
Love Through A Circle


“Okay, that just leaves calculus and English,” Taeng said to himself, sorting the bundle of papers that were scattered all over his desk.

 He had just finished his homework for his computer science class and he still had a list of assignments left to go. Taeng looks up from the white papers to check the time, he felt as if he had been working on his homework for hours. It was only 5 pm, however; he had only been working for 3 hours on his tedious assignments.

 “Taeng!” Yul yelled from down the hall.

 Taeng sighs; he places his papers down on the desk and heads out to Yul’s room. He leans against Yul’s doorframe, “What?”

 “Come say hi,” Yul said, his hand pointing to his laptop.

 Taeng sighs again, “I’m really busy Yul. I have a lot of homework.”

 Yul frowns, “Come on. Jessica and Tiffany want to see you; it’s been a while since we’ve talked to them.”

With everyone’s busy schedule, video chatting has become hard for the four. The big time difference was the majority of the problem; one of the two pairs always had to sacrifice their sleeping schedules for them to talk. Taeng especially, education has always been a priority for him. He never thought he would put aside homework to talk to someone across the world.

 Taeng groans, “I don’t know Yul…I have classes tomorrow.”

Though he wished he could talk to them, especially Tiffany, he couldn’t waste any more time.

Yul gazes back at the screen, “Tiffany, persuade Taeng to talk to you guys.”

 “Eh. Why me?” Taeng hears her gentle voice from the speakers of Yul’s laptop.

 “Because I know he’ll listen to you,” Yul replied with a warm smile.

 Taeng rolls his eyes; he heaves another restless sigh and remains leaning against Yul’s doorframe. He hears whispers from Yul’s speakers but he couldn’t decipher what they were saying. Yul grins, his eyes kept on the screen, clearly entertained by what’s going on the other side. Taeng tries to peer in what the girls were talking about; he was growing curious seeing the smile on his roommate’s face.

“Yah, what’s with that look on your face?” Taeng asked, his eyebrows high.

Yul chuckles, “Nothing. Anyways, Tiffany wants to say something.”

 He turns the laptop so Taeng could visibly see the two girls on the screen. Taeng’s eyes widen seeing Tiffany making a cute face on the screen.

“Taeeeennnggg, please come join us. We missed youuu,” Tiffany said cutely.

Heat rushes to Taeng’s face, he madly blushes and his heart skips a beat. Tiffany blushes as well; she looks at the blonde latter next to her who was laughing hysterically on the side.

 “I can’t believe you made me do that,” Tiffany said, she swats Jessica’s arm.

Jessica laughs harder, “Oh my gah. I can’t believe you actually did it! Look at Taeng’s face!!”

 Taeng grows an even deeper shade of red, his cheeks were hot and his heart was beating irregularly.

 Yul laughs, “Dude, you’re so red.”

Tiffany awkwardly chuckles, “A-ah. Sorry, Taeng…”

Taeng gulps, “N-no it’s fine T-Tiffany…That was…really cute.”

 Tiffany blushes again; she shies her face away to conceal her flustered face.

 “Well Taeng,” Jessica said with all seriousness, “Are you going to join our chat or what? You can’t say no after what Tiffany did right?”

Tiffany softly hits Jessica's arm, “Jessica…”

 Taeng heaves a sigh, his cheeks were cooling down and his face was returning to his normal color. He couldn’t deny that he enjoyed seeing Tiffany act cute for him. Taeng walks over to Yul’s bed and plops beside him.

 “I guess I’ll join you…But only because Tiffany looked cute when she asked,” Taeng confessed, a slight tint of red rising to his cheeks.

 Tiffany’s heart skips a beat, her eyes widen and she felt lost at words.

 Jessica nudges Tiffany’s arm, “Did you hear that? He said you looked cute, maybe you should act like that for him from now on.”

Tiffany punches the latter’s arm, “Shut up!”

 Taeng warmly smiles, his heart feels warm and he couldn’t help but keep his eyes on Tiffany. In truth, during the times they couldn’t video chat, Taeng had dearly missed seeing Tiffany. He kept yearning to see the beautiful girl on the screen and he always smiled whenever he thought of her.

“Nice to see you Taeng, it’s been a while,” Jessica stated, a grin on her face.

Taeng chuckles, “Yeah I’ll say. How have you girls’ been?”

“Good, I passed my unit exam in my business class,” Jessica answered proudly, her head raised cockily.

Yul laughs, “Impressive.”

 Taeng smiles, “How about you Tiffany?”

 Tiffany gazes at the boy, she stares straight into those onyx eyes she had missed seeing.

 “I’ve been good. I haven’t had any tests in a while so I’m not quite sure what to say,” Tiffany replied shyly.

She’s so cute.

Taeng smiles warmly, “Well at least you’re doing well. I’m glad to hear that.”

 Tiffany cutely nods, “Yeah…What about you?”

 Yul wraps his arm around Taeng’s neck, “Mister Taeng here just aced his computer science exam AND got the highest test score.”

 Taeng sheepishly smiles, “Aish…It’s not that big of a deal.”

 Jessica’s eyes widen, “What are you talking about?! That’s awesome! Good job Taeng!”

 Tiffany was also impressed, her eyes sparkled of admiration. “That’s great, I’m proud of you,” Tiffany said, beaming another smile.

 Taeng dorkily smiles, “Ah…Thanks.”

He’s so cute.

Yul grins, “Yup. Taeng’s a genius; he’s never gotten a B in any of his classes.”

 Tiffany’s mouth goes agape, “Really?”

Taeng grows red, “Stop embarrassing me Yul…”

 Yul ruffles Taeng’s hair, “What? I’m proud of my best friend! No shame in that!”

 Tiffany chuckles, “Wow…You’re really smart Taeng.”

Yul laughs, “He is. Taeng’s the smartest man I know.”

Taeng swats away Yul’s hand and fixes his hair, “Aish…”

 Tiffany tilts her head, “You should tutor me. I admire how smart you are.”

Taeng’s eyes widen, he felt his cheeks flush with red again.

 “Oh o-okay,” Taeng replied shyly.

 Yul punches his arm, “Look at that Taeng! I pretty much scored you a date with Tiffany!”

 Taeng pushes Yul off the bed, “Out of all words why did you pick date?!”

 “Guuhhhhh,” Yul groaned, slowly getting up from the floor.

“Taeng, that wasn’t very nice,” Jessica scolded, her arms crossed like a mother.

Taeng gazes at the screen, “Ah…Sorry…” He hangs his head and accepts the scolding from the blonde latter.

Yul gets up from the floor and lies back down on the bed next to Taeng.

“It’s okay Jessica…I deserved that,” Yul said, a grin on his face.

Tiffany couldn’t help but laugh, “I’m sorry Yul…But that was funny.”

Taeng laughs, “At least someone was on my side…”

 Tiffany beams a warm smile, “Of course. I would have done the same if Jessica said something like that.”

Jessica glares at her, “Yah!”

 Taeng chuckles, he gazes at the bottom of the screen and realized the time was growing late. He wished he could stay and continue chatting with them but he always told himself education comes first.

 “I should go do my homework,” Taeng stated.

 “Really?” Jessica complained, “Stay a little longer please?”

 Taeng rubs the back of his neck, “Sorry but I really should go do my homework…”

 He gazes at Tiffany who was frowning and had her arms crossed. He couldn’t help but smile adoring how cute she looked.

“Don’t worry…We can chat next time,” Taeng reassured, his eyes looking straight at Tiffany.

 Tiffany blushes, she bites her bottom lip, “O-okay.”

Taeng warmly smiles, “I’ll chat with you guys next time.” He waves at the webcam cutely, “Bye Jessica. Bye Tiffany.”

 Jessica waves, “Bye Taeng! Talk to you soon!”

Tiffany waves as well, “See you next time.”

 Taeng nods, “Yeah…I expect another cute entrance from you Tiffany.”

Tiffany grows redder before she had the chance to reply, Taeng rolls off the bed and his presence was no longer on the screen. Yul waves him off and the two hear Yul’s door open and close.

 Jessica leans against Tiffany, “Ahh! So cute.”

Yul chuckles, “You’re a little red Tiffany.”

Tiffany presses her hands against her cheeks, “Leave me alone!!”

 Yul smiles, “Can I ask you something, Tiffany?”

Tiffany nods, her hands still pressed on her face.

“What do you think of Taeng?” Yul asked, a curious smile on his face.

 Jessica smiles and gazes at Tiffany, curious as to what Tiffany is going to say.

Tiffany tilts her head, “He’s really cute. He’s also really nice, funny and smart.” Tiffany's eyes suddenly widen, “B-but I don’t like him! We’re becoming really good friends!”

 Yul shakes his head and chuckles softly, “I didn’t ask you if you liked him…I was just curious about what you thought of Taeng.”

Tiffany sighs, “Sorry…I just hope to become good friends with him.”

Yul nods, “I’m pretty sure you guys already have an established relationship.”

Tiffany smiles, “Can you tell me more about him?”

Yul tilts his head, “What do you want to know?”

Jessica slyly smiles at Tiffany and playfully punches her arm, “Are you trying to see if he’s your perfect guy?”

 Tiffany quickly punches Jessica’s arm, “No! I just want to know what he’s like!”

Yul laughs, “Geez Tiffany calm down.”

Tiffany heaves a sigh, “No I’m tired of hearing you guys’ tease us. I have a boyfriend and I only see Taeng as a friend.”

It felt weird for her to label Taeng as just a friend, it’s no doubt she was attracted to him. She knew for a fact that something was interesting about him but she didn’t want to deal with the complications behind it.

Jessica bites her bottom lip and remains quiet, she felt a little guilty for making her friend mad but at the same time, she couldn’t help it. She knew her roommate too well.

Yul sighs, “You have a boyfriend?”

 Tiffany nods, “I do.”

 Yul slowly nods, “Okay. Sorry about that.”

Tiffany blows out a breath, “It’s fine...”

Her mind starts to wander about Taeng and his relationships. She was curious if he was in a relationship or not, he seemed too into education to deal with having a girlfriend.

“Does Taeng have a girlfriend?” Tiffany asked curiously.

Yul lays his head against his pillow; he remains quiet and stares off to the side of the computer. Tiffany patiently waits for Yul to reply but at the same time, she just wished he would answer her already.

“What do you want to know about Taeng?” Yul finally said after some time, dodging the question.

Tiffany’s eyes widen, “Aren’t you going to answer my question?”

 Yul irritably sighs, “Why does it matter? You have a boyfriend right?”

 Tiffany was taken aback hearing the harsh tone in the latter’s reply. Jessica as well was taken aback; she stares compassionately at Yul but remains silent.

 “Y-you’re right,” Tiffany stuttered, afraid of what Yul was going to say next.

 Yul shakes his head and takes a deep breath, “Sorry…I’m probably just tired. Anyways, ask me anything about Taeng. I pretty much know everything about him.”

Tiffany bites her bottom lip, she could feel the awkward tension in the chat and she wasn’t sure if she should pursue asking about Taeng.

 “Uhm it’s okay…” Tiffany said softly, her gaze diverting to the keyboard.

 “No, really,” Yul argued, “Ask me anything.”

Tiffany fidgets with her fingers, “What does Taeng like to do for fun?”

 Yul tilts his head and chuckles, “Well if you count studying then that should be your answer…”

Jessica stifles out a laugh, she couldn’t help but applaud Yul’s witty joke.

Tiffany rolls her eyes, “Seriously.”

Yul chuckles again, “Sorry. Well, Taeng’s a big music fan. He likes to sing, dance and play instruments. He also likes to skateboard and pretty much just hang out with his friends.”

Tiffany smiles, “What kind of music does he like?”

 “Anything really. He’ll listen to anything.”

 “Can he sing well?”

Yul scoffs, “That shouldn’t even be a question! He’s an amazing singer!”

 Tiffany chuckles, “Sorry! I wouldn’t know.”

Yul beams a smile, “I’ll have him sing for you next time we chat.”

Tiffany blushes, “O-oh no, it’s okay. I’ll believe you.”

 Yul shakes his head, “No I’m serious. He has a great voice; I think you should hear it.”

Tiffany slowly nods, “Okay…”

 A smile forms on her lips, she found herself growing anxious and excited to hear Taeng’s voice.

“Ask me more,” Yul demanded, his gentle smile encouraging her. 

“What are his friends like?”

 Yul makes a puzzling face, “That’s an odd question.”

Tiffany shrugs, “You said to ask anything.”

 Yul shortly nods, “True. Well, I guess, other than me, they’re pretty cool. He hangs out with pretty much everybody. Everyone at university loves him.”

Tiffany smiles, “That’s good.”

She was about to ask another question but Yul cut her off short.

 “I’m done answering questions,” Yul said.

Tiffany’s eyes widen, “That was only two questions!”

Yul laughs, “I think you should ask him the questions. Not me.”

Tiffany pouts, “That’s not fair.”

Yul smiles, “It’s okay. I think it’d be better if you asked him.”

 Tiffany sighs, “Okay.”

“I’m heading off now; tell Jessica I said good night okay?” Yul said, his eyes fixated on the sleeping blonde.

Tiffany turns her head and notices Jessica passed out on the bed, she didn’t even realize her friend had left their chat.

“Oh geez, I didn’t even realize she left…” Tiffany confessed, feeling a bit guilty.

Yul chuckles, “Don’t worry about it. She’s probably tired. Anyways, good night Tiffany. Hope to chat with you again.”

 Tiffany nods and smiles, “Yeah you too. Good night.”

“Make sure to dream about Taeng okay!”

Tiffany flinches back, “Yah!”

 Before she had the opportunity to retort, Yul ends the call, the box that he was in disappears from the screen.

Tiffany takes a deep breath, “Idiot.”

She turns off Jessica’s laptop and quietly sneaks out of her room to leave her roommate in peace.

“Geez, I swear the day I go to Korea I’m going to kill Yul,” Tiffany muttered to herself as she went to the bathroom to do her night routines.

Once she was finished she heads to her room and lies down on her bed.

“You’re an interesting guy Taeng,” Tiffany said quietly.


What do you guys’ think of the story so far? It’s a slow start but that’s how relationships are right? It’s a slow process and it develops into something amazing. As the story progresses’, you’ll understand the title. I hope that you’ll stick with me; I promise you this story will development. Thanks, guys. 

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Ree93brianti #1
author where are u...update pleasee
aerolcaroline #2
Continue? 😭
Chapter 37: hellooooo~~~ when will u update this :( don't ignore this story pleaseeee
1131 streak #4
1131 streak #5
Chapter 37: Ow he really is in love and he will also secretly buy that necklace but don't overwork yourself like what you didn't back then
Chapter 37: Feels good author...
TaeNyBross #7
Chapter 36: It takes 7 years for us to be able to witnessing this scene.
I'm so proud of you authornim.
Chapter 36: Thanks for the update omg its feels good waiting for another update
taeny2403 #9
Chapter 35: O my god..the long awaited scene..thank you so much of my fave taeny fics..
maemae08 #10
going to wait for this story