Chapter 9

My Arranged Marriage with BTOB's Member??!! [On HIATUS]


{No One's P.O.V}

- In Peniel's room -

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT F*** MAN!!! DID HE KNOW THAT RYU MINKYUNG WILL BE MY WIFE!!!" Peniel shouts like a crazy man in his room because he really jealous at Gwangsuk.

"Ah~~ That's his problem why he like this today... But, I don't know Gwangsuk oppa's appearence make he be like this..."

Clara hears everything what Peniel said in his room since she heard it in front of Peniel's room.

"Why she call him 'Oppa'?? And now, she want to invite him too to our vacation. How could she.... doesn't think once that how I talk to her, behave to her... that show I like her??" Peniel mumbling in front of his study table.


- At living room, with the 2 cousins -

* Must I ask them why Peniel be like this?? Ah!! Just asks them, Minkyung.. *

Clara goes straight to Hoya and D.O that still watching Korean drama series, Quiz From God.

"D.O-ssi, what's wrong with Peniel? I never ever seen him be like this." Clara asks D.O cause he looks more friendly than Hoya.

"Urm.. As long as I be his cousin, he rarely acts like this. Maybe, he likes you."

"Er.. I don't understand. Please explain it again." Like usual, Clara always 'slow' in understand things. ( a/n: she like me.. -_-)

"Okay, let me explain you. First, do you see his ears turn red?? Like a tomato ears??"

"Yeah~~ So?"

"As long as I know, his ears turn like that just when he embarrased, feel 'seductive' , panics and mostly to angry."

"Ah~~~ Like that.. Any other informations about him?? Okay, more easier, you just explain 'who' is he. Cause I need to know his behaviour this and that before we get married."

"Okay. Shin Donggeun or Shin Peniel is a bit jealousy.. But, it happen just if that 'person' special to him only. Next, he is a type that like to keep his feeling in his heart. He 'rarely' tell what he is feeling in front of that person. Next, he likes reading. In his tablet, he always download stories that he likes such as Harry Potter and other English fantasy stories. Urmm... what you want to know?? Anything you want to know.. But not his personal life."

"What is his favourite food, things and others that related 'favourite' words."

"I don't know what he likes to eat. But, I always found food like chocolates and any others junk foods in his bagpack. He likes to watch scary movies. He likes to travel all places. That's all I know. Other things, you can ask Peniel yourself. But not now cause I see he really a bit 'scary'."

* Urmm.. He's a bit like me. Loves travel, reads fantasy books and  easily panics. But, I HATE SCARY MOVIES and SKINSHIP!! Chocolate maybe suitable for me.. Aigoo~~ I want to eat chocolate right now *

"Alright!! Thanks for ALL~~~~ the informations about that man. I want to buy chocolate a while. Do you want anything?"

"Yeah.. I want chocolate too... " D.O says while 'searching' refrigerator.

"Me too.. Don't forget me.." Hoya glares to Clara while smile.


-At shop-

"Okay, kamsahamnida. See you later." Clara says while bows to the owner of the shop.

She goes straight to the house while holds 4+1 chocolate bars.


"I'm coming home.."

"Wah~~ chocolate.. Let's eat together. Clara-ssi, can you call Peniel to eat together with us?? He never step out of his room from our discussion at the afternoon.

"Okay, I'll try."

Clara gathers courage to talk with Peniel.

"Peniel-ssi, can I get in?" Clara knocks the door but no answer. She get in the room and doesn't see Peniel around.

"Urmm.. Peniel-ssi?? Where are you?? Let's eat chocolate together with us."

Then, she saw Peniel is sleeping peacefully on his bed.

"Aigoo.. Must I wake his up?? Or just let he sleeps??"

Clara goes near to Peniel and sit beside him on the bed.

* Poor him.. Did I make he worried?? Or angry because of Gwangsuk oppa?? *

Suddenly, her wrist was pulled by Peniel. He grabs her wrist and makes she lays on the other side of the bed.

"Peniel-ssi.. Wha.." Clara was a bit shocked cause she thought Peniel is sleeping. Before she ables to finish her line, Peniel kisses her and suddenly he become wild. Their kiss more passion when Peniel's hand push Clara's face towards him.

"I..I just can't control myself. Sorry for this bad behavior. Clara-ssi, actually I.. I LOVE YOU!!" Peniel's first confess after a passion kiss.

Clara still in shock condition after a sudden kiss and also A CONFESSION..


What is Clara's answer after Peniel's confession to her?

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kanaki33 #1
Chapter 25: Please update >. <
Chapter 25: OMG !!!! Feeldog is soooo kind~~~!!!!
wait wait....this Gwangsuk is Feeldog rite ?? Or anither Gwangsuk ???
I hope it's Feeldog because he so cuuteeee !!!!
update !!!
Chapter 24: Good luck author-nim!^^ I really like the story =]
Chapter 24: Are you having PMR? If that so, good luck on that.
Molynich #5
Chapter 23: Update soon T^T
Chapter 23: Great story, update soon!!!:)
Chapter 23: Please dont make peniel angry with her again... :((
Chapter 23: That is the real arguments...
Chapter 22: Wah.......what do they do???
Chapter 22: Yes, I want them argue with each other.