Accidentally shouted

At Home (Requests ver.)

Hyukjae kept a neutral expression on his drive home. He was alone, so he could finally allow himself to let out his frustrations there, but he was trying not to. He didn’t want to be all upset in front of Donghae, he’d rather be soothed by him just indirectly this time. His boyfriend’s calming voice and sweet smile would bring him back to the right mood and he could forget about the awful day he had.


He wasn’t even looking for trouble, but he always ran into the rudest people for some reason. Was he an easy target for jerks to vent their anger to?  He was just upset that he couldn’t answer back to people, sometimes. He should know how to speak up for himself. And he did, in theory. But he was always left with the words on the tip of his tongue.


He took a deep breath before parking his car.


Donghae greeted him with a bright smile. “Go change your clothes, we’re going out now.”


Hyukjae looked at him. Didn’t really feel like going out again.



“It’s a secret,” Donghae giggled as he went to grab his hand and quickly lead him to their bedroom.


“Donghae...” He just wanted to lie on the couch and hopefully be pampered a little without having to ask for it. He was fed up with the world at the moment and Donghae was being a little louder than he would like to. 


“You’re gonna like it, I promise. Now hurry up, let’s go.”


Hyukjae gulped. “Whatever it is, can’t we reschedule? I’m--”


“We have to go!” he insisted while he dragged him through the apartment.




“Come on, it’s gonna be--”


“No,” he suddenly squirmed away from Donghae’s grasp. “I don’t care what it is, I won’t go!” he shouted aloud. Donghae frowned.  “You make plans for us without even telling me and want me to accept right away!?”


Donghae’s enthusiasm immediately went down at Hyukjae’s harsh tone. He wasn’t expecting that reaction at all. 


He expected some fake whining before accepting, yes, but not his boyfriend to be angry at him. It was so rare to see him like that... more than hurt or disappointed he was starting to feel worried about him.


“I thought you’d like it?” he said softly.


“Well, I don’t.” He sighed when he looked at Donghae’s saddened expression. “Sorry. Sorry, I’m just not in the mood right now.”


Donghae still looked sad and Hyukjae hated it. He had probably spent a lot of time planning that evening and he just went and ruined the atmosphere, which was exactly what he meant to avoid. 


“What happened?”


“Nothing serious. I’ll change my clothes so we can go wherever you wanna take me to, okay?”


“Hyuk… you seem really upset.”


Hyukjae shook his head. “It will pass,” he simply affirmed.


Donghae nodded. “Okay.”


He held Hyukjae’s hands and they looked at each other. 


Hyukjae could see how Donghae tried to figure out his emotions by looking intensely into his eyes. He laughed a little, making Donghae smile. 


“Where are we going?”


“It’s a secret. But I swear it’s a nice surprise… but if you don’t wanna go it’s okay too,” he added quickly.


“We’re going, don’t worry. If you say I'm gonna like it then I will, I just… don’t feel like seeing people today.” Or like going out at all, he thought, but Donghae seemed so excited to show him what he had prepared for him.


“Oh.” There shouldn’t be many people at the spa, but there would probably be some small talk at some point. He pouted. Luckily it wasn’t a noisy environment so Hyukjae would not get more irritated. “Then if someone comes near you I’ll just shoo them away,” he decided.


Hyukjae chuckled. He caressed Donghae’s chin for a few seconds. “I’ll be ready in five minutes, okay?”


Donghae nodded before cupping his face with both hands. “You’re moody. Come here.” He carefully hugged him for a few seconds and rocked him from side to side. Hyukjae closed his eyes. Finally. “Moody baby.”


“Shut up...”

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LuYu98 #1
Chapter 29: They were the cutest stories <3
Thank you!
1455 streak #2
Chapter 1: Awwwwwww parents eunhae are the cutest!! 🥺🥰