Rejecting him

At Home (Requests ver.)

[Prompt: Donghae is courting Hyukjae but Hyukjae keeps rejecting him. One day, Hyukjae sees Donghae with someone and he gets jealous.]

"Hey, Hyuk..."


"How are you?"

"Mh, all good. Busy with moving and all."


"So many things to organize," he whined and Donghae offered him a charming smile. Hyukjae looked away for a second. "And you?"

"You know, just working... Hey, you... Did you consider what I told you the other day? Going to the concert together on Saturday?" 

Hyukjae took a deep breath. He grimaced. It was already the third or fourth time he had asked him out and Hyukjae always refused.

"Actually... I don't know, Donghae. Maybe another time?"

Donghae nodded. "Sure, don't worry about it. Uhm, well... I have to go now," he smiled. "See you!"


Hyukjae smiled apologetically and watched him walk across the parking lot to his car. Hyukjae did the same.

Donghae had been interested in him ever since they met a couple of months ago, when Hyukjae moved to the apartment next door. Donghae always invited him places, but his interest was so obviously romantic that Hyukjae felt overwhelmed. He knew that, the moment they were alone, Donghae would behave like a gentleman, attentive and polite. Which made him quite attractive, but Hyukjae still wasn't sure if he liked him that way. 

Actually, how could Donghae know if he was really interested in him? They didn't know each other. Yes, they had talked several times on their way in and out of their apartments and he was nice. Really nice. Hyukjae found him quite handsome as well. And maybe really cute too. More to the point: they didn't know each other well enough.

Hyukjae snorted at his thoughts. Clearly that was what dates were for, but Hyukjae had already turned them all down. 

He knew he was being judgy, but Donghae seemed like the kind of person no one would refuse a date to. That made him hesitate a little. He wasn't usually this indecisive. 

A few days later, there was a party on the roof of the apartment. Hyukjae asked Kyuhyun to accompany him, since he didn't know anyone, so the two of them stood chatting pleasantly at the bar.

"You're no gonna talk to anyone?" Kyuhyun said.

"I don't know how, I feel weird here." 

"Just make eye contact." Kyuhyun looked at a couple their age and smiled at them. "Hello."

The couple smiled at them and the girl tilted her head. "We haven't met before, have we? Are you new in the building?" Hyukjae raised his eyebrows. 

"My friend here is new, I just came with him because he doesn't know anyone here."

"Oh, hello! You're the one with the blue car, aren't you?"

"I'm Hyukjae, nice to meet you." 

They started to talk, Hyukjae was surprised at how lucky Kyuhyun was to have found the organizers of the event. They stayed chatting for a while, at some point Kyuhyun couldn't hold the urge to sing a song in the small stage, making everyone cheer for him. 

The young couple had to go attend to other business and Hyukjae was left alone at the bar.

Almost immediately, his eyes traveled looking for a certain person. Had he come? Maybe that was a good opportunity to get to know each other without so much pressure, he thought. His heart began to pound when he saw him wearing a simple black T-shirt in the distance, leaning against one of the edges of the roof. God, he was handsome.

He was chatting with another man, they were quite close, Hyukjae noticed. 

Donghae was smiling coyly and his hands were brushing the stranger's arm. They were clearly flirting and Hyukjae felt something uncomfortable inside. He looked away. Ugh. He started to play a game in his phone to distract himself, soon he forgot he was at a party, too immersed in the game.


Hyukjae almost jumped out of his seat. He put a hand on his chest when he saw that Donghae was beside him.

"You scared me." Donghae smiled at him and sat down beside him.

"Sorry. I didn't think you'd come, what a nice surprise." 

"Yeah, I like parties like this. My friend abandoned me though, so I'm all alone."

"Oh? Maybe he went to ask that singing guy for an autograph."

Hyukjae laughed. "That singing guy is my friend."

"Really? He's great!" 

"I know, he's really into music. So he probably won't come back."

They both laughed.

"Hey, so you like--"

Donghae kept silent and turned around as he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was the guy Hyukjae had seen a while ago, with Donghae.

"What's taking you so long?" 

"Oh, I ran into my neighbor."

They waved to each other.

"So you guys are friends?" asked Hyukjae.

"Hm, sort of. We met today."

Hyukjae nodded as he watched the stranger run his finger along Donghae's neck, making him shiver and let out a giggle. God, Hyukjae already disliked him. He would have said something to keep the conversation going but he couldn't think of anything.

Donghae got down from the chair. "Well... bye, Hyukjae. I'll see you around."


The next day, Donghae and Hyukjae left the apartment at the same time. They both laughed.

"Up so early on a saturday?" said Donghae.

"Yeah, I'm going to the supermarket, you?"

"Um, I'm gonna see someone." 

Hyukjae nodded.

"That guy from yesterday?" his tone of voice unintentionally came out curt. They both entered the empty elevator.

"No, just an old friend. Why? You didn't like him?"

Hyukjae lifted his shoulders. 

"I don't care about him. He was handsome, I guess... And a little invasive, and rude."

Donghae laughed.

"Why are you acting like you're jealous?" 

Hyukjae snorted.

"What are you talking about..." Hyukjae wasn't good at lying." He folded his arms. "I just thought it was rude that he was all glued to you while talking to me, and he had an attitude like he was the best in the place. Pfft." 

Donghae raised his eyebrows.

"Okay... You're completely jealous."

"I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

Hyukjae took a little longer to say a soft "I'm not" with a pout on his face.

They reached the parking lot and Donghae laughed a little as they came out of the elevator. "Bye, Hyuk." 

It took Hyukjae a second to decide his next action. Should I? Yes? No? Screw it, I'll do it.

He gently grabbed Donghae's arm to stop him. "Agh. Okay, listen." Donghae cocked his head to the side. Hyukjae looked around, it was a bit crowded so he led him to a more hidden corner. "I've been wondering these days whether I'm really attracted to you or is it just because you're handsome and nice to me but, uhm... the thing is I'd like to get to know you better. You seem like a nice guy and I haven't been too nice to you." 

Donghae grinned. He turned around to face him completely. "That's why you reject all my invitations?"

He was doing it. Oh, God. He's flirting with me. His teasing tone and the smile on his face. Hyukjae gulped. 

"I didn't want to put your hopes up."

Donghae laughed.

"Well... the concert is today, if you want we can go." Hyukjae nodded and they smiled at each other. "You know, you could have just waited for my next invitation and say yes, I would have gotten the hint." 

Hyukjae lifted his shoulders. "It was an impulse. Plus I said no to you so many times, I was afraid you weren't going to ask me out anymore."

"Good point."


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LuYu98 #1
Chapter 29: They were the cutest stories <3
Thank you!
1455 streak #2
Chapter 1: Awwwwwww parents eunhae are the cutest!! 🥺🥰