One More Time

"Yah,Naeun. Can you just forget about L?" ask Yookyung.

"Yookyung-ah,he's my life,how can you ever imagine of asking me to forget him?" said Naeun in rage.

"You didn't think he was when you were making out with Gikwang didn't you?"

"YAH! Do you have to brought up the past? I was drunk that time."

"Yes,I have to. Can't you see that he is trying to forget and stay away from you? Don't you see how he reacts to you these past days. Can't you see that he is avoiding you. Come on Naeun."


"Kim Myungsoo. Yah,Kim Myungsoo." called Naeun but L just ignored her and keep walking towards his destination.

"Kim Myungsoo. We need to talk." said Naeun as she grab L's arm.

"There is nothing to talk about. And can you please let go of my arm?" said L with an annoyed face.Heavy-heartedly Naeun let go of her grip on L's arm.

"Thank you and for your information. It's L. Don't ever call me Myungsoo only a special person can call me that. And obviously that person will never be you. Got it? And about our past,just forget whatever has happened between us. It is all just a history." said L with a cold and serious look.

"Myungsoo!" said Naeun as L starts to walk away again but this time,he didn't turn back and walked fastly until Naeun couldn't catch up with him.


~End of flashback~

"Remember?" ask Yookyung. Naeun sighed.

"I do but I just can't get over him."

"Just forget him Naeun. It's not like he is only living guy on earth."

"Can't you understand that I only love him?"

"What? And what about Gikwang?"

"Stop talking about him will you? He is currently in the States right now."

"So this is what it's all about? Just because he is in the States you want L to get back to you. Is that it? Naeun,how can you be so possesive? Can't you see that L is having the time of his life WITHOUT you? Don't you see the look filled with love that he give to Jieun. And as for you,he only looked at you with a look of pure hatery."

"And that only adds to the reasson why I want him back. His love is mine and mine only. I can't stand the fact that he loves someone other than me. That is just unacceptable!"

"Why is that unacceptable? You have done things that are absolutely unforgivable to him and you still want him to love you? Can't you see the fact that he doesn't love you anymore? He moved on. Can't you just accept that?"

"No! I can't!"

"Stop this madness Naeun! Just stop it. I just don't understand how we are in this conversation at all. "

"Because I need you to help me to separate Jieun from Myungsoo and make him to come back to me." said Naeun confidently.

"Why me? Why not the other girls?"

"You are my best friend and besides you think the other girls will support me? They will ditch me the second I propose this suggestion. Chorong unnie,Bomi unnie and Eunji unnie will slap me in the face. Namjoo and Hayoung are just kids. I don't want to involve them in this. They are just innocent and they are still kids." 

"Really? And you really thought that I'll help to do this ridiculous thing? Read my lips. F-O-R-G-E-T I-T! FORGET IT! I'm so not going to involve myself in this idiotic planning. Eventhough I'm your best friend and you are mine. There is no way I am gonna help you destroy other people's happiness. Jieun is too sweet and kind to me. I won't help you and that is FINAL! Goodbye!" said Yookyong as she stands up,grab her bag and heads towards the exit door,leaving Naeun alone.

"Urggh! Just forget it,if you don't want to help me then I'll do it myself!"said Naeun as she gulped down the drink in her hands.

"Excuse me. I can't help it except hearing every word you have said."


"So. It looks like your objective resembles mine. Want me to help?" Naeun smiled.

"I don't know if it resembles but do you mind telling me what is your objective?"

"To get Jieun back and get that L guy away from her so that he won't get in my way to win Jieun back."

"I just don't get it. Why are you guys drooling in her? She is not that great. But whatever,as long you can help me to separate those two so I can get Myungsoo back to me."

"That is for me to know."

"Oh well,okay. But can you please introduce yourself first? I need to know my aqquantaince first." the guy smirk at Naeun's words.

"Wooyoung. Jang Wooyoung. Nice to meet you."said Wooyoung while shaking hands with Naeun. Naeun smiled.

"Now,a toast to our objective that will be realised soon enough."

"Toast." said Naeun while smiling as wide as she can.

Just wait,I'll get you back Myungsoo.

Wooyoung smiled at  his new aqquataince.

Jieun. You will be mine again Jieun. You will be mine again.

Author's note

another chapter people. please subscribe and comment. I'll try to update as soon and as often as I could so please be patient and don'y unsubscribe... ^^

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uyuluver #1
Chapter 28: LOVE this story from the beginning to the very end:)
thanks author-nim :) keep writing :)
xiaohope #2
Chapter 28: Wow
It is a very beautiful story
i love it
Chapter 28: Finally done reading ittttt! Must do review now! *btw, since I am a MyungU shipper -you have an advantageeee! :)
familywinnerx #4
Chapter 28: happy ending for everyone...like it ^^
Chapter 1: why always the "bumped" thing happened...i read a lot in another fanfics
again,because the story is completed,i think i don't need to subscribe.hope upvote and comments are enough ^^
xxw00uxx #8
Chapter 28: it's so beautiful, I love it so much .
e4ever #9
Chapter 28: Huh that was awwsome kekekeke
Thought i never loved myungU cupple but it's ok ........