
Love Through A Circle

“Excited to finally be home tomorrow?” Yul asked in excitement as he gave Taeng a slice of his cut apple.

“Heck yeah I am,” Taeng chirped, taking a bite of the fruit, “I can’t remember the last time I felt comfortable in a bed.”

Yul chuckled as he continued slicing the apples for the dorky latter. Today was the last day Taeng would have to stay in the hospital and he couldn’t be more than excited to discharge. He was grateful Yul visited him every day to keep him company and update him on studies. It made his time in the hospital pass by faster when he was studying or talking with Tiffany. Taeng sighs, adjusting himself to a more comfortable position on the bed and stares blanks at the wall. Yul pauses from his chore and gazes at Taeng.

“You okay?” He cautiously asked.

Taeng shifts his gaze to his best friend and smiles, “I’m fine. Just excited to head home.”

Yul chuckles and shakes his head, “It’s only been 3 days man. You’re that homesick?”

 “Not necessarily homesick,” He started lightly, “I just miss seeing you do stupid things.”


The two boys chuckle at their constant brotherly teasing. As they continue to chuckle, they hear a knock on the door.

“Come in!” Taeng shouted to the anonymous person on the other side.

The door slowly opens, Nurse Park enters the room holding a tray contained with food and more pills. She smiles at the two boys and strolls to the side of Taeng’s bed, placing the tray on the side-table and swiveling it in front of Taeng.

“Hello Mr. Kim, are you feeling well today?” She asked in a sweet voice. Yul tightens his lips to prevent himself from bursting in laughter watching as the young nurse flirtatiously gazes at Taeng.

The blonde-haired boy awkwardly smiles and nods.

 “I’m fine, thank you.”

“Well, here is your dinner and your medicine. Make sure to take all of the pills after you finish,” She boldly touches his arm and smiles.

 “Would you like me to feed you?” She whispered seductively, a sly smile forming on her face.

Before Taeng had a chance to answer, he hears a forced cough coming from the other side. He gazes over and sees Yul gently smiling at Nurse Park.

“I can take it from here Nurse,” The dark-haired boy stated.

He takes the utensils in his hands and bows to the nurse, “Thank you for delivering his food and medicine. I’ll be sure he finishes every last bite.”

Taeng’s eyes widen hearing the strong tone in the latter’s voice, he shifts his gaze back and forth awkwardly between his best friend and Nurse Park.

 Nurse Park clears and pretends to smooth out a wrinkle on her uniform.

“I appreciate that you have been dropping by every day Mr. Kwon to take care of your friend but it is MY job to take care of patient Kim,” She retaliated in a chilling voice.

 Yul wasn’t fazed by the tone of the young latter, he remains standing tall with the utensils held tight in his hands.

 “With all due respect Nurse Park, I’m just making your job easier for you. Besides, Taeng’s GIRLFRIEND is about to call him and I think he wants the privacy,” Yul retorted back chuckling sardonically.

 Nurse Park’s eyes widen as she felt no words coming out of . She takes a small step back and changes her gaze to Taeng who was looking at her with a childish smile.

“You… you have a girlfriend?” She breathlessly asked.

Taeng proudly nods, “Yup I do!”

Yul stifles his laugh at the appearance of the Nurse, the wind looked completely knocked out of her as she stood there with her lips pursed. He approaches the latter and swivels the nurse around so that she was facing the door. He gently pushes her towards the door and gently opens it.

 “Thank you for your time, please take care of your other patients,” Yul whispered into her ear before softly pushing her out of Taeng’s room and shutting the door.

The dark-haired boy takes a deep breath of relief and turns around to the blonde-haired boy. They look into each other’s eyes and immediately burst into laughter.

“Man, you are evil,” Taeng said through his laughs. Yul shakes his head and sits back down on his chair.

“You can thank me later,” He cockily said, throwing the silverware at the still laughing boy.

 “I owe you big time. I’ve been giving her hints that I’m taken but she didn’t seem to get it. Tiffany was always getting jealous,” Taeng stated, taking the utensils in his hand.

 “Well, you don’t have to worry about lover nurse anymore. Besides, you’re leaving tomorrow anyway, what more could she do?” Yul replied with a small smile.

“True, but it’s not like she would have been able to do anything anyway. I wouldn’t let her,” Taeng said as he scooped some rice in his mouth.

“Not tired of Tiffany?” Yul teased while chuckling.

Taeng’s eyes widen as he looks at Yul with his mouth full of mouth.

“No way! I don’t think I will ever grow tired of her, I’m too in love with her to think of other girls,” He said through his stuffed mouth.

Yul laughs and shrugs, “Just making sure.”


Time passes by and it was starting to grow late for Yul. He says his goodnight to Taeng before packing up his things and left to return home. Taeng was growing more excited that after tonight he would be discharged and would be able to return home with his best friend.

Without wasting any time, he takes his phone that was resting on the counter next to him and texts Tiffany asking if she was available to video call. Immediately, he receives a response and with no hesitation, he presses the video call button on Tiffany’s username. He patiently waits with a loving smile for his lover to load on the screen. It only took a couple of seconds for her face to appear on his screen and his smile grew wider seeing the girl he loves smiling back at him.

 “Good morning Tae,” She softly said.

“Good morning Miyoung-ah!”He dorkily replied.

“How are you feeling?”

“Better now that I’m talking to you.”

Tiffany blushes, “Ugh, 30 seconds into our call and you’re already making me blush?”

 Taeng chuckles, “It’s not my fault. You’re just so cute I can’t help it.”

“Is that what you say to the Nurse?” Tiffany lightly teased with a coy smile.

 “She wishes,” He joked back, “If anything, I was imagining you in the nurse’s outfit the entire time.”

Tiffany felt more heat rise to her cheeks, her heartbeat sped up intensely seeing the playful yet devilish smirk on her boyfriend’s face.

 “W-where did this bold Taeng come from?” She stammered, failing at trying to sound flirtatious.

 “It comes from your gorgeous self, I can’t help but act this way whenever I’m talking to you,” He smoothly replied, sending a wink.

 Tiffany fans herself to calm down from the high-rising emotions seeing her boyfriend act so bold and confident.

“Feeling hot?” He huskily said.

 Chills ran down her body, goosebumps formed on her arms. Tiffany couldn’t help but bite her lip, she enjoyed seeing this side of Taeng. She loves his dorky side but something was exhilarating about him whenever he’s flirtatious. It made his attractiveness skyrocket that Tiffany couldn’t contain her little fangirl heart.

“It’s your fault,” She flirtatiously replied.

Taeng chuckles, “Is it? Then I should fix it.”

“How can you do that, Patient Kim?” She played back, winking at him.

It was Taeng’s turn to be left speechless seeing the playful side of his girlfriend. He felt himself blush as his heart skipped multiple beats. He couldn’t help ogle at his girlfriend who looked incredibly gorgeous on his screen.

“Geez, you’ve gotten better at this flirting game,” Taeng breathlessly said, taking a deep breath to calm himself down.

Tiffany chuckles, “Well, what can I say? I learn from the best.”

He flashes a smile, “And who would that be?”

 “Hm, I can’t remember his name. But he is incredibly good looking and has a smile to die for with a personality to match,” Tiffany teased, twirling her hair in a more flirtatious manner.

Taeng lets out a dreamy sigh, “You’re seriously driving me crazy.”

 The dark-haired girl laughs and blows him a kiss, “Don’t worry my Tae Tae. I’ll drive you even crazier when we meet.”

 Taeng’s eyes widen and his expression immediately brightened. A cheeky grin forms on his face as he looks straight into Tiffany’s eyes.

 “I never would have thought that you thought of those things Fany-ah!” He excitedly expressed.

 Tiffany an eyebrow and tilts her head in confusion.

“Huh? What are you talking about?”

Her eyes then widen upon realizing what Taeng had understood her message to be. Her face immediately flushes red as her heartbeat began to speed up. She covers her face with her hands and shakes her head vigorously.

“Yah! You’re such a byuntae!” She yelled through her hands, still shaking her head back and forth.

Taeng’s grin disappears and is replaced with a confused expression. He tilts his head and raises his eyebrow.

 “Huh? Hey, wait what?! How am I a byuntae?!”

“Byuntae, byuntae, byuntae!”

 “I thought you were talking about going on adventurous dates like bungee jumping or zip-lining…” He mumbled.

Tiffany drops her hands and stares at Taeng with a wild expression.

“What?!” She exclaimed, her expression opposite the latter.

 “What were you thinking about?” Taeng curiously asked, dumbfounded to what his girlfriend was talking about.

“N-nothing! Forget about it!” She hastily replied, growing redder at her thoughts.

“But why would you call me byuntae… that doesn’t even make- OHHHH!” Taeng stopped midsentence as his slow thoughts finally caught up to him.

His blank expression then transformed back to his playful coy self as a smirk formed on lips. Tiffany gulps, she tries her best to hide the fact she was about to die of embarrassment.

“Looks like I’m not the only byuntae one in this relationship.”

 “No way! You’re the only one in this relationship.”

“Then you’re my byunfany.”

 “You .”

“I love you too Byunfany.”



Short and playful chapter. I’m not a ‘’ author so I thought I would disclaim this before you read my future chapters. I do like writing flirtatious writing because relationships are more fun when they both tease each other. Thanks again for reading guys! It feels great to step back into writing. Stay tuned.

- Musicisanelement

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Ree93brianti #1
author where are u...update pleasee
aerolcaroline #2
Continue? 😭
Chapter 37: hellooooo~~~ when will u update this :( don't ignore this story pleaseeee
1132 streak #4
1132 streak #5
Chapter 37: Ow he really is in love and he will also secretly buy that necklace but don't overwork yourself like what you didn't back then
Chapter 37: Feels good author...
TaeNyBross #7
Chapter 36: It takes 7 years for us to be able to witnessing this scene.
I'm so proud of you authornim.
Chapter 36: Thanks for the update omg its feels good waiting for another update
taeny2403 #9
Chapter 35: O my god..the long awaited scene..thank you so much of my fave taeny fics..
maemae08 #10
going to wait for this story