
Love Through A Circle


Tiffany was in the kitchen preparing breakfast for her and Jessica. Her roommate was still passed out and she had grown hungry so she thought she might as well cook for both of them. Tiffany cracks the eggs into the pan, a faint sizzle sound is produced and she quickly lowers the heat.


 Tiffany pivots around; she chuckles seeing Jessica half-awake from her slumber.

“Good morning Jessica,” Tiffany said as she turns around to resume cooking.

 Jessica yawns; she drags herself to the table and sits with her eyes still closed. Tiffany chuckles at the sight of her roommate; she places her plate in front of the groggy latter and takes her plate to her own.

Jessica gazes down at the plate, “You made breakfast?”

 Tiffany nods, “I thought I might as well.”

Jessica lazily smiles, “Thank youuuuu.”

 Tiffany chuckles, “You’re welcome.”

 They dig into their meals into a comfortable silence. Jessica slowly scoops up some egg into .

“You want to video chat with Yul and Taeng again today?” Jessica asked, emphasizing Taeng’s name.

Tiffany rolls her eyes, “Yah! Why did you say his name like that?”

Jessica chuckles, “It’s just fun teasing you.”

Tiffany shakes her head, “Psh. Whatever. And if you want to, but I think Jay wants to hang out today after his classes are over.”

 Jessica heavily sighs, but before she had the chance to complain, Tiffany silences her.

 “I know you don’t like him, Jessica,” Tiffany firmly stated, “But he’s my boyfriend and I like being with him.”

Jessica rolls her eyes, “Uh-huh okay. I’m still convinced that he’s a player.”

 Tiffany takes a deep breath, “He’s not a player.”

“Okay, he’s a flirt.”

“He’s neither of those things,” Tiffany snapped.

 Jessica shakes her head, “Okay okay. Sorry.”

Tiffany sighs, “Thank you.”

 She stands up from her seat, taking her and Jessica’s plates; she walks over to the sink and begins to wash the dishes.

Jessica stands up from her seat and stretches, “Thank you for breakfast.”

 Tiffany shortly nods, “You’re welcome.”

 “Well, when you do return from hanging out with Jay do you want to video chat with them?” Jessica asked as she gazes at Tiffany.

Tiffany wipes her hands on the dishtowel and softly smiles, “Sure.”

Jessica beams a grin, “Okay. Have fun with Jay.”

 Tiffany slowly nods, “Thanks.”

 For some odd reason, she couldn’t help but find herself smiling knowing she will be having the opportunity to talk to Taeng again.


 “Yul wake up, we have to get to class,” Taeng said groggily as he heavily pounds on Yul’s door.

“Mmmm…” Yul replied weakly, not lifting his head from his pillow.

 Taeng sighs; he walks over to the bathroom and does his morning routines. After his shower, he heads back to his room and changes into his outgoing clothes. He heads out and notices Yul’s door was still closed. Taeng approaches it and starts knocking again.

“Yul, wake up!” Taeng yelled through the wooden door, pounding his fist against it.

Yul sighs; he reluctantly gets up from the bed and opens the door.

 “Okay, I’m up,” Yul said crankily, walking past Taeng to the bathroom.

Taeng chuckles, he heads over to the kitchen to grab a quick breakfast as he waits for Yul. After a couple of minutes, Yul enters the kitchen and heads straight to the fridge to prepare his breakfast.

“You only have 3 classes today right?” Taeng asked. He watches as Yul sets a bowl down on the table.

Yul nods, “2 for you right?”

 “Yeah,” Taeng replied, crossing his arms on the table.

Yul’s phone beeps, he quickly takes it out of his pocket and intently stares at the small screen. A small smile forms on his face as he types away and then returns the phone into his pocket.

Taeng his head, “Who was that?”

 Yul chuckles, “Jessica. She asked if we wanted to video chat again.”

 Taeng suddenly grew interested; he felt his heart jump along with his stomach.

“Oh really? That’s cool,” Taeng said overly excited.

 Yul crosses his eyebrows, “Yah, why do you sound so excited?”

Taeng flinches in surprise and quickly clears his throat, “I’m not excited.”

 Yul narrows his eyes and smirks, “Yeah you were. Why? You want to see Tiffany?”

 Taeng punches the latter’s arm, “Yah! Can you stop teasing me about Tiffany? I don’t like her!”

 Yul raises his eyebrow, “Whatever man.”

 Taeng sighs, “Anyways…how are you and Jessica able to text? She’s all the way in California; doesn’t that cost a lot of money?” Taeng asked, quickly changing the subject.

Yul pulls out his phone, “We both downloaded this app called “Let’s Talk Free.” It’s an app that offers free text and calls from anywhere around the world.”

Taeng’s eyes widen, “What? Seriously?”

Yul nods, “Yeah it’s free too. It’s cool; it’s no different than regular texting.”

 Taeng nods, clearly impressed by the application, “Do you have to get a separate number?”

Yul shakes his head, “Nope. You just create a username and boom…Ready to use.”

 Taeng smiles, “That’s cool…I might download that.”

 Yul smirks, “Why? You want to text Tiffany?”

Taeng’s smile washes off, he punches the latter’s arm and frowns.

 “Yah! Will you stop?” Taeng said in frustration, not taking the latter’s teasing lightly.

 Yul laughs and pats Taeng’s arm, “Man lighten up…I don’t know why you’re getting so defensive.”

 Taeng quickly calms down and sighs; he didn’t understand why he always got so defensive whenever Yul about Tiffany.

 “You’re right…Sorry,” Taeng said sincerely.

Yul chuckles, “It’s cool.”

 He stands up and gazes at Taeng, “You just don’t want to admit that you’ve completely fallen for Tiffany.”

 Taeng’s eyes widen, he quickly stands up but before he had the chance to do anything, Yul had taken out through the door.

 Taeng sighs and shakes his head, “Babo…”


Tiffany had just returned home after hanging out with her boyfriend, Jay. She hears the sound of the TV being produced down the hall; she makes her way over and sees Jessica boringly watch TV.

Tiffany chuckles, “Hey I’m back.”

Jessica gazes at her, a blank look on her face, “Hey.”

 Tiffany takes a seat next to the blonde latter and looks at the screen, “What have you been doing all day?”

Jessica looks back at the screen and gestures her arms towards it, “This.”

Tiffany laughs, “Really? Geez, you’re so lazy. You didn’t even change out of your pajamas.”

Jessica groans, “You know if we don’t have classes I literally just stay home and do absolutely nothing.”

Tiffany chuckles, “I know.”

“How was your day with Jay?”

 Tiffany shrugs, “It was alright.”

“He was hitting on other girls huh?” Jessica inquired, a serious look on her face.

Tiffany swats her arm, “Yah. No.”

 “Yeah right,” Jessica retorted, surfing through the channels.

 Tiffany sighs, “Can we not argue about this again?”

 Jessica jerks her head, ending the conversation that was going in between the two and resumes watching TV. Jessica’s phone vibrates on the couch; she looks down and quickly picks it up to read the text message. She smiles as she stands up from the couch with the remote in her other hand.

 “Are you going to watch?” Jessica asked Tiffany.

 Tiffany looks up at the blonde latter, “What are you going to do?”

 “I’m going to video chat with Yul and Taeng.”

Tiffany’s eyes widen, she bites her bottom lip and quickly stands up.

 “I’ll join you,” Tiffany replied, trying her best to sound nonchalant.

 Jessica looks at Tiffany weirdly but shrugs it off; she turns off the TV and goes to her room with Tiffany following behind. Tiffany sits in her usual spot as she waits for Jessica to turn on her laptop.

She didn’t know why…but she was excited to see Taeng’s face on the computer screen.


“Come on Taeng,” Yul said as he stood at the doorframe of his roommate’s room.

Taeng diverts his attention away from his book and gazes at the latter, “To?”

 Yul shakes his head and sighs, “My room. I figured you would want to join the video chat with Jessica and Tiffany.”

 Taeng swivels around in his chair, “Oh yeah.”

 Yul smirks, “Don’t try and act all cool. I know you want to see Tiffany.”

Taeng groans, “Seriously?”

Yul laughs; he walks over to Taeng and pulls him up.

 “Man, you know I just love teasing you,” He said, wrapping his arm around his neck.

Taeng sighs, “Yeah…I guess.”

Yul drags him to his room; he takes out his laptop and sets it on his bed. Taeng and Yul take their usual spots on the bed; they wait for Yul’s laptop to fully upload. Yul logs on and notices Jessica already online, he quickly invites her and the two wait for her to accept.


“Oh, Yul’s on,” Jessica said, clicking the accept button.

Tiffany quickly fixes her hair; she intently stares at the screen and anxiously waits for Yul and Taeng’s screen to load.

Jessica gazes at her, “Yah, why do you always fix your hair?”

Tiffany flinches, “Huh? What do you mean?”

Jessica smirks, “Are you trying to impress Taeng?”

Tiffany blushes, she swats the latter’s arm, “W-what? No!”

Jessica pokes her arm, “Aigoo, look at you. You’re so red. Someone is trying to impress Kim Taeng.”

Tiffany quickly shakes her head and covers her cheeks with her hands, “Shut up!”

“Admit it, you think Taeng’s-”

 “Think I’m what?”

 Jessica’s eyes widen hearing a male voice, the two turn their heads to the computer screen and notice Yul and Taeng staring at them curiously. Tiffany’s eyes widen as well and she grows an even deeper shade of red.

 Jessica clears , “Oh! Taeng! Yul! I didn’t notice your screen loaded already.”

 Tiffany looks down, concealing how embarrassed and flustered she was.

 Taeng his head, “What were you guy’s talking about?”

Jessica flinches, “Er…What do you mean?”

Taeng sticks his tongue out, “You said my name.”

Jessica looks around the room, “Uhhh. Nothing in particular. I was just about to ask Tiffany if she thinks you were going to join our video chat,” She looks at Tiffany, “Right?”

 Tiffany shyly looks up, she sees the cute smile on Taeng’s face and immediately she felt her heart race. Jessica nudges Tiffany, motioning her to answer the question.

Tiffany quickly nods, “Yeah.”

 Taeng slowly nods, “Oh okay.”

 Yul lies his head down on the pillow, “How was your’ guys’ day off?”

 Jessica leans back against her chair, “Good.”

“I take it that you did nothing all day then?”

Jessica smiles, “This is why you’re my best friend Yul.”

Yul laughs, “Of course.”

 Taeng chuckles, he gazes at Tiffany who looked a bit down and out of the weather.

“Are you okay Tiffany?” Taeng asked, cutely tilting his head.

 Tiffany snaps out of her daze and looks at the screen, noticing Taeng looking directly at her.

“Yeah, I’m fine…I guess I’m just tired,” Tiffany replied softly.

“Why don’t you sleep? You might get sick,” Taeng said caringly, worried about the latter’s health.

 Tiffany felt her heart grow warm hearing the concerned tone in his voice, she found it sweet how caring he was.

 “No I’ll be okay but thanks for your concern,” Tiffany said, she smiles at him, revealing her beautiful eye smile.

Taeng’s eyes widen seeing the crescent shapes her eyes make when she genuinely smiles; he felt his heart skip a beat. He adored how innocent and pure it made her look; it was something that melted his heart.

 “Wow…You have a beautiful smile,” Taeng said in awe, his thoughts coming out of his mouth.

Tiffany blushes again, she felt her heart skip another beat, “T-thank you.”

Taeng quickly realized what he said, he awkwardly rubs the back of his neck, “Y-you’re welcome.”

Jessica and Yul look at each other, smirks form on their faces.

“You guys’ are so cute,” Jessica cooed, poking Tiffany’s blushing cheeks.

 Tiffany swats her hand away, “Stop it.”

Taeng awkwardly chuckles; Yul playfully punches his arm and smirks.

 “Yeah, you guys’ should get married or something,” Yul teased.

Taeng groans, “Leave us alone.”


Time passes with Yul and Jessica constantly teasing the two, by the end their faces were completely red of embarrassment.

 “Well, that was fun but I think I’m gonna go to bed,” Jessica said, yawning on cue.

 “Yeah, Taeng over here probably has homework to do,” Yul said, patting Taeng’s back.

Taeng rolls his eyes, “Sorry again Tiffany about Yul…Like I said, he’s stupid.”

Tiffany softly laughs, “No it’s fine. If anything it was really fun.”

Taeng warmly smiles, “I’m glad.”

Jessica stretches, “Goodnight. Talk to you guys soon.”

She waves to the webcam and smiles.

Yul smiles and waves back, “Annyeong. Goodnight. Sleep tight.”

 Tiffany smiles, “Good night Yul. Good night Taeng. Chat with you guys’ next time.”

 Taeng chuckles, “Yeah…Good night Tiffany. Sweet dreams.”

They wave one last time to each other and log off. Taeng rolls off Yul’s bed and stands up.

“I’m going to do my homework,” Taeng said placidly.

“Okay,” Yul replied as he set his laptop down.

Taeng smiles, he starts to head out of Yul’s room.

“Hey, Taeng?”

Taeng pivots around and gazes at the dark hair latter, “Yeah?”

 “What do you think of Tiffany?” Yul asked nonchalantly.

 Taeng tilts his head and shrugs, “She’s pretty…and nice. I’ve only known her for three days now so I mean…”

“But do you like her?”

 “I mean, after all these video chats, yeah. I hope we can become good friends.”

 Yul slowly nods; he stares at Taeng with undecipherable eyes.

Taeng narrows his eyes, “What?”

Yul chuckles and shakes his head, “Nothing. Have fun with your homework.”

Taeng raises his eyebrow, he looks curiously at the latter but decides not to question him anymore and leave it alone. He waves and caves back into his room to resume his homework.

Taeng softly chuckles to himself, “Aigoo…What’s going to happen in the future?” 

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Ree93brianti #1
author where are u...update pleasee
aerolcaroline #2
Continue? 😭
Chapter 37: hellooooo~~~ when will u update this :( don't ignore this story pleaseeee
1120 streak #4
1120 streak #5
Chapter 37: Ow he really is in love and he will also secretly buy that necklace but don't overwork yourself like what you didn't back then
Chapter 37: Feels good author...
TaeNyBross #7
Chapter 36: It takes 7 years for us to be able to witnessing this scene.
I'm so proud of you authornim.
Chapter 36: Thanks for the update omg its feels good waiting for another update
taeny2403 #9
Chapter 35: O my god..the long awaited scene..thank you so much of my fave taeny fics..
maemae08 #10
going to wait for this story