The Protectors


"So I found the book in the library quite easily, apparently it was in the Fiction department and even the librarian didn't know we had it but I was able to remember my mother reading me this book when I was younger." Chanyeol explained after tossing the door to Baekhyun's dormitory open, his eyes weren't looking up from the book which unfortunately caused him to stub his toe against the stool Luhan hadn't properly put back into place. 

"I'm confused by that by the way why is your name Park Chanyeol while your mother's name is Ms Lee?" Sehun wondered trailing after his hyung, ignoring him as he hopped around biting his lower in to prevent him from sprouting curses from tha pain in his toe. Baekhyun watched as Chanyeol took a seat on the stool that had caused him harm, the red covered book finding it's new home on the counter as the wolf inspected his foot while Sehun happily made himself at home by looking through the contents of their fridge. 

"His mother's maiden name is Lee you dip" Kris rolled his eyes, he closed the door behind him after the remaining boys had entered. They all looked exhausted and Baekhyun could understand why since it was well over their bedtime, many of the protectors often went to bed quite early since most of them still hadn't gotten used to the newly found pressure of protecting the school (although Baekhyun wasn't even sure if they could call themselves that any more since they were doing other stuff rather than boarder control). "therefore that means that it's his father who gave Chanyeol the Park name, I thought that was obvious?" 

"Clearly not to me!" Sehun hissed, sending his hyung a glare from his position in the fridge. "Hey Luhan what happened to that slice of meat I left in here yesterday?" 

"I ate it." Kyungsoo answered like it was the most obvious solution to the boy's confusion. His dry response had the wolves looking in his direction therefore noticing that the vampire Chanyeol couldn't stop thinking about was wide awake. Baekhyun shifted uncomfortably under the blanket, his cheeks flushed as he glanced in Chanyeol's direction the Alpha physically gulping at the sight of him blinking innocently up at him. 

As the conversation around them continued Chanyeol found himself standing from his seat and slowly making his way towards the couch where Baekhyun continued to lay, the vampire nervously fiddled with the loose threads of his blanket unable to hold eye contact with the boy he had willingly allowed into his intimate dreams. The vampire felt his skin prinkle when Chanyeol sat himself down next to him, the book from the library in his hands. 

"So you're dreams-" Chanyeol began but he wasn't able to continue since Baekhyun's nervously fiddled got out of hand, he quickly gripped Chanyeol's hand and started pushing the digits out of the way so he could stare down at the palm. It was larger than his own, the palm marks stretching out in all different directions Baekhyun only wished that he was able to read palms since Chanyeol's looked strangely interesting. 

"Do you think that you would be able to create fire here, you know outside our dreams?" Baekhyun wondered after some time, his brows creased as he focused on the Alpha's hands. Chanyeol watched him with a shy smile on his lips, he shifted closer until his chest was resting against the vampire's back Baekhyun instantly getting comfortable in his arms. "In a less terrifying setting that is." 

"I scared myself when I watched it happen" Chanyeol admitted his voice low as the two of them conversed quietly not wanting to intrupt the other conversations happening around them. "I didn't think I could get that angry, but I don't regret what happened even though it wasn't technically me- this is going to get so confusing to explain isn't it?" 

"Extremely" Baekhyun laughed, throwing his head back against the Alpha's shoulder. "I'm sure we'll figure out a way of how to explain things better, now since you've gotten the book why don't you read it so we can figure out what the hell was happening in my dream?" 

"Sounds like a good idea" Chanyeol confirmed pulling the novel from it's place on the armrest, Baekhyun cuddled closer and watched closely as the Alpha cleared his throat before opening the first page. 

The sound of the turning of paper caused all the conversations in the room to halt, everyones eyes turning to look at the vampire and werewolf sitting so close and getting ready to dive into the story of their dream. It was getting very exciting and seeing as how it involved two of their own the other's just couldn't help but get intrigued, espically Sehun who had been helping Chanyeol since he recieved the book. 

"Wait Chanyeol look at this!" The blond haired Alpha shouted rushing towards his friend with the book Ms Lee had given to him the night of his disappearance. "It's the following chapter, it's titled the Twelve Wolf Princes, your mother must have written it out herself in the book so that you wouldn't need to search for the novel itself!" 

"Better yet she probably wrote it in her own words so it was easier to understand from her perceptive which in our case would be benifical." Baekhyun grinned accepting the opened book from the Alpha who quickly rushed back to his spot on one of the kitchen stools. 

"I went to the library for no reason then!" Chanyeol sighed tossing Kris the red covered novel, the Alpha letting out a laugh before he began reading it quietly to himself. 

"This is why you both should have looked in the book before you go searching for more information that has more than likely been complied for you all there anyway!" Kyungsoo snapped blinking between Sehun and Chanyeol, he did no look impressed. "Your mother probably complied everything she knew into that book for this very reason, we don't know how long you would have spent looking for that story if you weren't aware of it's existance in the first place!" 

"We get it, they're idiots but can we please focus on this!" Baekhyun shouted looking up at his best friend pleading. Kyungsoo let out a sigh, nodding his head and going quiet in Jongin's arms. They were both sitting on the floor in front of the television but behind the coffee table in Baekhyun's persception, they were rested beside each other, their heads tilted in each other's direction but barely touching. It was a cute to behold and Baekhyun just couldn't stop the smile from making it's way onto his lips. 

The Twelve Wolf Princes 

The twelve wolves realised that they had accidentally created a new species when designing Earth when they were pups, now that they were older they knew for their own safety as well as their creations they needed to make another home and thus brought about the formation of EXO Planet. It had everything that Earth didn't- humans and magic. They connected both lands with a portal which was bond to their new home by various magical spells and markings, with this creation they were able to begin experimenting. 

The twelve creators had sent witches onto Earth as a peace treaty for them to life their lives connected to the earth and using it's resources for their own benefit. Due to their experiments the witches had created a new darker creature known as the Kronas or Kron (if singular), they were the definition of evil. Their deformed bodies resembled something from a nightmare with their long black claws and their sharp venomus teeth, to the witches horror the once impeneratble portal had been sabotaged by one of their own to drive the Kronas into their home. 

War broke out throughout the land as the twelve creators quickly became the twelve protectors, saving their people from the vile creatures that caused havoc through their once quiet world. Fearing for their races survival the protectors opened the portals and evacuated everyone out and back into Earth where the witches welcomed them with healing potions and spells, leaving the protectors alone to deal with their mistake. 

From this war sprouted a tree, a broad oak tree that's roots spread deeper than just EXO Planet's core. These roots drifted into the very heart and soul of the universe keeping all the worlds in balance as the protectors raged war on the Kronas who had continued to travel throughout the cosmos until finally they had been defeated (but not destroyed). 

In victory the mates bared sons and daughters creating their own people, to replace the humans who had retreated to Earth for protection. They were unable to return to their home land as the portals weren't allowed to be entered and yet they managed to reproduce into the humans everyone knows today. Those who were now born on EXO Planet saw their creators as kings and gods, praising them by creating packs and lands dedicated to each of the twelve wolves. 

After some time the twelve mates knew that their time was over and they had accomplished everything they needed to, they entrusted the land to their children and promised to return when EXO planet needed them again. Their promise had been heard by the stars as they drew their last breaths beneath the Tree of Life, their souls being taken by the tree until they were needed again. It is said that they would be reborn in a time of desperation or if darkness was once again preparing to take over and that they would possess the powers in which the first twelve wolves had before death. 

"The creation story said that the eight wolf had fire powers, Chanyeol that means that the dream you was the reborn spirit of the eight wolf protector!" Baekhyun shrieked, turning his head so fast that he was surprised it didn't crack out of place. "That explains why the adults were so smug, their child was the reincarnated soul of a fairytale!" 

"I swear if I hear about reincarnation again I'm honestly going to loose my mind" Sehun heaved a deep breath as he banged his head against the wall. "everything you just said makes sense but I think I've had enough of this, I say we go and talk to Ms Lee." 

"She already said that she's tired of telling me things which means that she's already told us about this mutiple times before, even though we don't recall it." Chanyeol made sure not to use to the annoying name any longer, his cheeks puffing out as he drew a breath. "We found out about what was happening in the dream so that's enough for now, I agree with Sehun this is a lot to take in at the moment." 

"You're right" Baekhyun nodded in a quiet voice. "I think we've dealt with enough for the past couple house, I guess we should give it a rest for tonight. We can deal with the rest another time, for now let's try and act like the school's protectors and actually go do boarder patrol." 

"It's been eating you alive hasn't it?" Yixing laughed against Suho's neck. "You actually realised how laid back we were by not doing what was expected of us and dealing with all this instead huh?" 

"Exactly" Baekhyun confirmed with a confident nod, he tossed his blanket to the side and rose from the couch. "Chanyeol and I will do it since we've had an unpredictable nap tonight, we'll need to do something to get us tired anyway so why not do some patrolling?" 

"That works for us since we'll be able to catch up on the sleep you guys have already got," Kris agreed already on his way towards the front door. "I guess I'll see you all in the morning. It's the weekend in case any of you forgot so don't get up so early for classes." 

"Copy that!" The group choired, Kyungsoo and Luhan saying goodbye to everyone as they made their way into their rooms not without giving Jongin and Sehun both kisses on the cheeks. Baekhyun walked out of his dorm with everyone else, they said their goodnights in the hallway before disappearing into their own rooms. Sehun and Jongin had sent Baekhyun and Chanyeol a selective wink before slamming their door closed in their Alpha's face, they were lucky that they had closed the door in time otherwise they would have recieved a harsh punch to the faces. 

"So, let's get going?" Baekhyun whispered. He couldn't resist approaching the Alpha's back, his forehead pressing between Chanyeol's shoulder blades. His actions a direct mirror of Dream Baekhyun making Chanyeol's very real life body prinkle in goosebumps. "Sorry!" The vampire gasped jumping away after finally realising what he was doing. "I just wanted to see what it felt like in real life.." 

"It's fine" the Alpha admitted with a shy smile as he turned back around, his cheeks were pink but Baekhyun didn't allow himself to spend any more time on the matter. Instead he reached out his hand in offering, his heart pounding when Chanyeol accepted it and began pulling him along the hallway. "let's go patrol!" 


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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1378 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1378 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1378 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
747 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
747 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.