I will get MARRIED!!??

My Arranged Marriage with BTOB's Member??!! [On HIATUS]


{No One's P.O.V}


=The next day=

" Minkyung-ah!! Get up!! You have to meet someone today. We will depart 30 minutes more or we will leave you." Mrs.Ryu gets up her daughter.

" Arasseo, omma. I will ready in 20 minutes from now." Minkyung gets up and go bath and wear grey cute dress for her 'Anonymous' meeting.

"I'm done, mom. Who will we meet today, omma?" Minkyung asks her mum curiously.

"Someone.. You will know later." Mrs. Ryu answers while smile widely. Same goes to Mr. Ryu.

'Urm.. something curious with my parent.' Minkyung says in her heart and they arrived at 5-stars hotel in Seoul. ( since she lives at Gangnam)

They entered to one room and she saw a family that she know but doesn't too remember.

"Minkyung, introduce yourself to Mr. and Mrs Shin." Mrs. Ryu tell her.

"Annyeonghasaeyeo, my name is Ryu Minkyung-imnida. Nice to meet you." She says fluently because only that sentences she really fluent.

"Ah.. she's so beautiful. Do you remember us?" Mrs. Shin asks her.

"Urm.. I don't too remember because it was long time ago.." Minkyung speaks in English.

"Donggeun-ah, introduce yourself too." Mrs. Shin tells to him.

"Annyeonghasaeyeo, my name is Shin Donggeun. Nice to meet you too." Donggeun shakes hand with Minkyung.

"Alright, since both of you had introduced yourself each other, I want to tell both of you one news for two of you. You two will get married next month!!" Mrs. Shin tells to Donggeun and Minkyung. Both parents clap hands and smile brightly because their plan had success.

"WHAT!!" Both of them say together with their face full of shockness.

"OMMA!! What is this!!? I WILL GET MARRIED WITH HIM??? He is an Idol, and I still study." Minkyung says to her mum.

"Don't worry, Minkyung. All the preparations, we will responsible." Mrs. Ryu calming her daughter.

"Omma, I still in my carrier. What must I tell to my manager?" Donggeun appeals to his mum.

"Don't worry my son, all matters that including your carrier your father already done it and your manager said congratulations to you."

"I want go to toilet." Minkyung says politely.

"Me too." Donggeun gets up and goes to toilet.


=In toilet=

"Ahh!!! Jinjja!! Did I must follow their plan for me and that 'man'?? Shin Donggeun?? But, he's quite handsome. Heheh.. YAH!! Clara!! What are you thinking?? Just follow what your parent want.. Okay, I will marry." Minkyung says in front of mirror in toilet. Fortunately, no one in that toilet.

"Must I married with that girl?? By the way, she quiet beautiful. Alright, I will agree." Peniel thinks while smiling.

Both of them come in with their answers.

"I will agree to marry this lady." Peniel says while glares to Clara.

"Me too. Maybe this decision will be good for me." Clara looks at Peniel.

"Alright, our children will get married next month.. Wah!! I can't wait to see them as newlyweds." Mrs. Shin says happily.

"Tomorrow, both of you will spend your time together for WHOLE DAY.. Araseo, Donggeun, Minkyung?" Mr. Shin says to them.

"Araseo." Both of them answer together.

"You, Donggeun. You will pick her at her house." Mr Shin continues his instruction.

"Okay, dad." Peniel answers in English.

The meeting end with big dinner.. ( since they talk till night)


Confused with their name?? Okay.

Minkyung (Korean's name) Clara ( English's name)

Donggeun (Korean's name) Peniel ( English's name)

See my next chapter.. See Ya... PPYONG~~~






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kanaki33 #1
Chapter 25: Please update >. <
Chapter 25: OMG !!!! Feeldog is soooo kind~~~!!!!
wait wait....this Gwangsuk is Feeldog rite ?? Or anither Gwangsuk ???
I hope it's Feeldog because he so cuuteeee !!!!
update !!!
Chapter 24: Good luck author-nim!^^ I really like the story =]
Chapter 24: Are you having PMR? If that so, good luck on that.
Molynich #5
Chapter 23: Update soon T^T
Chapter 23: Great story, update soon!!!:)
Chapter 23: Please dont make peniel angry with her again... :((
Chapter 23: That is the real arguments...
Chapter 22: Wah.......what do they do???
Chapter 22: Yes, I want them argue with each other.