Dream Come True

Love Through A Circle

“Ahhh! It feels so good to be home!” Taeng exclaimed as the door to the apartment swings open revealing the familiar landscape.

Yul chuckles at the sight of his dorky friend, he carries the latter’s bag inside and sets it gently on the floor.

“Dude, it’s only been 3 days. You sound like you were off in the military or something,” The dark-haired boy joked with a smile.

Taeng swivels around and grins, “Sorry I’m just so happy to be back.”

The latter laughs and shakes his head, he closes the door and takes off his shoes.

 “Well, you should go take a rest,” Yul calmly said, “I know how uncomfortable those hospital beds are.”

 The dorky boy chuckles and nods, yawning as if on cue, “You’re right. I’m going to go lie down for a bit. Want to eat out for dinner tonight?”

Yul nods, “Sure. I’ll come swing by your room in about 2 hours.”

They both bid each other a small goodnight before parting ways to their respective rooms. Taeng opens the door to his room and lets out a sigh of happiness.

“Home sweet home,” He softly said out loud, setting his bag on the floor and walking towards his bed. He plops on the bed and exclaims a sigh of relief.

“So comfortable,” He whispered to himself, missing the soft pillow resting under his head. He stares at the ceiling above him and sighs again.

 He was positive he was tired but now that he was lying down on his bed, exhaustion disappeared instantly from his body. He chuckles to himself thinking he overexcited himself from being home that it made his tiredness fade away. Taeng sits up from his bed and reaches into his pocket to take out his phone. 5:03 PM was displayed across his cellphone screen, it was still an early day for him. Taeng was starting to contemplate if he should study since he will be returning to classes tomorrow.

 After some time he decided against it thinking Yul would scold him if he walked into his room to find him studying when he should be resting. He pulls up Tiffany’s contact information instead and hovers his finger over the “video-call” button.” It was 1 AM in America and he was afraid this his girlfriend was sleeping since she had classes the next day. He didn’t want to bother her but he was craving to hear her voice so much. He wasn’t able to call her when he was discharged from the hospital because he was too busy filling out paperwork and when he arrived in Yul’s car he passed out from exhaustion. He stares at the bright screen in front of him, a smile growing on his face seeing Tiffany’s picture on the screen.

“Maybe I shouldn’t… I don’t want to ruin her sleep,” He thought out loud to himself, his finger drifting away from the calling button.

Before he had the chance to put his phone away, it began to ring and vibrate. Taeng jerks back, surprised that someone was calling him and his attention was immediately brought back to the technology placed in his hand. His eyes widen seeing Tiffany’s name on the screen and he couldn’t believe it was her.

“Okay… That was creepy,” He said softly in shock as if fate was on his side.

Nonetheless, the smile re his face as he quickly accepted the call and patiently waited for the girl he had missed dearly to load on his screen.

“Tae Tae…” Taeng’s eyes widen seeing Tiffany half-dazed in her pajamas in bed. His heart skipped a beat hearing the croaky yet y sleepy voice of his girlfriend and his face instantly went red.

“Fany-ah, why are you awake? Are you okay?” He asked worriedly, thinking maybe his girlfriend had a bad dream.

Tiffany croaks a laugh, making Taeng’s heart skip a million more beats, she cutely nods her head and chuckles again.

 “No, I just wanted to make sure you arrived home safely. I knew today was the day you would get discharged from the hospital,” She explained in a soft tone.

Taeng sighs of happiness, feeling so loved by his girlfriend that he still finds himself shocked at how a girl like her could fall for a guy like him.

“You’re adorable Tiffany, thank you for calling me. I arrived home safely, it feels good to lie down on my bed. I’m sorry that I woke you up,” He softly replied with a gentle smile.

Tiffany shakes her head again, “Don’t be sorry, it’s not your fault. I wanted to call you, plus I miss you.”

“I miss you more Fany-ah, you should go back to sleep, you have class tomorrow and I can call you when you finish.”

“No it’s okay, I can always take a nap-”


 “Please…? At least for just another 30 minutes, I want to hear your voice,” Tiffany pleaded.

Taeng sighs because he knows he can’t say no to his girlfriend, no matter what, Tiffany always wins.

“Okay… But just 30 more minutes okay? You know I want to talk with you as much as I can but your health is important to me,” Taeng reassured, feeling his heart tingle as his girlfriend smiled with joy.

 “I should be saying that to you, I’m not the one who got sent to the hospital,” Tiffany teased, sticking her tongue out.

Taeng laughs, “You’re right but that’s why I’m more protective of you because I don’t want it to happen to you.”

Tiffany felt her heart skip a beat as butterflies grew in her stomach hearing Taeng’s sweet words.

“Thank you, Tae, but don’t worry, when we meet, I can take care of you so you never have to go back to the hospital.”

 Taeng lovingly smiles at the girl on his screen, “That day will come soon right?”

 Tiffany energetically smiles and lovingly smiles back, “Very soon. I’ve been saving money my dad gives to me so I can buy a ticket to visit you.”

Taeng’s eyes widen, “Really?”

“Yeah! My goal is to see you by Christmas,” The dark-haired girl replied with a gleam of confidence in her eyes.

The dorky boy’s eyes soften and a gentle smile spread on his face seeing the look of the girl he loves. As much as he wanted to tell her not to worry about the airfare tickets, he had to hold back since it had already been his plan to surprise her. He couldn’t help but feel more happy seeing that Tiffany was just as determined to see him as much as he wanted to see her.

“Then I wish you luck and I’m sure it will happen,” Taeng coolly replied with a smirk on his face.

Tiffany tilts her head in confusion seeing the look on the latter’s face.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

Taeng chuckles and shakes his head, “No reason. I just really love you.”

 Tiffany felt her breath hitch and heat rise to her cheeks hearing those words she loves to hear. Even though they say those three simple words to each other every day it still makes her emotions rise like crazy. Each day she falls deeper in love with him and every moment makes her more determined to see him by her goal date. She couldn’t believe what this boy on her screen was doing to her but she loves every second of it.

“I love you too Taeng, I can’t wait for the day I can be in your arms,” Tiffany shyly said, her cheeks tinted pink.

The blonde-haired boy warmly smiles and nods, “Me too. It will be the best day of my life.”

 “Can we go to the Han river?” She excitedly asked.

Taeng chuckles and stares deeply into the latter’s eyes with a gentle smile. “We can go anywhere you want Fany-ah.”

Tiffany laughs, “I want you to be my tour guide of Korea then since I have never been there.”

 “Of course! I’ll show you all the best spots in Korea, leave it to me your boyfriend Taeng!” He cheekily replied, giving Tiffany a big thumbs up.

The dark-haired girl laughs again at the sight of her dorky boyfriend.

“Why are you so cute?” She asked while sighing, staring lovingly at the boy on her screen.

“Me? Cute? If anything, you’re the cute one in this relationship,” Taeng coolly replied, sending a wink.

She chuckles and shakes her head, “I am in love with you Kim Taeng.”

 “And I’m so madly in love with you Hwang Tiffany,” He added on with a smile.

The time dwindles down and if it weren’t for Taeng encouraging Tiffany to sleep, she would have talked with him all night until morning.

“But I don’t want to sleep…” Tiffany reluctantly replied groggily.

Taeng couldn’t help but chuckle seeing his tired girlfriend do her best to keep her eyes open.

“Fany-ah, you can’t even keep your eyes open. You should sleep. I promise to call you when your classes finish.”

“I’m not that tired…” Tiffany lazily argued back, her eyes failing to stay fully open.

The dorky boy laughs and shakes his head, “Who’s the kid now?”

 “Still you.”

“Ehh… Okay, you’re right. But babe, you should sleep.”

Tiffany yawns and finally gives in to her boyfriend’s demand.

“Fine… But you promised to call me.”

“Just text me once you finish class and I’ll call you immediately,” Taeng reassured with a grin on his face.

“I love you Taeng,” Tiffany sweetly said, though her eyes were closed, her loving eye smile was apparent and it instantly melted Taeng’s heart.

 “I love you too Tiffany. Sleep well okay? Goodnight beautiful,” He cooed back, blowing her soft kiss even though he knew her eyes were closed.

“Thank you handsome, I’ll talk to you soon. Goodnight,” She softly replied, blowing him a soft kiss since she knew he had done it already for her.

She ends the call and places her phone on the nightstand that was next to her bed. She shifts into a more comfortable position and with a peaceful smile on her face and Taeng on her mind, she drifts into slumber.

Taeng sets his phone on his bed and sighs with a smile on his face. He was lost in his thoughts thinking about Tiffany, he was always feeling this way whenever they would talk. Now that he was out of the hospital he was more than determined to work harder to get the money he needs for Tiffany’s plane ticket. He only needed a little more until he was at the amount he needed and he wasn’t going to let one incident stop him from having the love of his life in his arms.

As he sat there in his thoughts, Yul slowly opens the door to his room. He chuckles softly seeing his best friend so lost in his world explaining why he didn’t hear his knocks. Taeng snaps out of his thoughts and turns his attention to the noise he heard and he smiles seeing Yul leaning on his doorframe.

“Hey, you okay?” Yul asked with a small smile on his face.

 Taeng nods, “I’m okay, just lost in my thoughts.”

 “About Tiffany?” He teased.

Taeng shyly nods and looks away, causing the dark-haired latter to laugh.

“Anyways, are you able to eat? I’m starving.”

 The dorky boy directs his attention back to his best friend and eagerly nods.

“I’m okay, I’ve been dying to get an actual meal in me.”

“Well, how about we visit umma? I’m sure she would love to see that you’re out of the hospital, she was worried sick over you.”

“Oh, that’s right…” Taeng sadly replied, feeling guilty that he caused this burden on the woman who had taken care of him over the years.

Yul walks over and pats his back softly, “Hey don’t be like that. Mothers are always like that you know? I’m sure she’s been waiting to see you walk through those doors.”

 A small smile grows on the blonde-haired boy’s face, he always felt at ease and comfortable whenever Yul would soothe him. He nods in agreement and both the friends prepare to leave the house for the restaurant. They decide to walk since it was very close to their apartment and Taeng wanted some fresh air since he was isolated in a room for too long.

The winter weather was pushing through the night as fog would escape their mouths and nose every time they breathe. It hadn’t snowed yet but both the boys felt that time will soon come. As they approach the restaurant, Taeng felt nervous yet excited to see umma. He wasn’t sure why but he was afraid of what her reaction might be when he walked through the doors. In a matter of seconds, he was standing in front of the door of the restaurant. He could hear people chatting loudly and umma yelling to chefs to prepare the next customer’s meal. He took a deep breath and placed his hand on the doorknob, growing hesitant to turn it. He wanted to back out but instantly he felt a hand on his shoulder and a warm presence by his side. He turns his head to see a smiling Yul looking at him with encouragement and reassurance that everything will be okay. Seeing the look on his best friend’s face made him grow more confident. Taeng smiles back at the latter and his grip on the doorknob tightened as he felt his hand twist the knob and open the door.

 Instantly he was met with the elderly woman who was checking to see the customers at the door. The woman’s eyes widen seeing Taeng in front of her and instantly she pulls him into her arms.

“Taeng!” She yelled with excitement as she hugged the boy tighter.

 Taeng quickly wraps his arms around the gentle smaller woman and hugs her back.

“Umma…” He croaked, feeling his emotions get the best of him.

 “I’m so happy you’re okay… I was so worried about you…” The woman croaked.

Taeng smiles and nods, “Thank you for taking care of me, umma. I’m sorry that I worried you and caused this burden for you.”

The woman pulls back from the hug, she stares at Taeng with motherly eyes and vigorously shakes her head.

“How could you say that? You’re never a burden to me…” She reassured with a smile that only a mother could show placed on her face.

Taeng’s smile grew wider as he hugged the elderly woman again.

 “Thank you umma.”

She hugs him even tighter and nods. She immediately clasps her hands together and chuckles.

“You boys must be hungry,” She takes Yul and Taeng’s hands in hers, “Come and eat. The meal is on me.”

Yul gasps and shakes his head, “No no no umma. We can’t let you do that….”

 She waves her other hand, “But I will. I shouldn’t let my two sons pay for their mother’s cooking. What kind of mother would I be?”

Before she let the two boys retort, she pulled them into a table and immediately served them food. One plate after another she fed the boys with as much food as she could give them. Taeng and Yul were overwhelmed with how much food was placed on their table but they were grateful that the woman was so kind to them. They forced themselves to finish every last bite of each dish and they had to refuse multiple times whenever umma would offer them another bowl of rice. By the end of the night, they were stuffed.

“I’m so full…” Yul expressed, leaning back against the booth to rub his full stomach.

 “Guh… Me too,” Taeng similarly said.

The elderly woman returned with hot teas on her tray for the boys, “Drink up. It’s getting cold outside.”

The two boys thank her again as they take the warm cup in their grasp and drink the warm yet relaxing tea. The woman smiles as she takes a seat next to Yul to rest. She places her hand on top of Yul’s and squeezes it as a mother would.

“How was the food?” She placidly asked.

“Delicious as always. Thank you so much for all the food!” Both the boys replied childishly.

The old woman laughs, “I’m glad. I made sure to cook you all of your favorites.”

“Everything you make is my favorite umma,” Taeng sweetly replied with a cheeky smile on his face.

“Oh you’re too kind,” She replied while chuckling.

 “I’m sorry I haven’t been here to help around but starting tomorrow I’ll be able to return to my working schedule!” Taeng cheerfully said.

Yul’s eyes widen hearing the words from the latter, he gazes at his best friend with a shocked expression. He couldn’t believe that Taeng was willing to work after just being released from the hospital, he feared this was going to happen but he thought Taeng would listen to his advice and stay home to rest. The professors were kind enough to let him be lenient on his homework and studies but once final exams came around, there would be no remorse. Taeng still had to catch up on his studies and thinking that he was still wanting to work made him more worried that the incident would happen again.

 “Taeng… There’s no need to rush. You should stay home and rest, I can handle the restaurant myself,” The woman reassured, placing her other hand on top of Taeng’s.

 The dorky haired boy shakes his head, “But I’m fine umma, really I am. Plus, I really need the money so there is no time to rest.”

The woman tilts her head, “Is everything okay? Are you in financial trouble? I can help you if you are having a difficult time.”

 Yul tightens his lip but remains silent, he didn’t want to argue against Taeng in front of umma but he couldn’t believe the conversation he was hearing. He continues to stare at the dorky boy who was oblivious to his fiery eyes.

“No not at all umma… It’s just that…” Taeng rubs the back of his head shyly and chuckles, “I want to buy my girlfriend an airplane ticket so she can come here.”

The woman’s eyes widen but a gentle smile grows on her face. She squeezes the top of Taeng’s hand and chuckles brightly.

“I see… Where is she?”


“My, that must be expensive.”

 “It is but that’s why I’m willing to start tomorrow umma. I’m so close to my goal that I can’t stop now,” Taeng said with determination in his eyes.

Umma remains silent for some time, her hand squeezing Taeng’s ever so often. She looks up to the dorky boy and sends the warmest smile the blonde-haired boy had ever seen on her face.

“In that case, if you can start tomorrow then you can. I wish you luck in meeting your girlfriend.”

Taeng’s eyes widen hearing the reply of the woman and a wide smile spreads across his face. He energetically nods with a gleam in his eyes.

“Thank you so much umma, I’ll be in after classes tomorrow!”

 Umma nods and tilts her head while smiling, “No need to thank me.”

 She stands up from the chair and bows to both the boys, “Thank you for coming in today. I should tend to other customers. Please stop by soon okay?”

Yul slowly nods and forces a smile, “Thank you umma. Please take care.”

 She leaves the two boys and makes her way to the back where the kitchen was. Taeng takes the last few sips of his tea and slams it on the table.

“Let’s head home?” He eagerly said to the dark-haired boy.

Yul snaps out of his thoughts and gazes at the energetic boy that was practically jumping up and down in his chair. He nods without saying a word and takes his things. He follows Taeng out the door and watches as Taeng childishly runs through the night with a bright smile on his face.

“Isn’t tonight so beautiful?” Taeng softly asked Yul, marveling at how the stars looked in the sky.

He turns around and sees Yul staring at him with a blank expression. He tilts his head in confusion and walks closer to him.

 “You okay Yul?” He asked, waving a hand in front of Yul’s face.

“Taeng, are you seriously going to start working tomorrow?” Yul hastily asked with a dark expression on his face.

Taeng’s body stiffens hearing the tone from the latter as his happy jolly mood slowly exits out of his body.

“Yeah… I have to Yul,” He softly replied, fixating his gaze to the road while shoving his hands in his pockets.

“But Taeng… You just got out of the hospital,” The dark-haired boy started, “I… I don’t want you to end up there again.”

“I won’t Yul…”

“How do you know?”

“I have to do this Yul,” Taeng firmly stated, backing his gaze back up to Yul.

“I know you want to see Tiffany… Really. I do Taeng,” Yul reassured, “But… You could have hurt yourself. If it happens again what would happen?”

“I’ll be fine Yul…” Taeng murmured again, “I have to see her… If I don’t get the chance to see her… Then all of this was for nothing.”

Yul remained silent, his gaze shifts to the road and he shoves his hands in his pocket. Taeng worriedly stares at him, afraid that he had upset his friend and ruined their friendship but he was afraid to say something else. After what felt like an eternity of silence, he hears the dark-haired boy clear his throat. He looks deeply into his best friend’s eyes but couldn’t decipher what expression he was trying to portray.

“Let’s go,” Yul stated monotonously, walking pass Taeng onto the road home.

Taeng looks back to see Yul growing more distant from him, he wanted to say something but he wasn’t sure what words to say. He sighs in disappointment and jogs to catch up to his best friend. They stayed silent the rest of the way home, Taeng’s thoughts growing worried as he wondered what was going on in Yul’s mind. They arrived home and Yul opens the door to the apartment. When they both enter the house, Yul looks at Taeng with concerned eyes.

 “Follow me to my room,” Yul ordered, swiveling around to not give Taeng any time to ask questions.

Taeng nervously followed the dark-haired boy into his room and awkwardly stood by the bed. He watches as Yul stares at him for some time before going to his closet and slowly open it. He carefully watches each movement the latter does as his heart started to beat faster.

Yul crouches down and searches through the contents in his closet until he finds the box he had been searching for. He pulls it out of its place and takes it in his grasp. He stands up and turns around to face Taeng with the item in his face. Taeng gulps as Yul slowly walks toward him with the mysterious box, he wasn’t sure what exactly was happening but he confused and scared.

“Yul what are you doing?” Taeng finally mustered to say, his throat feeling dry.

Without answering quickly, Yul extends his arms out, motioning Taeng to take the box. Confused and puzzled, he slowly takes the box in his hands and stares at Yul with concerned eyes. It surprised him when he saw a small smile grow on the latter’s face and the dark expression was immediately replaced with a bright one.

“Open it,” Yul softly ordered, nudging his eyes to the box.

Taeng, still confused, sets the box on Yul’s bed and gently pries off the lid. His eyes widen seeing bills of money scattered all over the box. He shifts his gaze to the dark-haired boy who was staring at him with cheerful eyes.

“W-what is this..?” He stammered, still unable to cope with what was happening.

Yul chuckles, “What do you think it is? It’s money Taeng… With the money you made and this it’s enough for you to buy Tiffany’s plane ticket.”

Taeng shakes his head and steps back, “Where did you get all of this money from?”

 Yul’s lips tighten hearing the question but his smile remains, “It… It was for Jessica. I’ve been saving that money to buy her a plane ticket since I’ve arrived here.”

Taeng’s eyes widen and he immediately shakes his head again, “Yul… I… I can’t take this. You’ve worked so hard to make this much…”

Yul shakes his head this time and walks closer to Taeng, “But I want you to take this Taeng. I’ve seen you work so hard for this… It shows me that you really love Tiffany. You deserve to see her Taeng.”

“But… You haven’t seen Jessica in nearly 3 years…”

“And I can wait 3 more years to see her,” Yul retorted back while smiling, “But you… You need to see your dream girl. I’ve never seen you this happy and… I want to see that smile on your face when you can finally have Tiffany in your arms.”

He chuckles as he looks into Taeng’s eyes and smiles.

“That would make me almost as happy as seeing Jessica.”

 He takes the box in his hands again and places back in Taeng’s grasps.

 “Brothers are meant to help each other out and you’ve helped me so much before that I don’t even think this is enough to show how thankful I am to have a friend like you,” Yul stated softly, releasing the box from his hands and sending a reassuring smile.

 Taeng felt tears brim at the edge of eyes, he couldn’t believe what Yul was doing for him. He felt his breath hitch as he places the box back on the bed and hugs Yul as tight as he could.

 “I’ve never had a friend like you Yul… And I’m glad you’re the only one I have. We’ve been through a lot and I don’t think my words are enough to express how lucky I am to have a brother and best friend like you,” Taeng said through his tears.

“Yul… thank you so much. I can’t think of how to repay you…” Taeng gently said against Yul’s shoulder as tears fell down his cheek.

Yul felt tears gloss over his eyes as he hugs Taeng back affectionately like a brother. He felt his heart sink knowing his meeting with Jessica would be delayed but he knew that Jessica would understand. Seeing Taeng react this way made him sure that this was worth waiting more.

“You don’t have to, just make sure that Tiffany has the best time of her life here in Korea,” Yul murmured, patting the crying dorky boy on the back.

As the two brothers release from their hug, Taeng let out a grateful smile towards Yul. Yul sends him a reassuring smile, giving him a thumbs up that everything went according to his plan. Taeng chuckles as he shifts his gaze to the box that was resting on Yul’s bed and his smile grew wider just thinking about it.

His dream of having Tiffany in his arms will finally come true.

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Ree93brianti #1
author where are u...update pleasee
aerolcaroline #2
Continue? 😭
Chapter 37: hellooooo~~~ when will u update this :( don't ignore this story pleaseeee
1132 streak #4
1132 streak #5
Chapter 37: Ow he really is in love and he will also secretly buy that necklace but don't overwork yourself like what you didn't back then
Chapter 37: Feels good author...
TaeNyBross #7
Chapter 36: It takes 7 years for us to be able to witnessing this scene.
I'm so proud of you authornim.
Chapter 36: Thanks for the update omg its feels good waiting for another update
taeny2403 #9
Chapter 35: O my god..the long awaited scene..thank you so much author..one of my fave taeny fics..
maemae08 #10
going to wait for this story