Sharing is Caring


Baekhyun stared up at his father, biting his lower lip to avoid causing any alarm to the older man. It had been exactly 14 years since the Light Pack had said goodbye to their Luna. Joonwoo had taken it upon himself to raise and care for his litter of pups, kindly refusing the help or affection of another she-wolf since no-one was able to fulfil the spot of his one-true love. 

Byun Baekhyun had soft brown hair, his eyes a beautiful shade of yellow that others often said resembled his mothers. His brothers were said to come solely from his father's genetics, each of them having his Alpha presence, strong hands, broad shoulders and bright beige eyes that was rather common in their pack. Compared to his brothers, Baekhyun had grown up with a different mindset. When his brothers only thought about fighting in wars, Baekhyun was taught tactics to overcome them as well as some sneaky techniques that would surely prove effective later in life. 

Staring up at the large building before him, Baekhyun suddenly felt like he was the size of an ant. His father -as if sensing his discomfort- held him tighter by the hand, pulling him up the marble steps and towards the wide mahogany wood doors. Baekhyun felt his body go into autopilot at the extravagant furnishing that the front door opened up to. Quietly bowing his 'thank you' to the butler (who seemed surprised by the latter's manners), Baekhyun allowed himself a moment to bathe in the sight of the house that would be his home for a couple of months. 

"You must be Baekhyun!" A shorter boy smiled, his hand stretched out in greeting. Baekhyun grinned back at him, his hand gently wrapping around the latter giving it a firm but relaxed shake. "I'm Do Kyungsoo, an omega from the Earth Clan" 

"Hello I'm Byun Baekhyun from the Light Pack" Baekhyun bowed politely, his cheeks heating up as Kyungsoo waved him off playfully. 

"Everyone already knows who you are!" Kyungsoo chuckled, leading the boy away from his father and towards the other wolves Baekhyun had just realised were there. "You caught the attention of one of the Princes when they went to your mother's funeral a couple years ago.." 

Baekhyun felt his cheeks heat up at the mention of Chanyeol, he had recalled the boy with elf ears at the funeral. They had a fun time playing in the lake together, but after hearing that everyone knew how he had 'caught his eye' makes his heart flutter. 

"Not many wolves have grabbed the attention of Prince Daehyun Baekhyun, you should consider yourself lucky!" Kyungsoo shrieked, pushing the boy into the lounge. The other wolf pups glanced up at the intruder, their eyes widening at the sight of the Light pack member before them. Baekhyun's brow raised, Prince Daehyun? The only prince that he knew of was Park Chanyeol. 

"Well aren't you a pretty one!" Luhan teased, sending a sly wink in the new-comer's way. "Too bad that I'm only an omega.. I'd love to have been your mate!" 

"Oh you're being too kind" Baekhyun rushed to proclaim, his hands held up high earning himself a healthy giggle in response. 

After the introductions had been made and Baekhyun tried to remember everyone's face and name, his father disrupted their meeting time with a slightly taller man following him closely into the room. 

"Hello King Park" the children choired, standing up from their positions to bow politely to the king. Baekhyun jumping up and hugging the man around the waist. 

"Hello Sejoonnie" he giggled, feeling the king chuckle and hug him back with just as much enthusiasm as the young wolf. "Father says that I'll be staying here with you, is that okay?"  

"Your father and I have discussed it and I am more than happy to have you here with us, to take part in the ritual" The king smiled, gently cupping the Light Pack's omega by his cheeks. "It's an honour to have a Light Pack member here after so long, you know I was rather close with your father when we were young" 

"Yes sir, Appa talks a lot of the old days as he likes to call it. Appa always made me worried whenever he told me the stories, you both were rather stupid back then you know!" 

The other omegas gasped, completely star struck that Baekhyun had gotten away with calling the King stupid. They were even more surprised when the king chuckled deeply, his opened palm resting against Baekhyun's shoulder in a father-like gesture. 

"Father have all the omegas arrived yet?" Prince Chanyeol questioned turning the corner leading off somewhere that Baekhyun had not been yet. The Prince froze seeing the filled lounge, his cheeks flushing in embarrassment. 

"Father you promised that we would have more pizza for our guests, who do you think we are, slaves?" Prince Daehyun pouted, his arms crossed as he stood next to his brother. 

"Hey elf ears!" Baekhyun laughed, waving his hand to the tall prince who stared back at him with a wide smile. 

"Hey you learnt how to talk properly!" the prince laughed, throwing his head back as his chuckle bounced off the walls. "I'm surprised that you remember me Baekhyun" 

"How could I possibly forget you?" The omega wondered a brow raised towards the approaching prince. "You made me smile on the day of my mother's funeral, I never got to thank you" 

"I guess since you're here now you have all the time in the world.." Chanyeol smirked sending the omega a subtle wink. Baekhyun rolling his eyes at the Alpha's clear excuse of flirting. "You grew up well" 

"Yeah alright puppy, I'll throw that back at you too. It's nice to see that you grew into your ears, makes you look hot" Baekhyun winked back, turning to face the other omegas. Walking away from his father, the king and the prince, Baekhyun blushed harshly at all the dropped jaws and the wide eyes staring back at him. This was going to be an interesting couple months.


"What the hell just happened?!" Kyungsoo asked rubbing his temples. Everyone could tell he was getting annoyed at the two blushing boys before him.  

"He started it!" Baekhyun immediately began, his aim being to push every bit of evidence onto Chanyeol to find himself clear of Satansoo's wrath. 

"I was only playing, you took it a step further!" Chanyeol yelled, a finger raised in the vampire's direction. Baekhyun hiding himself behind Yixing, who had been the one to stumble upon them in the hallway. 

"Lay get out of the way" Suho sighed, his arms open so that his anchor would get the message clearer. 

Baekhyun watched helpless as his guard went and cuddled into Suho's chest against the wall. "Mean" he pouted, crossing his arms over his chest in fake annoyance. 

"Oh no stop that right now" Chanyeol insisted his hands covering his eyes, afraid that seeing Baekhyun in his puppy-like manner would drive him over the edge. 

Finding it somewhat intriguing that the Alpha was acting that way, Baekhyun pulled and fought against him so that Chanyeol would release his face from his hands. The taller putting up a fight against the surprising strength of the smaller. 

"Baek" he warned, his voice deep and filled with authority. But it went unnoticed by the shorter, Baekhyun giggling quietly to himself as the wolf willingly allowed him to have his way. Chanyeol quickly shutting his eyes as yellow fluttered through them. 

"Chanyeol I seen your eyes you weren't quick enough to cover it up" Baekhyun sighed, gripping the wolf by his wrists. Chanyeol grunted, hanging his head between his shoulders. 

"I'm sorry" he whispered, looking up at the vampire when he was certain that his eyes wouldn't flash. 

"Don't apologise Channie, I know that when you want to bite someone your eyes turn yellow. It's was how I knew you wanted to bite me that day in the cafeteria" Baekhyun smiled gently placing his hands against Chanyeol's cheeks. "Come with me" he whispered further, dragging the wolf back towards the dorm room. Chanyeol glancing over his shoulder, watching as their friends and fellow protectors followed closely behind them. 

"What does your silver eyes mean?" Yixing asked, catching up with the two. 

"He's hungry" Chanyeol answered, sending his pack member a small smile. 

"But they were like that when you didn't have your emotions" Kris pointed out, hitting against Tao's back once everyone stopped outside Baekhyun, Luhan and Kyungsoo's dorm room. 

"When we are feeling things like love and safety we are able to control our thirst for the sake of our loved ones" Suho explained. "But since Baekhyun didn't feel anything his body wasn't able to hide his hunger, therefore making his eyes silver permanently"  

"As interesting as this sounds, I still have some unpacking to do so if you'll excuse me" Kris spoke up twisting in the direction of his dorm. 

"Yeah hyung I'll come help you" Tao spoke up, following the tall blond haired wolf into his room. The protector clan watching them disappear behind the door, Baekhyun unlocking his dorm-room and leaving it open as he stepped inside. 

"Well that was weird" Suho voiced out, his arms wrapped tightly around Yixing's waist as the two walked into the dorm together. 

"Yeah that's the weird thing" Jongin teased, gesturing with his head to the duo. Sehun, Jongdae and Chanyeol releasing a laugh at his wiggling brows.  

"Come on guys, I wanna show you Soo's talisman!" Luhan chuckled pulling Sehun into the hallway to the dorm rooms, leaving the invitation for all to take. 

"Oh I wanna see too!" Kai yelled rushing out and following the two boys into Kyungsoo's room.

"I'm going to head home" Minseok announced, rubbing his eyes tiredly. Jongdae wrapping an arm around him as he stumbled. "Jongdae it's your turn to take me home" 

"Suho and I have somewhere to be" Yixing quickly added, his statement the last thing anyone heard before they darted out of the dorm.  

Kyungsoo sighed and followed the vampire and wolves into his room, claiming that it had to be spotless if they wanted to leave with all limbs attached. Baekhyun and Chanyeol stood awkwardly in the centre of the dorm, Baekhyun still holding his keys while Chanyeol held his hands behind his back in awkwardness. 


"I'm gonna shower" Baekhyun quickly announced, his heart thumping loudly against his chest at the glance the wolf was sending him. "You can come with me if you'd like" 

"To shower with you?" Chanyeol near gasped, his back suddenly straightening under the tension. "Really? You'd feel comfortable with that?" 

"Well I was going to say that you could stay in my room until I'm done but.. I mean I don't mind at least I wouldn't have to worry about saving warm water for you" Baekhyun blushed, his gaze falling to the floor in nerves. Why was he so sure that this was a good idea? Sure they did share a moment not that long ago, but Baekhyun did refuse Chanyeol's attempt of kissing him. Was he really ready to move on from Daehyun?

"I don't have any spare clothes with me" Chanyeol foolishly admitted, his hand coming up to rub against the back of his neck. Baekhyun nodded, turning towards the fridge for a drink of water. Was the room getting hot or was it just him? 

"You can go and get some, it will allow me to prepare something anyway" Baekhyun shrugged it off, unaware of the curious glance Chanyeol sent him. 

"D-do you have any blood?" Chanyeol stammered his eyes closing immediately after he asked. "You said to me before that Wolves love the taste of blood right?" 

Baekhyun nodded, suddenly seeing where the wolf was going with this. 

"Well maybe I need some?"

"We have O, AB, B or A? Do you like positive or negative?" Baekhyun asked, looking through the blood packets in the fridge. His stomach surprisingly relaxed as he twisted the blood packets around. 

"And there I was offering you my blood when you were hungry" Chanyeol pouted, his arms crossing over his chest in a teasing manner. 

"Fine puppy I'll give you some of my blood" Baekhyun giggled, waving him out of the dorm. Chanyeol smiled and quickly left the room. Baekhyun was finally able to breathe, his heart relaxing momentarily as he strolled towards his bedroom, his natural hearing picking up some shouts and laughing from Kyungsoo's room. 

Baekhyun walked through his door, his bedroom messy from lazy actions throughout the week. He managed to determine what clothes were needed for laundry and the other pieces that were safe enough for another days wear. 

"Baekhyun?" Chanyeol questioned entering the room. Baekhyun walked towards the top of the hallway and smiled, tilting his head to the side to welcome the wolf in. Chanyeol closed the door over, his clothes bundled up in a bag pack he carried in his left hand. 

"Nice Tv" the giant commented, glancing up at the flat screen hanging on the wall opposite Baekhyun's bed.  The wolf found a comfortable position on the edge of the vampire's bed, his back pack hitting the ground between his legs. 

"Thanks, if you feel up to it we can watch something on it later" Baekhyun smiled, looking at the taller from his crotched position in front of his closet in the bathroom. 

"Only condition" Chanyeol laughed stretching his finger out in a single digit. "I get to choose the first Disney film" 

Baekhyun's eyes sparkled at the option, his head bobbing up and down as Chanyeol chuckled in pride. He had recalled the smaller's love of the films and finally felt comfortable enough to share his love of Zootropolis. 

"Right well come on then puppy, let's get showered and warmed up so that we can watch it" Baekhyun giggled, stepping to the side as Chanyeol nervously entered his 'bath-closet' holding his clothes in an iron like grip. "You can leave your clothes on the toilet lid if you want, it's where I leave mine" 

Chanyeol dipped his head, claiming that he understood. Placing his folded clothes down next to Baekhyun's, Chanyeol couldn't help but notice how natural it looked -his belongings next to the vampires seemed right. When he turned around again Baekhyun was halfway taking his shirt off, growing incredibly hot at the sight Chanyeol took it upon himself to turn on the water. Being sure to keep his back towards the brunette, Chanyeol started off by slipping out of his sneakers and socks. His skin tingling as Baekhyun gently brushed passed, quickly slipping under the water. 

"What the hell did I just get myself into?" Chanyeol whispered, knowing that over the soft hum of the electric shower Baekhyun wouldn't hear him, even with his supernatural hearing ability. 

"You coming in or what?" the vampire wondered, his head popping out from behind the curtain. His cheeks immediately heating up seeing the now exposed torso of the wolf, Chanyeol was very built. His shoulders were even boarder than they looked in a shirt, his collarbones deep enough to grip onto, his chest looked harsh yet comfortable enough to sleep on, the lower Baekhyun's eyes went the more tight his grip on the shower curtain got. 

"I'm coming" Chanyeol nodded, his body freezing under Baekhyun's intense gaze. When he didn't move to take off his pants, Baekhyun got the message and hid himself back behind the curtain. His heart thumping steadily against his chest, the warm water around him calming it down. 

Within a minute Baekhyun felt the presence of the latter. Chanyeol awkwardly stood behind him, the wolf's chest rubbing against the vampire's back. Their breaths hitched, Chanyeol gently placing his hands on the smaller's waist while Baekhyun rested his head against the left side of Chanyeol's chest. 

"Hi" the wolf childishly said, his chest shaking as he chuckled. Baekhyun's lips forming a soft smile as his hands rested gently against Chanyeol's. 

"Hey" he responded tilting his head to the side so that their eyes met. Chanyeol smiled, their noses bumping against each other softly. "You okay?" 

"Better than I was earlier" Chanyeol admitted honestly, his lips brushing against Baekhyun's ear as he talked. The smaller giggling quietly, squirming in the wolf's hold. 

"It tickles" he explained to Chanyeol's confused expression. "Now did you bring any shampoo or would you like to use mine? Kyungsoo and Luhan reminded me to stock up when we were in the village so they managed to pick me up a lot" 

"Actually I like the way you smell" Chanyeol teased, even going as far as to nuzzle his head deep into Baekhyun's neck. The smaller tensing but not from fright, from the sweet spot he didn't even know he had. "So yes I'll use yours if that's okay" 

"That's fine" Baekhyun whimpered, biting his lower lip almost instantly after. "Wanna bend down a little so that I can attend to that mop of disaster you call your hair" 

Chanyeol laughed, bending down so that his face was in front of Baekhyun's. The vampire took a deep breath, his fingers wrapping around the shampoo bottle. Chanyeol bit his lower lip at the sound of the liquid squirting into Baekhyun's palm.. 

"It's only like this because I went out looking for you in the woods" Chanyeol pouted, his eyes looking deep into Baekhyun's even though the vampire was distracted by the silver mop of hair in front of him. The wolf whimpered, literally whimpered like he had just been petted like a dog. Baekhyun's fingers froze for a brief moment before gently rubbing the tip of his nails into Chanyeol's scalp being sure to get behind the giant's ears after the amount of dirt and leaves falling onto the ground of the shower. 

After what left like eternity Baekhyun was finished with the taller's hair and while he was allowed access to the flowing water, the vampire took it upon himself to scrub his back with the sponge. When all the soap had been cleaned it was Baekhyun's turn to be washed, Chanyeol taking over the cleaning, gently following the smaller's instructions on how to properly wash someone else's hair. 

"You know your feet are pretty large" Baekhyun pointed out, his head already bent down towards the ground so that Chanyeol had access to his hair a little better. 

"Are you surely looking at my feet right now?" when you could be looking at my . Baekhyun knew there was more to that sentence than what Chanyeol had said, he knew the taller more than he thought he did. 

"Oh so you want me to look at your huh?" Baekhyun teased, his eyes narrowing as Chanyeol allowed himself to raise his head. "Sorry but I can't seem to find it, you sure you have one?" 

"Oh that's low even for you bloodsucker" Baekhyun could tell by wolfish grin on the taller's face that he didn't mean any harm by it, for once Baekhyun found himself giggling. "You're lucky that I actually like you and to answer your question, my feet are large so that when I transform into my wolf side I'd be able to run faster without completely destroying my bones." 

"So all wolves have large feet?" Baekhyun reasoned, his innocent eyes staring into Chanyeol's flustered ones. 

"Alright now I can't tell if you mean that in a dirty way or if you're actually being sincere" 

"You're in a shower with me puppy, you'll figure it out eventually" Baekhyun winked, tilting his head back and allowing the water to rid him of the soap. Chanyeol smelt the sweet strawberry scent of the body wash mix with the exotic lemon shampoo, his stomach coiling in a somewhat possessive way when Baekhyun turned so that his back was now facing him. 

"Baekhyun.." Chanyeol mumbled leaning against the wall, the coldness of the tiles keeping him rooted. The said male turned around, his eyes widening in surprise at the sight of the latter. Chanyeol's eyes were bore the iris flashing between a bright yellow and a chocolate brown, almost like he was fighting the urge of blood, similar to a vampire. "I need blood" 

"You look like a vampire" the brunette commented, standing close. Raising his hand up to his lips, Baekhyun allowed his fangs to come out and break his skin. A sharp gasp left the smaller's lips at the pain but once he tasted his own blood in his mouth he quickly retracted his wrist and placed it gently against Chanyeol's lower lip, recreating the way he had done it earlier. 

The moment his blood entered Chanyeol's body his eyes slowly faded from their bright yellow colour back into their natural brown. Baekhyun watched slightly amused as Chanyeol's eyes rolled to the back of his head in pleasure, he knew the feeling very well. He was surprised to hear the soft moan against his wrist, Chanyeol's soft him distracting him from the gradually cooling water against his back. 

When he knew that he had enough Chanyeol withdrew his lips, the holes over and watching as Baekhyun's vampire healing took effect. He stared at the skin of the latter for a bit longer, finding it unbelievable that it held so many properties. "You know I'm actually jealous of your skin" 

"Yeah, I've heard that before" the vampire sighs taking his hand away from the wolf in order to turn off the water. Chanyeol watched as the smaller stepped out of the shower, his body dripping with water as he wrapped a towel around his waist.  

The wolf noticed the obvious tension building between them, knowing that it had to something to do with the mention of his skin, Chanyeol sought out trying to mend it. Stepping out of the shower following the younger, Chanyeol took the held out towel and wrapped it around his waist but before Baekhyun could escape to his room with his bundle of clothes, Chanyeol trapped him against the counter. 

"I'm sorry for what I said but it's the truth, I know most of our friends are jealous of it which I'm sure you're already aware of but it's not just the fact that you don't burn by the sunlight Baekhyun" Chanyeol began his fingers gently brushing themselves along the vampire's jawline. "I find it very interesting yes but it makes you who you are, an unique individual who I find irritating at times and who made me scale the entire forest just to find him" 

"Are you even sure you're still talking about my skin right now?" Baekhyun quizzed, happy to see the taller flustered. "I appreciate that you are trying to make me feel better although I'm pissed off at you" 

"Can we get dressed now?" Chanyeol mumbled, his cheeks a beautiful rose colour. Baekhyun giggling at the latter before nodding his head. 


"Okay so what movie do you have in mind?" Baekhyun giggled running into the room, his hands filled with a glass bowl filled with popcorn while Chanyeol closed the door with his foot, his arms holding the rest of their scavenged goods. Baekhyun could hear the four other members out in the kitchen groaning over the fact that he and Chanyeol had managed to steal the best foods and drinks. 

"Actually I was wondering if you've ever seen Zootropolis?" Baekhyun's eyes glistened in the new Disney movie that he had yet to see. "It's been my favourite movie since it's come out"

"I actually haven't but I've seen the trailer, do you have it on DVD?" Baekhyun probed his eyes narrowing at the taller's excited face. The vampire was seated on his bed, the bowl of popcorn resting in the centre of his crossed legs. Chanyeol watching him with a small smile seeing the latter wrapped up in his hoodies that he had brought just in case it got cold, not that he minded the vampire to have it. 

"I should feel offended by that" Chanyeol began placing each of the material he has in hands onto the bed just past Baekhyun's feet. "But yes I have it on DVD and yes it is in my bag" Baekhyun instantly leaned over and grabbed the backpack, picking it up off the floor and placing it next to him on the bed. "Be warned, that's not mine I had to grab it from Sehun's room, everything I owe is still in packed boxes for the move into this building" 

Baekhyun waved him off, glancing through all the pockets after he had found exactly what he was looking for- the DVD. The vampire was confused when he felt his fingers wrap around a cold thin rubbery square, his face automatically paling as Chanyeol's curious gaze caught his. "What the hell is wrong with that child?" Baekhyun wondered pulling the packet from the front of the bag. 

"He clearly just wants to be protected Baekhyun" Chanyeol joked falling onto the floor in his laughing fits, the smaller watching him unable to control his blush. "You make it look so innocent oh my god, have you ever see a before?" 

"Well yeah.. but like knowing that Sehunnie- who might I remind you- is the maknae by the way, has this in his bag.. I feel so guilty about prying now.." 

"Don't bull me, you're happy that you found it" Chanyeol countered, rising up onto the bed and crawling over to Baekhyun who shrieked and blushed. "Want me to demonstrate how to use it?" 

"NO!" he shouted pushing the latter off him and onto the floor, his heart thumping harshly as Chanyeol laughed hysterically again. 

Eventually the two of them had calmed down and Baekhyun had allowed Chanyeol to take the 'foul' thing away from him, the wolf simply putting it beside him as he took his spot behind Baekhyun resting his head on the smaller's shoulder. The movie having already been thrown into the player and the snacks waiting for them before they got comfortable. 

Chanyeol watched as Baekhyun's shook happily as he laughed at the comedy in the movie, his fingers continuously dipping into the popcorn bowl before going up to his lips. The wolf had been lucky enough to get those exact fingers holding out some salted popcorn for him to feast on too, although he was happy enough with his bag of chips. 

"It's called a hussle sweetheart" Baekhyun mimicked the lead character his fingers clicking off themselves as his sass made itself visible through the vampire's movements. Their home movie-theatre was harshly destroyed when Luhan appeared by the top of the hallway, his body completely covered in the white bunny onesie that the two cuddling on the bed had witnessed before. 

"Oh my gosh!" Luhan gushed, his hands flying to his cheeks in a shocked expression. Chanyeol sighed and paused the movie, his head then falling onto Baekhyun's shoulder. The said boy glared at his dorm-mate. 

"Luhan! You ruined the moment!" Baekhyun hissed baring his fangs in a playful defensive action. "Nick was just about to agree to help Judy!"   

"You sure that the only moment I ruined?" Luhan teased, his eyebrows wiggling across his forehead. 

"Well I guess you'll never know now will ya?" Baekhyun challenged, his eyes narrowing in his dormmates direction. Luhan chuckled nervously, his hand automatically flying towards the back of his neck, his eyes unable to meet the duo. "Oh by the way Baek, Sehun and Kai are staying over in the living room" 

"They're staying over?" Chanyeol wondered, his sudden interest making him raise his head from the smaller's shoulder. 

"Yep!" Luhan smiled way to energetic to be a normal yes. 

"Is it okay if I stay too?" 

"Of course you can but you'd have to stay in Baek's room" 

"Okay but why?" I asked clearing my throat to clear the slate and try again. "The living room has plenty of space" 

"Sehun's sleeping with me, apparently Kyungsoo and Kai are watching some scary movie in the living room tonight so the sofa will be filled, and we can't have our guest sleep on the floor now can we?" Luhan winked his argument otherwise made. 

"He can sleep in Kyungsoo's room" Baekhyun laughed, gently wrapping his hands around Chanyeol's arms  resting on his waist. 

Luhan gave him a crazed look, like Baekhyun had just asked him for his first child. "Did turning off your emotions make you stupid, no one sleeps in Kyungsoo's room, it's bad enough that I'll have a wolf in my bed sheets" Luhan shivered."After all Sharing is caring right?!" 

"OH! Luhan hold up" Chanyeol winked in Baekhyun's direction before his attention turned solely back to Luhan, tossing him the package that the brunette had accidentally come across. The vampire caught it in his hand, sending it a confused expression. "Sehun told me to keep it for him in case he ever slept in your room so I guess I don't need it anymore, stay safe okay? Baekhyun and I want to remain asleep tonight so try not to make too much noise okay?"   

Baekhyun spat out the popcorn he had currently been eating, too surprised to hear what the taller had been suggesting. Although he had to admit the look on Luhan's face made it ten times better. They watched as the bunny quickly rushed of the room, taking the with him. 

"Baekhyun are you okay?" Chanyeol worriedly laughs as he gently brought the coughing boy back against his chest. 

"Just bringing down my IQ points" he replied, making Chanyeol's brows furrow. 

"Can you even do that by coughing?" 

"Seems like it" Baekhyun nodded, kindly accepting the drink the wolf was holding out for him.

"I've been meaning to ask you, what's in that bag over there?"

"Oh that's just stuff I got from the village" Baekhyun explained getting up off the bed with his drink in hand, walking over to them. "Just some movies, books and makeup"

"You wear makeup?" Chanyeol nearly shrieked, staring up at the latter through the darkness. 

"Not usually, but you said Halloween is coming up so why not?"

Chanyeol let out a small chuckle before nodding.

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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1371 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1371 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1371 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
740 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
740 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.