Where the hell is my boyfriend?!


Baekhyun had never experienced such a level of exhaustion before, the closest having been a time when he was still in middle school. His mother had begged him to sleep early since his health was a lot more important than his science project, Baekhyun had ultimately agreed and just as he had gotten himself into bed his father returned home. His mother was tasked with asking his father to come and give him a kiss goodnight but the affectionate gesture never came that night, instead Baekhyun was forced to listen to his parents fight. They bickered for hours which kept the young boy awake, he was afraid that if he slept something would happen to his mother since he knew how strong his father was. Eventually his exhaustion had gotten the better of him and he woke up the next day thankful that nothing had happened to his mother, the same couldn't be said for his science project. Thankfully he was given the day off school so that he wouldn't need to explain to the teachers about what happened.

Baekhyun refused to allow his body to give out as easily as it did back then. The party was long over and the mess they left behind was left to deal with the following morning. Sehun and Jongin invited Luhan, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun to stay over at their dorm that night to which they accepted, Luhan having been the most grateful for the invitation since he definitely did not want to clean up at two in the morning. The wolves left them alone to get themselves ready, the trio having each had a shower before changing into their sleepwear. They gathered a bottle of Kyungsoo's herbal drink, some blood for Luhan and Baekhyun took one of Kyungsoo's miracle juices since he wasn't aware when Chanyeol would be back.

It had been an hour, Luhan and Kyungsoo went against their better judgement and allowed their boyfriends to lead them to their bedrooms while Baekhyun insisted on staying up in order to wait for Chanyeol. In an attempt to keep himself awake Baekhyun drank the miracle juice, brewed himself a cup of coffee and sat himself down in front of the television in the living room. The vampire wasn't surprised to find that the moment he the tv Bambi 2 was taking up the screen, a small smile grew on Baekhyun's lips when he realised that Luhan had probably blackmailed Sehun into watching it earlier than their arranged group movie-night. Still, he found a comfortable spot on the couch and cuddled into Chanyeol's blanket which he had bought when they were in the village shopping for Kyungsoo's ceremony. It was almost a direct copy of Baekhyun's white and blue checkered blanket but the wolf's was red and black. The vampire wouldn't like to openly admit that he found Chanyeol's blanket better than his own, because he expected that just to inflate Chanyeol's ego even more.

Baekhyun had been brought out of his thoughts when the room he was in suddenly became overwhelmed in bright colours which was a stark contrast to the colder colours in the winter themed movie. The scene showed a young deer leaping and giggling cutely through a field of golden wheat, the deer giggled and played around with a pair of butterflies who were fluttering around him leading him further into the meadow. Baekhyun held back a laugh when he watched one of the butterflies land in the poor deer's mouth. What Baekhyun didn't expect was the sound of a soft sweet voice falling through the speakers, the camera panned to another deer standing on top of a small hill in the meadow surrounded by butterflies. The vampire felt his jaw drop when he realised that the doe was in fact Bambi's mother, the exact deer who Luhan had cried over when she died in the original movie.

He found himself zoning into the conversation, tears b in his eyes at the sight before him. The idea of two deers embracing was as sweet as it could in the animal kingdom, but knowing that one of these creatures was now dead made Baekhyun feel a sort of closure he had never experienced in his life without his parents.

"Why did you have to go?" Bambi asked his mother, his voice quiet as if he didn't want to disturb the peaceful atmosphere around them. Baekhyun felt his heart thump loudly in his chest as the tears finally spilled from his eyes.

"Everything in the forest has its season." Bambi's mother claimed, causing Baekhyun to let out a choked chuckle at the 'Disney wise words' which Kris loved commenting on whenever they watched the films. "When one things falls another grows. Maybe not what was there before but something new and wonderful all the same."

"But I feel so alone."

"I'm always with you. Even if you can't see me, I'm here."

A noise brought Baekhyun's attention away from the tv, his eyes widened when he noticed Chanyeol was coming through the doorway. The Alpha had just managed to close the door when he was suddenly overwhelmed with warmth that encaged his entire upper section, Chanyeol stumbled backwards but was able to stabilize himself and Baekhyun before they both fell into a tangled mess on the floor. His boyfriend let out a content hum when his arms wrapped themselves just below Baekhyun's , holding the vampire against him which was aided by Baekhyun's legs having coiled themselves around his midsection.

"Where the hell have you been?" Baekhyun yelled, knowing that the wolves have soundproofing in their dorm since vampires had once lived there before the whole Protector Programme came to be. When Chanyeol didn't respond Baekhyun immediately went into protective mode. "Oh my gosh are you hurt? Did me jumping into your arms completely destroy your broken ribs? Did you cut? Break a bone? Venom? Chanyeol talk to me-"

"Sweetheart," Chanyeol's stern voice made Baekhyun instantly halt in his words. "you're rambling. I'm fine, time just seemed to slip past me while I was talking with the wolves."

"Put me down." Baekhyun demanded, a shiver running up his spine as he moved frantically in Chanyeol's arms. "Put me down right now!"

Once on the ground Baekhyun's hand moved quicker than his mind, it came up and slapped right across the werewolf's cheek sending him backwards into the door. Before the male could even register what happened, Baekhyun grabbed him by the wrist and forced him onto the ground. His fangs were out and shining the glow of the television, his eyes piercing through the imposter's body who was simply smiling back up at him.

"Where the hell is my boyfriend?"

"Baekhyun!" Another figure burst into the room, Baekhyun having noticed it as another Chanyeol figure. He was hesitant of moving closer towards this male since there was another imposter on the ground beneath his knee, he couldn't believe that the Chanyeol behind him was the real one either. "It's okay baby, I'm here."

The nickname did make Baekhyun relax in some way since Chanyeol had taken a liking to that name a little better than the rest of the nicknames he had been given during their relationship. It hadn't been used by the Chanyeol in Baekhyun's dreams which also gave it a winning place in the vampire's opinion. Reluctantly he agreed and stood up from the imposter on the ground whose smirk only grew when Baekhyun retreated to the body standing by his door which he had just realised was accompanied with another boy he had yet to be introduced to.

"How can I tell that it's you?" Baekhyun whispered, looking up at Chanyeol's eyes. The wolf was sweating and breathing heavily like he had just been involved in a marathon, his eyes looked tired and before Baekhyun could ask again that familiar yellow flicker in his eyes proved enough to make Baekhyun's lips curl up in happiness. "There you are you stupid idiot wolf."

"That was uncalled for baby..." Chanyeol huffed, standing taller now that he had seemed to have caught his breath back. "let me introduce you to Skylar."

"Pleasure to finally meet you Byun Baekhyun," Skylar grinned, offering her hand to Baekhyun who stared at it in surprise. He shyly looked behind the girl only for his theory to prove correct when he no longer saw the Chanyeol imposter. "My name is Skylar and I'm what I like to call a transforming witch. I can change my appearance so that it matches someone else's, I thought I got Chanyeol down but clearly you saw through my charade. Can I ask what I did wrong?"

"You called me sweetheart, as cute of a nickname as my boyfriend doesn't use it. His voice isn't that deep unless he's teasing or flirting with me and even then there is a slightly nicer tone in it."

"So basically his tone changes whenever he addresses you over others?"

"Pretty much yeah." Baekhyun agreed with a nod to his head before he buried his nose into Chanyeol's neckbone.

"Why are they talking like I'm not standing right here?" Chanyeol wondered while turning his head to look at Colin who was too busy trying to hold back his own laugh, the Alpha sent him a glare which only brought the laugh past the boy's lips. "Thanks for clarifying what makes me differ from others, baby."

Baekhyun let out a giggle before pressing his lips against Chanyeol's, the wolf sighing in content when the vampire pulled away. He watched with a small smile as Baekhyun left his side and approached Skylar with a stupid apologetic grin on his lips. "I apologise for hurting you, I'm also sorry for jumping on you when you entered-"

"Don't sweat it" Skylar accepted his held out hand and shook it, a similar smile on her lips. "it was my idea to do this anyway so I deserved everything you've done to be, no apologies are necessary."

"Why did you have to do that?" Baekhyun asked the question he had brewing in his mind for a few minutes now. "Become Chanyeol I mean."

"I needed to see if you could identify your mate even if someone else wore his face," Skylar admitted, her words holding greater meaning than Baekhyun was willing to understand at such a time in the night. "It's best if you don't ask questions right now, I can see that you would rather sleep now than have this chat."

"I am quite tired, will tomorrow morning work for you?" Baekhyun kindly offered, unable to stop the yawn from falling from his lips.

"It will suit me, but not you." She whispered, sending a quick glance to Colin who was still meant to be introduced to Baekhyun. "This is my mate Colin, he's a werewolf just like Chanyeol. He brought your boyfriend to me and we talked for a while, I want to stress that this was all my idea. In fact I tricked Chanyeol into believing that I merely wanted to introduce myself to you when in fact I was pretending to be him, I'm glad you caught on well Baekhyun this just means that this test will be in your favour."

"Test?" Baekhyun harshly blinked, trying to delay the sleepiness that was gradually growing now that Chanyeol was home. His adrenaline was running low, his body relaxing now that his mate was by his side rather than out by the border. "This time? In our favour? What do you mean by that?"

"The dream you will have tonight will explain to you how you ended up here in the first place, it will be a sad tale I'm afraid to say but I'm sure that the anger you will feel will aid you in your fight against Daehyun." Skylar attempted to smile but it was obvious to the three boys in the room that she was forcing it. Skylar's eyes drifted down Baekhyun's body, her eyes filling with tears before she quickly lifted her gaze, Colin was by her side instantly.

"That is all I can say for tonight," Skylar bowed her head, unable to look either of the mates in the eye. Chanyeol was holding on tighter to Baekhyun, confused as to why Skylar had acted in such a way. The vampire had observed her as well and felt oddly strange under the stare. "we will be here tomorrow morning just when you need us. Until then try and get some sleep, you'll definitely need it."


"Remember what I said to you, Chanyeol." the girl warned, looking him in the eye as Colin led her out of the room. "I meant. Every. Word."

Chanyeol simply dipped his head and wished the couple an easy night, he wished them a peaceful night's sleep and then the door was closed.

"We should get to bed then" Baekhyun declared with a sigh, his head felt heavy against Chanyeol's chest. It was at that moment when the wolf realised just how tired he himself felt, he agreed and collected Baekhyun into his arms. The vampire hummed in contentment, nuzzling his nose against Chanyeol's neck. Chanyeol listened to his mind as he considered planting a mark there but was hesitating, the Alpha let out a small laugh when he realised that Baekhyun wanted to mark him just as much as he wanted to mark his boyfriend. "we can deal with whatever meaning she talked about tomorrow. Let's just continue our story for now hmm?"

"That sounds perfect." Chanyeol heaved a sigh as he gently placed Baekhyun into his bed. He watched as the vampire instantly shifted into his favourite position, facing Chanyeol's chest. The Alpha had to change out of his suit so Baekhyun waited for the cold space next to warm up.

"I missed you." he whispered into the silence, he watched as Chanyeol froze midway through taking off his button-up. "I knew that I couldn't sleep because I would force you into slumber too since our minds are linked and-" oh . Baekhyun (desperate being overwhelmed with tiredness) jumped up from the mattress, his eyes wide as he stared at Chanyeol whose back was still staring back at him. "You know, don't you...?"

"I know a lot of things, you should be more specific baby." Chanyeol eventually stated, having pulled on some sweatpants. Baekhyun stared at his bare chest as he made his way back to bed, the wolf slid into the covers, his eyes locked on Baekhyun's face still refusing to meet his gaze.

"Our minds are connected, you could read my mind in the village. I forgot about that so you know the larger part of Daehyun's plan, the parts I didn't want to tell you.."

"I do know that yes." Chanyeol nodded his head, moving closer so that his lips pressed against Baekhyun's cheek. He felt the vampire freeze under his touch, Baekhyun's eyes boring into his soul with tears welling up.

"I'm sorry-"

"I was pissed at you" Chanyeol whispered between them, his eyes closing as he simply breathed in Baekhyun's scent and warmth. "I was overwhelmed with anger and frustration that I needed to leave or else I would have hurt you or one of our friends."

"That's why you went to the border.."

"The wolves helped calm me down, they listened to our stories and shared their insights. They made me see why you were willing to give up your life and as much as I would have loved to chain you up to the walls in this school just for your own protection I know that you would have hated me for it. This is your life, I don't own you and I can't force you to do whatever I think is best because then I would be ruling your life and that's not who I am. I wish that there was another way for us to win this battle with my brother that didn't cost you your life, because I know that I won't be able to handle your death. Stella -an old friend of mine- made me realise that you believe that I will be able to handle your death in order to avenge it, I never expected you to believe such a thing since you put so much faith in me. Yet, I would be honoured to do that for you my love."

"Chanyeol, I lov-" a pair of lips hushed him from uttering those fateful words.

"I know you think the curse isn't in effect anymore but I can't risk it baby. I know your feelings for me so let's just keep to our secret declarations for now okay?" Chanyeol whispered against Baekhyun's lips, the vampire sobbing against him as his arms came up to circle around the wolf's shoulders. Chanyeol allowed himself to be pulled onto Baekhyun's chest, the thump thump thump of his heart was reassuring, at least he could memorise this rhythm before it was gone forever.

I love you.

Chanyeol finally let out the sobs he had held back when he read Baekhyun's mind. The vampire was holding onto him like he would disappear any moment, at least he wasn't the one tightening his grip on the latter. 


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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1379 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1379 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1379 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1379 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1379 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
747 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
747 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.