I Won't Give Up

Love Through A Circle

Upon discovering and expressing their newfound love for each other, Taeng and Tiffany’s relationship has been taken a step deeper. More than a year has passed since their friendship was established and a dedicated 8 months passed since they began as a couple. The love they have for each other grows deeper every day. Though they are not physically together 24/7, that doesn’t stop the feelings they have.

However, time can only go so far without them being in each other’s presence. From being together for 6 months, Taeng and Tiffany had been discussing the possibility of meeting in person. They were both overly excited that a day will soon come when they can be together in person rather than through a computer screen. Each day they would plan their availability, it was difficult since Korea’s school systems and America’s school systems differed but it didn’t stop them from finding a mutual date. It was hard but they weren’t going to give up.  

It was vastly approaching winter all around the world and Taeng couldn’t be more excited to have a break from academic life. He would be approaching his senior year of university which meant his hard school life would only get harder. Job hunting and internships were his next step and it stressed him out more just thinking about it. He amazes himself that at 20 years old he has already planned his future out. He at times thinks he’s too nerdy and exact but he’s glad he has someone like Tiffany who supports him and loves him just the way he is.

After all, part of his plans involve her but he’ll save that information for a better time.

It was a cold night in Korea, Taeng and Yul were sitting at the table in the kitchen having a small snack while discussing their final exams. Both the friends were layered in clothing from head to toe, even though their heater was cranked high the cold weather of Korea was beating it by a mile.

“Geez it’s so freaking cold, winter is definitely on its way,” Yul said, shuddering as he zips his jacket up to his neck.

“Ah the joys of living in Korea,” Taeng joked while chuckling, “You think it’s going to snow as much as last year?”

“I hope so, maybe our final exams will get canceled,” Yul replied with a gleam in his eye.

Taeng laughs, “I doubt it. You know they’ll probably have us take it online.”

 The latter groaned in agreement, “I know… But it was nice to think that was a possibility.”

Taeng laughs at his friend, though he did wish that scenario could happen there was no way it would. Korea was very strict on education, so much that they would do anything to ensure the success of each student. This meant either taking cram school during the summer, private tutors, and non-stop focus study groups. Either or it was tough and both knew final exams were the one time to show the hard work they put from the semester. Taeng especially, if he wanted his plans to happen, he had to work as hard as he could.

“So how are you loving your girlfriend?” Yul teased, poking the blonde-haired boy’s cheek.

He blushes and sheepishly smiles, growing embarrassed from the sudden question.

“Good...” He said softly, his cheeks growing redder.

“Just good?!” Yul gasped with surprise.

 “Great, amazing, perfect,” Taeng finally said with hot cheeks.

The latter laughs, “There’s the love-struck Taeng answer I was looking for.”

“Whatever,” Taeng said as he sticks his tongue out, “But thanks, man.”

Yul tilts his head, “Thanks? For what?”

The latter smiles at him, “For helping me understand my true feelings and giving me the confidence to tell Tiffany. I wouldn’t have done it if it wasn’t for you.”

Yul sincerely smiles at his friend, he clasps Taeng’s shoulder and gives him a thumbs up.

 “What are brothers for right?” He said proudly, his smile turning into a grin.

 Taeng chuckles, “Brothers for life.”

The two continue talking until they decide to return to their respective rooms to finish up their assignments and have some time to study for their exams. They bid each other goodnight before closing their doors and groan as they had no passion to study or even think of school.

Taeng lies on his bed, contemplating between studying or doing his homework first as he stares at the white ceiling above him. He takes a deep breath and shuts his eyes, wanting to give himself a couple more minutes of not having to worry about school and studies. He felt himself almost about to doze off but it was stripped away immediately as his phone ringed loudly in his pocket. He quickly sits up, takes his phone out of his pocket, and in one swift motion, he answers it and places the phone up to his ears.

 “Yeoboseyo?” “Good morning Taeng!”

An immediate smile forms on the blonde-haired boy’s face as the voice he loved hearing was ringing through his ears. He slowly lies back on his bed and rubs his face with his free hand.

“Tiffany hi, good morning,” He replied cheerfully.

“How was your day?” Tiffany asked, pressing her phone between her shoulder and cheek so she could pick up her textbook.

“It was pretty good, did you sleep well?”

 “Yeah, I did. I have a quiz today for math that I’m not looking forward to,” Tiffany groaned, shifting her phone from her shoulder to her hand, “I don’t think I’m going to do good on it.”

 “Hey don’t say that. You’ve improved so much in math, you’re going to do great!” Taeng reassured confidently.

Tiffany smiles as the sensation her boyfriend always gives her runs throughout her body. She was never going to get tired of this feeling.

“Thank you Taeng. I’ll do my best for you!” She cheerfully replied while chuckling.

“That’s my girl!” He replied, chuckling along with her.

“Can I turn this call into a video call? I want to see your handsome face before I take this awful quiz,” Tiffany asked cutely.

Taeng’s heart skipped multiple beats hearing the request of his girlfriend. He was never going to get tired of this feeling. “Of course, I need to see your beautiful face before I study these awful notes.”

 They both laugh as Tiffany takes her phone and switches the call to video. In an instant, both faces were seen on the screens of each other’s phones. They smile seeing their beloved in their hands as they cutely wave to each other and blow a sweet kiss.

“Why are you wearing so many clothes?!” Tiffany exclaimed, seeing Taeng’s hoodie zipped up to its full potential.

“What! It’s almost winter, the weather here in Korea has been getting colder each day. The heater is to the max and I’m still cold,” Taeng explained with a shocking tone.

He then gazes at Tiffany’s appearance, his eyes widen seeing his girlfriend wearing a tank top and her hair tied up in a ponytail. He was shocked that the latter did not appear to be freezing given her attire. He was amazed at how strong she was to the winter weather.

 “How are you not cold?!” He asked shockingly, his eyes still wide.

Tiffany tilts her head to the side, “What do you mean?”

“It’s almost winter, how could you wear a tank top?”

Tiffany gazes down at her outfit, her typical tank top and short shorts were not a surprise to her, she looks back up to her surprised boyfriend and laughs.

 “I’m in California babe…” She calmly answered with a smile on her face.

Taeng’s face scrunches in confusion, “Does California not have winter or something?”

 She laughs again and shakes her head, “Yup. Here in California, it’s just sun, sun, sun, even during the wintertime. It’s never really cold here.”

Taeng drops in shock learning the new information from the latter, he couldn’t believe a place like that existed. He was instantly jealous that the latter never experienced freezing butts and multiple layers of clothing.

“I’m jealous, I would love to not freeze my off every day,” Taeng pouted but with a joking tone.

Tiffany chuckles, “It’s nice sometimes but I don’t like it at times.”

 “Whaat. Why?!” Taeng asked with shock.

How could anyone hate having warmth and sunny days every day?

“Well…” Tiffany started, “I’ve never had the chance to see snow.”

The blonde-haired boy gasps in surprise, “You’ve never seen snow?”

She shakes her head, “I’ve lived here my whole life. For it to snow in California is like… seeing a unicorn. Super rare.”

Taeng shakes his head in disbelief, “I can’t believe it. I don’t like cold weather but when it snows in Korea, it looks beautiful. It’s like a winter wonderland.”

Tiffany sighs, “I’m so jealous. I wish I could see it.”

Taeng smiles seeing his girlfriend look so glum from a small issue. He chuckles which catches her attention for her to look at him with confusing eyes.

“Don’t worry, when you come here, you can see all the snow you want. We can play in it together, like build a snowman and have a snowball fight,” He said softly, his smile growing wider.

 Tiffany smiles hearing the proposed plan of her boyfriend, “Really?! Are you sure?”

 “I’m positive, we’ll make it happen,” He replied with a reassuring smile.

Tiffany squeals in excitement, “Oh my gah. I can’t wait!”

She lifts her free hand and touches her cheek while smiling, dreaming of what a future in the snow with Taeng will be like. She closes her eyes and blissfully enters the dream world of what will soon come.

Taeng stares at his girlfriend lovingly, he couldn’t help but to gaze every inch of her face and admire the beauty that was on his screen. He gazes at her hand, how it softly rests on her smooth cheek and look soft and delicate.

He gazes down at his hand that was resting on his lap. He slowly closes his hand like a fist and opens it again. He wondered how small Tiffany’s hand was compared to his, he also wondered if her hand was soft like he imagined. He stares deeper at his hand and wonders… How perfect her hand would fit in his.

Taeng begins to feel sad as he realizes he doesn’t even know how his girlfriend’s hands feel as he stares at his hand that wishes could hold hers.


He slowly gazes up and sees Tiffany gazing at him with a loving yet concerned feeling.

“What’s wrong?” She asked softly.

Taeng sadly smiles, “We’ll meet soon right?”

Tiffany’s eyes slightly widen hearing the tone in the latter’s voice. She slightly begins to feel sad, understanding the feeling her boyfriend was feeling. It wasn’t easy being in love and being in a long-distance relationship. The stronger their love grew the more they wanted to see each other.

 Tiffany gazes at Taeng’s gentle face, wondering how his head would feel against hers. She eyes all the features she loves about him carefully, from his soft hair to his inviting lips. She then touches her lips softly as she begins to wonder how his lips would feel on hers.

 They both look at each other with the same thoughts and feelings. Sadness in both their eyes as they knew this distance was difficult for both of them.

 “Of course we will Taeng,” She finally replied softly, with a sad smile on her face.

“When?” Taeng asked with a hopeful tone.

 “Soon,” She quickly said, “It’s hard though.”

Taeng sighs in defeat knowing she was right. The countless times they have discussed it had always led to the same answer.


They didn’t know the exact day they will meet and it frustrated both of them. A plane ticket from Korea to America and vice versa was expensive. Since Taeng and Tiffany lived in an apartment, paying rent already took most of their payments. They were both lucky to receive a full-ride scholarship from their academics so the only thing they had to pay for was textbooks which alone cost them so much money.

Tiffany’s dad gives her money from time to time but the leftover she has after paying for everything goes towards her car and food. Taeng had some money in his account from his parent’s but he too was in the same situation. Finding a solution seemed impossible for them.

A comfortable silence falls between them, both not sure what to say. They stare lovingly in each other’s eyes but it couldn’t help the small sting of loneliness they felt of not being together physically.

 “We’ll find a way, I know we will,” Taeng said breaking the silence, his sad smile transforming into a hopeful one.

Tears brim on the edge of Tiffany’s eyes, she always admired how positive Taeng always was even at the times when it seemed difficult to smile. She knew his words were true and it made her heart ache more at how much she wished he was here with her.

 “I’m sorry I can’t find a way for us to meet sooner…” Tiffany said weakly, a lone tear falling down her cheek.

 Taeng’s face softens seeing his girlfriend look so sad, his heart aches more he wishes he could be there to kiss her and reassure her everything will be alright.

“Why are you sorry? You shouldn’t be. I know it’s not going to be easy to find the perfect day but I know it’ll happen because I want you in my arms more than anything. I love you Tiffany and I won’t give up until we find a way,” Taeng said sweetly, an apologetic smile on his face.

 Tiffany sniffles and wipes her tears away, feeling her stomach release butterflies and her heart flutter after hearing Taeng’s sweet words.

“I love you too Taeng,” She replied softly, “I promise to do what it takes.

 Taeng softly chuckles, “Me too.”

The time windless down until Tiffany has to leave for classes, they both bid each other a good night while vowing their love for each other, and hanging up. As Tiffany packs her things into her backpack, she picks her phone up and searches through her contact list. She starts to make her way out her apartment door while her phone which is now up to her ear, rings. In an instant, she hears a voice she’s been longing to hear.

“Daddy? Can you come by tonight?”



Taeng softly knocks on his best friend’s door, his phone clenched tight in his other hand. He hears footsteps from the other side growing louder and instantly, a smiling Yul was facing him.

 “Taeng, what’s up? Can’t study?” He joked as he gestured the latter to enter his room.

 Taeng doesn’t immediately respond as he softly takes a seat on Yul’s bed, leaving the dark-haired latter confused and concerned. Yul takes his computer chair and rolls it so that it was facing Taeng and takes a seat, tilting his head as he sees the blonde-haired boy appear lost in his thoughts.

“Earth to Taeng?” He said, waving his hand in front of the latter’s face.

 Taeng shakes his head and sighs, “Sorry. I was deep in my thoughts.”

 “Clearly,” Yul replied as he leans back against his chair, “What’s up?”

Taeng fidgets with his hand, his leg shaking vigorously as he processes what he wants to say to the latter.

He takes a deep breath and looks straight into Yul’s eyes, “How much are plane tickets from California to Korea?”

 Yul’s eyes widen hearing the question, he tries to think of an answer to his friend as he ponders the same thing.

“It depends on the day,” He first stated.

“Around Christmas,” Taeng answered quickly.

Yul scratches his chin and whistles, “Then that’s going to be pretty expensive. Everyone travels during Christmas so the prices skyrockets.”

“How much exactly?” Taeng asked again, wanting a more exact answer.

 Yul shrugs, “Let’s find out.”

He rolls himself in front of his laptop and types in prices of airline tickets. He scrolls down and whistles in shock.

“You’re looking at about ₩1,481,455.”

Taeng’s eyes widen at the expense of just one airline ticket, he couldn’t believe how expensive it was just to travel to another country.

 “Are you kidding me?” He said in disappointment, feeling dejected that his goal of meeting Tiffany was growing farther.

Yul nods, exiting out of the screen and swiveling the chair so that he was facing Taeng. He watches as Taeng sighs and looks down at his hands, opening and closing them slowly repeatedly.

Yul rolls his chair closer to the latter and clasps his hand on his shoulder, “I know you want to see her. Trust me, it’s been 3 years since I’ve seen Jessica. But you’ll see her soon.”

 “How do you manage to not see Jessica this long?”

Yul sighs and softly chuckles, “Because I love her so much that thinking of the day I’ll see her again makes it worth the wait. Its kind of like everything we do is our first time again. When we kiss it’s like our first kiss all over again, and that’s what makes this relationship worth it.”

Taeng couldn’t help but smile hearing the encouraging words of his friend. What Yul and Jessica had was inspiring to him and he knew that’s what he wanted with Tiffany. An eternally burning flame that will never go away despite how long they can’t be with each other. To him, all this heartache of not being able to hold her was hard but it was worth it and he’s sure Tiffany feels the same way too. For he knows that the day they will meet, will make all the waiting worth it.

Taeng shakes his head and stands up, “I’m going to go out for a little bit.”

 Yul tilts his head, “Where are you going to go?”

The blonde-haired boy shuffles his way to the door, Yul watches him in confusion but his eyes widen as Taeng turns around with a goofy smile on his face.

“I’m going to get a job so I can save money to buy Tiffany an airplane ticket to come here.”

 Yul’s eyes widen in shock hearing the sudden confidence and choice the latter has made. He was amazed at how hard Taeng was going to work for Tiffany.

A smile grew on the dark-haired boy’s face as he chuckles, “You are in love Taeng.”

He stands up and wraps his arm around Taeng’s neck. “Well, brothers are in it together. So if you’re getting a job I will too.”

Taeng’s smile grows wider as he and Yul eagerly walk out their apartment together with confidence surging through their bodies.

They search store after store, begging if they were hiring and even though most of them were shutting them down they didn’t give up. Eventually, they ended up in front of their favorite Korean restaurant. The two friends look at each other and smile, giving each other the encouragement they need before stepping into the restaurant with hope across their faces.



 After classes, Tiffany raced home to find a car already parked on their apartment driveway. She immediately parked her car and ran towards the parked vehicle to find an older man sleeping soundly against the seat. She chuckles and lightly taps on the window, waking up the man from his slumber. He groggily gazes at Tiffany and smiles before opening his car door. Not long after getting out he was tackled immediately into an embracing hug by the smaller latter.

 “Dad! I’ve missed you!” Tiffany exclaimed as she hugged the man tighter.

Mr. Hwang chuckles and hugs her just as tight, “I’ve missed you too Stephanie. How have you been?”

“I’ve been good! Come inside, Jessica is still in class so she’s not home yet,” Tiffany explained as she took her dad’s hand and led him to her apartment.

As they entered, they made their way to her living room and took a seat on the couches in front of the TV.

Mr. Hwang lets out a sigh of tiredness, “So what’s up? You seemed so excited to call me over.”

 Tiffany smiles as she faces her dad with extreme excitement.

“Dad… I want to tell you something,” She calmly started with the same smile on her face.

Mr. Hwang smiles and pats his daughter’s head, “You seem happy about it. What is it?”

 Tiffany takes a deep breath and looks straight into his eyes, “I am in love with the most amazing man dad. His name is Kim Taeng and we have been together for 8 months now.”

Mr. Hwang chuckles softly, “That’s why you told me to come here?”

“Shouldn’t you know about my love life?” She said jokingly.

“Yes so I can teach him a lesson,” Mr. Hwang fired back, sending the father and daughter into a fit of laughter.

 “I’m happy for you honey, by the look on your smile he seems like a good man,” Mr. Hwang said sincerely with a smile on his face.

“He is dad, he is,” Tiffany said dreamily.

 “So where is he? Can I meet him today?” Mr. Hwang asked with high hopes.

The dark-haired girl sighs, “That’s why I called you dad.”

She adjusts her body so that she was facing him and takes his hand in hers.

“He lives in Korea dad. We’ve been in a long-distance relationship.”

Mr. Hwang’s eyes slightly widen hearing the news from his daughter. He gazes at her and sees a puzzling look on her face and takes a deep breath.

“I’m still happy for you Stephanie, regardless of that, you love him and that’s all that matters,” He said reassuringly, squeezing his daughter’s hand.

 Tiffany smiles and plants a small kiss on her father’s cheek, relieved and touched at how supportive her father was for her. She then takes another breath and clears .

“Thank you, dad…But I want to know if you can help me,” She calmly started, nerves building up in her stomach.

“What is it hon?” He asked sincerely, squeezing her hand again to give her solid assurance.

“I… I want to visit him, dad. I want to go to Korea to see him and finally be with him for real,” She replied softly, “Is there any way for you to lend me some money so I can buy a ticket?”

Silence falls between the two, which made Tiffany’s nerves grow stronger. She was never the kind to ask for money from her dad, she always did her best to pay for herself especially now that she’s in college. It was especially hard for her dad because he was still paying off her mother’s funeral and other debts such as their house and car. With him being a single parent and raising three kids, it has been financially hard for him juggling his money and dispersing it evenly so he could still afford things for his children. He strived to be his best so he could make a solid living while ensuring happiness for his children. After more silence, Mr. Hwang sighs heavily which made Tiffany gulp as she expected his answer to come anytime.

“Steph… It’s hard you know. A plane ticket to Korea is so expensive and… I’m financially in the hole. With Leo and Michelle in college too, I’ve been doing everything I can to pay off everything while still being able to live at home with a car. My job gives me a decent pay but all of my payment is still going toward your mother’s funeral. I’m sorry…” He said weakly, knowing his answer disappointed Tiffany.

 Tears brim at the edge of her eyes as she heard his reply, she wasn’t mad at her father but she was truly disappointed. She couldn’t blame her father, he gave everything to her. Even though he was in a financial crisis he encouraged her to go to college and he ensured he would help her whenever she needed it. She loves her dad truly and she couldn’t bear asking him again for the sake that he’s done so much for her and her other siblings.

“I understand…” She replied softly, tears falling down her cheek.

Mr. Hwang sadly sighs and hugs her gently, “I’m truly sorry Stephanie.”

“Don’t be, it's okay… I’m so thankful for everything else you have done for me dad,” She replied sincerely, resting her head on her father’s chest.

After spending some time with her dad, he had to return home so he could prepare for work tomorrow. Tiffany crashes on her bed and begins to cry against her pillow. Her heart hurt knowing that the only plan she was hoping would work failed.

 “I’m so sorry Taeng…” She muffled as more tears fell.

She kept trying to think of more options but more obstacles got in the way. She was frustrating herself as tears poured down and it drained her energy. She slowly closes her eyes and tries to fall asleep, drifting away from this pained feeling in her heart.

She was hurt knowing that her dream of meeting Taeng was delaying further away.



 “Hello! Welcome! May I take your order?” Taeng said with a cheerful smile.

 “Taeng, order for table 7!”

He ran back and forth, sending orders and delivering food, sweat dripping down his face.

Though he was exhausted he excitedly did the jobs with hard work and dedication.

The job didn’t offer the highest paid job but he was determined on his set goal.

He was going to have Tiffany in his arms by Christmas.


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Ree93brianti #1
author where are u...update pleasee
aerolcaroline #2
Continue? 😭
Chapter 37: hellooooo~~~ when will u update this :( don't ignore this story pleaseeee
1120 streak #4
1120 streak #5
Chapter 37: Ow he really is in love and he will also secretly buy that necklace but don't overwork yourself like what you didn't back then
Chapter 37: Feels good author...
TaeNyBross #7
Chapter 36: It takes 7 years for us to be able to witnessing this scene.
I'm so proud of you authornim.
Chapter 36: Thanks for the update omg its feels good waiting for another update
taeny2403 #9
Chapter 35: O my god..the long awaited scene..thank you so much author..one of my fave taeny fics..
maemae08 #10
going to wait for this story