug and looks at him confusedly.

Taeng scratches the back of his head, “What do you mean? I’m not acting strange at all.” He forces a smile to reassure his girlfriend.

 Jieun narrows her eyes but shakes her head and continues her shopping voyage. Taeng sighs as he runs a hand through his hair.

 Why is he feeling so strange?

 His phone goes off; he takes it out of his pocket and sees Yul calling him.

“Jieun, it’s Yul I’m going out to answer this. I’ll be back,” Taeng said to his girlfriend, he receives no reply from her since she was so busy shopping so he heads out of the store to answer the call from his friend.

“Yeoboseyo?” Taeng answered, taking a seat at a nearby bench.

 “Yo Taeng! What are you doing?”

 “I’m at the mall with Jieun.”

He hears a scoff, “Again? Dude, I swear she’s always there.”

 Taeng softly chuckles, “At least I’m not the only one who thinks that…Anyways, why are you calling?”

He hears shuffling noises on the other line, crackling noises being projected as well.

“Yul?” Taeng pulls away from his phone, it was still connected to Yul but he wasn’t hearing any noise from his friend.

 “Hello? Yul?” He hears a thud noise, and then it goes silent for a while before the same thud sound was heard again.

 “Sorry, I was moving something.” Yul finally said after some time.

 Taeng sighs, “Geez Yul. You could have told me.”

 “Sorry…Anyways I was wondering if you would like to join me in video chatting-”

“With Tiffany and Jessica?” Taeng completed his sentence, a smile growing on his face.

 “Whoa…Yeah, that.” Yul chuckles, “Someone’s excited to talk to Tiffany…”

The smile stops growing on his face, instead, it was replaced with Taeng groaning.

“No! It’s just become a routine.” Taeng corrected.

 He hears his friend chuckle, “Whatever man. Hurry up with Jieun and come home! I’ll be waiting!”

Without giving a chance for Taeng to speak, he ends the call; Taeng pulls his phone from his ear and gazes at the screen of his phone.

 “Geez Yul…” Taeng muttered to himself as he stuffs his phone away and returns to the store his girlfriend was in.

He scans the store and spots Jieun at the cash register taking her credit card out from her purse. He makes his way over to her and stands next to her.

 “Are you done?” Taeng asked, his eyes scanning the many bags.

Jieun gazes at Taeng and nods, “Yup. Where were you?”

 Taeng helps Jieun by carrying her bags, “I was talking with Yul on the phone. I told you I was going out to answer it but you didn’t hear me.”

The latter shrugs, “Sorry. I was busy.”

 He chuckles, “I know.”

They exit the store with Taeng carrying all of Jieun’s bags.

 “Are you done?” Taeng asked anxiously, his anticipation rising.

 Jieun her eyebrow up, “Why?”

 He pretends to act nonchalant and shrugs his shoulders, “No reason…I’m just tired.”

Jieun sighs, “Okay. Let’s go then.”

Taeng smiles, he felt his stomach dance with glee realizing he’ll be able to see Tiffany’s face soon. He stops in his tracks and realized that he had been thinking about Tiffany.

 Aish Taeng…Why are you thinking about her?! He thought to himself.

He even acted excited knowing he’s going to be able to talk to her soon.

What’s gotten over me? He thought again as he and his girlfriend make their way back to his car.

 He pulls up on Jieun’s driveway; he gets out of his car and carries her bags to her front door. Jieun unlocks the door and takes the bags from Taeng, she sets them down on the floor and turns her attention back to him.

 “Stay here for a while,” Jieun cooed as she wraps her arms around his neck.

 Taeng gulps; he awkwardly chuckles and stuffs his hands in his pocket.

 “Uh I have to get going Jieun, Yul’s expecting me home,” Taeng replied softly, his eyes dodging hers.

Jieun pouts; she releases her arms from him and crosses her arms over her chest.

 Taeng quickly kisses her cheek, “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He quickly pivots around and speed walks back to his car.

 “Er bye?” Jieun said even though Taeng was already gone from her sights. She watches as he quickly gets in his car and pulls out of her driveway.

You’re acting different Taeng. She thought to herself before shutting the door.


Taeng parks his car in lighting speed; he walks up the stairs to his apartment door and swiftly opens the door. To his surprise he sees Yul sitting at the kitchen counter with his laptop. Taeng hangs his keys on the key rack and takes off his shoes.

 He walks over to Yul and pats his back, “Hey man.”

Yul takes his attention off of the screen and smiles, “Hey Taeng.”

 Taeng pulls up the stool and takes a seat next to him; his gaze turns to the laptop screen.

 “What’s up?” Taeng asked nonchalantly.

Yul chuckles, “Just waiting for Jessica to go online.”

 Taeng slowly nods, “Cool.”

 His heart was beating out of control; he could feel butterflies growing in his stomach.

Am I this excited just to see Tiffany? He questioned in his mind.

Taeng gets up from his seat, “I’m going to cook dinner while you wait. You want anything?”

Yul taps his pointer finger on his chin, his eyes still on the screen.

 “Whatever you’re making, just make enough for me,” Yul said in reply, he smiles warmly at his friend.

Taeng chuckles, “Alright.”

He walks around the countertop and makes his way to the fridge. He opens the fridge and inspects the ingredients inside. “Hmmm….” Taeng’s eyes widen after spotting some meat, “How about kalbi?”

Yul beams a grin, “Yes!”

Taeng chuckles again, he pulls out the meat and places it in the sink. He then takes out the vegetables from the fridge; he washes them and sets them on the counter.

 “Oh! Jessica’s on!” Yul chimed; a cheeky smile on his face.

Taeng couldn’t help but smile seeing his best friend so happy.

 And so in love.

 “Hurry up and call your girlfriend,” He teased with a smirk.

Yul rolls his eyes, “Whatever man. Keep it on the down low.”

Taeng takes out a cutting board from the shelf and sets it on the counter along with the vegetables. “Why? You’re not embarrassed are you?” He teased lightly, his eyes on the counter.

 Yul sighs, “No of course not…I just don’t want people to know that I have a girlfriend that lives in the states.”

Taeng tilts his head, “What do you mean?”

 The latter bites his bottom lip, “If people know that she lives in the states, guys’ will be all over her. Since you know…she’s American born.”

 Taeng couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of Yul being protective over his girlfriend. He wished he could understand what he was going through. But his girlfriend lives here in Korea like him.

 “Ah I see, don’t worry man. I won’t tell anybody.” Taeng reassured with a smile.

Yul reciprocates a smile, “Thanks Taeng. I appreciate it.”

Taeng laughs and throws his crumpled paper towel at him. “Yah! Stop having a bromance with me and call her already!” Taeng teased, returning his attention to the vegetables.

Yul laughs, “Dork.”

He excitedly calls Jessica and anxiously waits for her to answer it. Taeng chuckles at the sight of Yul, he was acting like a child waiting for his turn to get ice cream in line. After a couple of rings, Jessica’s face appears on the screen with Tiffany next to her.

 “Yul!” Jessica said in happiness, a bright smile on her face.

Yul grins, “Hey Sica. Hey Tiffany.”

Tiffany smiles and waves, “Hey Yul.”

 No Taeng? Bummer, she thought to herself.

 “Where’s Taeng? Jessica asked as if she read Tiffany’s mind.

 Yul looks up to Taeng, “He’s right here. But he’s cooking dinner for us.”

 Tiffany’s eyes widen in awe learning another fact about Taeng.

 He never told me he could cook, she thought.

“Ooohh Taeng’s cooking?! What is he making?” Jessica asked brightly.

 Yul rotates the laptop around so it was displaying Taeng on the camera. He was busy cutting the vegetables he didn’t notice that Jessica and Tiffany were watching him at work. Tiffany was drawn to him in an instant.

 He looks so cute when he’s serious, her attention on Taeng’s face.

 She mentally face-palms herself. What am I saying?!

She watches as Taeng carefully cuts the onions, wiping sweat from his brow and resuming his work. She shyly bites her bottom lip and felt her heart racing.

 Jessica swats her arm, “What are you doing? Say hi!”

Tiffany snaps out of her thoughts and looks at her friend, “What?”

 Jessica sighs and looks back at the screen. “Hi, Taeng!” She yelled as loud as she could making Tiffany cover her ears.

 Taeng looks up from his work and realizes the laptop was facing him, he grows red feeling embarrassed that Tiffany had been watching him the whole time.

“Geez Yul, why didn’t you tell me they were watching me?!” He scolded, his eyes darting his friend.

 Yul laughs, “I just wanted to show them how you work.”

 Taeng rolls his eyes; he gazes back at the computer screen and awkwardly waves. “Hello, Jessica. Hello Tiffany.” He said politely, a small smile on his face.

Tiffany felt a smile grow on her face, “Hi Taeng.”

 “Taeng, what are you making?!” Jessica intruded wildly, her eyes gleaming.

Taeng chuckles awkwardly, “Kalbi.”

Tiffany’s eyes widen, “Really?!”

 Taeng nods, he sets his knife down and leans his arms against the counter.

Tiffany smiles, “That’s my favorite Korean dish…”

Taeng flinches in surprise, “Really?”

 She nods but her eyes become hollow and expressionless. “Umma would always make me that when I was younger…” She mumbled; her face short and sad.

Jessica was the only one who heard the comment from the girl; she gazes at Tiffany with compassion and comfortingly rubs her back, giving her a reassuring smile. Taeng noticed the quick character change in her and his eyes soften.

 “Hey, are you okay?”

Tiffany musters up her emotions and quickly smiles to cover up her sadness, “Yeah I’m fine Taeng.”

 “Are you sure?” He asked again, not satisfied with her answer.

Tiffany bites her bottom lip but forces another smile, “Yup. I’m fine…”

 Taeng furrows his eyebrows, he wanted to protest but he felt as if he didn’t want to get into Tiffany’s personal life.

 “Okay…” Taeng replied contently.

Tiffany faintly chuckles, “So is this going to be an episode of Taeng’s cooking channel?”  

She didn’t want Taeng to worry about her, although he would have been sweet and nice she didn’t want him to know about her personal life just yet.

Taeng smiles warmly, “I guess. Unless Yul wants to talk to you guys while he waits for me to be done cooking.”

 Yul looks up from his phone, “It doesn’t matter.”

 Taeng chuckles, “What do you girls want?”

 “You already know I want to talk with Yul,” Jessica confessed; a slight blush on her cheeks.

Taeng smirks; he looks up to his friend and sees him blushing as well. Tiffany gazes at Jessica and sees her rosy pink cheeks; a smirk draws on her face.

 “I think we’ll talk with Yul, we don’t want to distract you Taeng,” Tiffany stated; her gaze still on Jessica’s.

Taeng nods and smiles, seeing the hint Tiffany was implying.

“Okay, talk to you guys’ soon.” He said warmly, he looks at the latter and motions him to turn the laptop around.

Yul rolls his eyes; he takes the laptop and faces it to him.

“I’m back,” Yul said cheerfully, his eyes right on Jessica.

The blonde girl beams a smile, “Welcome back.”

 Taeng chuckles, he resumes his cooking process as he also listens to their conversation.

“So Tiffany…” Yul trailed, “Do you like guys’ who can cook?”

Tiffany’s eyes widen at the sudden question, “Why do you ask?”

Yul shrugs, “I’m just wondering.”

 She bites her bottom lip, she knew exactly who Yul was talking about and she grew embarrassed just thinking of his name.

 “Y-yeah…” She answered, “But who doesn’t like guys that can cook?” She quickly added on.

Yul chuckles, “I guess…Jessica likes if a guy cooks for her, right Sica?”

 Jessica rolls her eyes but smiles warmly at him, “Idiot.”

 Yul grins cheekily, “Only sometimes.”

They continue their idle conversation, after about a couple of minutes Taeng walks around the counter and pats Yul on the back.

“Hey food’s ready, I also made rice.” He stated, his eyes trailing to the computer screen.

 Yul nods, “Nice. Thanks, man. Let’s eat.”

 “Yah! Are you going to eat right in front of us?!” Jessica whined, her arms crossed over her chest.

Taeng chuckles, “Well I mean…Unless you don’t want us too.”

The latter sighs, “Not really! I don’t want to see Yul’s face on how delicious it is!”

Taeng frowns, “But I want to talk to Tiffany.”

Tiffany’s eyes widen hearing Taeng’s sudden outbursts. Her heart skips a beat and she felt the butterflies exiting their cage again in her stomach.

 Taeng’s eyes widen as well, in shock that his feelings were coming out through his mouth.

 Aish Taeng…You need to learn to be close-minded, he scolded to himself.

Tiffany blushes and looks down onto the table.

Taeng rubs the back of his head awkwardly, “I-I mean…”

Jessica squeals, “That’s so cute Taeng!” She cuts him off, “Okay. Just because you want to talk to Tiffany we’ll stay and watch you guys’ eat.”

 Tiffany swats her friend’s arm, “Hey…”

Jessica fans her hand, “Come on Tiffany. Don’t you want to talk to Taeng?”

 Taeng bites his bottom lip, he gazes over at Tiffany and felt his stomach grow butterflies. Tiffany looks at him and they make eye contact, just like that, they were lost in each other’s eyes again. Their eyes felt as if they could talk for them when their mouths don’t know what to say.

 Tiffany clears and breaks eye contact, although her heart was still beating out of her chest.

 “Yeah…I want to talk to Taeng.” She answered, her face turning pink.

 Taeng felt his heart skip a beat, a smile grows on his face and he felt as if he could jump in happiness.

“I’m happy,” Taeng confessed; a dorky smile on his face.

Tiffany chuckles at the sight of Taeng acting like a little kid.

He’s such a dork, she thought to herself with a smile on her face.

Taeng and Yul grab a plate from the shelf; they place rice and grab a plentiful amount of kalbi on their plates. They return and sit next to each other on the stools of the countertop. Jessica and Tiffany smile seeing the two boys return to their vision of the laptop screen.

 “Ahhh! This looks so good!” Yul claps his hands in happiness.

Taeng grins, “Of course! It was made by yours truly.”

Tiffany laughs, “You two are so ridiculous.”

 They engage in a lively conversation as the boys eat their dinner, for the girls it was already late in the morning but they weren’t tired. They were having too much fun to realize the time, especially Tiffany. The more she talked to Taeng, the more she realized how much she wanted to meet him in person.

 The two finish their dinners and Taeng offers to clean up the dishes making Tiffany awe at how generous and helpful he was. Yul brings the laptop back to his room and they wait for Taeng to finish up cleaning. After a couple of minutes, Taeng comes barging through the door and he crashes on Yul’s bed.

“Tiffany, you’ve heard of that app ‘Let’s talk free’ right?” Yul asked, striking up a conversation.

Tiffany nods, “Jessica told me about it. She told me that’s how you both can communicate.”

Taeng smiles, “It’s a cool app…”

She reciprocates a smile back to him, “I bet it is.”

Yul clasps his hands together, “You two should get it!”

Taeng flinches and looks at Yul with wide eyes, “Huh?!”

 He nods eagerly, “Sometimes Jessica’s a hard person to contact, so if I ever need to tell her something I can just tell Taeng to tell Tiffany to tell Jessica!”

 Taeng shakes his head, “That seems like a lot more work than just texting Jessica…”

 Tiffany bites her bottom lip; she tries to stop herself from smiling at Taeng’s dorky antics.

Yul scoffs, “Come on. Jessica doesn’t answer her phone all the time…” He gazes at Jessica and winks, “Right Jessica?”

Jessica catches on to Yul’s implied message and eagerly nods. “Yeah, I don’t always have my phone with me…Unlike Tiffany.”

Tiffany’s eyes grow big, “W-what?!”

Yul wraps his arm around Taeng’s neck, “What do you say? It’s a great way for us to communicate whenever we don’t have time to video chat!”

 Taeng gazes at Tiffany who was fidgeting with her fingers and biting her lips. He gulps and awkwardly clears his throat.

 “W-well…If Tiffany wants too.” Taeng blushes, he chuckles softly and bites his bottom lip.

 Tiffany looks up and blushes as well seeing Taeng’s face all flustered.

“Sure I don’t mind,” Tiffany answered boldly, her cheeks still pink.

 Taeng flinches in surprise hearing how Tiffany was so confident in her answer.

“Oh okay…” Taeng said, trying his best to keep his cool.

 They both take out their phones and go to the application store. Taeng couldn’t help but steal a glance at Tiffany who was smiling at her phone. Taeng felt his heart burst after seeing her eyes in the shape of the crescents.

 I’m so drawn to your eye smile that it kills me every time you show it; he thought to himself as he returns his attention to his phone.

They both finish downloading the application. Yul and Jessica applaud of happiness; they look at each other and send a cocky smirk.

Taeng looks up from his phone and looks at Tiffany, “I finished creating my account. What about you Tiffany?”

Tiffany clicks one last thing before she looks up to him, “Just got done.”

Taeng shyly smiles, “O-okay…What’s your number?”

 He inputs it in his phone as Tiffany recites the digits one by one. He felt his heart was about to bust out of his chest any minute.

“Text or call me whenever…Even if Yul doesn’t need anything from Jessica…” Tiffany said shyly, heat rising to her cheeks.

Taeng’s heart skips a beat hearing Tiffany’s comment.

He blushes and looks at his phone shyly. “O-okay…” He answered; his heart racing and his stomach growing butterflies.

He stares at the screen of his phone and a small smile forms on his face.

 Did I just score her number? 

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Ree93brianti #1
author where are u...update pleasee
aerolcaroline #2
Continue? 😭
Chapter 37: hellooooo~~~ when will u update this :( don't ignore this story pleaseeee
1120 streak #4
1120 streak #5
Chapter 37: Ow he really is in love and he will also secretly buy that necklace but don't overwork yourself like what you didn't back then
Chapter 37: Feels good author...
TaeNyBross #7
Chapter 36: It takes 7 years for us to be able to witnessing this scene.
I'm so proud of you authornim.
Chapter 36: Thanks for the update omg its feels good waiting for another update
taeny2403 #9
Chapter 35: O my god..the long awaited scene..thank you so much of my fave taeny fics..
maemae08 #10
going to wait for this story