One More Time


"YAH!!! How did you guys know that we are here?" ask Sunggyu suprised.

"That wasn't really hard you know. Grandpa Gyu,you din't even realise that we have been stalking you for the last two days." said Woohyun.

"Yah! I already told you guys that I hate you guys calling me that!" snapped Sunggyu.

"But I felt that somebody is missing. Who could that be?" said Taeyeon suddenly.

"Myungsoo..." said Jieun in a slow and soft voice. The others look at Jieun with a sorry look. Jieun realised it and she quickly smile a fake smile.

"Yah! Why are you guys looking at me like that? I'm fine. Honestly,I'm perfectly fine."

"J-Jieun. said Jiyeon as she hugged Jieun again."

"Yah! I told you that I am fine. There's no need to be worried about me. I'm perfectly fine. Yeonnie,I'm fine arasso?" said Jieun while patting Jiyeon's head.

"Why is he isn't here anyway? I thought you guys are tight. How come one of your members is not here?" ask Eunjung.

"L said he was not interested in involving wih Jieun anymore. And he said that none of us should metion Jieun's name in front of him again." said Dongwoo without anybody was able to stop him.

"Hyung! You shouldn't told her that!" scolded Sunjong.

"But that was what he said."said Dongwoo.

"Hyung..." said the other INFINITE members while face-plaming themselves.

"What??? What did I said???" ask Dongwoo cluelessly.

"Hyung..." said Sungyeol.

"Aiissh,could you guys please take this guy out? He is making things worse!"said Hyomin.

"Agree." said Woohyun as he motioning to the other boys to drag Dongwoo out of the room. And he also took Hyomin's hands on his way out.

"Yah! What are you doing?"

"I'll only leave with the boys if you are with me." said Woohyun.

"Aiishh,you greaseball." the others who heard Hyomin and Woohyun' conversation couldn't stop laughing their guts out.

"H-Hyomin-ahh,you should just follow him,besides you like him too right??? Hahahaha." said Boram.

"U-unnie! Why did you tell him that?" yelled Hyomin with a red face from embarassment.

"Just go!" said the others and Wooohyun pulled Hyomin's hand to follow him. Hyomin just followed him and Woohyun who couldn't hide his happiness,he smiled all the way.

After the happy couple left the room,Jieun felt a slight pain in her heart. But she decided to ignore it,or else the others will be worried about her. But she was unaware that there is a pair of eyes that is watching her. Jiyeon knew that Jieun will be  sad when she saw the lovely couple. There was nothing that she could do except pat Jieun on the back and gave her a sweet and assuring smile. Jieun look at her an smile a faint smile.

"I'll be okay Jiyeon-ahh. Don't worry too much about me." whisper Jieun to Jiyeon in a soft voice.

"Now,Jieun. I'm going to ask you this thing once  again. Are you sure that you don't want L to know about this?" ask Sunggyu again.

"Yes. The main thing is Myungsoo don't need to know."

"But why Jieun? If he knows,things between you and him will be better." said Jiyeon.

"It's okay Jiyeon.I just don't want him to know about this so please respect my desicion please Jiyeon." Jiyeon has no more words to oppose to Jieun and she just noddded heavy-heartedly.

L was just walking alone in the busy streets of Seoul. His body might be in Seoul but his mind is in elsewhere. His mind is still thinking about Jieun. Eventhough a part of him is telling him to forget Jieun and move on but another part of him desperately telling him that Jieun is innocent.

Why can't you just forget about her. She is just the same as Naeun. They toyed with my feelings and when they are bored of it,they move on and left me without any remarks. 

'But Jieun is different from Naeun.'

Different? How different? They are completely the same!

'No they are not. Can't you see it for yourself? When Naeun left you,you wasn't this heart-broken. But when Jieun left you, you became like this. Because you know deep inside your heart you really believe that Jieun is innocent!'

Arrggh. I don't know what should I believe or what should I don't believe. Jieun still is in the top spot in my heart. I can't deny it even if I want to. Aiishh. I hate this feeling!!! 

Just as L is fighting with his self-concious,he saw a figure that he recognised. 

If I am not mistaken,isn't that Jang Wooyoung? But what is he doing with a girl? HE IS KISSING HER? DAMMIT YOU JANG WOOYOUNG! YOU CHEATED ON JIEUN AGAIN!

And without a second to spare,he ran to Wooyoung and punched him across the face. Wooyoung who was suprised didn't repond to L's punch.

"Ya! What is your problem? Beating people without any reasons!" said Suzy to L.

"I have a reason! This guy cheated on his girlfriend again!" yelled L.

"What? He never cheated on me. I'm his girlfriend!" said Suzy.

"That is what you think missy."

"Oppa,is what he is saying is true?" ask Suzy to Wooyoung. Wooyoung smirked and he gets up with Suzy's help.

"Is that all you got? So what if I cheat on Jieun? What are you going to do about it? You have no right to beat me up even if I cheated on Jieun. You have no relationship what-so-ever with her."

"You !" and L puched Wooyoung again.

"What are you talking about????!!!! Wooyoung oppa is not at fault in this!" said Suzy again.

"Suzy. It's okay. He is the guy me and Jieun have been talking about." said Wooyoung calmly.

"So he's the guy huh?" said Suzy as she look at L up and down.

"Yup. He's the one." said Wooyoung.

"I can't believe I let Jieun go to you! You never learnt your lesson do you? You broke her heart again!"

"What do you care?"

"I care! I care because I love her. I love her so much until it hurts!" Wooyoung sighed at L's confession.

"I thought you will never say that." said Wooyoung and he motioned L to follow him to the nearby cafe.

"Why did you take me here?" ask L in an annoyed voice.

"There is something that you need to know about Jieun...."

Jieun is sighing depply again and again. Naeun left a few minutes ago after their small and peacefull conversation.


"Naeun,I'm sorry if I took Myungsoo from you." said Jieun sofly. Naeun is still quiet.

"Can I ask a favour from you? Please get  back with Myungsoo. Get back to him. I believe both of you will be happy together." said Jieun. Naeun's eyes are wide open.

"What are you talking about Jieun?"

"My time is almost out. And I already broke Myungsoo's heart. He needs to be happy and I hope that you,Naeun,will be the one who gives it to him."

"But why are you doing this? I have done wrong towards you all this time."

"We humans need to learn to forgive and forget. And I guess because my time is almost up. So,can you do it?" Naeun sighed at Jieun's words.

"I'm sorry but I'm afraid I can't Jieun. I don't think Myungsoo's heart is with me anymore. He doesn't love me anymore. Not even a slightest feeling of love for me. "

"But you can try can''t you?" Naeun shook her head.

"I can and I have but It doesn't even work. Myungsoo only loves you and only you. I can't do what you asked from me Jieun. Sorry."

Jieun sighed but she still smile to Naeun.

"It's okay Naeun. So..friends?" ask Jieun. Naeun smiled.


End of Flashback

"Knock Knock. Can I come in?" the knock on the door woke Jieun up from the past.

"Sure. Come in. What is it Jiyeon?" ask Jieun.

"Jieun,are you really sure that you don't want L to know about this?"

"I'm sure Jiyeon. I don't want him to be with me out of sympathy. Besides,I hurted him to much."

"But Jieun-"

"No more but Jiyeon. He doesn't need to know this. It will be a complete lie if I say I'm fine with it cause trust me,I'm not. I desperately want him to be beside me in this kind of time and situation I am in. Only his love can give me the strength to fight this thing. But I can't be selfish. He needs to have his happiness. And he can't have that if he is with me. My lifespan is getting shorter. What do you expect from a person who has brain cancer in the third stage? I just want him to be happy. My soul will be at peace if I know that he is happy." suddenly the door opened in a rude manner and a loud sound of THUMP is heard when the door hit the wall. Jieun froze when she saw the face of the person who has opened the door.

"Do you really think I can be happy? Do your really think that I will be happy when you are not beside me???!!!!"



Author's note

another chapter guys.. ^^ sorry if its too complicated!!! I'm sorry!!!!!
and also I'm sorry if it's too confusing.
so please continue on your support guys,please subscribe and coment!!!!!!! ^^

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uyuluver #1
Chapter 28: LOVE this story from the beginning to the very end:)
thanks author-nim :) keep writing :)
xiaohope #2
Chapter 28: Wow
It is a very beautiful story
i love it
Chapter 28: Finally done reading ittttt! Must do review now! *btw, since I am a MyungU shipper -you have an advantageeee! :)
familywinnerx #4
Chapter 28: happy ending for everyone...like it ^^
Chapter 1: why always the "bumped" thing happened...i read a lot in another fanfics
again,because the story is completed,i think i don't need to subscribe.hope upvote and comments are enough ^^
xxw00uxx #8
Chapter 28: it's so beautiful, I love it so much .
e4ever #9
Chapter 28: Huh that was awwsome kekekeke
Thought i never loved myungU cupple but it's ok ........