
At Home (Requests ver.)

“Okay.” Hyukjae threw a couple more cushions into the tent. Donghae was waiting on Hyukjae’s bed for him to set everything. He did try to help, but Hyukjae was a little bit more strict than him, apparently. Donghae told him he only needed a yoga mat to fall asleep.


“You really don’t wanna sleep like that.”


“Why? It’s just sleeping.”


“It’s so uncomfortable, you’re gonna hurt your back and not sleep at all! And why would you suffer if I can make it cozier with some cushions?”


“Alright. But don’t add too many.”


“Everything ready,” said Hyukjae and he held his boyfriend’s hand. “I thought we could watch a movie or an episode from a show on my laptop?”


Donghae chuckled. “You’re really excited about this, aren’t you.”


“Of course I am! I’ve been wanting to have a sleepover with you since forever.” Donghae could have melted at Hyukjae’s words. A sleepover. He was so cute. “Well, ever since I got the tent.”


“I know. I still don’t know why you like it so much, though.”


“It’s cozy. Now let’s go in.”


Hyukjae entered first. Donghae then sat beside him and laughed at how soft the floor felt. “How many duvets are there in here?”


“Just two and the yoga mat. We can use the other one to cover ourselves later.”


Donghae looked around at the neatly arranged cushions and lay down all across the tent, his back turned to Hyukjae. “This feels so good. Come here,” he tried to reach Hyukjae with his hand.


“But the movie...”


“Cuddle first. Movie later.” Hyukjae laughed. He lay down behind his boyfriend and hugged him. Donghae reached the string that tied the tent’s entrance and pulled it, covering half of it. Hyukjae got up a little and pulled the other rope, leaving them trapped in their little moment. “It’s more spacious than I thought,” said Donghae, who thought it was gonna feel too stuffy at first.




Donghae turned around and rested on his back, looking up at Hyukjae. They kissed.


“I like this.”






Hyukjae kissed him once more before Donghae decided to change their positions. He got up and Hyukjae naturally let himself be pushed towards the floor, laying on his back. He loved how the closed environment made everything feel more intimate. 


Their lips met once again. Hyukjae let Donghae control the kiss this time.


“What are we watching?” murmured Donghae once they parted.


“Uh…” he took a breath. “Marvel movie, maybe?”


“Iron man?”


“The first one?”




Donghae pecked his cheek before sitting up.


“You’re kissy today,” Hyukjae noticed.


Donghae smiled at his boyfriend as he sat by his side. Hyukjae brought his laptop to his legs and searched for the movie. He laughed as Donghae leaned on his shoulder.  




Donghae shifted again as he felt uncomfortable once again. There were way too many cushions in there. In his semi-asleep state, he took some of them and kicked them out of the tent. 


“What are you doing?” murmured Hyukjae, who woke up because of the movement.


“Too many.”




“I’m uncomfy…” he was pouting with his eyes closed. “Cushions take up all the space.”


He kicked another one. Hyukjae sighed. “Alright. Wait here.”


He got up and took the cushions he had arranged all along the sides of the tent. He only left the ones they were using to rest their heads and threw the rest to his bed.


When he entered back into the tent, Donghae’s legs and arms were sprawled out, giving no space for Hyukjae to lie down again.


“Hey. Where am I gonna sleep?”


Donghae smiled. “Come here. I’m your pillow.” Hyukjae rested his head on Donghae’s chest, and got comfortable under the covers. “Thank you.”


“Mh. Just go back to sleep.”


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LuYu98 #1
Chapter 29: They were the cutest stories <3
Thank you!
1455 streak #2
Chapter 1: Awwwwwww parents eunhae are the cutest!! 🥺🥰