The Switch


After what felt like forever the group of Protectors finally seen the soft eyelashes on the newbie vampire flutter open. Baekhyun gasped awake his body taking in the oxygen that it had missed while he was 'dead' for those heart wrenching moments. Chanyeol breathed a sigh of relief, his hands immedatiely cupping his face in relief. 

"Baekhyun thank goodness" he near cried, attempting to reach out and touch the boy yet the vampire jumped away before their skin could touch. Chanyeol stared open mouthed at Baekhyun's intense gaze, Kris tapping his shoulder in attempt to calm him down although the wolf was already feeling the guilt devour him. 

"Get away from me" Baekhyun announced standing up and stretching his overwise aching neck out. 

"Being a vampire really has it's perks huh?" Jongdae chuckled nervously in order to break the awkward silence. 

"If you actually paid attention in Weapon Making you would know the only way to kill a vampire and make them stay dead is with a stake to the heart" The newbie growled keeping his eyes locked on Chanyeol's. He noticed that the taller had been crying, since the tear stained cheeks were hard to unseen however Baekhyun couldn't get over the fact that he had been killed so easily by the wolf while Jessica was watching. "Just so you know next time you kill me to show off to your little girlfriend over there" 

"Baekhyun it was your fault-" 

"Oh so you're blaming everything on me? I thought we agreed on closed practises you dimwit, Christ Chanyeol you could just punched me or broken a bone not my ing neck!" 

"It's not I can control people, I'm not Daehyun, chill down!" Chanyeol yelled back, although regretting his words almost instantly. "Baek I-" 

"No you're wrong Chanyeol" Baekhyun whispered his voice cracking as well tears welled up in his eyes "You're almost exactly like him, sure you don't control people but you frighten them into submission and guess what" When no other words came of the Alpha Baekhyun took a breath and began again "You killed me almost excatly the same way he did so thanks for reminding me of what it feels like to wake up a vampire" 

Chanyeol watched as Baekhyun shoved past him, beginning his journey back towards the school, the night class students following him close behind although it was obvious that the wolf pack wanted to follow also. 

"Where do you think you're going?" 

Baekhyun glanced up from the grass, tears staining his cheeks however seeing Jessica before him surrounded by her friends made his blood boil all over again. "Back to my dorm, I didn't think I needed permission to leave your boyfriend alone" 

Jessica's friends snickered many of them instructing Baekhyun to go back so that Chanyeol could have more fun and the entertainment would continue yet Jessica hushed them, flipping her hair to the side as she crossed her arms over her chest and glared daggers. "Chanyeol offically claimed me to be his to you huh?" 

Baekhyun wanted to laugh in her face but held back with intense will power. "Why don't you just go ask him?"

Jessica didn't seem to be happy about tht answer instead she huffed and stepped forward, Baekhyun watching her intently his eyes locking with hers. He noticed that her pupils dilated before going back to their normal size, they seemed to repeat that for awhile until Baekhyun rolled his eyes. "" she mumbled. 

"Baekhyun please, I said I was sorry" Chanyeol called making Baekhyun whip around, his eyes wide in annoyance. 

"Excuse me?! When? Not once have I heard you utter the words I'm sorry you just denied being like Daehyun and told me to chill which clearly isn't going to happen right now so you need to leave me alone" Baekhyun watched as Chanyeol's gaze fell onto the grass below them, his lips forming a thin line almost as if he wanted to say something but thought against it. "You know what Chanyeol, maybe you they were right, maybe I should have just stayed away from The Big Bad Wolf of Millennium High!" That seemed to cause some sort of hurt expression to develop on the wolf's face. "Just do me a favour and stay the hell away from me" 

"I can't do that Baekhyun" Chnayeol immedaitely began shaking his head, surprising everyone around him, including Jessica. 

"Why the hell not?" Baekhyun asked his voice lowered than before since he couldn't trust his voice in front of everyone. 

"Because if you haven't realised I- we are in the same class together and we have a duty as protectors of the school" 

Even though Baekhyun knew that the Alpha had a point he couldn't back down from everything he had experience in the past half hour. "Well you better get used to it, I'm going to need another partner for defense classes then Kris?" 

Everyone turned to the eldest wolf who stood frozen against the light breeze blowing against him. "Baek we're not compatable in combat, you'd beat my and you wouldn't learn anything" 

"Will you do it or not?" came the repay however this time it was Jessica who questioned him. Kris gritted his teeth at the witch before turning back to his Alpha who looked at him with saddness. 

"If that's what it takes to get peace then fine" 

He was awarded a small thank you from Baekhyun and his friends however the remainng Alpha's looked at him in pity, although they had understood the situation. Baekhyun turned around the night class students following him once again, Jessica smiling like a proud woman at their retreating figures, raising her hand she waved them off "Bye Bloodsuckers!" 

Kyungsoo grunted in annoyance his hand being held up in Jessica's direction, a dark puprle aura arose from his fingertips before wrapping it's airy substance around his hand. Baekhyun watched him in amusement as his vampire hearing overheard Jessica whimpering from behind. 

"Kyungsoo!" Suho gasped hitting the warlock classed witch on his shoulder, the purple smoke disappearing completely being replaced by a simple smirk on the boy's lips. With a quick glance backward Baekhyun was able to catch a glimpse of the girls crowding around Jessica who was busy trying to move her lips but failing miserably. 

"What did you do hyung?" Tao questioned raising a brow in curiousity. He too had glanced back but wasn't able to understand what had happened. 

"He glued her lips together" Minseok announced shaking his head in disappointment but his facial expression made everyone think differently. 

"I'm sorry guys but I think that it would be best for everyoe if I go and cool down myself for awhile" Baekhyun sighed, his eyes unmoving from the ground beneath them. They had now left the pitch behind them completely enetering through the large double doors Baekhyun had never actually walked through when he first came to the Academy. He his heel and walked towards the cafteria where a vending machine would be taking his attention away for the moment. 

Fumbling around in his pocket Baekhyun pulled out some change and inserted it into the machine, his eyes noticing a certain packet of chewy lip gummies, something that reminded him of the Alpha he had left behind in the middle of the pitch out of rage. "What do you mean by that Baekhyun?" 

The group watched as Baekhyun punched in the number for two bottles of blood, the both of them hitting the bottom with a thud. He knew that it wasn't a good idea since he was trying to control his blood lust and since Chanyeol's blood wouldn't be there to help him out anymore Baekhyun figured he would need to figure this out by himself. "I know he didn't mean to kill me but I can't just simply let it go as easily as he would like me too I think I just need to cool myself down and relax by myself for a bit" 

His friends after having realising that he was hoding back his tears hugged him tightly, patting his back in reassurance yet Baekhyun wnated nothing more than to leave to his own thoughts. When they finally took themselves away Baekhyun waitied for them to leave before paying for more bottles. He need something to help take his mind off Chanyeol and this was the only thing that would give him some pleasure. 


After nearly a dozen bottles Baekhyun didn't feel any better in himself than when he started drinking the blood. The liquid was bland and didn't have much taste to it which made sense considering it had been in a vending machine for nearly a week, although it was still fresh due to the cool atmosphere within the machine. Giving up he slammed his hands down on one of the cafeteria tables before rising to his feet and taking off in speed towards the dormitories. 

His fist connected with a door he had practically memorised the number of, his ruffled hair and tearstained eyes Baekhyun nearly collapsed onto the boy's shoulder. Kihyun grunted in surprise however upon noticing that it had been Baekhyun that had knocked on his door. Taking the boy into his dorm he placed the vampire down on his couch, sitting down next to him when he realised that he was crying again. 

"I need you to do something for me" he wailed clutching his chest in pain, his eyes letting the tears flow uncontrolably knowing that he didn't need to hide his feelings when Kihyun was involved. 

"What has you so down in the dumps, that you're looking for my help?" 

"Chanyeol, Jessica Daehyun.." Baekhyun began and then couldn't stop, leaving absoulty no thing left out. Baekhyun found himself unloading everything, his feelings, his emotions, the thoughts he had regarding the current situations and those yet to come. Kihyun listening intently, keeping quiet until Baekhyun had finished spilling his heart. 

"Jessica? A witch in the day classes? Gosh Baekhyun I've never heard of her before" Kihyun spoke once he knew for certain that he was finished. 

Baekhyun seemed surprised by the statement since he thought everyone knew Jessica but he just shrugged the words away wanting to be selfish for once. "Can you offer your help to me for one last time?" he asked althou Kihyun still didn't understand what he was asking. 

"What is it that you need?" 

"I need to look back at the memories I have with Chanyeol and not get hurt by them do you think you can do that?" 

"Baek, I don't think I want to" 

"What why?" 

"Because this isn't the real you talking, you're angry and frustrated about what happened and if I took away the emotions you feel when you look back at your memories of Chanyeol you'll never be able to admit your feelings for him again, they're the core of your emotions Baekhyun, they make you who you are, Chanyeol and the emotions you feel for him are what make you who you are" 

Almost immedateily as he finished his words Baekhyun's eyes hallowed and the tears eventually stopped. The cold gaze met Kihyun's who gasped at the action before him. Baekhyun's eyes turned silver and they didn't seem to want to turn back to the beautiful brown everyone had grown to love. 

Baekhyun stood up as if he wasn't in control of his body, he seemed almost to be moving in a robotic style towards the front door. Kihyun tried to stop the diaster awaiting to happen but it was too late, Byun Baekhyun had finally had enough and snapped. His Switch had been flipped. 
















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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 11: I was pretty sure Daehyun would make an appearance!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #2
Chapter 10: Village trip - will it be fun or a run in with bad supes??
Beau1996 1378 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hard revelation to share but Chan is there to support him
Beau1996 1378 streak #4
Chapter 5: Day class and night class - one of my favorite animes but vampires and humans were the students - vampire Knight
Beau1996 1378 streak #5
Chapter 2: Baek is a daywalker!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #6
Chapter 1: I must have read before because I was already subscribed but looking forward to re-reading
Vampirella77 #7
Chapter 78: Wow. 2 new books. I'm so excited 😊😊😊. Thank you
747 streak #8
Chapter 78: Thank you so much, I am really looking forward to both books. Your writing is so amazing and the characters really come to life. I am in hopes that Chanyeol will make it back to Baekhyun by the end of both books. I can’t wait to see what awaits everyone.
Erica_flv #9
Chapter 78: I read this story twice . And I’m going to read it again . The story it so amazing . I will be waiting but I probably read it more time .
747 streak #10
Chapter 76: I binge read all the chapters and finally got caught up. I absolutely love this story, it reads almost like a saga. Your plot and characterization are flawless. Thank you so much for taking us on this adventure. I can’t wait to read the continuation, this is a real gem.