Our Honeymoon (part 3)

My Arranged Marriage with BTOB's Member??!! [On HIATUS]


{Peniel's P.O.V}


Ok.. May I curse some words now?? WHAT THE HELL!!!! How can Eunkwang hyung doesn't inform us that our parents will come to visit us at the new house?? How can he just smiles sheepishly like an idiot there?? Eventhough he know about that, he even doesn't want to tell me about that..  Good job, hyung.. GOOD JOB!!

"Okay, my lovely daughter in-law and my wild son, don't waste your time at here.. And you, Shin Donggeun, I know you can't wait for your first night on the bed.. So, please tell your wild hormone to wait calmly, alright?"

My mum says LOUDLY in front of my new family in-law and also in front of my wife.. MUM! How could you embrassed your INNOCENT son in front of your daughter in-law and her family??!! Now, all of them laugh about my mum's words.

"Mrs. Shin, poor to my son in-law.. Look at his red ears, it really cute.. Hahahaha~~" My mother in-law also laughs towards my shyness..

"Okay, get pack some your clothes and get ready for the flight tomorrow morning. Donggeun-ah, have you see where will both of you go for honeymoon?"

"Oh! I really forgot about that. Let me go take it at our room. Excuse me.."

"Minkyung-ah, follow him.. " My father tells her to follow me to our room together.

"But, Shin Donggeun, don't do anything to her.. Keep wait.. I know how is your feeling right now. I warn you.."

Haish~~ My father such a er.. He can read my mind.. I hope he can be a mind-reader and earn some money from that..

"Come on, Minkyung-ah." Minkyung just follow me and we together go to our room.


>>In room<<

"Okay, let's see where will we go for our honeymoon.." I search in my wedding tuxedo and find it.

"Where will we go, Peniel-ssi?? Where?? Where?? I hope it will be my dream honeymoon place that I dream every night."

"Okay-okay.. It will be at ... Jeju Island."

"Jeju Island!!?? JACKPOT!! I always dreamed to go there when I grown big.. Horray!!!!" She screams happily and go join to our family..


"Unnie!! Kamsahamnida!! the honeymoon's destination is at Jeju Island!!!" Minkyung screams and she hugs my sister.. Since when they become closer?? I wonder.. (Like the poem, 'I wonder'.. He he he)

"Okay, Minkyung-ah.. It's alright.. Thanks to unnie's husband too cause he booked the flight and all the needs that you and Peniel will need."

"I really happy cause we'll go there again since I had been such a er that made our holiday before wedding ruined."

"Okay, kamsahamnida.. Unnie's nampyeon.. I don't know his name yet, so I just call him unnie's nampyeon. Hehehe~~"

"Hahahaha~~ Anything, Minkyung-ah.. BTW, his name is Lee Joe.. You can call him Joe oppa. Unnie allows only you call him like that.. " My noona winks to her and they laugh together.

She smiles like an innocent child.. She really cute!! Hua!! Can I pinch her cheeck and kiss her as much as I want??!! But, no Peniel.. No!! You must wait till the right time and after you captured her heart and make it one with your heart.. Hwaiting!! Shin Peniel!! You can do this!!


{No One's P.O.V}


Both of them pack their clothed and other necessaries while talking.


"Yes, Peniel-ssi??"

"Uh.. You no need to call me 'Peniel-ssi' anymore.." Peniel shyly tell to Minkyung like that.

"Eh? Waeyo?"

"Err.. As you know, we already married. So, maybe it more suitable to call me other than 'Peniel-ssi'.. Any nickname you want." Peniel actually wants Minkyung to call him 'Darling' or 'Oppa' or 'Honey' or maybe much more better 'Donggeunnim~~' in a cute way.

"But, I more comfortable call you 'Peniel-ssi'.. What nickname must I give to you?" Minkyung taps her chin and sit on the edge of the bed.

"I don't know what the nickname that must I give to you.. Give some suggestions.." Minkyung asks Peniel back that make Peniel startled.

"Urm.. Okay. Let's play some game. If I lose, you can call me 'Peniel-ssi'. If you lose, you MUST call me 'jagiya'.. Agree?"

"Sure!! People can't challege me easily and I won't lose easily." She smirks to Peniel and Peniel also smirks to her. As for us to know, Minkyung really can't been challenge by people cause she really hate it when people underestimate her.

"Okay, let's play stare eaach other eyes game. If you blink your eyes first, you lose. Deal?" Peniel tells the game and he smirks.

"Okay, deal. Let's play."

So, they stand face to face each other and since Peniel taller than her, she can stand on the bed.

"1, 2, 3. Start!" Peniel counts and they start stare each other's eyes.

After they stare for about 2 minutes, Peniel starts uses 'dirty tactics'. He starts to decrease the face's distance and his arms wrap Minkyung's waist. He also smirks to Minkyung. It makes Minkyung startles with his actions. Then, she also starts uses 'dirty tactics'. She wraps Peniel's neck and leans her forehead towards him. She also uses her 'seductive' expression to him. Peniel's heart starts to beat fast.

Then, Peniel pushes her on the bed, but they still stare without any blink. Now, Peniel is on Minkyung. They been like that for about 3 minutes. She starts to nervous because she can't stand the pose anymore. Then, she blinks her eyes and Peniel wins.

After he wins, Peniel still doesn't want to let her go. He grabs her wrists and lock it beside her. He smirks seductively. Then, he whispers to Minkyung.

"Hey, my beautiful wife. Now call me 'Jagiya' or we will stay like this till tomorrow morning. Which one you want?" He uses his husky voice and kiss her right ear. Minkyung don't know what to do right now. 

"Let me go.... Jagiya~~" Minkyung tries her best to escape her wrists.

"Alright, darling.. You may go now." Peniel let her go and Minkyung sprints to the downstairs.


>> Dinner time <<

"Peniel-ah, noona saw 'incidently' in the room that both of you do... under 18's stuffs.. And noona saw Minkyung's face red like a tomato when she went down.Can't you keep patience??" Jennifer (Peniel's noona) asks Peniel and their parents chock the foods that they eat. All of them shock with what Jennifer said.

"Heol!! Is it true, Peniel-ah?!" Joe (Peniel's brother in law) shocks with what his wife said just now.

"Urm.. What do you think? Is it sinful? We already married, so it's doesn't matter when I want to do that stuffs. Am I right, darling??" Peniel looks to Minkyung that already her face turn red. He really enjoys teases her. Nappeun nampyeon!!

"We doesn't do nothing, unnie!! He just slipped from the bathroom and it just happened.. Unexpectedly." After Minkyung tells them, everybody quiet.. just in 5 seconds, all of them burst laugh..

"Aigoo~~ Uri Minkyung jinjja innocent." Her mother in-law laughing happily together with other family's members.

So, after the happy moment, they finish the dinner and Minkyung together with Jennifer clean the table and bring all the plates and bowls. Their parents rest in living room and talk. Maybe about business or what so ever things that parents talk.

While Minkyung washes the dishes, Peniel drags her sister out of the kitchen and Peniel replace her place.

"Unnie, how is your married life?" Minkyung talks without look at who she talked.

"Ehem.. Can you see who are you talking?" Peniel looks at here and she shocks with his appearance.

"What are you doing here? Where is Jennifer unnie?"

"Haih~~ Is it wrong if a husband wants to help his own wife? This dishes also looks a lot and I want my sister spends his last night with our family before she, his husband and their child go back to States tomorrow."

"Oooo~~ Okay. You can help me. But your job is to rince this plates and bowl till clean."

"I know, my darling.. "

"Eww~~ Can you stop being too greasy? It makes me to puke right now."

"WHAT!! You want to puke? But, we haven't did it yet..With who you did that stuff?" Peniel unstoppable teases her. And now is her time to revenge.

"I did it with Sehun. Wae? Is it wrong?? I did it before our wedding day."

"What the $%^&!! I just want to tease you, but you're over the limit."

"Like I care the limit. Wae? You're jealous?"

"Ani.. Cause I'll make you be like that for the real tonight.. Just in one shot. And we'll enjoy it tonight.. No need to wait till we go to honeymoon." Peniel moves closely to Minkyung but she manages to escape from him.

"You do ALL the dishes and I doesn't want to help MR. GREASY.. " Minkyung does a merong and runs to their families at the living room.

"What's wrong, Minkyung-ah?" Jennifer unnie asks and all look at her.

"Oh, I just let the Mr. Greasy does the works at the kitchen since he doesn't stop to tease me all the time.."

After a long chat and laughing at the night, all of them go to the bedroom and sleep for tomorrow flight. Minkyung also goes to the bedroom and a sudden attacks happens at her.


Omo omo!! What happen to Minkyung?? Who attack her?? He He he.. Guess who is it.

Don't forget to comment, subscribe and enjoy the story..

Here some pics of our Mr. Greasy aka Shin Peniel..





images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSh80KtV6inWrm5ewG_gJy  I'LL MAKE SURE THAT YOU'LL BE LIKE WHAT YOU SAY.. JUST IN ONE SHOT.. ♥ ♥ ♥♥

images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRKDftclR5wOySGEY1Aj3nPLEASE CALL ME 'JAGIYA~~'

That's all~~ PPYONG~~



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kanaki33 #1
Chapter 25: Please update >. <
Chapter 25: OMG !!!! Feeldog is soooo kind~~~!!!!
wait wait....this Gwangsuk is Feeldog rite ?? Or anither Gwangsuk ???
I hope it's Feeldog because he so cuuteeee !!!!
update !!!
Chapter 24: Good luck author-nim!^^ I really like the story =]
Chapter 24: Are you having PMR? If that so, good luck on that.
Molynich #5
Chapter 23: Update soon T^T
Chapter 23: Great story, update soon!!!:)
Chapter 23: Please dont make peniel angry with her again... :((
Chapter 23: That is the real arguments...
Chapter 22: Wah.......what do they do???
Chapter 22: Yes, I want them argue with each other.