Day One

Love Through A Circle

My favorite type of writing… Fluff! I hope you guys don’t mind but the rest of the chapters until the end will consist of fluff! Minor drama here and there… A relationship can’t be perfect. Anyways, comment and subscribe! I really appreciate reading all your guys’ feedback.


“Taeng is creeping me out right now.”

 “Why baby?”

“He’s all… happy.”

Jessica chuckles, “Isn’t he always happy?”

“Nooo… Not that kind of happy… I mean, he’s all…hyper and giddy. It’s really weird!”

 On cue Taeng happily skips into the kitchen, his smile from ear to ear as he hums a happy tune not noticing Yul staring at him in silence. He opens the fridge as he continues humming the made up joyous tune and searches the contents of the fridge for something to eat.

“Do you think it’s because of Tiffany?”

As Jessica ended her sentence, Yul’s eyes widen and the sparks in his head finally clicked. He stares in struck at Taeng who was still searching the fridge happily.


 Immediately, a smile grows on Yul’s face as his expression brightens after realizing the reason behind his friend’s ecstatic behavior.

 “I’ll call you back baby. I think I know the reason.”

 “Okay honey. I love you.”

 “I love you too!”

 He hangs up the call between his girlfriend and him and sets his phone down on the counter. Taeng continues humming as he reaches for an apple and shuts the fridge with his open hand. Still oblivious to Yul’s presence, he happily skips over to the countersink and begins to wash the apple. Yul remains silent yet couldn’t stop the cheeky grin that grew on his face.


 The dorky boy jumps in surprise and looks to his side, his eyes widen seeing Yul gazing at him with a bright expression.

 “Geez Yul… How long have you been there?” Taeng asked as he turns off the sink.

Yul stands up from the stool and walks around the counter. “Long enough to see you do this.”

He copied Taeng’s previous actions by skipping happily to the fridge and humming his made-up tune. He then proceeds to skip towards Taeng with a dreamy look on his face.

 Taeng blushes, feeling embarrassed that his friend has been watching his antics the entire time. Yul bursts into laughter after achieving his task of embarrassing his best friend. He continues laughing as Taeng’s face grows an even deeper shade of red each time. Yul takes a deep breath to calm himself down from his bursts of laughter but his cheeky expression remains with his bright smile as he stares happily at the blushing boy. Taeng looks at Yul, his face still red, and his eyebrow.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

 The dark-haired boy playfully nudges his arm, “You know why.”

He tilts his head to the side, “I do?”

 “Come on Taeng… I wouldn’t be looking at you like this if you didn’t know why.”

 “I’m clueless…”

Yul sighs and punches his arm, “Tell me why you’re so happy?”

 Taeng’s cheeks finally cool down as he realizes what Yul was trying to get him to say. He takes a bite of his apple and leaves the question lingering in the air as Yul continues staring at him with expectant eyes. After teasing Yul with silence and the munching of his apple, Yul grows impatient and grabs the apple from Taeng’s hands.

 “Yah!” He exclaimed, trying to retrieve his apple back from the latter.

“Dude, why won’t you tell me the news?!” Yul asked, dodging Taeng’s hands from grabbing the apple.

“What news?!” He teased with a smirk on his face.

“About you and Tiffany?!”

“It seems like you already know…”

 “I already do!”

“Then why do I need to tell you!”

Yul sighs and places the apple on the counter, wondering if Taeng was really playing dumb or just teasing him. He turns and faces Taeng who was pouting like a child since he didn’t get his apple back.

 He shakes his head and crosses his arms, “I just want the reassurance man.”

 Taeng huffs out a breath, “But you were there when it happened…”

 “No, I wasn’t!”

 “You were the one to encourage me to do it!”

 “Yeah, and I want to know what happened!”

Taeng restlessly sighs seeing that the latter wasn’t going to give up on the endless amounts of interrogation. He finally decides to give in and tell his best friend the news that’s been making him smile since last night.

 “Fine… You want to know?” He finally asked, receiving an eager nod from the dark-haired boy.

 “Tiffany and I…” He dreamily smiles, “Are officially dating.”

 Yul’s eyes gleam with happiness after finally hearing the news he’s been dying to know. He pulls Taeng in his arms and tightly hugs him, jumping up and down from his happiness.

“I’m so happy for you man!” He said with Taeng in his arms.

The dorky boy pushes Yul from him, “Yah! I just got into a relationship and you’re acting like this?”

 Yul laughs, “Sorry sorry. I’m just excited. You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this.”

 Taeng his eyebrow up, “What do you mean?”

 Yul smiles, “I’ve always wanted you to be with Tiffany.”

“What? Really?”

“Yeah! I don’t know… Ever since I met her, I just knew she would be perfect for you.”

Taeng smiles, “She is perfect.”

Yul shoves his face with his hand, “Yah. Don’t get all mushy on me.”

 He chuckles and pushes his hand away, “Whatever man.”

 “I say, this calls for a celebration!”

“Ah really? What do you want to do?”

 Yul claps his hands together, “Let’s go out for dinner!”

Taeng happily nods, “Okay…” He smirks and hands Yul his car keys, “But you’re paying.”

 Yul’s jaw drops and he punches Taeng who was uncontrollably laughing.




Over in the states, Jessica was comfortably watching TV in her pajamas while eating a bowl of cereal. She flips through the channels until she finally finds a show she enjoys watching and eats her breakfast in happiness.

“I wonder why Taeng was so happy… Did Tiffany say something?” She asked herself in curiosity, scooping up a spoonful of cereal in .

On cue, Tiffany happily walks out from the hallway, humming a tune to herself as she dries her hair with a towel from her recent shower. Jessica an eyebrow and watches as Tiffany happily walks over to the kitchen and grabs a bowl from the shelf.

“She seems happy.” The blonde girl stated quietly as she continues watching the overly happy girl pour cereal and milk into her bowl while continuing her humming.

After some time Tiffany walks out of the kitchen and jumps back seeing Jessica staring at her from the couch.

 “Oh my gosh… Jessica, you scared me.” She said breathlessly, holding her right hand over her heart that was beating out of control.

Jessica scoffs, “I’ve been here ever since you stepped out.”

Tiffany’s eyes widen, “Really? How come I didn’t see you?”

The blonde girl rolls her eyes, “I don’t know… Maybe because you were busy acting all weird and happy.”  

Tiffany blushes; she shies her face away and takes a deep breath. “W-what do you mean?”

 Jessica laughs, “You came skipping out here humming a song with a goofy smile on your face. If this was a Disney movie, birds would be flying through the window and start humming along with you.”

The blushing girl blushes even more, “Yah…Shut up.”

 She finally moves from her spot and takes a seat next to the blonde latter who was trying her best to contain her laughter.

 “It’s just a good day okay?” Tiffany stated, trying her best to defend on her behalf.

“Oh, whatever.” Jessica smirks and leans closer to the latter, “Something happened yesterday huh?”

Tiffany blushes even more; she sets her bowl down on the coffee table and shoves Jessica’s face. “Leave me alone.”

Jessica gasps of delight seeing her best friend still blushing, “Something DID happen!” She sets her bowl down on the coffee table and faces Tiffany with eager eyes. “What happened?”

Tiffany rolls her eyes, “Why are you acting like this?”

 “It’s something about Taeng huh?”

 Her eyes widen and she bites her bottom lip, “H-hey…”

 Jessica’s eyes widen as well and she claps her hands together, “Oh my gah! It is about Taeng!”

Tiffany crosses her arms and sighs in defeat, “Yes…”

Jessica squeals of delight, “What about Taeng?”

“You seem more excited than me…”

“Aish… Just tell me already!”

Tiffany finally gives in and adjusts her body so that she was facing her already excited eager best friend. She takes a deep breath and looks straight into the blonde girl’s eyes.

“Taeng and I…are dating.”

Jessica squeals, her high pitch sound deafening Tiffany’s ears, she couldn’t contain how happy she was to hear the news as she pulls Tiffany in for a tight hug.

“Ah! Oh my gah, you have no idea how happy I am to hear that!”

Tiffany pushes Jessica away from her and looks at her with an annoyed look, “Aish. Calm down, you’re going to make me deaf and crush my bones.”

Jessica remains smiling and she hugs her friend again but gentler. “I’m sorry. I’m just so happy for you.”

Tiffany smiles, “Thank you.”

 Jessica sighs of happiness, “Are you happy?”

 The brunette happily nods, “I am. I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy.”

 “Awh! That’s good to hear! Taeng is perfect for you.”

 She dreamily sighs and nods again, “He’s perfect.”

Jessica chuckles, “Aish… You’re smiling like an idiot again.”

Tiffany chuckles along with her, “I can’t help it… Thinking of him makes me smile.”

Jessica just wanted to squeal again in delight seeing her best friend so happy and mushy but she refrained since she knew she would be damaging her friend’s eardrums.

 Instead, she sighs of happiness and leans back against the couch, “It’s going to be a good Wednesday.”

Tiffany nods and leans back against the chair, “Yes it is.”



 “Guh… Man, I’m so full.” Taeng groggily said as he entered their apartment.

 Yul sniffles pretending to cry, “You better be… You picked the most expensive meal!”

He laughs and wraps his arm around the latter’s neck, “Thank you for dinner Yul.”

 Yul sighs, “Yeah yeah. You’re welcome. Be glad I love you like a brother.”

 “I am. Don’t worry, once you and Jessica get married I’ll pay for your dinner.”

Yul blushes hearing the word “marriage,” he punches Taeng’s arm and shakes his head of embarrassment.

“Dork…” He muttered before walking to his room.

Taeng chuckles at the sight of a blushing Yul. He makes his way back to his room and decides to clean himself up before calling his special someone. He takes his shower and brushes his teeth, as he changes into home clothes, he walks into his room and sprawls out on the bed. He pulls out his phone and smiles as he calls the person he’s been dying to hear the voice of. After three rings, the person on the other line picks up.


His smile grows wider hearing the angelic voice through the phone, “Hey beautiful.”

 Tiffany bites her bottom lip, wanting to express how happy she was hearing the voice of her special someone. She excuses herself from Jessica’s room and makes her way back to hers.

 “Hi.” She replied happily, her stomach growing butterflies.

 “How is your day off going?”

 Tiffany sprawls herself on her bed, “Lazy.”

 Taeng chuckles, “You’re being lazy? Is Jessica rubbing off on you?”

Tiffany laughs as she fixes her position on her bed. “Maybe. I didn’t feel like doing anything today.”

“That’s understandable.”

“How about you? How was class?”

 “Good. I already finished all my homework for today!” Taeng dorkily said, earning a laugh from the latter.

“Good boy! That’s my smart boyfriend.”

Taeng felt his heart bursts of happiness hearing the brunette call him “boyfriend,” his smile grows wider as the fuzzy warm feeling overtakes his body.

 “Well if I have a smart girlfriend, I need to make sure I’m up to her standards.”

Tiffany bites her bottom lip to stop her smile from growing wider. She still couldn’t believe it. She was officially Kim Taeng’s girlfriend. Even though they just started dating yesterday, she loved how comfortable they were when they’re talking. She was enjoying the warm feeling that was flooding throughout her body.

“Even if you weren’t smart, you’d still fit my standards.” She replied happily.

“Really? So I can drop out of college then?” Taeng teased.

 “No! I didn’t mean it like that…” She said sulkily.

Taeng laughs imagining Tiffany sulking with her adorable pout.

“Aish I know I’m not going to drop out. I was just kidding.”

Tiffany sighs, “Don’t tease me like that.”

 Taeng laughs again, “I’m sorry. Forgive me?”

A smile instantly grows on Tiffany’s face, the images of Taeng pouting run through her head and she knew she couldn’t resist his adorable pout.

“Aigoo… Of course, I forgive you. I just don’t want you to ruin your future.”

Taeng smiles, “How can my future be ruined if it will have you in it?”

Tiffany blushes hearing Taeng’s sweet words echo into her ear. Her heart skips a beat and the butterflies in her stomach frantically fly around.

“I… Uhm…” She stammered.

She wanted to slap herself for acting so nervous whenever Taeng said sweet things to her. It was all still new to her that they were officially together.

Taeng laughs, “Aish… Sorry. I got caught up in the moment.”

Tiffany takes a deep breath and chuckles, “You’re so sweet.”

 His heart skips a beat, “A-ah… Thank you.”

The brunette laughs, “See? Who’s stuttering now?”

Taeng laughs along with her, “Dork.”

“That’s my word!”

“Says who?”


He chuckles, “Okay fine. It’s your word.”

Tiffany laughs, “Exactly!”

Hours pass by between the two and they only found more things to talk about. They both didn’t seem to mind that they were talking about random things; they enjoyed talking about anything to each other. Only laughter could be heard throughout the conversation and they only found themselves smiling whenever the latter would say cute or sweet things. They found out more about each other and they even shared stories of their childhood. They had been talking for so long that Taeng didn’t realize that it was already late in Korea.

“Whoa… I never realized how late it was.”

 “Oops… Sorry, I lost track of time…” Tiffany said sadly, feeling bad that she made her boyfriend stay up so late.

“Aish don’t be sorry. I’m happy I was able to talk to you for so long.” Taeng reassured with a smile on his face.

Tiffany sighs, “Are you sure? You’re going to be tired in class.”

“No, it’s okay. I’m happy I got to hear your angelic voice before I go to bed.”

Tiffany blushes again, adding on to the other many times she’s blushed during their conversation.

“I-I’ll talk to you later then?” Tiffany stammered, trying to control her fast-beating heart.

“I’ll text you when I’m done with classes.”

 “Okay, I’ll text you back when I’m finished with mine.”

Taeng sadly sighs, causing the girl on the line to question why the sudden change in his tone.

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t want to hang up…”

Tiffany chuckles at the words of the dorky boy, “Aish… You need to sleep.”

 “No, I want to talk to you…” He said cutely.

“There’s always next time right?”

 Taeng sighs in defeat, his eyelids were feeling heavy and they were about to give out any minute. “Yeah…”

Tiffany chuckles, “Be a good boy and go to sleep okay?”

“Okay, I will!” He replied dorkily.

“Good night my dorky boyfriend,” Tiffany said sweetly.

Taeng sighs in happiness, his heart melts from hearing the sweet words of his girlfriend and his smile grows wider.

 “Good night my perfect beautiful girlfriend!” He cooed dorkily.

 Tiffany blushes again but a smile grows on her face.

“Sweet dreams Taeng.”

“Of course, I’ll be dreaming of you.”

Tiffany sighs and holds her free hand over her heart.

Are you trying to kill me Taeng? She jokingly thought as her smile grows wider and the warm feeling grows lighter.

“Talk to you soon Taeng!”

“Okay, good night!”

With that, the two teens end the call and set their phones aside while staring up at the ceiling. Tiffany’s smile remains as she stares at the white ceiling above her. Her mind could only think of Taeng.

The dorky boy sighs contently as he lifts the blanket over his body. He stares at the ceiling and smiles thinking of Tiffany.

 “Ah, day one is complete.” He said to himself, a grin growing on his face.

 “I can’t wait for day 365.” He yawns and slowly closes his eyes for slumber.

“And hopefully by then…” He yawns groggily.

“I’ll have you in my arms.” 

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Ree93brianti #1
author where are u...update pleasee
aerolcaroline #2
Continue? 😭
Chapter 37: hellooooo~~~ when will u update this :( don't ignore this story pleaseeee
1132 streak #4
1132 streak #5
Chapter 37: Ow he really is in love and he will also secretly buy that necklace but don't overwork yourself like what you didn't back then
Chapter 37: Feels good author...
TaeNyBross #7
Chapter 36: It takes 7 years for us to be able to witnessing this scene.
I'm so proud of you authornim.
Chapter 36: Thanks for the update omg its feels good waiting for another update
taeny2403 #9
Chapter 35: O my god..the long awaited scene..thank you so much of my fave taeny fics..
maemae08 #10
going to wait for this story