Someone Better

Love Through A Circle


Taeng’s phone vibrates for the tenth time on his nightstand, at this rate it felt like a never-ending earthquake. He lifts his head from the pillow and clicks ignore for the tenth time as well, he groans and crashes his head back on the pillow. He already knew it was Jieun but there was no point in trying to work things out or talk it out. He adjusts his head so his face was buried against the softness of his pillow. 

Taeng wasn’t in the best of moods, he felt hurt and betrayed that it affected his stableness. His phone vibrates again but this time Taeng just chose to let it vibrate against the nightstand. The rattle of the wood was bothering him but he didn’t have the energy or care to ignore the call.

Yul walks in the room and frowns seeing his friend so down. He sighs and leans against the doorframe, watching as his sulking friend lay lifelessly on his bed.

 “Taeng.” Yul called out, no response was heard so he inches closer to the bed, “Hey Taeng. Come on.”

Taeng slowly turns his head and gazes at the dark-haired latter with no emotion, “What?”

“Jessica’s waiting for us to video chat.”

 He shakes his head, “I don’t want to.”

The latter sighs softly, “Don’t tell me you’re still sulking over Jieun.”

 Taeng sits up from his bed and stares at his friend, “Don’t I have every right too?”

 “No. You shouldn’t be, what she did was wrong. It’s not your fault, it’s hers.”

 Taeng runs his hand through his hair and sighs sadly, “I just feel like…I did something wrong. Maybe I wasn’t good enough? I probably didn’t fulfill her needs…”

 Yul shakes his head and sits on the edge of his friends’ bed, “Don’t think like that. I’m sure you were a great boyfriend, she just didn’t realize that. You gave her everything Taeng, don’t blame yourself. It’s her loss.”

Taeng chuckles bitterly, he lowers his head and sighs again.

 Yul hits his arm, “Man, stop acting so depressed. I don’t like seeing you like this.”

Taeng slightly smiles, “Sorry man. I’ll be okay. Right now…I’m just hurt.”

“That’s understandable.” Yul smiles, “Time is all you need. It’ll be okay.”

 Taeng looks at his friend with compassion, “Thanks Yul. I appreciate it.”

 The latter chuckles, “Of course. What are friends for right?” He stands up and grins, “Now come on. Jessica’s waiting for us.”

Taeng rolls his eyes, “Why should I come?”


He scrunches his face, “Really? Are you five years old?”

Yul chuckles, he walks over to the door and turns around. Taeng confusedly watches his friend pause and lean against the doorframe and crosses his arms. A smirk forms on Yul’s face and it only made Taeng more confused.

“Stop smiling like that…It’s creepy.” Taeng said, closing his eyes in the process.

 “Don’t you want to see Tiffany?” Yul said softly, his smirk plastered on his face.

Taeng’s eyes quickly open, “Tiffany?”

 “Yeah…She’ll be joining the chat too. It’s been a while since we’ve all had a group chat.” Yul dramatically sighs, “But it looks like you don’t want to talk…Oh well, I guess I’ll tell Tiffany you won’t be joining.”

He slowly starts to walk away from his room. Taeng’s eyes widen in shock, he quickly gets up from the bed and runs out of his room. He barges into Yul’s room, his breath nearly hitched. His eyes land on Yul who was looking at him with wide eyes. Taeng takes a deep breath and clears his throat.

 “Maybe I should join you…You know, get my mind off Jieun.” He said, trying his best to sound nonchalant.

Yul smirks, “Uh-huh. Yeah man, I totally understand.”

 Taeng rolls his eyes; he places his phone in his pocket before plopping next to Yul on the bed. He waits patiently as Yul logs on his account and invites Jessica into a video chat. The two boys patiently wait for the two girls to load on the screen, the black box on the computer screen slowly loading their faces and the others as well.

 “Yul!” Jessica yelled as loud as she could, her face along with Tiffany’s loading on the screen.

Yul grins hearing his lover’s voice calling out his name, he dorkily waves at both the girls on the screen. “Sica!” He yelled back, “I miss youuu.”

 Jessica giggles, “I miss you too.”

Taeng and Tiffany rolled their eyes in unison, wanting to puke at the couple’s sweet mushy relationship stuff. They make eye contact with each other realizing they were both quiet, a small smile forms on both their faces, Tiffany gives a small wave to Taeng which he reciprocates back.

 “How are you baby?” Yul asked sweetly to his lover, completely forgetting Tiffany and Taeng were in the video chat as well.

“Good, how about you? Did you eat?” Jessica asked sternly, oblivious to the two as well.

 “Yeah, we did! Are you tired? You sure you want to risk your bedtime staying up this late to talk to me?” Yul bombarded, worried that the time difference was affecting Jessica’s sleeping schedule. Since he does know sleep is important to Jessica he didn’t want to feel like a burden to her habit.

 “Why did you ask me to join again?” Taeng intruded, finally gaining the attention of both Yul and Jessica.

Yul snaps his head to Taeng, “Oh crap. I forgot you were here…”

 Tiffany slightly chuckles seeing the appalled look on Taeng’s face, they were both staring at each other giving each other goofy looks while Yul and Jessica were talking and she even indicated for him to interrupt their conversation.

“Gee thanks…You were the one who invited me…” Taeng replied, pouting.

The girl couldn’t help but smile seeing the irresistible pout the boy who was doing; his childish face was a contributing factor to why the pout was so cute.

Yul punches his arm, “Aish sorry man. I was just used to you and Tiffany always video chatting with each other.”

 Taeng’s eyes widen, he felt the heat rise to his cheeks hearing the latter say that. He gazes over to the computer screen and sees Tiffany blushing as well but her head was hung slightly low to conceal her tinged cheeks.

 “Hi, Taeng!” Jessica greeted cheerfully, cutting off the weird atmosphere that was growing.

 Taeng awkwardly clears his throat and gazes at the smiling blonde girl, “Hey Jessica.”

“It’s been so long since I’ve seen you! How come you never talk to me anymore…” She crosses her arms and pouts.

 He rubs the back of his neck, “Ah sorry…I’ve been-”

“I know…Busy talking to Tiffany.” Jessica finishes with a smirk on her face. She gazes over to her quiet friend; her head hung low and her hair covering the majority of her face. The smirk on Jessica’s face grows wider; she could see past Tiffany’s hair and see the pink on her cheeks. She couldn’t help but poke her cheek, causing the brown-haired girl to look at her with her rosy cheeks.

Taeng blushes again, “A-ah. I-It’s n-not like that…”

 Yul laughs, “Why are you stuttering?”

 “Shut up…”

 Tiffany bites her bottom lip, her eyes secretively watching the flustered Taeng; she couldn’t help it she found it adorable when he’s embarrassed.

Jessica claps her hands, “Taeng’s so cute when he’s flustered,” She turns to Tiffany, “Right Tiffany?”

 Her eyes widen, she gazes at the latter who had a devilish smirk on her face, her cheeks grow hotter.

Taeng awkwardly smiles; he looks at Tiffany and chuckles, “They always seem to make us uncomfortable huh?”

 Tiffany nods, “Seriously…This is probably why I never join them anymore…”

 “HEY!” The two yell in unison, causing Tiffany and Taeng to burst out in laughter.

“Well…Anyways, since these lovebirds are being mean…Let’s stop teasing them Yul.” Jessica states after huffing out a sigh while leaning back against her chair.

Tiffany jokingly pokes her cheeks, “Aish. Don’t get so uptight. You know we’re just messing with you.”

Taeng chuckles, “Well…Maybe just one of us.”

 Tiffany couldn’t help but laugh along with Taeng even though she just apologized to Jessica for her actions; she leans back against her chair and shakes her head knowing Jessica is going to be more upset.

“Taeng…Why are you being so mean to me?” Jessica whined, crossing her arms and pouting her lips like a child.

Taeng shakes his head and chuckles seeing the blonde girl act so childish, yet he couldn’t deny that it was cute, he pouts along with her and stares at the latter with puppy eyes.

“I can’t joke around with you?” He said cutely, his pout overtaking Jessica’s by a mile, the blonde girl rolls her eyes knowing she can’t win against Taeng’s best asset.

Yul punches his arm, “Man cut that out.”

 Taeng looks at his friend and sticks his tongue out, resulting in Yul locking his head under his arm, making the two girls laugh at the antics of the two boys.

“You guys’ are just like brothers…” Tiffany expressed brightly, her eyes only locked on Taeng.

 They sheepishly smile, Yul releases Taeng’s head and they fix themselves before properly looking at the camera.

 “So Tiffany, how’s math going? Understanding it?” Taeng asked, excited to hear of Tiffany’s progress. He’s been tutoring her for quite some time now and he couldn’t help but be overjoyed to hear that Tiffany has been doing better in class than before. She even aced one of her pop quizzes’ thanks to his help and she was ever grateful for him.

 Tiffany’s eyes glow, “Much better! Our exam is coming up though so I’m going to need as much help as I can…”

He chuckles and nods briefly, “I’ll be glad to help you study.”

 She claps her hands in happiness, “Yes! I can’t wait.” She felt her heart flutter and her stomach flip, she always felt this way whenever she’s talking to Taeng.

“I’m excited to see your progress,” Taeng added, a charming smile on his face.

Before he could continue praising Tiffany his phone vibrates in his pocket, he quickly pulls it out and a frown replaces his smile. It was Jieun, but instead of a text message, she was trying to call him. Taeng’s mood suddenly drops and the pain makes its way back into his body. Yul’s eyebrows rise after seeing the sudden change of character in his friend’s mood, he leans closer to him seeing the latter staring lifelessly at his phone. His eyes widen seeing the caller ID, he bites his bottom lip and sympathetically stares at Taeng, unsure of what to say or do.

Tiffany was curious as to why the atmosphere changed so quickly, she gazes at Taeng and notices his eyes looking empty. She tilts her head and stares at Taeng but remains quiet.

“Taeng…” Yul said softly breaking the silence.

 “I’ll be back…” Taeng stated quietly getting up from the bed and leaving Yul’s room.

The dark-haired boy sighs and mentally curses Jieun for ruining the moment they were having. He absentmindedly stares at the door that was slightly open and heaves another somber sigh.

 “What’s wrong with Taeng baby?” Jessica asked softly, her eyes filled with worry.

 Tiffany too was worried about Taeng, her heart started to ache after seeing the sad empty look on the usual happy dorky boy. Yul runs a hand through his hair before returning his gaze to the two girls on the screen.

 “That was Jieun trying to call him…” He starts, giving a brief silence before continuing, “They broke up.”

Tiffany and Jessica’s eyes widen in surprise, they weren’t sure what to say so they remained quiet for Yul to continue his explanation.

The boy sighs again, “She…” He tightens his lips, “Cheated on him twice.”

 “TWICE?!” Jessica exclaimed, her eyes wide in shock.

 Yul nods, “She cheated on him during their four months and then again with the same guy not too long ago.”

Tiffany’s heart starts to ache more, she felt bad for Taeng especially knowing that the two have been together for so long. She too knows what it’s like to be cheated on, but it’s sadder for Taeng knowing that the girl kept the first time she cheated, hidden from him.

Jessica sighs sadly, “That’s terrible…I feel so bad for Taeng…”

Tiffany bites her bottom lip, her mind starts to wander about Taeng and how worried she was for him. The trio drifts off into silence atmosphere was too weird for anyone to talk. Tiffany pulls out her phone and stares at it intently before shifting in her seat.

“Excuse me,” She said quietly before getting up from her seat and leaving Jessica’s room. She pulls up Taeng’s contact information and quickly presses call before entering her room. She slowly lies in her bed and anxiously waits for the boy to answer her call.

Taeng was staring at his phone, his eyes shocked to see Tiffany’s name instead of Jieun’s. He felt his heart skip a beat and he couldn’t help but stare at her name before realizing that he didn’t answer it yet. He quickly presses accept and pulls the phone against his ear as he lies on his bed.


 “Taeng…Are you okay?” Tiffany asked softly, not wanting to hurt him more than he already is.

 Taeng sits up straight on his bed, “What do you mean?”

She bites her bottom lip unsure if she should continue but she wanted to help him feel better in any way possible.

“Yul told me about Jieun…” She starts quietly, waiting to see if Taeng would talk but after hearing no response she proceeds, “I’m so sorry…”

 Taeng couldn’t help but smile hearing that Tiffany was trying to comfort him, he felt his heart flutter hearing the gentleness in her voice, it made him feel warm inside.

 “It’s okay…” He replied, “It’s not your fault.”

“You’ll be okay; it’s her loss for not realizing how great you are.”

 Taeng’s eyes widen in surprise hearing Tiffany, he felt his heart skip another beat and his smile only grew wider.

“That’s so nice of you to say…I wish I could believe that.” He grimaced, lying back down against his bed.

“Don’t say that Taeng, it’s not your fault.”

He sighs, “But if I was so great then why did she cheat on me?”

 Tiffany remained quiet hearing Taeng talk down on himself, she frowned hearing his response and she didn’t like it one bit.

 “She was the one that wasn’t great; she didn’t realize that what she had was already the best. You’re a great guy Taeng, don’t let her ruin it.”

Taeng sighed; he felt his heartbeat out of control and hearing Tiffany say those sincere words made it go crazy.

 “Wow…Thanks, Tiffany…That really means a lot.” He replied sincerely, his smile still plastered on his face.

Tiffany felt a smile grow on her face, “Of course Taeng. I know we’ve only known each for a short amount of time but…I cherish our friendship. I’m glad we became friends and I care a lot about you. I’ll always be here to help you.”

 Taeng grinned, “I say the same to you. I’m really glad I have a person like you in my life.”

Tiffany felt her smile grow wider, her heart skips a beat and she bites her bottom lip to contain how happy she was.

“Thank you Taeng…” She replied warmly.

 “Jay’s so lucky to have you…” Taeng admitted quietly.

The smile on her face was quickly replaced with a line; she felt a bit disheartened hearing the sadness in Taeng’s tone.

 “Well actually…We’re on the same boat.” She confessed, her fingers playing with the ends of her hair.

“What do you mean?” Taeng asked confusedly.

She chuckles, “We broke up…” Taeng’s eyes widen in surprise, “He cheated on me…”

He exhales a breath, “Really?”

 Tiffany sighs, “Yeah...He broke up with me after telling me that.”

Taeng felt his fist clench in anger, how anyone would cheat on Tiffany was beyond him.

 He exhales again, “What an .”

Tiffany bites her bottom lip, she could sense the frustration in the latter’s voice but she argues against herself to say anything.

 Taeng sighs to calm himself down, “If I was there I would beat the living crap out of him.”

Tiffany smiles, “It’s okay Taeng. I’m glad we’re no longer together.”


 “Yeah…My feelings for him withered away so I’m not hurt about it.”

 “But still, you’re an amazing girl Tiffany. You’re beautiful, sweet, down to earth, pretty much everything a guy wants in a girl. He doesn’t deserve you if he didn’t realize that.” Taeng said sincerely, causing the girl on the other line to blush and feel her heartbeat out of control.

 She runs a hand through her hair and caught herself smiling hearing the sweet words from the boy and she felt her stomach grow butterflies.

“Thank you so much Taeng…That means a lot.” She replied softly, her smile still on her face.

Taeng chuckles, “Of course. I mean every word too. Thank you again, Tiffany, I’m feeling much better after talking to you.”

“You’re welcome Taeng! And thank you for your kind words; you’re a really sweet guy.” Tiffany replied chuckling, earning a chuckle from the boy as well.

 “We’ll find someone better right?” Taeng asked half-joking chuckling.

 Tiffany bites her bottom lip, “Y-yeah. We will.”

Taeng lifts himself on his bed, “Yeah…I should let you sleep now. I bet it’s late over there. Again, thank you for everything Tiffany.”

She snaps out of her thoughts and smiles, “No problem Taeng. Thank you as well.”

“Good night Tiffany, sweet dreams,” Taeng said sweetly drawing another smile to Tiffany’s face.

“Good night Taeng. Talk to you soon.” She replied softly.

They both end the call and lie down on their bed and stare at the ceiling.

Someone better huh?

For some reason I find myself thinking of you. 

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Ree93brianti #1
author where are u...update pleasee
aerolcaroline #2
Continue? 😭
Chapter 37: hellooooo~~~ when will u update this :( don't ignore this story pleaseeee
1131 streak #4
1131 streak #5
Chapter 37: Ow he really is in love and he will also secretly buy that necklace but don't overwork yourself like what you didn't back then
Chapter 37: Feels good author...
TaeNyBross #7
Chapter 36: It takes 7 years for us to be able to witnessing this scene.
I'm so proud of you authornim.
Chapter 36: Thanks for the update omg its feels good waiting for another update
taeny2403 #9
Chapter 35: O my god..the long awaited scene..thank you so much of my fave taeny fics..
maemae08 #10
going to wait for this story